%define _rel final # these bits are constant across distributions # Name: aircrack-ng Version: 1.2-rc2 Summary: Reliable 802.11 (wireless) sniffer and WEP/WPA-PSK key cracker License: GPL Source: http://dl.aircrack-ng.org/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build Packager: David Bolt Requires: openssl-devel glibc >= 2 # define the package groups. If they all followed the LSB these would be the same, but they aren't :( # %define suse_group Productivity/Networking/Other %define mandriva_group Productivity/Networking/Other %define fedora_group Productivity/Networking/Other # just in case we're not building on a (open)SUSE, Mandriva or Fedora system. # %define rel %{_rel} # figure out which distribution we're being built on. choices so far are (open)SUSE, Mandriva and Fedora Core. # %define _suse %(if [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi) %define _mandriva %(if [ -f /etc/mandriva-release ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi) %define _fedora %(if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi) # interesting facts: Mandriva includes /etc/redhat-release, as does Fedora. # This means any builds for redhat are going to need to parse /etc/redhat-release # to make sure they're being built on a redhat system %if %{_suse} %define _mandriva 0 %define _fedora 0 %endif %if %{_mandriva} %define _fedora 0 %endif # now for some distribution-specific modifications. # # these include making a distro-specific release number # # building on a (open)SUSE Linux system so make a release identifier for the (open)SUSE version # %if %_suse %define _suse_version %(grep VERSION /etc/SuSE-release|cut -f3 -d" ") %define _suse_vernum %(echo "%{_suse_version}"|tr -d '.') %define rel %{_rel}.suse%{_suse_vernum} %define _distribution SUSE Linux %{_suse_version} %define group %{suse_group} # distro name change for SUSE >= 10.2 to openSUSE # %if %suse_version >= 1020 %define _distribution openSUSE %{_suse_version} %endif # not defined by SUSE/Novell but useful to have # %define _icondir %{_datadir}/pixmaps/ %endif # building on a Mandriva/Mandrake Linux system so use the standard Mandriva release string # # this is experimental and untested as yet, but should work. # %if %{_mandriva} %define _mandriva_version %(cat /etc/mandriva-release|cut -f4 -d" ") %define _distribution Mandriva %{_mandriva_version} %define rel %{_rel}.mdv %define group %{mandriva_group} %endif # building on a Fedora Core Linux system. not sure if there's a release string, but create one anyway # # this is experimental and untested as yet, but should work. # %if %{_fedora} %define _fedora_version %(cat /etc/fedora-release|cut -f3 -d" ") %define _distribution Fedora Core %{_fedora_version} %define rel %{_rel}.fc%{_fedora_version} %define group %{fedora_group} %endif # while these few are (relatively) distro-specific # Group: %{group} Release: %{rel} %{?_distribution:Distribution:%{_distribution}} %description aircrack-ng is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks. It's an enhanced/reborn version of aircrack. It consists of airodump-ng (an 802.11 packet capture program), aireplay-ng (an 802.11 packet injection program), aircrack (static WEP and WPA-PSK cracking), airdecap-ng (decrypts WEP/WPA capture files), and some tools to handle capture files (merge, convert, etc.). %prep %setup -q %build make %{?_smp_mflags} sqlite=true pcre=true experimental=true %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT prefix=%{_prefix} mandir=%{_mandir}/man1 sqlite=true pcre=true experimental=true cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT find . -type d | sed '1,2d;s,^\.,\%attr(-\,root\,root) \%dir ,' > %{_builddir}/file.list.%{name} find . -type f | sed 's,^\.,\%attr(-\,root\,root) ,' | grep -v /man/ >> %{_builddir}/file.list.%{name} find . -type l | sed 's,^\.,\%attr(-\,root\,root) ,' >> %{_builddir}/file.list.%{name} %files -f %{_builddir}/file.list.%{name} %doc ChangeLog INSTALLING README LICENSE AUTHORS VERSION %doc test %doc patches %{_mandir}/man1/* %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %changelog * Sun Jan 29 2009 Xury aircrack-ng-1.0-rc3 - small fix and update spec file * Mon Jun 26 2006 David Bolt aircrack-ng-0.6 - Removed patch as no longer needed for SUSE 10.1 (GCC 4.1.2) * Fri Jun 2 2006 David Bolt aircrack-ng-0.5 - Patched source to build properly on SUSE 10.1 (GCC 4.1.2) * Thu Mar 30 2006 David Bolt - First package built for SUSE