-- This load method is different from the one Ace(d) addons should use. It has to -- be done this way here, because the ace object isn't created yet, so -- ace:LoadTranslation() can't be called. local loader = getglobal("Ace_Locals_"..GetLocale()) if( loader ) then loader() else -- All text inside quotes is translatable, except for 'method' lines. SLASH_RELOAD1 = "/rl" SLASH_RELOAD2 = "/reload" ACE_NAME = "Ace" ACE_DESCRIPTION = "AddOn development and management toolkit." ACE_VERSION_MISMATCH = "|cffff6060[Ace mismatch]|r" -- Various text strings ACE_TEXT_COMMANDS = "Commands" ACE_TEXT_ALL = "all" ACE_TEXT_OF = "of" ACE_TEXT_AUTHOR = "Author" ACE_TEXT_EMAIL = "Email" ACE_TEXT_RELEASED = "Released" ACE_TEXT_WEBSITE = "Website" ACE_TEXT_MEM_USAGE = "Memory usage (MB)" ACE_TEXT_TOTAL_ADDONS = "Total Addons" ACE_TEXT_TOTAL_LOADED = "Currently loaded addons" ACE_TEXT_ACE_ADDONS_LOADED = "Ace addons loaded" ACE_TEXT_ACE_REGISTERED = "Registered Ace applications" ACE_TEXT_OTHERS_LOADED = "Other addons loaded" ACE_TEXT_NOT_LOADED = "Addons not loaded" ACE_TEXT_LOADMSG = "Startup load message type" ACE_TEXT_NOW_SET_TO = "now set to" ACE_TEXT_DEFAULT = "default" ACE_MAP_STANDBY = {[0]="Now active.", [1]="Standing by."} ACE_MAP_LOADMSG = {[0]="Summary", addon="Addon", none="None"} ACE_DISPLAY_OPTION = "[|cfff5f530%s|r]" -- Load message locals ACE_LOAD_MSG_SUMMARY = "|cffffff78Ace Initialization Complete|r\n".. "|cffffff78"..ACE_TEXT_ACE_REGISTERED..":|r %s\n".. "|cffffff78Profile loaded:|r %s\n".. "|cffffff78Type|r |cffd8c7ff/ace|r |cffffff78for more information|r" -- Addon locals ACE_ADDON_LOADED = "|cffffff78%s v%s|r |cffffffffby|r |cffd8c7ff%s|r |cffffffffis now loaded.|r" ACE_ADDON_CHAT_COMMAND = "|cffffff78(%s)" ACE_ADDON_STANDBY = "|cffff5050(standby)|r" -- Addon Categories ACE_CATEGORY_AUDIO = "Audio" ACE_CATEGORY_BARS = "Interface Bars" ACE_CATEGORY_BATTLEGROUNDS = "Battlegrounds" ACE_CATEGORY_CHAT = "Chat/Communications" ACE_CATEGORY_CLASS = "Class Enhancement" ACE_CATEGORY_COMBAT = "Combat/Casting" ACE_CATEGORY_COMPILATIONS = "Compilations" ACE_CATEGORY_DEVELOPMENT = "Development Tools" ACE_CATEGORY_GUILD = "Guild" ACE_CATEGORY_INTERFACE = "Interface Enhancements" ACE_CATEGORY_INVENTORY = "Inventory/Item Enhancements" ACE_CATEGORY_MAP = "Map Enhancements" ACE_CATEGORY_OTHERS = "Others" ACE_CATEGORY_PROFESSIONS = "Professions" ACE_CATEGORY_QUESTS = "Quest Enhancements" ACE_CATEGORY_RAID = "Raid Assistance" -- Profile locals ACE_PROFILE_DEFAULT = "default" ACE_PROFILE_LOADED_CHAR = "An individual profile has been loaded for %s." ACE_PROFILE_LOADED_CLASS = "The %s class profile has been loaded for %s." ACE_PROFILE_LOADED_DEFAULT = "The default profile has been loaded for %s." -- Information locals ACE_INFO_HEADER = "|cffffff78Ace Information|r" ACE_INFO_NUM_ADDONS = "Addons loaded" ACE_INFO_PROFILE_LOADED = "Profile loaded" -- Chat handler locals ACE_COMMANDS = {"/ace"} ACE_CMD_OPT_HELP = "?" ACE_CMD_OPT_HELP_DESC = "Display extra information about this addon." ACE_CMD_OPT_STANDBY = "standby" ACE_CMD_OPT_STANDBY_DESC = "Toggle the addon's standby mode." ACE_CMD_OPT_REPORT = "report" ACE_CMD_OPT_REPORT_DESC = "Display the status of all settings." ACE_CMD_OPT_INVALID = "Invalid option '%s' entered." ACE_CMD_OPT_LIST_ADDONS = "Addon List" ACE_CMD_OPT_LOAD_IS_LOADED = "%s is already loaded." ACE_CMD_OPT_LOAD_ERROR = "%s could not be loaded because it is %s." ACE_CMD_OPT_LOAD_LOADED = "%s is now loaded." ACE_CMD_OPT_AUTO_OFF_MSG = "%s will no longer be loaded on demand at game start." ACE_CMD_ERROR = "|cffff6060[error]|r" ACE_CMD_ADDON_NOTFOUND = "No addon named '%s' was found." ACE_CMD_ADDON_ENABLED = "%s has been enabled. You must reload the game to load this addon." ACE_CMD_ADDON_ENABLED_ALL = "All addons have been enabled. You must reload the game to load ".. "previously unloaded addons." ACE_CMD_ADDON_DISABLED = "%s has been disabled but will remain loaded until you reload the game." ACE_CMD_ADDON_DISABLED_ALL = "All addons except Ace itself have been disabled but will remain loaded ".. "until you reload the game." ACE_CMD_PROFILE_ADDON_ADDED = "%s has been added. Active profile: %s." ACE_CMD_PROFILE_ALL_ADDED = "All addons have been added. Active profile: %s." ACE_CMD_PROFILE_ALL = "all" ACE_CMD_PROFILE_NO_PROFILE = "%s has no profiling options available." ACE_CMD_USAGE_ADDON_DESC = "|cffffff78[%s v%s]|r : %s" ACE_CMD_USAGE_HEADER = "|cffffff78Usage:|r |cffd8c7ff%s|r %s" ACE_CMD_USAGE_OPT_DESC = " - |cffffff78%s:|r %s" ACE_CMD_USAGE_OPT_SEP = " | " ACE_CMD_USAGE_OPT_OPEN = "[" ACE_CMD_USAGE_OPT_CLOSE = "]" ACE_CMD_USAGE_OPTION = "|cffd8c7ff%s %s|r %s" ACE_CMD_USAGE_NOINFO = "No further information" ACE_CMD_RESULT = "|cffffff78%s:|r %s" ACE_CMD_REPORT_STATUS = "Status" ACE_CMD_REPORT_LINE = "%s [|cfff5f530%s|r]" ACE_CMD_REPORT_LINE_PRE = " - " ACE_CMD_REPORT_LINE_INDENT = " " ACE_CMD_REPORT_NO_VAL = "|cffc7c7c7no value|r" ACE_CMD_OPTIONS = { { option = "enable", desc = "Enable an addon.", method = "EnableAddon" }, { option = "disable", desc = "Disable an addon.", method = "DisableAddon" }, { option = "info", desc = "Display addon and current profile information.", method = "DisplayInfo" }, { option = "list", desc = "List currently loaded addons. You may optionally follow this command ".. "with the name of an addon to search for.", method = "ListAddons", args = { { option = "ace", desc = "List only currently loaded Ace addons.", method = "ListAddonsAce" }, { option = "other", desc = "List all other loaded addons.", method = "ListAddonsOther" }, { option = "loadable", desc = "List all addons that are available to be loaded.", method = "ListAddonsLoadable" } } }, { option = "load", desc = "Load an addon if it is not currently loaded and if it is set to be loaded ".. "on demand.", input = 1, method = "LoadAddon", args = { { option = "auto", desc = "Load the addon and set it to be automatically loaded at game start.", method = "LoadAddonAuto" }, { option = "off", desc = "Turn off the automatic loading at game start of an on demand addon.", method = "LoadAddonOff" } } }, { option = "loadmsg", desc = "Change the displaying of load messages at game startup or reload.", args = { { option = "addon", desc = "Display a load message for each addon.", method = "ChangeLoadMsgAddon" }, { option = "none", desc = "Do not display any load messages at all.", method = "ChangeLoadMsgNone" }, { option = "sum", desc = "Display a short summary message.", method = "ChangeLoadMsgSum" } }, }, { option = "profile", desc = "Load one of three profiles: char, class, or default. If the profile doesn't ".. "exist, it will be created empty. Your character and class profiles will ".. "continue to use default addon settings until you populate it. Once you ".. "place an addon in a profile, any changes you make to that addon's settings ".. "will be specific to the current profile.", args = { { option = "char", desc = "Load a profile specific to this character. Enter 'all' or a specific ".. "addon name to populate this profile.", method = "UseProfileChar", }, { option = "class", desc = "Load a profile specific to this character's class. Enter 'all' or ".. "a specific addon name to populate this profile.", method = "UseProfileClass" }, { option = ACE_PROFILE_DEFAULT, desc = "Load the default profile for this character. This profile is ".. "automatically populated with each addon.", method = "UseProfileDefault" }, }, } } end loader = nil