-:[ About ]:- The group chat template uses Corrade [1] as a relay in order to send and receive messages to and from a group on a Linden Lab grid. -:[ Requirements ]:- * A modern browser: Chome, Opera, Firefox, Safari... * A webserver. * PHP version 5 and beyond. * the PHP curl extension. * PHP composer -:[ Setup ]:- 1.) Run the following command inside the directory: composer require was/utilities:dev-trunk in order to install all the requirements. 2.) Rename "config.php.dist" to "config.php" and edit "config.php" to reflect your Corrade settings. 3.) Enable the Corrade permissions for your configured group: * talk * notifications 4.) Enable the notifications for your configured group: * group 5.) Run the installGroup.php file from a console (you only need to do this once): php installGroup.php 6.) Place the all the files in a directory on your webserver. 7.) Navigate to groupChat.html in your browser and enjoy. -:[ References ]:- [1] Corrade - http://grimore.org/secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade