## Interface: 11200 ## Title: AtlasLoot Enhanced ## Notes: Shows the possible loot from the bosses ## Author: Daviesh ## Version: 1.18.02 ## Title-deDE: AtlasLoot Enhanced ## Notes-deDE: Shows the possible loot from the bosses ## Title-frFR: AtlasLoot Enhanced ## Notes-frFR: Montre le butin possible des boss ## Title-koKR: AtlasLoot Enhanced ## Notes-koKR: Shows the possible loot from the bosses ## Title-zhCN: |r|cFF0099FF[地图]|r副本掉落物品查询 ## Notes-zhCN: 显示副本中的首领与小怪可能掉落的物品 ## Title-zhTW: |r|cFF0099FF[地圖]|r副本掉落物品查詢 ## Notes-zhTW: 顯示副本中的首領與小怪可能掉落的物品 ## RealTitle-zhCN: [地图]副本掉落物品查询 ## RealTitle-zhTW: [地圖]副本掉落物品查詢 ## SavedVariables: AtlasLootOptions, AtlasLootVersion ## OptionalDeps: Atlas, Telo's LootLink, Telo's LootLink - Enhanced, ItemSync, EquipCompare Constants\Constants.xml Bossnames\BossNames.xml Sets\Sets.xml Battlegrounds\Battlegrounds.xml Instances\Instances.xml Addons\Addons.xml WorldBosses\WorldBosses.xml Core\AtlasLoot.xml