-- -- AutoBar -- Copyright 2004, 2005, 2006 original author. -- Copyright is expressly not transferred to Blizzard. -- -- Configurable set of 12 buttons that seeks out configured items -- in your pack for use. Intended primarily for consumables. Not -- for use with spells, skills, trinkets, or powers. -- -- Author: Marc aka Saien on Hyjal -- WOWSaien@gmail.com -- -- -- 2006.03.31 -- Minor category changes -- 2006.02.10 -- Enriched Manna Biscuit/Alterac Manna Biscuit (which is usable everywhere) -- moved to their own category("Food & Water Combo") - Update your buttons -- Custom items can now appear on multiple buttons, as intended. -- 2006.01.28 -- Oils fixed. -- Custom items got broken by selfcast config. Fixed. -- 2006.01.20 -- Will no longer fallback to zone-restricted items when all items in a button are ineligible. -- Fixed bug where hitting keybinding for a button that has no items found will popup an error -- Buttons will skip items too high in level for character -- 2006.01.12 -- Selfcast is back -- AutoBar re-parented so it hides with an Alt-Z -- Configuration checkbox to hide Keybind text -- Configuration checkbox to hide Count text -- Configuration checkbox to show empty buttons -- Keybind text and count text scales with button width. -- Can now open configuration while dead. -- "Num Pad" key bindings are now shortened to just N in display. -- Removed /ab as a shortcut for the depreciated slash commands. -- Fixed Mana potion hp restriction - should be mana restriction -- Minimum button width/height set to 9 pixels instead of 18. -- 2006.01.06 -- Release of complete re-write. -- AUTOBAR_VERSION = "2006.02.10" -- Notice the cleverly disguised date. ------------------------------------ BINDING_HEADER_AUTOBAR_SEP = "Auto Bar"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_CONFIG = "Configuration Window"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON1 = "Button 1"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON2 = "Button 2"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON3 = "Button 3"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON4 = "Button 4"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON5 = "Button 5"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON6 = "Button 6"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON7 = "Button 7"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON8 = "Button 8"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON9 = "Button 9"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON10 = "Button 10"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON11 = "Button 11"; BINDING_NAME_AUTOBAR_BUTTON12 = "Button 12"; ------------------------------------ AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS = 12; ----------------------------------- AutoBar_Debug = nil; AutoBar_Player = nil; -- global -- local AutoBar_ConfigLoaded = nil; AutoBar_SearchedForItems = {}; local AutoBar_ButtonItemList = {}; local AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed = {}; local AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = {}; -- local AutoBar_InWorld = nil; local AutoBar_InCombat = nil; -- For item use restrictions ------------------------------------ local function AutoBar_LinkDecode(link) if (link) then local _, _, id, name = string.find(link,"|Hitem:(%d+):%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[([^]]+)%]|h|r$"); if (id and name) then return name, tonumber(id); end end end local function AutoBar_ConfigInit() if (not AutoBar_Config) then AutoBar_Config = {}; end if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player]) then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player] = {}; end --- if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].docked and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].scaling and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].rows and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].columns) then -- Config is from pre re-write. Not upgrading. AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player] = {}; AutoBar_Msg("Config for this character is old version. Clearing. No attempt to upgrade config is being done."); end --- if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons) then local _,class = UnitClass("player"); AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons = {}; AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[1] = { "BANDAGES", "ALTERAC_BANDAGES", "WARSONG_BANDAGES", "ARATHI_BANDAGES", "UNGORO_RESTORE"}; AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[2] = { "HEALPOTIONS", "REJUVENATION_POTIONS", "WHIPPER_ROOT", "NIGHT_DRAGONS_BREATH", "PVP_HEALPOTIONS", "ALTERAC_HEAL", "HEALTHSTONE" }; if (class == "WARRIOR") then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = "RAGEPOTIONS"; elseif (class == "ROGUE") then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = "ENERGYPOTIONS"; elseif (class == "MAGE") then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = { "MANAPOTIONS", "REJUVENATION_POTIONS", "NIGHT_DRAGONS_BREATH", "PVP_MANAPOTIONS", "ALTERAC_MANA", "MANASTONE" }; else AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[3] = { "MANAPOTIONS", "REJUVENATION_POTIONS", "NIGHT_DRAGONS_BREATH", "PVP_MANAPOTIONS", "ALTERAC_MANA" }; end if (class ~= "ROGUE" and class ~= "WARRIOR") then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[4] = { "WATER", "WATER_CONJURED" }; end AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[5] = { "FOOD", "FOOD_STAMINA", "FOOD_CONJURED" }; AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS] = "HEARTHSTONE"; end if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display) then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display = {}; end AutoBar_ConfigUpdated(); end local function AutoBar_BuildItemList() local function AddItemInfo(identifier, buttonnum) if (AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier] and AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier].items) then local idx,j; for idx, j in AutoBar_Category_Info[identifier].items do if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j]) then table.insert(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j], buttonnum); else AutoBar_SearchedForItems[j] = { buttonnum, identifier, idx }; end table.insert(AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum], j); end else if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier]) then table.insert(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier], buttonnum); else AutoBar_SearchedForItems[identifier] = { buttonnum, identifier, 0 }; end table.insert(AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum], identifier); end end AutoBar_SearchedForItems = {}; AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed = {}; local idx; for idx = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx]) then local i, j; AutoBar_ButtonItemList[idx] = {}; AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[idx] = {}; if (type(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx]) == "table") then for i, j in AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx] do AddItemInfo (j, idx); end else AddItemInfo (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx], idx); end for i, j in AutoBar_ButtonItemList[idx] do AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[idx][j] = i; end end end end function AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(buttonnum) local idx, bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, acceptable, cooldowntime, level; local cooldownidx, start, duration, enable, fallback; if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then idx = table.getn(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]); else idx = 0; end while (idx > 0 and not acceptable) do bag = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][1]; slot = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][2]; rank = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].rank; itemid = AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum][rank]; if (type(itemid) == "number") then _,_,_,level = GetItemInfo(itemid); else level = 0; end if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid]) then category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2]; categoryidx = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][3]; else category = nil; categoryidx = nil; end -- start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot); if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then local tmp = start - GetTime() + duration; if (not cooldowntime or tmp < cooldowntime) then cooldowntime = tmp; cooldownidx = idx; end idx = idx - 1; elseif (level > UnitLevel("player")) then idx = idx - 1; elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].location and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].location ~= GetZoneText()) then idx = idx - 1; elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category]) then if (not fallback) then fallback = idx; end if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].combatonly and not AutoBar_InCombat) then idx = idx - 1; elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].noncombat and AutoBar_InCombat) then idx = idx - 1; elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit) then local losthp = UnitHealthMax("player") - UnitHealth("player"); local lostmana = UnitManaMax("player") - UnitMana("player"); if (UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 ) then --if (UnitClass("player") == "Druid") then -- Can't check mana in druid forms -- lostmana = 0; --else -- Class doesn't have mana, don't limit lostmana = 10000; --end end if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downhp and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downhp[categoryidx] > losthp) then idx = idx - 1 elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downmana and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit.downmana[categoryidx] > lostmana) then idx = idx - 1 else acceptable = true; end else acceptable = true; end else acceptable = true; end end if (not acceptable) then if (fallback) then idx = fallback; elseif (cooldownidx) then idx = cooldownidx; elseif (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then idx = table.getn(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]); else idx = nil; end end -- if (idx) then bag = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][1]; slot = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items[1][2]; rank = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].rank; else bag = nil; slot = nil; rank = nil; end if (AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum]) then itemid = AutoBar_ButtonItemList[buttonnum][rank]; if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid]) then category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2]; categoryidx = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][3]; else category = nil; categoryidx = nil; end else itemid = nil; category = nil; categoryidx = nil; end return bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable, cooldowntime; end function AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons() local buttonnum, i, button, icon, normaltexture, counttxt, bag, slot, idx, items; local hotkey, count, tmpcount, keyText, actioncommand; for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum); icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."Icon"); normaltexture = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."NormalTexture"); counttxt = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."Count"); hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonnum.."HotKey"); if (not button.forcehidden and button.effectiveButton) then button:Show(); bag, slot,_,_,_,_,idx,enabled = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton) if (bag and slot) then items = AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[button.effectiveButton][idx].items count = 0; for i, bagslot in items do _, tmpcount = GetContainerItemInfo(bagslot[1], bagslot[2]); if (tmpcount) then count = count + tmpcount; end end icon:SetTexture(GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot)); if (count > 1) then counttxt:SetText(count); else counttxt:SetText(""); end if (enabled) then icon:SetVertexColor(1,1,1); normaltexture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1); else icon:SetVertexColor(0.4,0.4,0.4); normaltexture:SetVertexColor(1,1,1); end actioncommand = "AUTOBAR_BUTTON"..button.effectiveButton; if (actioncommand) then keyText = GetBindingKey(actioncommand); if (keyText) then keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "CTRL", "C"); keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "ALT", "A"); keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "SHIFT", "S"); keyText = string.gsub(keyText, "NUMPAD", "N"); hotkey:SetText(keyText); else hotkey:SetText(""); end end else icon:SetTexture(""); counttxt:SetText(""); hotkey:SetText(""); end else button:Hide(); end end end local function AutoBar_AssignButtons() local displayButton = 0; local buttonidx, buttoninfo, rankidx, items; for buttonidx = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.showemptybuttons or AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonidx]) then displayButton = displayButton + 1; local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..displayButton); button.effectiveButton = buttonidx; end end for buttonidx = displayButton+1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..buttonidx); button.effectiveButton = nil; end AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); end local function AutoBar_UpdateCategoryNameToID(name,id) local buttonnum, idx; for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum]) then if (type(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum]) == "table") then for idx in AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] do if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum][idx] == name) then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum][idx] = id; AutoBar_Msg("Updating multi item button #",buttonnum," item #",idx," to use itemid instead of item name."); end end elseif (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] == name) then AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[buttonnum] = id; AutoBar_Msg("Updating single item button #",buttonnum," to use itemid instead of item name."); end end end end function AutoBar_ScanBags(specificbag) local function ClearOutBag(bag) local buttonnum, idx, i, bagslot, newitemlist, newranks; for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then newranks = {}; for idx in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] do newitemlist = {}; for i, bagslot in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items do if (bag ~= bagslot[1]) then table.insert(newitemlist,bagslot); end end if (table.getn(newitemlist) > 0) then AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx].items = newitemlist; table.insert(newranks,AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][idx]); end end if (table.getn(newranks) == 0) then AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = nil; else AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = newranks; end end end end local function AddItem(buttonnum, rank, bag, slot) if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then local idx, rec, findRank; for idx, rec in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] do if (rec.rank == rank) then findRank = idx; end end if (findRank) then table.insert(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum][findRank].items, { bag, slot } ); else table.insert(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum], { ["rank"] = rank, ["items"] = { { bag, slot } } } ); end else AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum] = { [1] = { ["rank"] = rank, ["items"] = { { bag, slot } } }, }; end end local function SortByRank(a,b) if (a and b and a.rank and b.rank) then return a.rank < b.rank; else return true; end end local bag, slot, name, id, i; local minbag,maxbag = 0, 4; if (specificbag) then minbag = specificbag; maxbag = specificbag; ClearOutBag(specificbag); else AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = {}; end -- AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems = { -- buttonnum = { -- idx = { -- "rank" = ranknum, -- "items" = { {bag,slot}, {bag,slot}, {bag, slot} } -- }, -- }, --}; for bag = minbag, maxbag, 1 do for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag), 1 do name, id = AutoBar_LinkDecode(GetContainerItemLink(bag,slot)); if (name and AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name] and id) then if (not AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]) then AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id] = { AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][1], AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][2], AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name][3] }; end AutoBar_UpdateCategoryNameToID(name,id); AutoBar_SearchedForItems[name] = nil; end if (id and AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]) then local button = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][1]; local rank = AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[button][id]; AddItem(button, rank, bag, slot) if (AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][4]) then for i = 4, table.getn(AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id]), 1 do button = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[id][i]; rank = AutoBar_ButtonItemList_Reversed[button][id]; AddItem(button, rank, bag, slot) end end end end end local buttonnum; for buttonnum = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do if (AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum]) then table.sort(AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[buttonnum], SortByRank); end end AutoBar_AssignButtons(); end ------------------------------------ function AutoBar_OnLoad() AutoBar_Player = UnitName("player").." - "..GetCVar("realmName"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD"); -- this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_BINDINGS"); -- -- For item use restrictions this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA"); this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH"); this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ALIVE"); this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN"); -- end function AutoBar_OnEvent(event) if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then AutoBar_InCombat = nil; if (not AutoBar_ConfigLoaded) then AutoBar_ConfigInit(); AutoBar_ConfigLoaded = 1; AutoBar_ScanBags(); end if (not AutoBar_InWorld) then AutoBar_InWorld = 1; AutoBar_ScanBags(); AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); end elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") then AutoBar_InWorld = nil; elseif (AutoBar_InWorld) then if (event == "BAG_UPDATE") then if (arg1 < 5) then AutoBar_ScanBags(arg1); end elseif (event == "UPDATE_BINDINGS") then AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif (event == "PLAYER_ALIVE") then AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif ((event == "UNIT_MANA" or event == "UNIT_HEALTH") and arg1=="player") then AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then AutoBar_InCombat = nil; AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then AutoBar_InCombat = 1; AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif (event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") then AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); elseif (event == "BAG_UPDATE_COOLDOWN") then AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); end end end ------------------------------------ function AutoBar_UseButton(num) local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(num); if (bag and slot) then UseContainerItem(bag,slot); if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON" and SpellIsTargeting()) then PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")); elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[category] and SpellIsTargeting()) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end end end function AutoBar_Button_OnClick(mousebutton, updown, override) local button; if (override) then button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..override); else button = this; end button:SetChecked(0); if (AutoBar.moving) then if (updown == "CLICK") then AutoBar.moving = nil; AutoBar:StopMovingOrSizing(); AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position = {}; AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.x, AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.y = AutoBar:GetCenter(); AutoBar:SetMovable(0); end elseif (updown == "CLICK") then local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx, idx, acceptable = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton); if (bag and slot) then UseContainerItem(bag,slot); if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON" and SpellIsTargeting()) then if (mousebutton == "LeftButton") then PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot")); elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton") then PickupInventoryItem(GetInventorySlotInfo("SecondaryHandSlot")); end elseif (AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[category] and SpellIsTargeting()) then SpellTargetUnit("player"); end end elseif (mousebutton == "RightButton" and updown == "DOWN" and IsControlKeyDown()) then if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking) then AutoBar.moving = true; AutoBar:SetMovable(1); AutoBar:StartMoving(); end end end function AutoBar_Button_SetTooltip(button, elapsed) if (not button) then button = this; end if (button:GetParent().updateTooltip and elapsed) then button.updateTooltip = button.updateTooltip - elapsed; if (button.updateTooltip > 0) then return; end end if (button.effectiveButton) then if (GetCVar("UberTooltips") == "1") then GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, button); else GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_RIGHT"); end button.updateTooltip = nil; local bag, slot, rank, itemid, category, categoryidx = AutoBar_Button_GetDisplayItem(button.effectiveButton) if (bag and slot) then GameTooltip:SetBagItem(bag, slot); if (AutoBar_Debug) then if (rank) then GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED RANK: "..rank); end if (itemid) then GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED ITEMID: "..itemid); end if (category) then GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED CATEGORY: "..category); end if (categoryidx) then GameTooltip:AddLine("DISPLAYED CATEGORYIDX: "..categoryidx); end end local start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(bag, slot); if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then button.updateTooltip = TOOLTIP_UPDATE_TIME; end GameTooltip:AddLine(""); local rankidx, idx, itemident, bagslot, count, tmpcount, name, itemid, msg; local start, duration, enable; for rankidx, itemident in AutoBar_Buttons_CurrentItems[button.effectiveButton] do count = 0; for idx, bagslot in itemident.items do _, tmpcount = GetContainerItemInfo(bagslot[1], bagslot[2]); count = count + tmpcount; end name,itemid = AutoBar_LinkDecode(GetContainerItemLink(itemident.items[1][1], itemident.items[1][2])); category = AutoBar_SearchedForItems[itemid][2]; start, duration, enable = GetContainerItemCooldown(itemident.items[1][1], itemident.items[1][2]); msg = name.." (Count: "..count..")"; if (AutoBar_Debug) then msg = msg.." ["..itemident.items[1][1]..","..itemident.items[1][2].."]"; if (rank) then msg = msg.." rank="..itemident.rank; end if (cat) then msg = msg.." cat="..category; end end if (category == itemid and categoryidx == 0) then msg = msg.." [Custom Item]" end if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category]) then if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].combatonly) then msg=msg.." [In Combat Only]"; end if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].noncombat) then msg=msg.." [Non Combat Only]"; end if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].limit) then msg=msg.." [Limited Usage]"; end end if (start > 0 and duration > 0) then msg = msg.." [Cooldown]"; end GameTooltip:AddLine(msg); if (category and AutoBar_Category_Info[category] and AutoBar_Category_Info[category].targetted == "WEAPON") then GameTooltip:AddLine("\n(Left Click to apply to Main Hand weapon\nRight Click to apply to OffHand weapon)"); end end GameTooltip:Show(); end end end ------------------------------------ function AutoBar_GetTexture(id) if (not id) then return ""; end if (type(id) == "table" and id[1]) then id = id[1]; end if (id and AutoBar_Category_Info[id]) then if (AutoBar_Category_Info[id].texture) then return "Interface\\Icons\\"..AutoBar_Category_Info[id].texture; else id = AutoBar_Category_Info[id].items[1]; end end if (type(id)=="number" and id > 0) then local _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,texture = GetItemInfo(tonumber(id)); if (texture) then return texture; end end return "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gift_01"; end function AutoBar_Msg(...) local message = ""; for i = 1, arg.n, 1 do if (type(arg[i]) == "string" or type(arg[i]) == "number") then message = message..arg[i]; else message = message..string.upper(type(arg[i])); end end ChatFrame1:AddMessage("AutoBar: "..message); end function AutoBar_ConfigUpdated() AutoBar_BuildItemList(); AutoBar_ScanBags(); AutoBar_SetupVisual(); end function AutoBar_SetupVisual() local rows = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows; local columns = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns; local gapping = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping; local alpha = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha; local buttonwidth = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth; local buttonheight = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight; local dockshiftx = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx; local dockshifty = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty; -- if (not rows) then rows = 1; end if (not columns) then columns = 6; end if (not gapping) then gapping = 6; end if (not alpha) then alpha = 1; end if (not buttonwidth) then buttonwidth = 36 end if (not buttonheight) then buttonheight = 36; end if (not dockshiftx) then dockshiftx = 0; end if (not dockshifty) then dockshifty = 0; end -- AutoBar:Show(); AutoBar:ClearAllPoints(); if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.framestrata) then AutoBar:SetFrameStrata(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.framestrata); else if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking == "MAINMENU") then AutoBar:SetFrameStrata("HIGH"); else AutoBar:SetFrameStrata("LOW"); end end if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking) then if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking == "MAINMENU") then AutoBar:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT","MainMenuBarArtFrame","BOTTOMLEFT",546+dockshiftx,38+dockshifty); else AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking = nil; end elseif (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position) then AutoBar:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","BOTTOMLEFT", AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.x, AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.position.y); else AutoBar:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","CENTER",0,0); end local i, texture, counttxt, hotkey, fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions, percent; percent = buttonwidth / 36; if (percent > 1) then percent = 1; end for i = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i); if (i > (rows*columns)) then button:Hide(); button.forcehidden = 1; else texture = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."NormalTexture"); counttxt = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."Count"); hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Button"..i.."HotKey"); button.forcehidden = nil; button:SetAlpha(alpha); texture:SetAlpha(alpha); button:SetWidth(buttonwidth); texture:SetWidth(buttonwidth*1.833); button:SetHeight(buttonheight); texture:SetHeight(buttonheight*1.833); if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidekeytext) then hotkey:Hide(); else hotkey:Show(); fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions = hotkey:GetFont(); hotkey:SetFont(fonttext, 12*percent, fontoptions); hotkey:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AutoBar_Button"..i,"TOPLEFT",-10,-2); end if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidecount) then counttxt:Hide(); else counttxt:Show(); fonttext, fontsize, fontoptions = counttxt:GetFont(); counttxt:SetFont(fonttext, 14*percent, fontoptions); end button:ClearAllPoints(); if (i == 1) then button:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","AutoBar","TOPLEFT",0,0); elseif (columns == 1) then if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then button:SetPoint("BOTTOM","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"TOP",0,gapping); else button:SetPoint("TOP","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"BOTTOM",0,gapping*-1); end elseif (math.mod(i,columns) == 1) then local row = math.floor(i/columns); if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then button:SetPoint("BOTTOM","AutoBar_Button"..(i-columns),"TOP",0,gapping); else button:SetPoint("TOP","AutoBar_Button"..(i-columns),"BOTTOM",0,gapping*-1); end else if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then button:SetPoint("RIGHT","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"LEFT",gapping*-1,0); else button:SetPoint("LEFT","AutoBar_Button"..(i-1),"RIGHT",gapping,0); end end end end AutoBar_AssignButtons(); AutoBar_Button_UpdateButtons(); end