--[[ Auctioneer Addon for World of Warcraft(tm). Version: (Kangaroo) Revision: $Id: AucAskPrice.lua 994 2006-09-07 01:30:33Z mentalpower $ Auctioneer AskPrice created by Mikezter and merged into Auctioneer by MentalPower. Functions responsible for AskPrice's operation.. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] --Local function prototypes local init, askpriceFrame, commandHandler, chatPrintHelp, onOff, setTrigger, genVarSet, setCustomSmartWords, setKhaosSetKeyValue, eventHandler, sendWhisper, onEventHook local whisperList = {} function init() askPriceFrame = CreateFrame("Frame") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_OFFICER") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_PARTY") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_GUILD") askPriceFrame:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_RAID") askPriceFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", function () Auctioneer.AskPrice.EventHandler(event, arg1, arg2) end) Auctioneer.AskPrice.Language = GetDefaultLanguage("player"); Stubby.RegisterFunctionHook("ChatFrame_OnEvent", -200, Auctioneer.AskPrice.OnEventHook); end function commandHandler(command, source) --To print or not to print, that is the question... local chatprint = nil; if (source == "GUI") then chatprint = false; else chatprint = true; end; --Divide the large command into smaller logical sections (Shameless copy from the original function) local i,j, cmd, param = string.find(command, "^([^ ]+) (.+)$"); if (not cmd) then cmd = command; end if (not cmd) then cmd = ""; end if (not param) then param = ""; end cmd = Auctioneer.Util.DelocalizeCommand(cmd); --Now for the real Command handling --/auctioneer askprice help if ((cmd == "") or (cmd == "help")) then chatPrintHelp(); --/auctioneer askprice (on|off|toggle) elseif (cmd == 'on' or cmd == 'off' or cmd == 'toggle') then onOff(cmd, chatprint); --/auctioneer askprice trigger (char) elseif (cmd == 'trigger') then setTrigger(param, chatprint) --/auctioneer askprice (party|guild|smart|ad|whispers) (on|off|toggle) elseif ( cmd == 'vendor' or cmd == 'party' or cmd == 'guild' or cmd == 'smart' or cmd == 'ad' or cmd == 'whispers' ) then genVarSet(cmd, param, chatprint); --/auctioneer askprice word # (customSmartWord) elseif (cmd == 'word') then setCustomSmartWords(param, nil, nil, chatprint); --Command not recognized else if (chatprint) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtActUnknown'), command)); end end end function chatPrintHelp() local onOffToggle = " (".._AUCT('CmdOn').."|".._AUCT('CmdOff').."|".._AUCT('CmdToggle')..")"; local lineFormat = " |cffffffff/auctioneer askprice %s"..onOffToggle.."|r |cff2040ff[%s]|r\n %s\n\n"; Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(" |cffffffff/auctioneer askprice"..onOffToggle.."|r |cff2040ff["..Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice').."]|r\n " .. _AUCT('HelpAskPrice') .. "\n\n"); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceWhispers'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-whispers'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceWhispers'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceVendor'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-vendor'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceVendor'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceParty'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-party'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceParty'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceGuild'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-guild'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceGuild'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceSmart'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-smart'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceSmart'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceAd'), Auctioneer.Util.GetLocalizedFilterVal('askprice-ad'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceAd'))); lineFormat = " |cffffffff/auctioneer askprice %s|r |cff2040ff[%s]|r\n %s\n\n"; Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceTrigger'), Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-trigger'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceTrigger'))); lineFormat = " |cffffffff/auctioneer askprice %s %d|r |cff2040ff[%s]|r\n %s\n\n"; Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceWord'), 1, Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-word1'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceWord'))); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(lineFormat, _AUCT('CmdAskPriceWord'), 2, Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-word2'), _AUCT('HelpAskPriceWord'))); end --[[ The onOff(state, chatprint) function handles AskPrice's state (whether it is currently on or off) If "on" or "off" is specified in the first argument then AskPrice's state is changed to that value, If "toggle" is specified then it will toggle AskPrice's state (if currently on then it will be turned off and vice-versa) If a boolean (or nil) value is passed as the first argument the conversion is as follows: "true" is the same as "on" "false" is the same as "off" "nil" is the same as "toggle" If chatprint is "true" then the state will also be printed to the user. ]] function onOff(state, chatprint) if (type(state) == "string") then state = Auctioneer.Util.DelocalizeFilterVal(state); elseif (state == true) then state = 'on' elseif (state == false) then state = 'off' elseif (state == nil) then state = 'toggle' end if (state == 'on' or state == 'off') then Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter('askprice', state); elseif (state == 'toggle') then Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter('askprice', not Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice')); end --Print the change and alert the GUI if the command came from slash commands. Do nothing if they came from the GUI. if (chatprint) then state = Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice') setKhaosSetKeyValue("askprice", state) if (state) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(_AUCT('StatAskPriceOn')); else Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(_AUCT('StatAskPriceOff')); end end end function setTrigger(param, chatprint) if (not (type(param) == 'string')) then return end param = string.sub(param, 1, 1) Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter('askprice-trigger', param) if (chatprint) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtActSet'), "askprice ".._AUCT('CmdAskPriceTrigger'), param)); setKhaosSetKeyValue('askprice-trigger', param) end end function genVarSet(variable, param, chatprint) if (type(param) == "string") then param = Auctioneer.Util.DelocalizeFilterVal(param); end local var = "askprice-"..variable if (param == "on" or param == "off" or type(param) == "boolean") then Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter(var, param); elseif (param == "toggle" or param == nil or param == "") then param = Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter(var, not Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter(var)); end if (chatprint) then if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter(var)) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceEnable'), Auctioneer.Util.LocalizeCommand(variable))); setKhaosSetKeyValue(var, true) else Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceDisable'), Auctioneer.Util.LocalizeCommand(variable))); setKhaosSetKeyValue(var, false) end end end --Function for users to add/modify smartWords (written by Kandoko, integrated into AskPrice by MentalPower) function setCustomSmartWords(param, number, word, chatprint) --Only parse the param if the pre-parsed components are not present. if (not (number and word)) then --Divide the large command into smaller logical sections (Shameless copy from the original function) _, _, number, word = string.find(param, "^([^ ]+) (.+)$"); if (not number) then number = param; end if (not number) then number = ""; end if (not word) then word = ""; end end number = tonumber(number) if (not (((type(param) == 'string') or (type(word) == 'string'))and number)) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtUnknownArg'), param or word, "askprice ".._AUCT('CmdAskPriceWord'))); return end word = string.lower(word) --Save choosen words. if (number == 1) then Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter('askprice-word1', word) elseif (number == 2) then Auctioneer.Command.SetFilter('askprice-word2', word) else Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtUnknownArg'), param, "askprice ".._AUCT('CmdAskPriceWord'))); return; end if (chatprint) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtActSet'), "askprice ".._AUCT('CmdAskPriceWord').." "..number, Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-word'..number))); setKhaosSetKeyValue('askprice-word'..number, word) end end function setKhaosSetKeyValue(key, value) if (Auctioneer_Khaos_Registered) then local kKey = Khaos.getSetKey("Auctioneer", key) if (not kKey) then EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("setKhaosSetKeyParameter(): key " .. key .. " does not exist") elseif (kKey.checked ~= nil) then if (type(value) == "string") then value = (value == "on"); end Khaos.setSetKeyParameter("Auctioneer", key, "checked", value) elseif (kKey.value ~= nil) then Khaos.setSetKeyParameter("Auctioneer", key, "value", value) else EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("setKhaosSetKeyValue(): don't know how to update key ", key) end end end function eventHandler(event, text, player) --Nothing to do if askprice is disabled if (not Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice')) then return; end --Make sure that we recieve the proper events and that our settings allow a response if (not ((event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER") or (((event == "CHAT_MSG_GUILD") or (event == "CHAT_MSG_OFFICER")) and Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-guild')) or (((event == "CHAT_MSG_PARTY") or (event == "CHAT_MSG_RAID") or (event == "CHAT_MSG_RAID_LEADER")) and Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-party')))) then return; end local aCount, historicalMedian, snapshotMedian, vendorSell, eachstring, askedCount, items, usedStack, multipleItems; -- Check for marker (trigger char or "smart" words) if (not (string.sub(text, 1, 1) == Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-trigger'))) then --If the trigger char was not found scan the text for SmartWords (if the feature has been enabled) if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-smart')) then if (not (string.find(string.lower(text), _AUCT('CmdAskPricSmartWord1')) and string.find(string.lower(text), _AUCT('CmdAskPriceSmartWord2')))) then --Check if the custom SmartWords are present in the chat message local customSmartWord1, customSmartWord2 = Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-word1'), Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-word1'); if (not ((string.find(string.lower(text), customSmartWord1)) and string.find(string.lower(text), customSmartWord2))) then return; end end else return; end end -- Check for itemlink after trigger if (not (string.find(text, "|Hitem:"))) then return; end --Parse the text and separate out the different links items = getItems(text) for key, link in ipairs(items) do -- aCount, historicalMedian, snapshotMedian, vendorSell = getData(link[1]); local askedCount; --If there are multiple items send a separator line (since we can't send \n's as those would cause DC's) if (multipleItems) then Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(" ", player); end --If the stackSize is grater than one, add the unit price to the message if (link[2] > 1) then eachstring = string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceEach'), EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(historicalMedian, nil, true)); else eachstring = ""; end if (aCount > 0) then Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(link[1]..": "..string.format(_AUCT('FrmtInfoSeen'), aCount), player); Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceBuyoutMedianHistorical'), " ", EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(historicalMedian*link[2], nil, true), eachstring), player); Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceBuyoutMedianSnapshot'), " ", EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(snapshotMedian*link[2], nil, true), eachstring), player); else Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(link[1]..": "..string.format(_AUCT('FrmtInfoNever'), Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey()), player); end --Send out vendor info if we have it if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-vendor') and (vendorSell > 0)) then --Again if the stackSize is grater than one, add the unit price to the message if (link[2] > 1) then eachstring = string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceEach'), EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(vendorSell, nil, true)); else eachstring = ""; end Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtAskPriceVendorPrice'), " ",EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(vendorSell * link[2], nil, true), eachstring), player); end if (link[2] > 1) then usedStack = link[2] end multipleItems = true; end --Once we're done sending out the itemInfo, check if the person used the stack size feature, if not send them the ad message. if ((not usedStack) and (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-ad'))) then Auctioneer.AskPrice.SendWhisper(string.format(_AUCT('AskPriceAd'), Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('askprice-trigger')), player) end end function getData(itemLink) local itemID, randomProp, enchant, uniqID, lame = EnhTooltip.BreakLink(itemLink); local auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); local itemKey = itemID..":"..randomProp..":"..enchant; local auctionPriceItem = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPriceItem(itemKey, auctKey); local aCount,minCount,minPrice,bidCount,bidPrice,buyCount,buyPrice = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPrices(auctionPriceItem.data); local historicalMedian, historicalMedCount = Auctioneer.Statistic.GetItemHistoricalMedianBuyout(itemKey, auctKey); local snapshotMedian, snapshotMedCount = Auctioneer.Statistic.GetItemSnapshotMedianBuyout(itemKey, auctKey); local median, medCount = Auctioneer.Statistic.GetUsableMedian(itemKey, auctKey); local vendorSell = Auctioneer.API.GetVendorSellPrice(itemID) if (aCount > 0) then -- calculate auction values local avgMin = math.floor(minPrice / minCount); local bidPct = math.floor(bidCount / minCount * 100); local avgBid = 0; if (bidCount > 0) then avgBid = math.floor(bidPrice / bidCount); end local buyPct = math.floor(buyCount / minCount * 100); local avgBuy = 0; if (buyCount > 0) then avgBuy = math.floor(buyPrice / buyCount); end end return aCount or 0, historicalMedian or 0, snapshotMedian or 0, vendorSell or 0; end --Many thanks to the guys at irc://chat.freenode.net/wowi-lounge for their help in creating this function function getItems(str) if (not str) then return nil end local itemList = {}; for number, color, item, name in string.gfind(str, "(%d*)|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|h%[(.-)%]|h|r") do table.insert(itemList, {"|c"..color.."|Hitem:"..item.."|h["..name.."]|h|r", tonumber(number) or 1}) end return itemList; end function sendWhisper(text, player) whisperList[text] = true SendChatMessage(text, "WHISPER", Auctioneer.AskPrice.Language, player) end function onEventHook() if (Auctioneer.Command.GetFilter('askprice-whisper')) then if ((event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM") and (whisperList[arg1])) then return "killorig" end end end Auctioneer.AskPrice = { Init = init, CommandHandler = commandHandler, ChatPrintHelp = chatPrintHelp, OnOff = onOff, SetTrigger = setTrigger, GenVarSet = genVarSet, SetCustomSmartWords = setCustomSmartWords, EventHandler = eventHandler, SendWhisper = sendWhisper, OnEventHook = onEventHook, }