--[[ Auctioneer Addon for World of Warcraft(tm). Version: (Kangaroo) Revision: $Id: AucStatistic.lua 972 2006-08-22 19:05:01Z mentalpower $ Auctioneer statistical functions. Functions to calculate various forms of statistics from the auction data. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] --Local function prototypes local subtractPercent, addPercent, percentLessThan, getLowest, getMedian, getPercentile, getMeans, getItemSnapshotMedianBuyout, getItemHistoricalMedianBuyout, getUsableMedian, getCurrentBid, isBadResaleChoice, profitComparisonSort, roundDownTo95, findLowestAuctions, buildLowestCache, doLow, doMedian, doHSP, getBidBasedSellablePrice, getMarketPrice, getHSP, determinePrice, setScanLength, setScanAge, getScanLength, getScanAge -- Subtracts/Adds given percentage from/to a value function subtractPercent(value, percentLess) --function subtractPercent(value, percentLess) return math.floor(value * ((100 - percentLess)/100)); end function addPercent(value, percentMore) return math.floor(value * ((100 + percentMore)/100)); end -- returns the integer representation of the percent less value2 is from value1 -- example: value1=10, value2=7, percentLess=30 function percentLessThan(value1, value2) if Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(value1) > 0 and Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(value2) < Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(value1) then return 100 - math.floor((100 * Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(value2))/Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(value1)); else return 0; end end function getLowest(valuesTable) if (not valuesTable or table.getn(valuesTable) == 0) then return nil, nil; end local tableSize = table.getn(valuesTable); local lowest = tonumber(valuesTable[1]) or 0; local second = nil if (tableSize > 1) then for i=2, tableSize do second = tonumber(valuesTable[i]) or 0; if (second > lowest) then return lowest, second; end end end return lowest, nil; end -- Returns the median value of a given table one-dimentional table function getMedian(valuesTable) return getPercentile(valuesTable, 0.5) end -- Return weighted average percentile such that returned value -- is larger than or equal to (100*pct)% of the table values -- 0 <= pct <= 1 function getPercentile(valuesTable, pct) if (type(valuesTable) ~= "table") or (not tonumber(pct)) then return nil -- make valuesTable a required table argument end pct = math.min(math.max(pct, 0), 1) -- Make sure 0 <= pct <= 1 local _percentile = function(sortedTable, p, first, last) local f = (last - first) * p + first local i1, i2 = math.floor(f), math.ceil(f) f = f - i1 return sortedTable[i1] * (1 - f) + sortedTable[i2] * f end local tableSize = table.getn(valuesTable) or 0 if (tableSize == 0) then return 0, 0; -- if there is an empty table, returns median = 0, count = 0 elseif (tableSize == 1) then return tonumber(valuesTable[1]), 1 end -- The following calculations require a sorted table table.sort(valuesTable) -- Skip IQR calculations if table is too small to have outliers if tableSize <= 4 then return _percentile(valuesTable, pct, 1, tableSize), tableSize end -- REWORK by Karavirs to use IQR*1.5 to ignore outliers -- q1 is median 1st quartile q2 is median of set q3 is median of 3rd quartile iqr is q3 - q1 local q1 = _percentile(valuesTable, 0.25, 1, tableSize) local q3 = _percentile(valuesTable, 0.75, 1, tableSize) assert(q3 >= q1) local iqr = (q3 - q1) * 1.5 local iqlow, iqhigh = q1 - iqr, q3 + iqr -- Find first and last index to include in median calculation local first, last = 1, tableSize -- Skip low outliers while valuesTable[first] < iqlow do first = first + 1 end -- Skip high outliers while valuesTable[last] > iqhigh do last = last - 1 end assert(last >= first) return _percentile(valuesTable, pct, first, last), last - first + 1 end -- Return all of the averages for an item -- Returns: avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty,aCount function getMeans(itemKey, from) local auctionPriceItem = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPriceItem(itemKey, from); if (not auctionPriceItem.data) then EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Error, GetAuctionPriceItem", itemKey, from, "returns", auctionPriceItem); end local aCount,minCount,minPrice,bidCount,bidPrice,buyCount,buyPrice = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPrices(auctionPriceItem.data); local avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty; if aCount > 0 then avgQty = math.floor(minCount / aCount); avgMin = math.floor(minPrice / minCount); bidPct = math.floor(bidCount / minCount * 100); buyPct = math.floor(buyCount / minCount * 100); avgBid = 0; if (bidCount > 0) then avgBid = math.floor(bidPrice / bidCount); end avgBuy = 0; if (buyCount > 0) then avgBuy = math.floor(buyPrice / buyCount); end end return avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty,aCount; end -- Returns the current snapshot median for an item function getItemSnapshotMedianBuyout(itemKey, auctKey, buyoutPrices) if (not auctKey) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey() end local stat, count; if (AuctionConfig.stats and AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed and AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey]) then stat = AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey][itemKey]; count = AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey][itemKey]; end if (not stat) or (not count) then if (not buyoutPrices) then local sbuy = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshotInfo(auctKey, itemKey); if (sbuy) then buyoutPrices = sbuy.buyoutPrices; end end if (buyoutPrices) then stat, count = getMedian(buyoutPrices); else stat, count = 0, 0; end -- save median to the savedvariablesfile Auctioneer.Storage.SetSnapMed(auctKey, itemKey, stat, count) end return stat, count; end -- Returns the historical median for an item function getItemHistoricalMedianBuyout(itemKey, auctKey, buyoutHistoryTable) if (not auctKey) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey() end local stat, count; if (AuctionConfig.stats and AuctionConfig.stats.histmed and AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey]) then stat = AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey][itemKey]; count = AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey][itemKey]; end if (not stat) or (not count) then if (not buyoutHistoryTable) then buyoutHistoryTable = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionBuyoutHistory(itemKey, auctKey); end if (buyoutHistoryTable) then stat, count = getMedian(buyoutHistoryTable); else stat, count = 0, 0; end -- save median to the savedvariablesfile Auctioneer.Storage.SetHistMed(auctKey, itemKey, stat, count); end return stat, count; end -- this function returns the most accurate median possible, -- if an accurate median cannot be obtained based on min seen counts then nil is returned function getUsableMedian(itemKey, realm, buyoutPrices) if not realm then realm = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); end --get snapshot median local snapshotMedian, snapCount = getItemSnapshotMedianBuyout(itemKey, realm, buyoutPrices) --get history median local historyMedian, histCount = getItemHistoricalMedianBuyout(itemKey, realm); local median, count if (histCount >= Auctioneer.Core.Constants.MinBuyoutSeenCount) then median, count = historyMedian, histCount; end if (snapCount >= Auctioneer.Core.Constants.MinBuyoutSeenCount) then if (histCount < snapCount) then -- History median isn't shown in tooltip if histCount < snapCount so use snap median in this case median, count = snapshotMedian, snapCount; elseif (snapshotMedian < 1.2 * historyMedian) then median, count = snapshotMedian, snapCount; end end return median, count; end -- Returns the current bid on an auction function getCurrentBid(auctionSignature) local x,x,x, x, x,min,x,_ = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(auctionSignature); local auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); local itemCat = Auctioneer.Util.GetCatForSig(auctionSignature); local snap = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshot(auctKey, itemCat, auctionSignature); if (not snap) then return 0 end local currentBid = tonumber(snap.bidamount) or 0; if currentBid == 0 then currentBid = min end return currentBid; end -- This filter will return true if an auction is a bad choice for reselling function isBadResaleChoice(auctSig, auctKey) if (not auctKey) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey() end local isBadChoice = false; local id,rprop,enchant, name, count,min,buyout,uniq = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(auctSig); local itemKey = id..":"..rprop..":"..enchant; local itemCat = Auctioneer.Util.GetCatForKey(itemKey); local auctionItem = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshot(auctKey, itemCat, auctSig); local auctionPriceItem = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPriceItem(itemKey, auctKey); local aCount,minCount,minPrice,bidCount,bidPrice,buyCount,buyPrice = Auctioneer.Core.GetAuctionPrices(auctionPriceItem.data); local bidPercent = math.floor(bidCount / minCount * 100); if (auctionItem) then local itemLevel = tonumber(auctionItem.level); local itemQuality = tonumber(auctionItem.quality); -- bad choice conditions if Auctioneer.Core.Constants.BidBasedCategories[auctionItem.category] and bidPercent < Auctioneer.Core.Constants.MinBidPercent then isBadChoice = true; -- bidbased items should have a minimum bid percent elseif (itemLevel >= 50 and itemQuality == Auctioneer.Core.Constants.Quality.Uncommon and bidPercent < Auctioneer.Core.Constants.MinBidPercent) then isBadChoice = true; -- level 50 and greater greens that do not have bids do not sell well elseif auctionItem.owner == UnitName("player") or auctionItem.highBidder then isBadChoice = true; -- don't display auctions that we own, or are high bidder on elseif itemQuality == Auctioneer.Core.Constants.Quality.Poor then isBadChoice = true; -- gray items are never a good choice end end return isBadChoice; end -- method to pass to table.sort() that sorts auctions by profit descending function profitComparisonSort(a, b) local aid,arprop,aenchant, aName, aCount, x, aBuyout, x = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(a.signature); local bid,brprop,benchant, bName, bCount, x, bBuyout, x = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(b.signature); local aItemKey = aid .. ":" .. arprop..":"..aenchant; local bItemKey = bid .. ":" .. brprop..":"..benchant; local realm = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey() local aProfit = (getHSP(aItemKey, realm) * aCount) - aBuyout; local bProfit = (getHSP(bItemKey, realm) * bCount) - bBuyout; return (aProfit > bProfit) end -- this function takes copper and rounds to 5 silver below the the nearest gold if it is less than 15 silver above of an even gold -- example: this function changes 1g9s to 95s -- example: 1.5g will be unchanged and remain 1.5g function roundDownTo95(copper) local g,s,c = EnhTooltip.GetGSC(copper); if g > 0 and s < 10 then return (copper - ((s + 5) * 100)); -- subtract enough copper to round to 95 silver end return copper; end -- given an item name, find the lowest price for that item in the current AHSnapshot -- if the item does not exist in the snapshot or the snapshot does not exist -- a nil is returned. function findLowestAuctions(itemKey, auctKey) local itemID, itemRand, enchant = Auctioneer.Util.BreakItemKey(itemKey); if (itemID == nil) then return nil; end if (not auctKey) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); end if not (Auctioneer_Lowests and Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey]) then buildLowestCache(auctKey) end local lowKey = itemID..":"..itemRand; local itemCat = nil; local lowSig = nil; local nextSig = nil; local lowestPrice = 0; local nextLowest = 0; local lows = Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey][lowKey]; if (lows) then lowSig = lows.lowSig; nextSig = lows.nextSig; lowestPrice = lows.lowestPrice or 0; nextLowest = lows.nextLowest or 0; itemCat = lows.cat; end return lowSig, lowestPrice, nextSig, nextLowest, itemCat; end function buildLowestCache(auctKey) if (Auctioneer_Lowests == nil) then Auctioneer_Lowests = {}; end Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey] = {} local id, rprop, enchant, name, count, min, buyout, uniq, lowKey, priceForOne, lowests; if (AuctionConfig and AuctionConfig.snap and AuctionConfig.snap[auctKey]) then for itemCat, cData in pairs(AuctionConfig.snap[auctKey]) do for sig, sData in pairs(cData) do id,rprop,enchant, name, count,min,buyout,uniq = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(sig); lowKey = id..":"..rprop; if (not Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey][lowKey]) then Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey][lowKey] = {cat = itemCat} end lowests = Auctioneer_Lowests[auctKey][lowKey] if (Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(buyout) > 0) then priceForOne = Auctioneer.Util.PriceForOne(buyout, count) if (lowests.lowestPrice == nil) or (priceForOne < lowests.lowestPrice) then lowests.lowestPrice, lowests.nextLowest = priceForOne, lowests.lowestPrice lowests.lowSig, lowests.nextSig = sig, lowests.lowSig elseif (lowests.nextLowest == nil) or (priceForOne < lowests.nextLowest) then lowests.nextLowest = priceForOne lowests.nextSig = sig end end end end end end -- execute the '/auctioneer low ' that returns the auction for an item with the lowest buyout function doLow(link) local auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); local items = Auctioneer.Util.GetItems(link); local itemLinks = Auctioneer.Util.GetItemHyperlinks(link); if (items) then for pos,itemKey in pairs(items) do local auctionSignature = findLowestAuctions(itemKey); if (not auctionSignature) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtNoauct'), itemLinks[pos])); else local itemCat = Auctioneer.Util.GetCatForKey(itemKey); local auction = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshot(auctKey, itemCat, auctionSignature); local x,x,x, x, count, x, buyout, x = Auctioneer.Core.GetItemSignature(auctionSignature); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtLowLine'), Auctioneer.Util.ColorTextWhite(count.."x")..auction.itemLink, EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(buyout), Auctioneer.Util.ColorTextWhite(auction.owner), EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(buyout / count), Auctioneer.Util.ColorTextWhite(percentLessThan(getUsableMedian(itemKey), buyout / count).."%"))); end end end end function doMedian(link) local items = Auctioneer.Util.GetItems(link); local itemLinks = Auctioneer.Util.GetItemHyperlinks(link); if (items) then for pos,itemKey in pairs(items) do local median, count = getUsableMedian(itemKey); if (not median) then Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtMedianNoauct'), Auctioneer.Util.ColorTextWhite(itemName))); else if (not count) then count = 0 end Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtMedianLine'), count, Auctioneer.Util.ColorTextWhite(itemName), EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(median))); end end end end function doHSP(link) local items = Auctioneer.Util.GetItems(link); local itemLinks = Auctioneer.Util.GetItemHyperlinks(link); if (items) then for pos,itemKey in pairs(items) do local highestSellablePrice = getHSP(itemKey, Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey()); Auctioneer.Util.ChatPrint(string.format(_AUCT('FrmtHspLine'), itemLinks[pos], EnhTooltip.GetTextGSC(Auctioneer.Util.NilSafeString(highestSellablePrice)))); end end end function getBidBasedSellablePrice(itemKey,realm, avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty,seenCount) -- We can pass these values along if we have them. if (seenCount == nil) then avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty,seenCount = getMeans(itemKey, realm); end local bidBasedSellPrice = 0; local typicalBuyout = 0; local medianBuyout = getUsableMedian(itemKey, realm); if medianBuyout and avgBuy then typicalBuyout = math.min(avgBuy, medianBuyout); elseif medianBuyout then typicalBuyout = medianBuyout; else typicalBuyout = avgBuy or 0; end if (avgBid) then bidBasedSellPrice = math.floor((3*typicalBuyout + avgBid) / 4); else bidBasedSellPrice = typicalBuyout; end return bidBasedSellPrice; end -- returns the best market price - 0, if no market price could be calculated function getMarketPrice(itemKey, realm, buyoutValues) -- make sure to call this function with valid parameters! No check is being performed! local buyoutMedian = Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(getUsableMedian(itemKey, realm, buyoutValues)) local avgMin, avgBuy, avgBid, bidPct, buyPct, avgQty, meanCount = getMeans(itemKey, realm) local commonBuyout = 0 -- assign the best common buyout if buyoutMedian > 0 then commonBuyout = buyoutMedian elseif meanCount and meanCount > 0 then -- if a usable median does not exist, use the average buyout instead commonBuyout = avgBuy; end local playerMade, skill, level = Auctioneer.Core.IsPlayerMade(itemKey); if Auctioneer.Core.Constants.BidBasedCategories[Auctioneer.Core.GetItemCategory(itemKey)] and not (playerMade and level < 250 and commonBuyout < 100000) then -- returns bibasedSellablePrice for bidbaseditems, playermade items or if the buyoutprice is not present or less than 10g return getBidBasedSellablePrice(itemKey,realm, avgMin,avgBuy,avgBid,bidPct,buyPct,avgQty,seenCount) end -- returns buyoutMedian, if present - returns avgBuy otherwise, if meanCount > 0 - returns 0 otherwise return commonBuyout end -- Returns market information relating to the HighestSellablePrice for one of the given items. -- If you use cached data it may be affected by buying/selling items. HSPCOUNT = 0; CACHECOUNT = 0; function getHSP(itemKey, realm, buyoutValues, itemCat) if (itemKey == nil) then -- make itemKey a required parameter EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("ERROR: Calling Auctioneer.Statistic.GetHSP(itemKey, realm) - Function requires valid itemKey."); return nil; end if (realm == nil) then EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("WARNING: Auctioneer.Statistic.GetHSP(itemKey, realm) - Defaulting to player realm."); EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("This is only some debugging code. THIS IS NO BUG!"); realm = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); end if (not Auctioneer_HSPCache) then Auctioneer_HSPCache = {}; end CACHECOUNT = CACHECOUNT + 1; if (not Auctioneer_HSPCache[realm]) then Auctioneer_HSPCache[realm] = {} end local cached = Auctioneer_HSPCache[realm][itemKey]; if (cached) then local cache = Auctioneer.Util.Split(cached, ";"); return tonumber(cache[1]), tonumber(cache[2]), tonumber(cache[3]), cache[4], tonumber(cache[5]), cache[6]; end HSPCOUNT = HSPCOUNT + 1; local highestSellablePrice = 0; local warn = _AUCT('FrmtWarnNodata'); EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Getting HSP, calling GetMarketPrice", itemKey, realm); if (not buyoutValues) then local sbuy = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshotInfo(realm, itemKey); if sbuy then buyoutValues = sbuy.buyoutPrices; end end local marketPrice = getMarketPrice(itemKey, realm, buyoutValues); -- Get our user-set pricing parameters local lowestAllowedPercentBelowMarket = tonumber(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('pct-maxless')); local discountLowPercent = tonumber(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('pct-underlow')); local discountMarketPercent = tonumber(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('pct-undermkt')); local discountNoCompetitionPercent = tonumber(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('pct-nocomp')); local vendorSellMarkupPercent = tonumber(Auctioneer.Command.GetFilterVal('pct-markup')); local x, histCount = getUsableMedian(itemKey, realm, buyoutValues); histCount = Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(histCount); local id = Auctioneer.Util.BreakItemKey(itemKey); -- Get the snapshot sigs of the two lowest auctions local currentLowestSig = nil; local currentLowestBuyout = nil; local currentLowestCount = nil; local nextLowestSig = nil; local nextLowestBuyout = nil; local nextLowestCount = nil; local lowSig, lowPrice, nextSig, nextPrice, itemCat = findLowestAuctions(itemKey, realm); if lowSig then currentLowestSig = lowSig; currentLowestBuyout = lowPrice; nextLowestSig = nextSig; nextLowestBuyout = nextPrice; end if (not itemCat) then itemCat = Auctioneer.Util.GetCatForKey(itemKey) end local hsp, market, warn = determinePrice(id, realm, marketPrice, currentLowestBuyout, currentLowestSig, lowestAllowedPercentBelowMarket, discountLowPercent, discountMarketPercent, discountNoCompetitionPercent, vendorSellMarkupPercent, itemCat); local nexthsp, x, nextwarn = determinePrice(id, realm, marketPrice, nextLowestBuyout, nextLowestSig, lowestAllowedPercentBelowMarket, discountLowPercent, discountMarketPercent, discountNoCompetitionPercent, vendorSellMarkupPercent, itemCat); if (not hsp) then EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Unable to calc HSP for",id, realm, marketPrice, currentLowestBuyout, currentLowestSig); hsp = 0; warn = ""; end if (not nexthsp) then nexthsp = 0; nextwarn = ""; end EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Auction data: ", hsp, histCount, market, warn, nexthsp, nextwarn); local cache = string.format("%d;%d;%d;%s;%d;%s", hsp,histCount,market,warn, nexthsp,nextwarn); Auctioneer_HSPCache[realm][itemKey] = cache; return hsp, histCount, market, warn, nexthsp, nextwarn; end function determinePrice(id, realm, marketPrice, currentLowestBuyout, currentLowestSig, lowestAllowedPercentBelowMarket, discountLowPercent, discountMarketPercent, discountNoCompetitionPercent, vendorSellMarkupPercent, itemCat) local warn, highestSellablePrice, lowestBuyoutPriceAllowed; if marketPrice and marketPrice > 0 then if currentLowestBuyout and currentLowestBuyout > 0 then lowestBuyoutPriceAllowed = subtractPercent(marketPrice, lowestAllowedPercentBelowMarket); if (not itemCat) then itemCat = Auctioneer.Util.GetCatForSig(currentLowestSig) end -- since we don't want to decode the full data unless there's a chance it belongs to the player -- do a substring search for the players name first. -- For some reason AuctionConfig.snap[realm][itemCat][currentLowestSig] sometimes doesn't -- exist, even if currentLowestBuyout is set. Added a check for this as a workaround, but -- the real cause should probably be tracked down - Thorarin local snap; if (AuctionConfig.snap[realm][itemCat][currentLowestSig] and string.find(AuctionConfig.snap[realm][itemCat][currentLowestSig], UnitName("player"), 1, true)) then snap = Auctioneer.Core.GetSnapshot(realm, itemCat, currentLowestSig); end if snap and snap.owner == UnitName("player") then highestSellablePrice = currentLowestBuyout; -- If I am the lowest seller use same low price warn = _AUCT('FrmtWarnMyprice'); elseif (currentLowestBuyout < lowestBuyoutPriceAllowed) then highestSellablePrice = subtractPercent(marketPrice, discountMarketPercent); warn = _AUCT('FrmtWarnToolow'); else if (currentLowestBuyout > marketPrice) then highestSellablePrice = subtractPercent(marketPrice, discountNoCompetitionPercent); warn = _AUCT('FrmtWarnAbovemkt'); end -- Account for negative discountNoCompetitionPercent values if (currentLowestBuyout <= marketPrice or highestSellablePrice >= currentLowestBuyout) then -- set highest price to "Discount low" highestSellablePrice = subtractPercent(currentLowestBuyout, discountLowPercent); warn = string.format(_AUCT('FrmtWarnUndercut'), discountLowPercent); end end else -- no low buyout, use discount no competition -- set highest price to "Discount no competition" highestSellablePrice = subtractPercent(marketPrice, discountNoCompetitionPercent); warn = _AUCT('FrmtWarnNocomp'); end else -- no market -- Note: urentLowestBuyout is nil, incase the realm is not the current player's realm if currentLowestBuyout and currentLowestBuyout > 0 then -- set highest price to "Discount low" EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Discount low case 2"); highestSellablePrice = subtractPercent(currentLowestBuyout, discountLowPercent); warn = string.format(_AUCT('FrmtWarnUndercut'), discountLowPercent); else local baseData; if (Informant) then baseData = Informant.GetItem(id) end if (baseData and baseData.sell) then -- use vendor prices if no auction data available local vendorSell = Auctioneer.Util.NullSafe(baseData.sell); -- use vendor prices highestSellablePrice = addPercent(vendorSell, vendorSellMarkupPercent); warn = string.format(_AUCT('FrmtWarnMarkup'), vendorSellMarkupPercent); end end end return highestSellablePrice, marketPrice, warn; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Scan Statistic Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setScanLength(startTime, endTime) --Make both parameters required ones and make sure they're numbers if (not (tonumber(startTime) and tonumber(endTime))) then return end --Initialize our data structure if (not AuctionConfig.scanStats) then AuctionConfig.scanStats = {} end AuctionConfig.scanStats.lastScanLength = (endTime - startTime) end function setScanAge(endTime) --Make our parameter a required one and make sure its a number endTime = tonumber(endTime) if (not endTime) then return end --Initialize our data structure if (not AuctionConfig.scanStats) then AuctionConfig.scanStats = {} end AuctionConfig.scanStats.lastScanAge = endTime end function getScanLength() if (AuctionConfig and AuctionConfig.scanStats) then return AuctionConfig.scanStats.lastScanLength end end function getScanAge() if (AuctionConfig and AuctionConfig.scanStats and tonumber(AuctionConfig.scanStats.lastScanAge)) then return time() - AuctionConfig.scanStats.lastScanAge end end Auctioneer.Statistic = { SubtractPercent = subtractPercent, AddPercent = addPercent, PercentLessThan = percentLessThan, GetLowest = getLowest, GetMedian = getMedian, GetPercentile = getPercentile, GetMeans = getMeans, GetItemSnapshotMedianBuyout = getItemSnapshotMedianBuyout, GetSnapMedian = getItemSnapshotMedianBuyout, GetItemHistoricalMedianBuyout = getItemHistoricalMedianBuyout, GetHistMedian = getItemHistoricalMedianBuyout, GetUsableMedian = getUsableMedian, GetCurrentBid = getCurrentBid, IsBadResaleChoice = isBadResaleChoice, ProfitComparisonSort = profitComparisonSort, RoundDownTo95 = roundDownTo95, FindLowestAuctions = findLowestAuctions, BuildLowestCache = buildLowestCache, DoLow = doLow, DoMedian = doMedian, DoHSP = doHSP, GetBidBasedSellablePrice = getBidBasedSellablePrice, GetMarketPrice = getMarketPrice, GetHSP = getHSP, DeterminePrice = determinePrice, SetScanLength = setScanLength, SetScanAge = setScanAge, GetScanLength = getScanLength, GetScanAge = getScanAge, }