[:- Requirements -:] * node.js, confirmed working with version 10.15.3 (node -v) and NPM Two programs will have to be running: Corrade and this program. Setting up Corrade is wholely documented on the Wizardry and Steamworks Corrade page. Node.JS can be installed for each Linux distribution and for Windows from official sources. [:- Installing -:] In the directory containing this document issue the command: npm install in order to install dependencies. Next, copy the file "config.yml.dist" to "config.yml" and edit the file to make the settings. [:- Running -:] For a test run, execute: node main.js and follow the console messages. If everything went well, the program will announce that it has connected to the Corrade MQTT server. [:- Linux: Running as a Service -:] Copy the file from "contrib/linux/corrade-group-linguistics.service" to "/etc/systemd/system/" and edit it to configure parameters. Set the executable bit on the main file in the download directory: chmod +x main.js Issue the command: systemctl enable corrade-group-linguistics to enable the service. Finally, issue: systemctl start corrade-group-linguistics to start up the program in the background. The service will be restarted in case it crashes and will also restart after reboots. (⌐■_■) [:- Licensing and Terms -:] The standard Corrade dual-license applies to this project. For more information on the Corrade dual license, please see the Corrade documentation.