-:[ About ]: - Roomba-IoT is automation software designed by Wizardry and Steamworks and meant to work within an iRobot Roomba 5xx through 7xx that has been modified to include an SBC (such as the Raspberry Pi Zero) interfaced with the Roomba's serial port pins. Compared to other projects, Roomba-IoT is neither a library nor an interactive application but is rather meant to function as a system daemon that is handled by publishing commands and sending sensor data to an MQTT bus. -:[ Features ]:- So far, Roomba-IoT implements the following features: * Sending commands to the Roomba via MQTT. * Reading all Roomba sensors and publishing them to the configurd MQTT bus. -:[ Necessary Hardware Modifications ]:- Roomba-IoT requires the Roomba to be opened and modified to embed an SBC. More information on the hardware modification process can be found on the project page at: * http://grimore.org/roomba/embedded_computer_for_serial_interfacing -:[ Usage ]:- Download the release or development version of Roomba-Iot and then change directory into the provided folder and issue: npm install to install all required packages. Next, copy the file "config.yml.default" to "config.yml" and open the file in a text editor to set the configuration parameters. Finally, run Roomba-IoT on the console by issuing: node main.js To make Roomba-IoT run as a background daemon, copy the provided systemd file "roomba-iot.service" from the "contrib" directory into /etc/systemd/system and issue the following command: systemctl enable roomba-iot To start the service, issue: systemctl start roomba-iot conversely: systemctl stop roomba-iot to stop the Roomba-Iot daemon. -:[ Contact and Support ]:- * Email: office@grimore.org * Project website: http://grimore.org/roomba/embedded_computer_for_serial_interfacing