--[[ Auctioneer Addon for World of Warcraft(tm). Version: (Kangaroo) Revision: $Id: AHScanning.lua 970 2006-08-22 02:58:29Z mentalpower $ AHScanning Functions for scanning the AH Thanks to Telo for the LootLink code from which this was based. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] --Local function Prototypes local nextIndex, stopAuctionScan, auctionSubmitQuery, auctionNextQuery, checkCompleteScan, queryAuctionItemsHook, scanAuction, canSendAuctionQuery, startAuctionScan, canScan, requestAuctionScan; -- local variables local isScanningRequested = false; local lCurrentAuctionPage; local lMajorAuctionCategories; local lCurrentCategoryIndex; local lIsPageScanned; local lScanInProgress; local lFullScan; local lScanStartedAt; local lPageStartedAt; -- function hooks local lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery; local lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent; local lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update; -- TODO: If all categories are selected, then we should do a complete scan rather than a one-by-one scan. -- get the next category index to based on what categories have been configured to be scanned function nextIndex() --Local if (lCurrentCategoryIndex == nil) then lCurrentCategoryIndex = 0 end for i = lCurrentCategoryIndex + 1, table.getn(lMajorAuctionCategories) do if tostring(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal("scan-class"..i)) == "on" then return i; end end return nil; end function stopAuctionScan() Auctioneer.Event.StopAuctionScan(); -- Unhook the scanning functions if( lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery ) then CanSendAuctionQuery = lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery; lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery = nil; end if( lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent ) then AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent = lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent; lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent = nil; end if( lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update ) then AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update; lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = nil; end Auctioneer.Scanning.IsScanningRequested = false; lScanInProgress = false; lCurrentCategoryIndex = 0; lPageStartedAt = nil; lCurrentAuctionPage = nil; -- Unprotect AuctionFrame if we should if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('protect-window') == 1) then Auctioneer.Util.ProtectAuctionFrame(false); end end function auctionSubmitQuery() --Local if not lCurrentAuctionPage or lCurrentAuctionPage == 0 then if not lCurrentAuctionPage then lCurrentAuctionPage = 0 end if lFullScan then BrowseNoResultsText:SetText(string.format(_AUCT('AuctionScanStart'), _AUCT('TextAuction'))); else BrowseNoResultsText:SetText(string.format(_AUCT('AuctionScanStart'), lMajorAuctionCategories[lCurrentCategoryIndex])); end end if (lFullScan) then QueryAuctionItems("", "", "", nil, nil, nil, lCurrentAuctionPage, nil, nil); else QueryAuctionItems("", "", "", nil, lCurrentCategoryIndex, nil, lCurrentAuctionPage, nil, nil); end lPageStartedAt = time(); lIsPageScanned = false; Auctioneer.Event.AuctionQuery(lCurrentAuctionPage); end local lCheckPage = nil; function auctionNextQuery() --Local lCheckPage = nil; if lCurrentAuctionPage then local numBatchAuctions, totalAuctions = GetNumAuctionItems("list"); local maxPages = floor(totalAuctions / NUM_AUCTION_ITEMS_PER_PAGE); local auctionsPerSecond = ( Auctioneer.Core.Variables.TotalAuctionsScannedCount / ( GetTime() - lScanStartedAt ) ); local auctionETA = ( ( totalAuctions - Auctioneer.Core.Variables.TotalAuctionsScannedCount ) / auctionsPerSecond ); auctionsPerSecond = floor( auctionsPerSecond * 100 ) / 100; if ( type(auctionsPerSecond) ~= "number" ) then auctionsPerSecond = ""; else auctionsPerSecond = tostring(auctionsPerSecond); end local ETAString = SecondsToTime(auctionETA); if( lCurrentAuctionPage < maxPages ) then lPageStartedAt = time(); lCurrentAuctionPage = lCurrentAuctionPage + 1; if lFullScan then BrowseNoResultsText:SetText(string.format(_AUCT('AuctionPageN'), _AUCT('TextAuction'), lCurrentAuctionPage + 1, maxPages + 1, auctionsPerSecond, ETAString)); else BrowseNoResultsText:SetText(string.format(_AUCT('AuctionPageN'), lMajorAuctionCategories[lCurrentCategoryIndex],lCurrentAuctionPage + 1, maxPages + 1, auctionsPerSecond, ETAString)); end elseif nextIndex() then lPageStartedAt = time(); lCurrentCategoryIndex = nextIndex(); lCurrentAuctionPage = 0; else stopAuctionScan(); if( totalAuctions > 0 ) then BrowseNoResultsText:SetText(_AUCT('AuctionScanDone')); Auctioneer.Event.FinishedAuctionScan(); end return; end end auctionSubmitQuery(); end local lCheckStartTime = nil; function checkCompleteScan() lCheckStartTime = lCheckStartTime or time() if (time() - lCheckStartTime > 10) then -- Sometimes they never return an owner. return true end for index = 1, GetNumAuctionItems("list") do local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, owner = GetAuctionItemInfo("list", index); if (not owner) then return false end end return true end function queryAuctionItemsHook() lCheckStartTime = nil; end function scanAuction(nonScanUpdate) local numBatchAuctions, totalAuctions = GetNumAuctionItems("list"); local auctionid; if( numBatchAuctions > 0 ) then if (nonScanUpdate) then for auctionid = 1, numBatchAuctions do Auctioneer.Event.ScanAuction(nil, auctionid, nil, true); end else for auctionid = 1, numBatchAuctions do Auctioneer.Event.ScanAuction(lCurrentAuctionPage, auctionid, lCurrentCategoryIndex); end end end lIsPageScanned = true; end local retryCount = 0 function canSendAuctionQuery() --Local local value = lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery(); if (value and lIsPageScanned) or (retryCount >= 3) then auctionNextQuery(); retryCount = 0 return nil; end if (lPageStartedAt) then local pageElapsed = time() - lPageStartedAt; if (pageElapsed > 20) then if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('show-warning')) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('AuctionScanRedo'), 20)); end auctionSubmitQuery(); retryCount = retryCount + 1; return nil; end return false; end end Auctioneer.AuctionFrameBrowse = { OnEvent = function() -- Intentionally empty; don't allow the auction UI to update while we're scanning end, Update = function() -- Intentionally empty; don't allow the auction UI to update while we're scanning end }; function startAuctionScan() lMajorAuctionCategories = {GetAuctionItemClasses()}; lFullScan = true; for i = 1, table.getn(lMajorAuctionCategories) do if tostring(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal("scan-class"..i)) ~= "on" then lFullScan = false; end end if (lFullScan) then lCurrentCategoryIndex = table.getn(lMajorAuctionCategories); else -- first make sure that we have at least one category to scan lCurrentCategoryIndex = nextIndex(); if not lCurrentCategoryIndex then lCurrentCategoryIndex = 0; Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(_AUCT('AuctionScanNocat')); return; end end -- Start with the first page lCurrentAuctionPage = nil; lScanInProgress = true; -- Hook the functions that we need for the scan if( not lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery ) then lOriginal_CanSendAuctionQuery = CanSendAuctionQuery; CanSendAuctionQuery = canSendAuctionQuery; end if( not lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent ) then lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent = AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent; AuctionFrameBrowse_OnEvent = Auctioneer.AuctionFrameBrowse.OnEvent; end if( not lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update ) then lOriginal_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = AuctionFrameBrowse_Update; AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = Auctioneer.AuctionFrameBrowse.Update; end Auctioneer.Event.StartAuctionScan(); lScanStartedAt = GetTime(); auctionNextQuery(); end function canScan() if (lScanInProgress) then return false; end if (not CanSendAuctionQuery()) then return false; end if (AucBidManager.IsProcessingRequest()) then return false; end return true; end function requestAuctionScan(chatPrint) Auctioneer.Scanning.IsScanningRequested = true; if (AuctionFrame and AuctionFrame:IsVisible()) then local iButton; local button; -- Hide the UI from any current results, show the no results text so we can use it BrowseNoResultsText:Show(); for iButton = 1, NUM_BROWSE_TO_DISPLAY do button = getglobal("BrowseButton"..iButton); button:Hide(); end BrowsePrevPageButton:Hide(); BrowseNextPageButton:Hide(); BrowseSearchCountText:Hide(); startAuctionScan(); else if (chatPrint) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(_AUCT('AuctionScanNexttime')); end end end Auctioneer.Scanning = { IsScanningRequested = isScanningRequested, StopAuctionScan = stopAuctionScan, CheckCompleteScan = checkCompleteScan, QueryAuctionItemsHook = queryAuctionItemsHook, ScanAuction = scanAuction, StartAuctionScan = startAuctionScan, CanScan = canScan, RequestAuctionScan = requestAuctionScan, }