--[[ Auctioneer Addon for World of Warcraft(tm). Version: (Kangaroo) Revision: $Id: AucStorage.lua 846 2006-05-04 05:10:19Z aradan $ Auctioneer storage functions. Functions that allow auctioneer writing/reading data to/from its savedvariables file. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] --Local function prototypes local setHistMed, setSnapMed, getFixedPrice, setFixedPrice, deleteFixedPrice function setHistMed(auctKey, itemKey, median, count) if (not AuctionConfig.stats) then AuctionConfig.stats = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.histmed) then AuctionConfig.stats.histmed = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey] = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.histcount) then AuctionConfig.stats.histcount = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey] = {} end if (not median) or (not count) then AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey][itemKey] = nil AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey][itemKey] = nil elseif (count > 0) and (median > 0) then AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey][itemKey] = median AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey][itemKey] = count else AuctionConfig.stats.histmed[auctKey][itemKey] = 0 AuctionConfig.stats.histcount[auctKey][itemKey] = 0 end -- Clear HSP cache when median changes if (Auctioneer_HSPCache and Auctioneer_HSPCache[auctKey]) then Auctioneer_HSPCache[auctKey][itemKey] = nil end end function setSnapMed(auctKey, itemKey, median, count) if (not AuctionConfig.stats) then AuctionConfig.stats = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey] = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount = {} end if (not AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey] = {} end if (not median) or (not count) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey][itemKey] = nil AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey][itemKey] = nil elseif (count > 0) and (median > 0) then AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey][itemKey] = median AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey][itemKey] = count else AuctionConfig.stats.snapmed[auctKey][itemKey] = 0 AuctionConfig.stats.snapcount[auctKey][itemKey] = 0 end -- Clear HSP cache when median changes if (Auctioneer_HSPCache and Auctioneer_HSPCache[auctKey]) then Auctioneer_HSPCache[auctKey][itemKey] = nil end end function getFixedPrice(itemKey, count, auctKey) if (auctKey == nil) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); end if (not count) then count = 1; end local i, j; local start, buy, stackSize, dur; if (not AuctionConfig or not AuctionConfig.fixedprice) then -- No fixed prices stored at all, do nothing elseif (auctKey and AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey] and AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey][itemKey]) then -- Get fixed price for this realm/faction i,j, start,buy,stackSize,dur = string.find(AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey][itemKey], "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)"); elseif (AuctionConfig.fixedprice["global"] and AuctionConfig.fixedprice["global"][itemKey]) then -- Get global fixed price i,j, start,buy,stackSize,dur = string.find(AuctionConfig.fixedprice["global"][itemKey], "(%d+):(%d+):(%d+):(%d+)"); end -- Return nil when no fixed price is found if (not i) then return nil; end -- Calculate and return prices for desired stack size if (not stackSize) then stackSize = 1; end return Auctioneer.Util.Round(start*count/stackSize), Auctioneer.Util.Round(buy*count/stackSize), tonumber(dur); end function setFixedPrice(itemKey, startingBid, buyout, duration, count, auctKey) if (auctKey == nil) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); elseif (auctKey == false) then auctKey = "global"; end if (not count) then count = 1; end -- Check if any of the data actually changed, to avoid drifting prices when -- auctioned with different stack sizes oldStart, oldBuyout, oldDur = getFixedPrice(itemKey, count, auctKey); if (oldStart == startingBid and oldBuyout == buyout and oldDur == duration) then return; end -- Create table structure for storage if needed if (not AuctionConfig) then AuctionConfig = {}; end if (not AuctionConfig.fixedprice) then AuctionConfig.fixedprice = {}; end if (not AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey] = {}; end -- Store the new fixed price AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey][itemKey] = string.format("%d:%d:%d:%d", startingBid, buyout, count, duration) end function deleteFixedPrice(itemKey, auctKey) if (auctKey == nil) then auctKey = Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey(); end -- No fixed prices, we're done here if (not AuctionConfig or not AuctionConfig.fixedprice) then return; end -- Delete realm/faction specific fixed price if (auctKey and AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey]) then AuctionConfig.fixedprice[auctKey][itemKey] = nil; end -- Delete global fixed price if (AuctionConfig.fixedprice["global"]) then AuctionConfig.fixedprice["global"][itemKey] = nil; end end Auctioneer.Storage = { SetHistMed = setHistMed, SetSnapMed = setSnapMed, GetFixedPrice = getFixedPrice, SetFixedPrice = setFixedPrice, DeleteFixedPrice = deleteFixedPrice, }