-- ******************************************************** -- * This is AtlasQuest v 3.15.33! enjoy ;) * -- ******************************************************** -- * * -- * Author: Asurn * -- * * -- * Translation: * -- * EN: Asurn * -- * DE: Asurn * -- * FR: * -- ******************************************************** -- *What does AtlasQuest? * -- *++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++* -- * * -- *AtlasQuest shows you information about * -- *Quests in every Instances. * -- *+ The official Story (taken from www.wow.europe.com) * -- * * -- * - Shown Information: * -- * * -- * Questname, Questlevel, Attainded level to get * -- * the Quest, Where you get the Quest, Questrewards, * -- * a note about the Quest, the Quest aftert his quest * -- * and the prequest * -- * * -- * * -- * * -- * * -- ******************************************************** --Vesiontext festlegen (als variable) local VERSION_CORE = "|cffff00003"; local VERSION_INSTANZEN = "15"; local VERSION_REST = "33|r" ATLASQUEST_VERSION = "|cff1eff00AtlasQuest Version: |r"..VERSION_CORE.."."..VERSION_INSTANZEN.."."..VERSION_REST..""; -- Farben local PURPLE = "|cff999999"; -- grey atm -- removed/useless atm local RED = "|cffff0000"; local REDA = "|cffcc6666"; local WHITE = "|cffFFFFFF"; local GREEN = "|cff1eff00"; local GREY = "|cff9F3FFF"; --purple now ^^ local BLUE = "|cff0070dd"; local ORANGE = "|cffff6090"; -- it is rosa now local YELLOW = "|cffffff00"; local BLACK = "|c0000000f"; local DARKGREEN = "|cff008000"; local BLUB = "|cffd45e19"; -- Quest Color local Grau = "|cff9d9d9d" local Gruen = "|cff1eff00" local Orange = "|cffFF8000" local Rot = "|cffFF0000" local Gelb = "|cffFFd200" local Blau = "|cff0070dd" --Variablen -> need explaination / register TO DO! local Initialized = nil; -- Die Variablen sind noch nicht geladen Allianceorhorde = 1; --variable um festzulegen ob horde oder allianz angezeigt wird local EnglishFraction = ""; --nötig um festzustellen welcher fraktion man angehört local LocalizedFraction = ""; -- nötig um festzustellen welcher fraktion man angehört AQINSTANZ = ""; -- momentan angezeigtes Instanzbild (siehe AtlasQuest_Instanzen.lua) AQINSTATM = ""; -- variable um zu sehn ob sich AQINSTANZ verändert hat (siehe function AtlasQuestSetTextandButtons()) --AQ_ShownSide = "Left" -- Legt die seite fest auf der das AQ Panle angezeigt wird --AQAtlasAuto (option beim atlas öffnen AQpanel automatisch anzeigen 1=Ja 2=Nein) local AQ_ShownSide = "Left" local AQAtlasAuto = 1; Debug = 0; AtlasQuestHelp = {}; AtlasQuestHelp[1] = "[/aq + availeable command: help, left/right, show/hide, autoshow\ndownload adress:\nhttp://ui.worldofwar.net/ui.php?id=3069, http://www.curse-gaming.com/de/wow/addons-4714-1-atlasquest.html]"; local AtlasQuest_Defaults = { [UnitName("player")] = { ["ShownSide"] = "Left", ["AtlasAutoShow"] = 1, }, }; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- FUNKTIONEN --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --****************************************** ------------------/////Events: OnEvent////// --****************************************** -------------------------------- -- called when the player starts the game loads the variables -------------------------------- function AtlasQuest_OnEvent() if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then VariablesLoaded = 1; -- Daten sind vollständig geladen else AtlasQuest_Initialize(); -- Spieler betritt die Welt / Initialisiere die Daten end end -------------------------------- -- Stellt fest ob die Variablen geladen werden müssen -- oder legt sie neu fest -------------------------------- function AtlasQuest_Initialize() if (Initialized or (not VariablesLoaded)) then return; end if (not AtlasQuest_Options) then AtlasQuest_Options = AtlasQuest_Defaults; DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AtlasQuest Options database not found. Generating..."); elseif (not AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Generate default database for this character"); AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")] = AtlasQuest_Defaults[UnitName("player")] end if (type(AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]) == "table") then AtlasQuest_LoadData(); end Initialized = 1; end -------------------------------- -- Lädt die Variablen -------------------------------- function AtlasQuest_LoadData() -- Which side if(AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["ShownSide"] ~= nil) then AQ_ShownSide = AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["ShownSide"]; end -- atlas autoshow if(AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["AtlasAutoShow"] ~= nil) then AQAtlasAuto = AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["AtlasAutoShow"]; end end -------------------------------- -- Speichert die Variablen -------------------------------- function AtlasQuest_SaveData() AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["ShownSide"] = AQ_ShownSide; -- side AtlasQuest_Options[UnitName("player")]["AtlasAutoShow"] = AQAtlasAuto; end ------------------ Events: OnEvent -> end --****************************************** ------------------/////Events: Onload////// --****************************************** -------------------------------- -- Call OnLoad set Variables and hides the panel -------------------------------- function AQ_OnLoad() this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED"); --AQSetFont(); AQFraktionCheck(); AQSetButtontext(); AQTEXTonload(); AtlasQuestUeberschrift:SetText(ATLASQUEST_VERSION) if ( AtlasFrame ) then AQATLASMAP = AtlasMap:GetTexture() else AQATLASMAP = 36; end this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton"); AQSlashCommandfunction(); --ersmal nicht anzeigen HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); --AQAtlasVersionCheck(); AQUpdateNOW = true; end -------------------------------- -- Possible Font Function ------------------------------ AQ_Font = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF" function AQSetFont() AQFont:SetFont(getglobal(AQ_Font),13,"OUTLINE, MONOCHROME") end -------------------------------- -- Slahs command added ------------------------------ function AQSlashCommandfunction() SlashCmdList["ATLASQ"]=atlasquest_command; SLASH_ATLASQ1="/aq"; SLASH_ATLASQ2="/atlasquest"; end ------------------------------- -- Atlas Version Check (deaktiviert) ------------------------------- function AQAtlasVersionCheck() -- if (ATLAS_VERSION == "1.8") then -- --do nothing -- else -- ChatFrame1:AddMessage(ATLAS_VERSIONWARNINGTEXT); -- end -- momentan nutzlos und fehleranfällig vll spätere wieder einführung end ------------------------------ -- check the fraction and set the check button ------------------------------- function AQFraktionCheck() EnglishFraction, LocalizedFraction = UnitFactionGroup("player"); if ( EnglishFraction == "Horde") then Allianceorhorde = 2; AQHCB:SetChecked(true); AQACB:SetChecked(false); end end --------------------------------- -- set the button text --------------------------------- function AQSetButtontext() STORYbutton:SetText(AQStoryB); OPTIONbutton:SetText(AQOptionB); end --------------------------------- -- show the loaded text --------------------------------- function AQTEXTonload() ChatFrame1:AddMessage(ATLASQUEST_VERSION..GREY.." = loaded, by ASURN"); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(GREY.."type /aq or /atlasquest show the version number"); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(RED.."Attention:"..GREY.."You need Atlas or AlphaMap to use AtlasQuest"); end --------------------------------- -- Slashcommand!! show/hide panel + Version Message --------------------------------- function atlasquest_command(param) -- Version text (AQ and Atlas(if there) and Alphamap (if there)) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(ATLASQUEST_VERSION); if (AtlasFrame ~= nil) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Atlasversion: "..ATLAS_VERSION); end if (AlphaMapFrame ~= nil) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("AlphaMapversion: "..ALPHA_MAP_VERSION); end --help text if (param == "help") then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(RED..AQHelpText); end -- hide show function if (param == "show") then ShowUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Shows AtlasQuest"); end if (param == "hide") then HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Hides AtlasQuest"); end -- right/left show function if (param == "right") then AQ_SetPanelRight(); end if (param == "left") then AQ_SetPanelLeft(); end -- Options if ((param == "option") or (param == "config")) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage("Here will the option menu appear. Pls wait until i releas the next version"); --AQ_OptionPanel(); end --test messages if (param == "test") then AQTestmessages(); end if (param == "autoshow") then if (AQAtlasAuto == 1) then AQAtlasAuto = 2; AtlasQuest_SaveData(); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(AQAtlasAutoOFF); else AQAtlasAuto = 1; AtlasQuest_SaveData(); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(AQAtlasAutoON); end end end --------------------------------- -- testmessages --------------------------------- function AQTestmessages() ChatFrame1:AddMessage("TEST/DEBUG"); XXX = GamAlphaMapMap.filename; ChatFrame1:AddMessage(XXX); end --------------------------------- -- Right side shown /command --------------------------------- function AQ_SetPanelRight() if ((AtlasFrame ~= nil) and (AtlasORAlphaMap == "Atlas")) then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AtlasFrame", 511, -80); elseif (AtlasORAlphaMap == "AlphaMap") then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AlphaMapFrame", 400, -107); end AQ_ShownSide = "Right"; AtlasQuest_SaveData(); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(AQShowRight); end --------------------------------- -- Left side shown /command --------------------------------- function AQ_SetPanelLeft() if ((AtlasFrame ~= nil) and (AtlasORAlphaMap == "Atlas") and ( AQ_ShownSide == "Right") ) then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AtlasFrame", -503, -80); elseif ((AtlasORAlphaMap == "AlphaMap") and ( AQ_ShownSide == "Right") ) then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AlphaMapFrame", -195, -107); end AQ_ShownSide = "Left"; AtlasQuest_SaveData(); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(AQShowLeft); end ------------------ Events: Onload -> end --****************************************** ------------------////// Events: OnUpdate////// --****************************************** --------------------------------- -- On Update function -- check which programm is used( atlas or am) -- hide panel if instanze is 36(=nothing) --------------------------------- function AQ_OnUpdate(arg1) local previousValue = AQINSTANZ; AQ_AtlasOrAMVISCheck(); -- Show whether atlas or am is shown atm ------- SEE AtlasQuest_Instanzen.lua if (AtlasORAlphaMap == "Atlas") then AtlasQuest_Instanzenchecken(); elseif (AtlasORAlphaMap == "AlphaMap") then AtlasQuest_InstanzencheckAM(); end -- Hides the panel if the map which is shown no quests have (map = 36) if ( AQINSTANZ == 36) then HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); elseif (( AQINSTANZ ~= previousValue ) or (AQUpdateNOW ~= nil)) then AtlasQuestSetTextandButtons(); AQUpdateNOW = nil AQ_SetCaption(); elseif ((AtlasORAlphaMap == "AlphaMap") and (AlphaMapAlphaMapFrame:IsVisible() == nil)) then HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); end end --------------------------------- -- Show whether atlas or am is shown atm --------------------------------- function AQ_AtlasOrAMVISCheck() if ((AtlasFrame ~= nil) and (AtlasFrame:IsVisible())) then AtlasORAlphaMap = "Atlas"; elseif (AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible()) then AtlasORAlphaMap = "AlphaMap"; end end --------------------------------- -- AlphaMap parent change --------------------------------- function AQ_AtlasOrAlphamap() if ((AtlasFrame ~= nil) and (AtlasFrame:IsVisible())) then AtlasORAlphaMap = "Atlas"; -- AtlasQuestFrame:SetParent(AtlasFrame); if (AQ_ShownSide == "Right" ) then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AtlasFrame", 511, -80); else AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AtlasFrame", -503, -80); end AtlasQuestInsideFrame:SetParent(AtlasFrame); AtlasQuestInsideFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestInsideFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AtlasFrame", 18, -84); elseif ((AlphaMapFrame ~= nil) and (AlphaMapFrame:IsVisible())) then AtlasORAlphaMap = "AlphaMap"; -- AtlasQuestFrame:SetParent(AlphaMapFrame); if (AQ_ShownSide == "Right" ) then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AlphaMapFrame", 400, -107); else AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AlphaMapFrame", -195, -107); end AtlasQuestInsideFrame:SetParent(AlphaMapFrame); AtlasQuestInsideFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestInsideFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AlphaMapFrame", 1, -108); end end --------------------------------- -- Set the ZoneName --------------------------------- function AQ_SetCaption() for i=1, 36 do if ( AQINSTANZ == i) then Ueberschriftborder:SetText(getglobal("Inst"..i.."Caption")) end if ( AQINSTANZ == 36) then Ueberschriftborder:SetText(); end end end --------------------------------- -- Set the Buttontext and the buttons if availeable -- and check whether its a other inst or not -> works fine -- added: Check vor Questline arrows -- Questline arrows are shown if InstXQuestYFQuest = "true" -- QuestStart icon are shown if InstXQuestYPreQuest = "true" --------------------------------- function AtlasQuestSetTextandButtons() local AQQuestlevelf local AQQuestfarbe local AQQuestfarbe2 if (AQINSTATM ~= AQINSTANZ) then HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); end for i=1, 36 do if (Allianceorhorde == 1 and AQINSTANZ == i) then AQINSTATM = AQINSTANZ; if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."QAA") ~= nil) then AtlasQuestAnzahl:SetText(getglobal("Inst"..i.."QAA")); else AtlasQuestAnzahl:SetText(""); end for b=1, 18 do if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."FQuest")) then ShowUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuestlineArrow_"..b)); else HideUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuestlineArrow_"..b)); end if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."PreQuest")) then ShowUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuesstart_"..b)); else HideUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuesstart_"..b)); end AQQuestlevelf = tonumber(getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."_Level")); if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b) ~= nil) then if ( AQQuestlevelf ~= nil or AQQuestlevelf ~= 0 or AQQuestlevelf ~= "") then if ( AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") + 2 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") - 2 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") + 1 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") - 1) then AQQuestfarbe = Gelb; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf > UnitLevel("player") + 2 and AQQuestlevelf <= UnitLevel("player") + 4) then AQQuestfarbe = Orange; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf >= UnitLevel("player") + 5 and AQQuestlevelf ~= 100) then AQQuestfarbe = Rot; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf < UnitLevel("player") - 7) then AQQuestfarbe = Grau; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf >= UnitLevel("player") - 7 and AQQuestlevelf < UnitLevel("player") - 2) then AQQuestfarbe = Gruen; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf == 100) then AQQuestfarbe = Blau; end end getglobal("AQQuestbutton"..b):Enable(); getglobal("AQBUTTONTEXT"..b):SetText(AQQuestfarbe..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b)); else getglobal("AQQuestbutton"..b):Disable(); getglobal("AQBUTTONTEXT"..b):SetText(); end end end if (Allianceorhorde == 2 and AQINSTANZ == i) then AQINSTATM = AQINSTANZ; if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."QAH") ~= nil) then AtlasQuestAnzahl:SetText(getglobal("Inst"..i.."QAH")); else AtlasQuestAnzahl:SetText(""); end for b=1, 18 do if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."FQuest_HORDE")) then ShowUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuestlineArrow_"..b)); else HideUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuestlineArrow_"..b)); end if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."PreQuest_HORDE")) then ShowUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuesstart_"..b)); else HideUIPanel(getglobal("AQQuesstart_"..b)); end if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."_HORDE") ~= nil) then AQQuestlevelf = tonumber(getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."_HORDE_Level")); if ( AQQuestlevelf ~= nil or AQQuestlevelf ~= 0 or AQQuestlevelf ~= "") then if ( AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") + 2 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") - 2 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") + 1 or AQQuestlevelf == UnitLevel("player") - 1) then AQQuestfarbe = Gelb; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf > UnitLevel("player") + 2 and AQQuestlevelf <= UnitLevel("player") + 4) then AQQuestfarbe = Orange; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf >= UnitLevel("player") + 5 and AQQuestlevelf ~= 100) then AQQuestfarbe = Rot; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf < UnitLevel("player") - 7) then AQQuestfarbe = Grau; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf >= UnitLevel("player") - 7 and AQQuestlevelf < UnitLevel("player") - 2) then AQQuestfarbe = Gruen; elseif ( AQQuestlevelf == 100) then AQQuestfarbe = Blau; end end getglobal("AQQuestbutton"..b):Enable(); getglobal("AQBUTTONTEXT"..b):SetText(AQQuestfarbe..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..b.."_HORDE")); else getglobal("AQQuestbutton"..b):Disable(); getglobal("AQBUTTONTEXT"..b):SetText(); end end end -------Special case: ZG if (AQINSTANZ == 28) then AQQuestfarbe2 = Blau; AQQuestbutton1:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT1:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst28Caption1); end -------Special case: BWl if (AQINSTANZ == 6) then AQQuestfarbe2 = Blau; AQQuestbutton1:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT1:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst6Caption1); AQQuestbutton2:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT2:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst6Caption2); end -------Special case: DRAGONS if (AQINSTANZ == 30) then AQQuestfarbe2 = Blau; AQQuestbutton1:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT1:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst30Caption1); AQQuestbutton2:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT2:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst30Caption2); AQQuestbutton3:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT3:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst30Caption3); AQQuestbutton4:Enable(); AQBUTTONTEXT4:SetText(AQQuestfarbe2..Inst30Caption4); end end end ------------------ Events: OnUpdate -> End --****************************************** ------------------ /////Events: Atlas_OnShow ////// --****************************************** --------------------------------- -- Shows the AQ panel with atlas (option adden!) --------------------------------- function Atlas_OnShow() if ( AQAtlasAuto == 1) then ShowUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); else HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestFrame); end HideUIPanel(AtlasQuestInsideFrame); -- AQ_AtlasOrAlphamap(); if (AQ_ShownSide == "Right") then AtlasQuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(); AtlasQuestFrame:SetPoint("TOP","AtlasFrame", 511, -80); end end ------------------ Events: Atlas_OnShow -> End --****************************************** ------------------//// OnEnter/OnLeave ITEM ANZEIGEN /////// --****************************************** --------------------------------- -- hide tooltip --------------------------------- function AtlasQuestItem_OnLeave() if(GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then GameTooltip:Hide(); end if(AtlasQuestTooltip:IsVisible()) then AtlasQuestTooltip:Hide(); end end --------------------------------- -- show tooltip -- update: function added to check whether there is a ID or not -- update perhaps useless if hide function works -> but will stay --------------------------------- function AtlasQuestItem_OnEnter() for i=1, 36 do if ( Allianceorhorde == 1) then if (AQINSTANZ == i) then if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN) ~= nil) then SHOWNID = getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN); if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN) ~= nil) then if(GetItemInfo(getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN)) ~= nil) then AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN)..":0:0:0"); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); else AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:ClearLines(); AtlasQuestTooltip:AddLine(RED..AQERRORNOTSHOWN); AtlasQuestTooltip:AddLine(AQERRORASKSERVER); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); end end end end else if (AQINSTANZ == i) then if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE") ~= nil) then SHOWNID = getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE"); if (getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE") ~= nil) then if(GetItemInfo(getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE")) ~= nil) then AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ID"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE")..":0:0:0"); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); else AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:ClearLines(); AtlasQuestTooltip:AddLine(RED..AQERRORNOTSHOWN); AtlasQuestTooltip:AddLine(AQERRORASKSERVER); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); end end end end end end end --------------------------------- -- ask Server right-click --------------------------------- function AtlasQuestItem_OnClick(arg1) if(arg1=="RightButton") then for i=1, 36 do if ( Allianceorhorde == 1) then if (AQINSTANZ == i) then AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..SHOWNID..":0:0:0"); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AQSERVERASK.."["..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ITC"..AQTHISISSHOWN)..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."name"..AQTHISISSHOWN)..WHITE.."]"..AQSERVERASKInformation); end else if (AQINSTANZ == i) then AtlasQuestTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT", -(this:GetWidth() / 2), 24); AtlasQuestTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..SHOWNID..":0:0:0"); AtlasQuestTooltip:Show(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(AQSERVERASK.."["..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."ITC"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE")..getglobal("Inst"..i.."Quest"..AQSHOWNQUEST.."name"..AQTHISISSHOWN.."_HORDE")..WHITE.."]"..AQSERVERASKInformation); end end end end end ------------------ OnEnter/OnLeave ITEM ANZEIGEN -> END ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --|cffff0000 - Spieler 1 (Rot) --|cff0000ff - Spieler 2 (Blau) --|cff00ffff - Spieler 3 (Blaugrau) --|cff6f2583 - Spieler 4 (Lila) --|cffffff00 - Spieler 5 (Gelb) --|cffd45e19 - Spieler 6 (Orange) --|cff00ff00 - Spieler 7 (Grün) --|cffff8080 - Spieler 8 (Rosa) --|cff808080 - Spieler 9 (Grau) --|cff8080ff - Spieler 10 (Hellblau) --|cff008000 - Spieler 11 (Dunkelgrün) --|cff4d2903 - Spieler 12 (Braun) --Chatframe1:AddMessage("text") fügt eine nachricht ins allgemeine chatfenster ein --message("Text") gibt eine fehelrmeldung mit dem text wieder