AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache = {}; AllInOneInventoryItems_NoItem = { ["c"] = 0 }; local AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_Events = { "BAG_UPDATE"; "BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN"; "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED"; "UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS"; }; function AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_OnLoad() local f = AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame; f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD"); f:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED"); for k,v in AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_Events do f:RegisterEvent(v); end end function AllInOneInventoryItems_GetInfo(bag, slot) if ( AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag] ) and ( AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot] ) then local arr = AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot]; if ( arr.n ) then return arr; end end return nil; end function AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateBag(bag) bag = tonumber(bag); if ( not bag ) then for i = 0, 4 do AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateBag(i); end return; end if ( not AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag] ) then AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag] = {}; end local slotMax = GetContainerNumSlots(bag); local name, link; local textureName, itemCount, itemLocked, itemQuality, itemReadable; local ic_start, ic_duration, ic_enable; for slot = 1, slotMax do textureName, itemCount, itemLocked, itemQuality, itemReadable = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot); if ( textureName ) then link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot); for nameStr in string.gfind(link, "|c%x+|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do name = nameStr; break; end local arr = AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot]; if ( not arr ) then arr = {}; end arr.n = name; arr.c = itemCount; arr.t = textureName; arr.l = itemLocked; arr.q = itemQuality; arr.r = itemReadable; ic_start, ic_duration, ic_enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot); arr.cs = ic_start; = ic_duration; arr.ce = ic_enable; if ( not AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot] ) then AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot] = arr; end else AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot] = {}; end end for slot = (slotMax+1), MAX_CONTAINER_ITEMS do AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot] = nil; end end function AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateBagCooldown(bag) if ( not bag ) then for i = 0, 4 do AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateBag(i); end return; end if ( not AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag] ) then AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag] = {}; end local slotMax = GetContainerNumSlots(bag); local name, link; local ic_start, ic_duration, ic_enable; local arr; for slot = 1, slotMax do arr = AllInOneInventoryItems_Cache[bag][slot]; if ( arr ) then ic_start, ic_duration, ic_enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot); arr.cs = ic_start; = ic_duration; arr.ce = ic_enable; end end end AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate_Name = "AIOI_REFRESH"; AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate_Names = { "AIOI_REFRESH_0", "AIOI_REFRESH_1", "AIOI_REFRESH_2", "AIOI_REFRESH_3", "AIOI_REFRESH_4" }; function AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate(bag, ignoreVisibility, noSchedule) AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateBag(bag); AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateFrame(ignoreVisibility); if ( not noSchedule ) then local n = AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate_Name; if ( bag ) then n = AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate_Names[bag]; end AIOI_ScheduleByName(n, 1.0, AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate, bag, ignoreVisibility, true); end end function AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_OnEvent(event) if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" ) then for k,v in AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_Events do AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame:RegisterEvent(v); end return; elseif ( event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" ) then for k,v in AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_Events do AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame:UnregisterEvent(v); end return; elseif ( event == "BAG_UPDATE" ) then AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate(arg1); end if ( event == "BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN" ) then AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate(arg1, true); end if ( event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" ) then AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateFrame(); end if ( event == "UPDATE_INVENTORY_ALERTS" ) then AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateFrame(); end if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then local f = AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame; f:UnregisterEvent(event); AllInOneInventoryItemsFrame_DoUpdate(); end end function AllInOneInventoryItems_UpdateFrame(ignoreVisibility) local frame = getglobal("AllInOneInventoryFrame"); if ( frame ) and ( ( frame:IsVisible() ) or ( ignoreVisibility ) ) then AllInOneInventoryFrame_Update(frame); end end