#!/usr/bin/php '."\n"; return 1; } /* * Connect to the database and grab all the texture UUIDs * and store them in an array for later filtering. */ $connection_ok = mysql_connect(MYSQL_HOSTNAME, MYSQL_USERNAME, MYSQL_PASSWORD); if(!$connection_ok) { print 'Could not connect to the OpenSim database. Please edit the script and make sure the credentials are correct.'."\n"; return 1; } $db_selected = mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DATABASE); if(!$db_selected) { print 'Could not select the opensim database. Please edit this script and make sure the credentials are correct.'."\n"; return 1; } // Now we can get rid of the script name. array_shift($argv); /* * First thing to do is search all scripts for references to assets. This will ensure that assets * that are referenced inside scripts and that are deleted from an avatar's inventory or not * displayed in-world will not be deleted from the database. */ $scriptReferences = array(); foreach($argv as $arg) { if(!file_exists($arg)) { print 'Archive: '.$arg.' does not exist.'."\n"; return 1; } $files = array(); exec('tar -tzf '.$arg.' 2>/dev/null', $files, $ret); foreach($files as $file) { if(!preg_match('/_script/i', $file)) continue; $data = array(); exec('tar -zf '.$arg.' -xO '.$file.' 2>/dev/null', $data, $ret); if($ret != 0) { print 'Could not process script: '.$file."\n"; return 1; } preg_match_all("/([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})/i", implode($data), $referencesInScripts); foreach($referencesInScripts[1] as $uuid) { array_push($scriptReferences, $uuid); } } } /* * Now start cleaning assets. */ $assets = array( "texture" => 0, "sound" => 1, "clothing" => 5, "script" => 10, "bodypart" => 13, "animation" => 20 ); foreach($assets as $assetName => $assetValue) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM assets WHERE assetType='.$assetValue; $result = mysql_query($query); $allAssets = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($allAssets, $row['id']); } /* * Now grab all the texture UUIDs from the OARs and IARs * supplied on the command line for an exclusion list. */ $liveAssets = array(); foreach($argv as $arg) { if(!file_exists($arg)) { print 'Archive: '.$arg.' does not exist.'."\n"; return 1; } $files = array(); exec('tar -tzf '.$arg.' 2>/dev/null', $files, $ret); if($ret != 0) { print 'Could not process archive: '.$arg."\n"; return 1; } preg_match_all("/([a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})_$assetName/i", implode($files), $dumpAssets); foreach($dumpAssets[1] as $uuid) { array_push($liveAssets, $uuid); } } // Now add the script references to the pool. array_push($liveAssets, $scriptReferences); /* * We consider all the assets in the OARs and IARs * supplied on the command line to be live assets. * Everything else is considered unreferenced and * orphaned. * * ORPHANED_ASSETS = (ALL_ASSETS \ LIVE_ASSETS) \ SCRIPT_REFERENCES_TO_ASSETS * * The same applies to all other asset types. */ $orphanedAssets = array_values(array_diff($allAssets, $liveAssets)); if(sizeof($orphanedAssets) == 0) { print 'Congratulations! Your OpenSim database contains no unreferenced '.$assetName."s.\n"; continue; } /* * List assets to be deleted. */ print '-------------------- REMOVE -----------------'."\n"; foreach($orphanedAssets as $asset) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM assets WHERE assetType='.$assetValue.' AND id=\''.$asset.'\''; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print $row['name'].' '.$asset."\n"; } } print '---------------------------------------------'."\n"; /* * Perform some minor liability dumping. Last chance to quit. */ ASK: print sizeof($orphanedAssets).' '.$assetName.'s will be removed from the database. Are you sure? (y/n) : '; $in=trim(fgets(STDIN)); if($in == 'y') goto GO; if($in == 'n') { print 'Bailing out. Nothing was deleted.'."\n"; continue; } print 'Please type either y to proceed or n to quit without deleting anything.'."\n"; goto ASK; /* * Start to delete unreferenced assets from the database. */ GO: foreach($orphanedAssets as $uuid) { $query = 'DELETE FROM assets WHERE assetType='.$assetValue.' AND id=\''.$uuid.'\''; $result = mysql_query($query); if($result) { print '-'; continue; } print 'e'; } print "\n"; print 'Finished deleting '.$assetName."s.\n"; } print "\n"; print 'All operations completed!'."\n";