AceLoot = {} -- German Localization function AceLoot_Locals_deDE() AceLoot.Const = { CmdOptions = { { option = "mode", desc = "Nur einmal positionieren.", method = "Toggle", } }, Chat = { Toggle = "Nur einmal positionieren." } } ace:RegisterGlobals({ version = 2.0, translation = "deDE", ACEG_ON = "|cff00ff00An|r", ACEG_OFF = "|cffff5050Aus|r", }) end -- English Localization if not ace:LoadTranslation("AceLoot") then AceLoot.Const = { CmdOptions = { { option = "mode", desc = "Only position once.", method = "Toggle", } }, Chat = { Toggle = "Only position once." } } ace:RegisterGlobals({ version = 2.0, ACEG_ON = "|cff00ff00On|r", ACEG_OFF = "|cffff5050Off|r", }) end -- MainCode local const = AceLoot.Const AceLoot.Obj = AceAddon:new({ name = "AceLoot", version = " a./R9." .. string.sub("$Revision: 3091 $", 12, -3), releaseDate = string.sub("$Date: 2006-06-21 20:52:26 +0200 (Mi, 21 Jun 2006) $", 8, 17), author = "Neriak", email = "", website = "", aceCompatible = 103, category = ACE_CATEGORY_INTERFACE, db = AceDatabase:new("AceLootDB"), cmd = AceChatCmdClass:new({"/aceloot", "/al"},const.CmdOptions), --[[--------------------------- Hooking and Event Registration -----------------------------]] Enable = function(self) UIPanelWindows["LootFrame"] = nil LootFrame:SetMovable(1) LootFrame:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG") LootFrame:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function () this:StopMovingOrSizing() end) LootFrame:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function () this:StartMoving() end) self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") self:Reg() end, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = function(self) self:Reg() end, PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD = function(self) self:UnregisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED") self:UnregisterEvent("LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED") self:UnregisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED") self.registered = nil end, Reg = function(self) if self.registered then self:debug("Events already registered") return end self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_OPENED", "ItemUnderCursor") self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_SLOT_CLEARED", "ItemUnderCursor") self:RegisterEvent("LOOT_CLOSED") self.registered = true end, --[[---------------------------------------------------- Main Function taken and improved from Telo's QuickLoot ------------------------------------------------------]] ItemUnderCursor = function(self) self:AutoClose() if self.called then return end self.called = nil local x, y = GetCursorPosition() local s = LootFrame:GetEffectiveScale() x = x / s y = y / s for i = 1, LOOTFRAME_NUMBUTTONS, 1 do local button = getglobal("LootButton"..i) if button:IsVisible() then x = x - 29 y = y + 66 + (40 * i) self:LootFrame_SetPoint(x,y) if self:IsOnce() then self.called = true return end return end end if LootFrameDownButton:IsVisible() then x = x - 158 y = y + 223 self:LootFrame_SetPoint(x,y) end end, LOOT_CLOSED = function(self) self.called = nil end, -- code submitted by hshh on LootFrame_SetPoint = function(self, x, y) local screenWidth = GetScreenWidth() if (UIParent:GetWidth() > screenWidth) then screenWidth = UIParent:GetWidth() end local screenHeight = GetScreenHeight() -- LootFrame is set to 256 wide in the xml file, but is actually only 191 wide -- This is based on calculation envolving the offset on the close button: -- The height is always 256, which is the correct number. local windowWidth = 191 local windowHeight = 256 if (x + windowWidth) > screenWidth then x = screenWidth - windowWidth end if y > screenHeight then y = screenHeight end if x < 0 then x = 0 end if (y - windowHeight) < 0 then y = windowHeight end LootFrame:ClearAllPoints() LootFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y) end, AutoClose = function(self) if GetNumLootItems() == 0 then HideUIPanel(LootFrame) return end end, IsOnce = function(self) return self:Get("Once") end, Toggle = function(self) self:Tog("Once", const.Chat.Toggle.." [%s]") end, Report = function(self) self.cmd:report({ {text=const.Chat.Toggle, val= self:Get("Once") and 1 or 0, map = ACEG_MAP_ONOFF} }) end }) --[[------------------------ The End -> Register Object --------------------------]] AceLoot.Obj:RegisterForLoad() -- The Util Functions ace:RegisterFunctions(AceLoot.Obj,{ version= 1.3, Get = function(self, var) if type(self) == "string" then ace:print("! ERROR: "..self) end return self.db:get(self.profilePath, var) end, Set = function(self, var, val) self.db:set(self.profilePath, var, val) end, Tog = function(self, var, c) self.cmd:result(format(c, self.db:toggle(self.profilePath, var) and ACEG_ON or ACEG_OFF)) end })