aUF = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.0", "AceDB-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0") aUF.Layouts = {} local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("ag_UnitFrames") local AceOO = AceLibrary("AceOO-2.0") local print = function(msg) if msg then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg) end end -- SYSTEM function aUF:OnInitialize() self:RegisterDB("aUFDB") self:RegisterDefaults('profile', aUF_DEFAULT_OPTIONS) self:SetupVariables() self:UpdateBlizzVisibility() self:InitMenu() self:RegisterEvents() self:LoadStringFormats() if UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then self:RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE() end aUF:ScheduleRepeatingEvent("agUF_auraPoolSchedule",self.AuraPool, 0.3, self) end function aUF:AuraPool() local n = 0 for k,v in pairs(self.auraUpdatePool) do if v == true and self.auraUpdates + n < 5 then self.units[k]:UpdateAuras(true) n = n + 1 else break end end aUF.auraUpdates = 0 end function aUF:Reset() self:ResetDB("profile") self:LoadStringFormats() self:CallUnitMethods("Reset") self:CallUnitMethods("Reset",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups") end function aUF:OnProfileEnable() self:CallUnitMethods("Reset") end -- EVENT REGISTERING function aUF:RegisterEvents() self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") self:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") self:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE") self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET","PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") self:RegisterEvent("agUF_UpdateGroups") end function aUF:SetupVariables() self.auraUpdates = 0 self.auraUpdatePool = {} = {} self.imagePath = "Interface\\AddOns\\ag_UnitFrames\\images\\" self.fontPath = "Interface\\AddOns\\ag_UnitFrames\\fonts\\" self.wowClasses = {"player","pet","party","partypet","target","targettarget","raid","raidpet"} -- Which auras can the player see? self.CanDispel = { ["PRIEST"] = { ["Magic"] = true, ["Disease"] = true, }, ["SHAMAN"] = { ["Poison"] = true, ["Disease"] = true, }, ["PALADIN"] = { ["Magic"] = true, ["Poison"] = true, ["Disease"] = true, }, ["MAGE"] = { ["Curse"] = true, }, ["DRUID"] = { ["Curse"] = true, ["Poison"] = true, } } -- Various constants like colors, textures... self.DebuffColor = { ["Magic"] = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, }, ["Disease"] = { r = 0.25, g = 1, b = 0, }, ["Poison"] = { r = 0, g = 0.25, b = 1, }, ["Curse"] = { r = 0.75, g = 0, b = 0.75, } } self.RepColor = { [1] = {r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255}, [2] = {r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255}, [3] = {r = 0.75, g = 0.27, b = 0}, [4] = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 34/255}, [5] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15}, [6] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15}, [7] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15}, [8] = {r = 0.2, g = 0.8, b = 0.15}, } self.HealthColor = { r = 0.11, g = 0.84, b = 0.3, } self.ManaColor = { [0] = { r = 48/255, g = 113/255, b = 191/255}, -- Mana [1] = { r = 226/255, g = 45/255, b = 75/255}, -- Rage [2] = { r = 255/255, g = 210/255, b = 0}, -- Focus [3] = { r = 255, g = 220/255, b = 25/255}, -- Energy [4] = { r = 0.00, g = 1.00, b = 1.00} -- Happiness } self.Borders = { ["Classic"] = {["texture"] = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",["size"] = 16,["insets"] = 5}, ["Nurfed"] = {["texture"] = "Interface\\DialogFrame\\UI-DialogBox-Border",["size"] = 16,["insets"] = 5}, ["Hidden"] = {["texture"] = "",["size"] = 0,["insets"] = 3}, } self.Bars = { ["Default"] = self.imagePath.."AceBarFrames.tga", ["Classic"] = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar", ["Smooth"] = self.imagePath.."smooth.tga", ["Bumps"] = self.imagePath.."Bumps.tga", ["Perl"] = self.imagePath.."Perl.tga", ["Gloss"] = self.imagePath.."Gloss.tga", ["Wisps"] = self.imagePath.."Wisps.tga", ["Bars"] = self.imagePath.."Bars.tga", ["Smudge"] = self.imagePath.."Smudge.tga", ["Dabs"] = self.imagePath.."Dabs.tga", ["Rain"] = self.imagePath.."Rain.tga", ["Hatched"] = self.imagePath.."Hatched.tga", ["Cracked"] = self.imagePath.."Cracked.tga", ["Grid"] = self.imagePath.."Grid.tga", ["Button"] = self.imagePath.."Button.tga", ["Skewed"] = self.imagePath.."Skewed.tga", ["Diagonal"] = self.imagePath.."Diagonal.tga", ["Cloud"] = self.imagePath.."Cloud.tga", ["Water"] = self.imagePath.."Water.tga", ["Charcoal"] = self.imagePath.."Charcoal.tga", ["BantoBar"] = self.imagePath.."BantoBar.tga", } self.RaidColors = { ["DRUID"] = "|cffff7c0a", ["HUNTER"] = "|cffaad372", ["MAGE"] = "|cff68ccef", ["PALADIN"] = "|cfff48cba", ["PRIEST"] = "|cffffffff", ["ROGUE"] = "|cfffff468", ["SHAMAN"] = "|cfff48cba", ["WARLOCK"] = "|cff9382C9", ["WARRIOR"] = "|cffc69b6d", } self.RaidRole = { ["DRUID"] = "healer", ["HUNTER"] = "dps", ["MAGE"] = "dps", ["PALADIN"] = "healer", ["PRIEST"] = "healer", ["ROGUE"] = "dps", ["SHAMAN"] = "healer", ["WARLOCK"] = "dps", ["WARRIOR"] = "tank", } self.UnitInformation = { ["name"] = function(u) local type = string.gsub(u, "%d", "") if self.db.profile[type].RaidColorName and UnitIsPlayer(u) then local _,x=UnitClass(u) return string.format("%s%s%s",aUF.RaidColors[x] or "",UnitName(u) or "","|cFFFFFFFF") else return UnitName(u) or "" end end, ["status"] = function (u) if UnitIsDead(u) then return "Dead" elseif UnitIsGhost(u) then return "Ghost" elseif (not UnitIsConnected(u)) then return "Offline" elseif (UnitAffectingCombat(u)) then return "Combat" elseif (u== "player" and IsResting()) then return "Resting" else return "" end end, ["statuscolor"] = function (u) if UnitIsDead(u) then return "|cffff0000" elseif UnitIsGhost(u) then return "|cff9d9d9d" elseif (not UnitIsConnected(u)) then return "|cffff8000" elseif (UnitAffectingCombat(u)) then return "|cffFF0000" elseif (u== "player" and IsResting()) then return WatchDog:GetHex(UnitReactionColor[4]) else return "" end end, ["happycolor"] = function (u) local x=GetPetHappiness() return ( (x==2) and "|cffFFFF00" or (x==1) and "|cffFF0000" or "" ) end, ["aghp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u) or "" end, ["agpercenthp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,1) or "" end, ["agmissinghp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,2) or "" end, ["agsmarthp"] = function(u) return self:Tag_aghp(u,3) or "" end, ["agmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u) or "" end, ["agpercentmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,1) or "" end, ["agmissingmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,2) or "" end, ["agsmartmana"] = function(u) return self:Tag_agmana(u,3) or "" end, ["agclass"] = function (u) if UnitIsPlayer(u) then return (UnitClass(u) or "Unknown") else return (UnitCreatureFamily(u) or UnitCreatureType(u) or "") end end, ["agrace"] = function (u) if string.find(u,"target") then return UnitRace(u) or "" else return "" end end, ["agtype"] = function (u) if (UnitIsPlusMob(u)) then return aUF:TargetGetMobType(u) or "" else return "" end end, ["curhp"] = function (u) return UnitHealth(u) or 0 end, ["maxhp"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) or 1 end, ["percenthp"] = function (u) local hpmax = UnitHealthMax(u) return (hpmax ~= 0) and floor((UnitHealth(u) / hpmax) * 100) or 0 end, ["missinghp"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) - UnitHealth(u) or 0 end, ["curmana"] = function (u) return UnitMana(u) or 1 end, ["maxmana"] = function (u) return UnitManaMax(u) or 0 end, ["percentmana"] = function (u) local mpmax = UnitManaMax(u) return (mpmax ~= 0) and floor((UnitMana(u) / mpmax) * 100) or 0 end, ["missingmana"] = function (u) return UnitHealthMax(u) - UnitHealth(u) or 0 end, ["typemana"] = function (u) local p=UnitPowerType(u) return ( (p==1) and "Rage" or (p==2) and "Focus" or (p==3) and "Energy" or "Mana" ) end, ["level"] = function (u) local x = UnitLevel(u) return ((x>0) and x or "??") end, ["class"] = function (u) return (UnitClass(u) or "Unknown") end, ["creature"] = function (u) return (UnitCreatureFamily(u) or UnitCreatureType(u) or "Unknown") end, ["smartclass"] = function (u) if UnitIsPlayer(u) then return self.UnitInformation["class"](u) else return self.UnitInformation["creature"](u) end end, ["combos"] = function (u) return (GetComboPoints() or 0) end, ["combos2"] = function (u) return string.rep("@", GetComboPoints()) end, ["classification"] = function (u) if UnitClassification(u) == "rare" then return "Rare " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "eliterare" then return "Rare Elite " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "elite" then return "Elite " elseif UnitClassification(u) == "worldboss" then return "Boss " else return "" end end, ["faction"] = function (u) return (UnitFactionGroup(u) or "") end, ["connect"] = function (u) return ( (UnitIsConnected(u)) and "" or "Offline" ) end, ["race"] = function (u) return ( UnitRace(u) or "") end, ["pvp"] = function (u) return ( UnitIsPVP(u) and "PvP" or "" ) end, ["plus"] = function (u) return ( UnitIsPlusMob(u) and "+" or "" ) end, ["sex"] = function (u) local x = UnitSex(u) return ( (x==0) and "Male" or (x==1) and "Female" or "" ) end, ["rested"] = function (u) return (GetRestState()==1 and "Rested" or "") end, ["leader"] = function (u) return (UnitIsPartyLeader(u) and "(L)" or "") end, ["leaderlong"] = function (u) return (UnitIsPartyLeader(u) and "(Leader)" or "") end, ["happynum"] = function (u) return (GetPetHappiness() or 0) end, ["happytext"] = function (u) return ( getglobal("PET_HAPPINESS"..(GetPetHappiness() or 0)) or "" ) end, ["happyicon"] = function (u) local x=GetPetHappiness() return ( (x==3) and ":)" or (x==2) and ":|" or (x==1) and ":(" or "" ) end, ["curxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXP(u) or "") end, ["maxxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXPMax(u) or "") end, ["percentxp"] = function (u) local x=UnitXPMax(u) if (x>0) then return floor( UnitXP(u)/x*100+0.5) else return 0 end end, ["missingxp"] = function (u) return (UnitXPMax(u) - UnitXP(u)) end, ["restedxp"] = function (u) return (GetXPExhaustion() or "") end, ["tappedbyme"] = function (u) if UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target") then return "*" else return "" end end, ["istapped"] = function (u) if UnitIsTapped(u) and (not UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target")) then return "*" else return "" end end, ["pvpranknum"] = function (u) if (UnitPVPRank(u) >= 1) then return ((UnitPVPRank(u)-4) or "") else return "" end end, ["pvprank"] = function (u) if (UnitPVPRank(u) >= 1) then return (GetPVPRankInfo(UnitPVPRank(u), u) or "" ) else return "" end end, ["fkey"] = function (u) local _,_,fkey = string.find(u, "^party(%d)$") if u == "player" then fkey = 0 end if not fkey then return "" else return "F"..(fkey+1) end end, ["white"] = function (u) return "|cFFFFFFFF" end, ["aggro"] = function (u) local x = (UnitReaction("player",u) or 5) return self:GiveHex(UnitReactionColor[x].r, UnitReactionColor[x].g, UnitReactionColor[x].b) end, ["difficulty"] = function (u) if UnitCanAttack("player",u) then local x = (UnitLevel(u)>0) and UnitLevel(u) or 99 local color = GetDifficultyColor(x) return aUF:GiveHex(color.r,color.g,color.b) else return "" end end, ["colormp"] = function (u) local x = ManaBarColor[UnitPowerType(u)] return self:GiveHex(x.r, x.g, x.b) end, ["inmelee"] = function (u) if PlayerFrame.inCombat then return "|cffFF0000" else return "" end end, ["incombat"] = function (u) if UnitAffectingCombat(u) then return "|cffFF0000" else return "" end end, ["raidcolor"] = function (u) local _,x=UnitClass(u) if x and UnitIsPlayer(u) then return (self.RaidColors[x] or "") else return "" end end, } self.formats = { ["Health"] = { ["Absolute"] = "[aghp]", ["Difference"] = "[agmissinghp]", ["Percent"] = "[agpercenthp]", ["Smart"] = "[agsmarthp]", ["Hide"] = "", }, ["Mana"] = { ["Absolute"] = "[agmana]", ["Difference"] = "[agmissingmana]", ["Percent"] = "[agpercentmana]", ["Smart"] = "[agsmartmana]", ["Hide"] = "", }, ["Name"] = { ["Default"] = "[name]", ["Hide"] = "", }, ["Class"] = { ["Default"] = "[agtype][difficulty][level][white] [raidcolor][agclass][white] [agrace]", ["Hide"] = "", } } self.HelperFunctions = {} self.units = {} self.subgroups = {} self.changedSubgroups = {} end -- EVENTS function aUF:PLAYER_LOGIN() aUF:CreateObject("player","player","XP") aUF:CreateObject("pet","pet","XP") aUF:CreateObject("target","target","Combo") aUF:CreateObject("targettarget","targettarget","Metro") self:PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED() end function aUF:PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED() if then end if self.units.targettarget then if UnitExists("target") then self.units.targettarget:Start() else self.units.targettarget:Stop() end end end function aUF:PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED() for i = 1,4 do if aUF:CheckVisibility("party"..i) == true then aUF:CreateObject("party"..i) end if aUF:CheckVisibility("partypet"..i) == true then aUF:CreateObject("partypet"..i) end end end function aUF:RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE() for i = 1,40 do if aUF:CheckVisibility("raid"..i) == true then aUF:CreateObject("raid"..i,"raid"..i,"Raid") end end self:PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED() end function aUF:agUF_UpdateGroups() for name in self.changedSubgroups do if string.find(name,"party") then self.subgroups[name].raid = false end self.subgroups[name]:Update() end self.changedSubgroups = {} end -- UTILITY FUNCTIONS function aUF:CreateObject(name,unit,type,db) if not self.units[name] then if not unit then unit = name end if not type then self.units[name] = self.classes.aUFunit:new(name,unit,db) else self.units[name] = self.classes["aUFunit"..type]:new(name,unit,db) end end end function aUF:FindObjects(sortBy,object) local table = {} if not object then object = "units" end if self[object] then for _,v in self[object] do if v[sortBy] then if not table[v[sortBy]] then table[v[sortBy]] = {} end tinsert(table[v[sortBy]],v) end end end return table end function aUF:CallUnitMethods(func,arg,find,type,object) if not func then return end if find and type then if aUF:FindObjects(type)[find] then for _,unitObject in aUF:FindObjects(type,object)[find] do if unitObject[func] then unitObject[func](unitObject,arg) end end end else if not object then object = "units" end if self[object] then for _,unitObject in self[object] do unitObject[func](unitObject,arg) end end end end function aUF:CheckVisibility(unit) local _,_,type = string.find(unit, "(%a+)") -- if self.db.profile[type].AlwaysShow == true then -- return true -- end -- Special cases -- Hide targettarget if player is targetting self if unit == "targettarget" then if UnitName("player") == UnitName("target") then return false end -- Hide partyframes in raid elseif type == "party" then if self.db.profile.RaidHideParty == true and UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then return false end elseif type == "partypet" then if self.db.profile.RaidHideParty == true and UnitInRaid("player") == 1 then return false end local parent = string.gsub(unit,"pet","") if aUF:CheckVisibility(parent) == false then return false end elseif type == "raidpet" then local parent = string.gsub(unit,"pet","") if not aUF:CheckVisibility(parent) then return false end end if (UnitExists(unit) and not self.db.profile[type].HideFrame == true) then return true end end function aUF:UtilFactionColors(unit) local r, g, b = 0,0,0 local a = 0.5 if ( UnitPlayerControlled(unit) ) then if ( UnitCanAttack(unit, "player") ) then if ( not UnitCanAttack("player", unit) ) then r = self.ManaColor[0].r g = self.ManaColor[0].g b = self.ManaColor[0].b else r = self.ManaColor[1].r g = self.ManaColor[1].g b = self.ManaColor[1].b end elseif ( UnitCanAttack("player", unit) ) then r = self.ManaColor[3].r g = self.ManaColor[3].g b = self.ManaColor[3].b elseif ( UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then r = self.HealthColor.r g = self.HealthColor.g b = self.HealthColor.b else r = self.ManaColor[0].r g = self.ManaColor[0].g b = self.ManaColor[0].b end elseif ( UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) ) or UnitIsDead(unit) then r = 0.5 g = 0.5 b = 0.5 else local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, "player") if ( reaction ) then if reaction == 5 or reaction == 6 or reaction == 7 then r = self.HealthColor.r g = self.HealthColor.g b = self.HealthColor.b elseif reaction == 4 then r = self.ManaColor[3].r g = self.ManaColor[3].g b = self.ManaColor[3].b elseif reaction == 1 or reaction == 2 or reaction == 3 then r = self.ManaColor[1].r g = self.ManaColor[1].g b = self.ManaColor[1].b else r = UnitReactionColor[reaction].r g = UnitReactionColor[reaction].g b = UnitReactionColor[reaction].b end end end return {r = r,g = g,b = b} end function aUF:GiveHex(r,g,b) r=r*255 g=g*255 b=b*255 return string.format("|cff%2x%2x%2x", r, g, b) or "" end function aUF:GetRaidColors(class) if self.RaidColors[class] then return self.RaidColors[class] else return "|r" end end function aUF:TargetGetMobType(unit) local classification = UnitClassification(unit) if ( classification == "worldboss" ) then return "Boss " elseif ( classification == "rareelite" ) then return "Rare-Elite " elseif ( classification == "elite" ) then return "Elite " elseif ( classification == "rare" ) then return "Rare " else return nil; end end function aUF:UnitDebuff(unit,id,filter) local aura, count, t = UnitDebuff(unit,id) local _, eClass = UnitClass("player") if filter == 1 then if ( self.CanDispel[eClass] and self.CanDispel[eClass][t] == true or ( eClass == "PRIEST" and aura == "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_AshesToAshes") ) then return aura, count or 0, t end else return aura, count or 0, t end end function aUF:FeedbackUpdate() local maxalpha = 0.6 local found for objectName,v in do found = true local unitOjbect = aUF.units[objectName] local elapsedTime = GetTime() - unitOjbect.feedbackStartTime if ( elapsedTime < COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME ) then local alpha = maxalpha*(elapsedTime / COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME) unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(alpha) elseif ( elapsedTime < (COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME + COMBATFEEDBACK_HOLDTIME) ) then unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(maxalpha) elseif ( elapsedTime < (COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME + COMBATFEEDBACK_HOLDTIME + COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEOUTTIME) ) then local alpha = maxalpha - maxalpha*((elapsedTime - COMBATFEEDBACK_HOLDTIME - COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEINTIME) / COMBATFEEDBACK_FADEOUTTIME) unitOjbect.HitIndicator:SetAlpha(alpha) else unitOjbect.HitIndicator:Hide()[objectName] = nil end end if not found then self:CancelScheduledEvent("agUF_CombatSchedule") end end -- Dewdrop stuff function aUF:CreateMenu() self.dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0") local unitTable = {} unitTable.UnitHeader = { name = L"unitsettings", type = 'header', desc = "desc", order = 1, } for order,unit in ipairs(self.wowClasses) do unitTable[unit] = aUF:CreateDewdrop(unit,(order + 1),true) end local agDewdropMenu = { type= 'group', args = { AddonHeader = { name = L"addonname", type = 'header', desc = "desc", order = 1, }, Units = { name = L"units", type = 'group', desc = L"UnitDesc", args = unitTable, order = 2, }, Borders = { name = L"borders", type = 'text', desc = L"BordersDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.BorderStyle end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.BorderStyle = option self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground") self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups") end, validate = {"Classic", "Nurfed", "Hidden"}, order = 3, }, FrameColors = { type= 'group', name = L"framecolors", desc = L"framecolorsdesc", args = { partybg = { name = L"partybg", type = 'color', desc = L"partybgdesc", hasAlpha = true, get = function() return self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.a end, set = function(r, g, b, a) self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.PartyFrameColors.a = r, g, b, a self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground") self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups") end, order = 1, }, targetbg = { name = L"targetbg", type = 'color', desc = L"targetbgdesc", hasAlpha = true, get = function() return self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.a end, set = function(r, g, b, a) self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.r, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.g, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.b, self.db.profile.TargetFrameColors.a = r, g, b, a self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground") self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups") end, order = 2, }, border = { name = L"bordercolor", type = 'color', desc = L"bordercolordesc", hasAlpha = true, get = function() return self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.r, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.g, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.b, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.a end, set = function(r, g, b, a) self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.r, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.g, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.b, self.db.profile.FrameBorderColors.a = r, g, b, a self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground") self:CallUnitMethods("BorderBackground",nil,nil,nil,"subgroups") end, order = 3, }, }, order = 4, }, BarColors = { type= 'group', args = { Health = { name = L"health", type = 'color', desc = L"healthDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.HealthColor.r, self.db.profile.HealthColor.g, self.db.profile.HealthColor.b end, set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.HealthColor.r, self.db.profile.HealthColor.g, self.db.profile.HealthColor.b = r, g, b self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor") end, order = 1, }, Mana = { name = L"mana", type = 'color', desc = L"manaDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].b end, set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[0].b = r, g, b self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor") end, order = 2, }, Rage = { name = L"rage", type = 'color', desc = L"rageDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].b end, set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[1].b = r, g, b self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor") end, order = 3, }, Energy = { name = L"energy", type = 'color', desc = L"energyDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].b end, set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[3].b = r, g, b self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor") end, order = 4, }, PetFocus = { name = L"petfocus", type = 'color', desc = L"petfocusDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].b end, set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].r, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].g, self.db.profile.ManaColor[2].b = r, g, b self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor") end, order = 5, }, }, order = 5, name = L"barcolors", desc = L"barcolorsDesc", }, BarStyle = { name = L"barstyle", type = 'text', desc = L"BarStyleDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.BarStyle end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.BarStyle = option self:CallUnitMethods("BarTexture") end, validate = {"Classic", "Default","Smooth", "Bars", "Bumps", "Button", "Cloud", "Cracked", "Dabs", "Diagonal", "Gloss", "Grid", "Hatched", "Perl", "Rain", "Skewed", "Smudge", "Water", "Wisps","Charcoal","BantoBar"}, order = 6, }, ShowPvPIcon = { name = L"pvpicon", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowPVPIconDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ShowPvPIcon end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.ShowPvPIcon = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdatePvP",true) end, order = 7, }, ShowGroupIcons = { name = L"groupicon", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowGroupIconsDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.ShowGroupIcons end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.ShowGroupIcons = option self:CallUnitMethods("LabelsCheckLeader") end, order = 8, }, HighlightSelected = { name = L"highlightselected", type = 'toggle', desc = L"HighlightSelectedDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.HighlightSelected end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.HighlightSelected = option end, order = 9, }, Locked = { name = L"lock", type = 'toggle', desc = L"LockedDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.Locked end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.Locked = option end, order = 12, }, } } self.dewdrop:InjectAceOptionsTable(self, agDewdropMenu) return agDewdropMenu end function aUF:InitMenu() if not then = aUF:CreateMenu() end local agSlashMenu = { type = "group", args = { config = { name = L('config'), desc = L('configdesc'), type = 'execute', func = function() self.dewdrop:Open(UIParent, 'children', function() self.dewdrop:FeedAceOptionsTable( end,'cursorX', true, 'cursorY', true) end, }, reset = { name = L('reset'), desc = L('resetdesc'), type = 'execute', func = function() self:Reset() end, } } } self:RegisterChatCommand({ "/aguf", "/ag_unitframes" }, agSlashMenu ) end function aUF:CreateDewdrop(type,order,mainmenu) local class = type local prettyname = L(class) local strings = {"Health","Mana","Name","Class"} -- local strings = {"Health","Mana"} local stringArgs = {} for k,v in strings do local name = v local order = k local validate if v == "Health" or v == "Mana" then validate = {"Absolute", "Difference", "Percent", "Smart","Custom", "Hide"} else validate = {"Default","Custom", "Hide"} end stringArgs[v] = { name = name.." Text", type = 'group', desc = L"UnitDesc", order = order, args = { StatusTextStyle = { name = "Style", type = 'text', desc = L"StatusTextDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class][name.."Style"] end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class][name.."Style"] = option self:SetStringFormats(class) self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type") end, validate = validate, order = 1, }, HealthCustom = { name = "Custom", type = 'text', desc = L"StatusTextDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class][name.."Format"] end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class][name.."Format"] = option self:SetStringFormats(class) self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type") end, usage = "", order = 2, } } } end local table = { name = prettyname, type = 'group', desc = prettyname.." Settings", order = order, args = { UnitHeader = { name = prettyname.." "..L"layoutsettings", type = 'header', desc = "desc", order = 1, }, FrameStyle = { name = L"framestyle", type = 'text', desc = L"FrameStyleDesc", validate = {}, get = function() return self.db.profile[class].FrameStyle end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].FrameStyle = option self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type") self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateName",true,class,"type") end, order = 2, }, Width = { name = L"widthadjust", type = 'range', desc = L"widthadjustDesc", min = 50, max = 400, step = 1, get = function() return self.db.profile[class].Width end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].Width = option self:CallUnitMethods("SetWidth",nil,class,"type") end, order = 3, }, StatusTextStyle = { name = "Status Text", type = 'group', desc = L"UnitDesc", order = 5, args = stringArgs, }, Scale = { name = L"scale", type = 'range', desc = L"ScaleDesc", min = 0.5, max = 2, step = 0.01, isPercent = true, get = function() return self.db.profile[class].Scale end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].Scale = option self:CallUnitMethods("LoadScale",nil,class,"type") self:CallUnitMethods("LoadPosition",nil,class,"type") end, order = 7, }, ClassColorBars = { name = L"classcolorbar", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ClassColorBarsDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].ClassColorBars end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ClassColorBars = option self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor",nil,class,"type") end, order = 20, }, RaidColorName = { name = L"raidcolorname", type = 'toggle', desc = L"RaidColorNameDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].RaidColorName end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].RaidColorName = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateTextStrings",nil,class,"type") end, order = 21, }, ShowCombat = { name = L"showcombat", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowCombatDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].ShowCombat end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ShowCombat = option end, order = 23, }, ShowInCombatIcon = { name = L"showincombat", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowInCombatDesc", get = function () return self.db.profile[class].ShowInCombatIcon end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ShowInCombatIcon = option end, order = 24, }, ShowRaidTargetIcon = { name = L"showraidicon", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowRaidIconDesc", get = function () return self.db.profile[class].ShowRaidTargetIcon end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ShowRaidTargetIcon = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateRaidTargetIcon",true,class,"type") end, order = 25, }, LongStatusbars = { name = L"longbars", type = 'toggle', desc = L"LongBarsDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].LongStatusbars end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].LongStatusbars = option self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type") end, order = 26, }, HideMana = { name = L"hidemana", type = 'toggle', desc = L"HideManaDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].HideMana end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].HideMana = option self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type") self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateName",true,class,"type") end, order = 27, }, HideFrame = { name = L"hideframe", type = 'toggle', desc = L"HideFrameDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].HideFrame end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].HideFrame = option self:RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE() self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,class,"type") end, order = 29, }, Spacing1 = { name = " ", type = 'header', order = 35, }, AuraHeader = { name = L"aurasettings", type = 'header', order = 39, }, AuraStyle = { name = L"aurastyle", type = 'text', desc = L"AuraStyleDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].AuraStyle end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].AuraStyle = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type") self:CallUnitMethods("AuraPosition",true,class,"type") end, validate = {OneLine = L"oneline", TwoLines = L"twolines", Hide = L"hide"}, order = 40, }, AuraPos = { name = L"aurapos", type = 'text', desc = L"AuraPosDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].AuraPos end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].AuraPos = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type") self:CallUnitMethods("AuraPosition",true,class,"type") end, validate = {"Right", "Left", "Above", "Below"}, order = 41, }, DebuffColoring = { name = L"debuffcoloring", type = 'toggle', desc = L"DebuffColoringDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].AuraDebuffC end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].AuraDebuffC = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type") end, order = 42, }, AuraFilter = { name = L"aurafilter", type = 'toggle', desc = L"AuraFilterDesc", get = function() if self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter == 1 then return true else return false end end, set = function(option) if option == true then self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter = 1 else self.db.profile[class].AuraFilter = 0 end self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAuras",true,class,"type") end, order = 43, } } } -- Inject themes from the theme table local themetable = {} for k, v in self.Layouts do tinsert(themetable,k) end table.args.FrameStyle.validate = themetable -- PLAYER/PET --[[ if class == "player" then local ShowRestingIcon = { name = L"showresting", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowRestingDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].ShowRestingIcon end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ShowRestingIcon = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateResting",nil,class,"type") end, order = 26, } table.args.ShowRestingIcon = ShowRestingIcon end ]] if class == "player" or class == "pet" then local ShowXP = { name = L"showxp", type = 'toggle', desc = L"ShowXPDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile[class].ShowXP end, set = function(option) self.db.profile[class].ShowXP = option self:CallUnitMethods("ApplyTheme",nil,class,"type") end, order = 26, } table.args.ShowXP = ShowXP end if class == "pet" then local PetGrouping = { name = L"petgrouping", type = 'text', desc = L"PetGroupingDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.PetGrouping end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.PetGrouping = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll") end, validate = {["withplayer"] = L"withplayer", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup"}, order = 6, } table.args.PetGrouping = PetGrouping end if class == "pet" or class == "partypet" or class == "raidpet" then table.args.RaidColorName = nil table.args.ClassColorBars = nil end -- TARGET if string.find(class,"target") then local TargetShowHostile = { name = L"targetshowhostile", type = 'toggle', desc = L"TargetHostileDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.TargetShowHostile end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.TargetShowHostile = option self:CallUnitMethods("StatusBarsColor",nil,class,"type") end, order = 22, } table.args.TargetShowHostile = TargetShowHostile end -- PARTY if class == "party" then local RaidHideParty = { name = L"raidhideparty", type = 'toggle', desc = L"RaidHidePartyDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.RaidHideParty end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.RaidHideParty = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,"party","type") self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll",nil,"partypet","type") end, order = 28, } table.args.RaidHideParty = RaidHideParty local PartyGrouping = { name = L"partygrouping", type = 'text', desc = L"PartyGroupingDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.PartyGrouping end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.PartyGrouping = option self:PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED() self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll") end, validate = {["withplayer"] = L"withplayer", ["withoutplayer"] = L"withoutplayer", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup"}, order = 6, } table.args.PartyGrouping = PartyGrouping end -- RAID if class == "raid" then local RaidGrouping = { name = L"raidgrouping", type = 'text', desc = L"RaidGroupingDesc", get = function() return self.db.profile.RaidGrouping end, set = function(option) self.db.profile.RaidGrouping = option self:CallUnitMethods("UpdateAll") end, validate = {["bysubgroup"] = L"bysubgroup", ["byclass"] = L"byclass", ["byrole"] = L"byrole", ["nogroup"] = L"nogroup", ["onebiggroup"] = L"onebiggroup"}, order = 6, } table.args.RaidGrouping = RaidGrouping end if not mainmenu then = L(class).." "..L"frame" local EndSpacing = { name = " ", type = 'header', order = 51, } table.args.EndSpacing = EndSpacing end return table end function aUF:LoadStringFormats() for order,unit in ipairs(self.wowClasses) do self:SetStringFormats(unit) end end function aUF:SetStringFormats(type) local db = self.db.profile[type] local strings = {"Health","Mana","Name","Class"} if not aUF.HelperFunctions[type] then aUF.HelperFunctions[type] = {} end for k,v in strings do local format if db[v.."Style"] == "Custom" then format = db[v.."Format"] else format = self.formats[v][db[v.."Style"]] end aUF.HelperFunctions[type][v.."Text"] = self:Parse(format) end end -- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code -- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code-- Clads code -- Code Begins here local work = {} local strgsub, strsub, strgfind, strformat, strfind = string.gsub, string.sub, string.gfind, string.format, string.find function aUF:Parse(format) if not format then return nil end local formatArgs, formatString = {} for s,data,e in strgfind(format, "()(%b[])()") do local tag = strsub(data, 2, -2) local func = aUF:GetTagFunction(tag) if func then table.insert(formatArgs, func) else error(strformat("\"%s\" is not a valid format tag.", data)) end end formatString = strgsub(format, "%%", "%%%%") formatString = strgsub(formatString, "%b[]", "%%s") -- Lets avoid unpacking extra results local num = table.getn(formatArgs) local tmp = work[num] if not tmp then tmp = {} work[num] = tmp end if num == 0 then return function(unit, fontstring) fontstring:SetText(formatString) end else return function(unit, fontstring) for i,func in ipairs(formatArgs) do work[i] = func(unit) end fontstring:SetText(strformat(formatString, unpack(work))) end end end local helpers = {} function aUF:GetTagFunction(tag) -- Check if this is just a unit tag if aUF.UnitInformation[tag] then return aUF.UnitInformation[tag] end local s,e,tag,args = strfind(tag, "^(%a+)%s+(.*)$") if not tag then -- Not a pattern we can recognize return nil end -- Bind the unit function to a local for closure purposes local func = aUF.UnitInformation[tag] if not func then -- Not a tag we support return nil end local _,_,width = strfind(args, "^(%d+)$") if width then local id = strformat("%s-%d", tag, width) local hFunc = helpers[id] if not hFunc then hFunc = function(unit) return strsub(func(unit), 1, width) end helpers[id] = hFunc end return hFunc end local _,_,oc,ec = strfind(args, "^(.)(.)$") if oc then local id = strformat("%s-%s%s", tag, oc, ec) local hFunc = helpers[id] if not hFunc then hFunc = function(unit) local t = func(unit) if t ~= "" then return strformat("%s%s%s",oc,t,ec) else return t end end helpers[id] = hFunc end return hFunc end end function aUF:Tag_agmana(unit,flag) local currValue,maxValue = UnitMana(unit),UnitManaMax(unit) local perc = currValue/maxValue * 100 local manaDiff = maxValue - currValue local text = "" if ( not UnitExists(unit) or UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit) ) then return "" end if currValue > maxValue then maxValue = currValue end if currValue > 9999 then currValue = string.format("%.1fk", currValue / 1000) end if maxValue > 9999 then maxValue = string.format("%.1fk", maxValue / 1000) end if flag == 1 then return string.format("%.0f%%", perc) elseif flag == 2 then if manaDiff > 9999 then manaDiff = string.format("%.1fk", manaDiff / 1000) end return (currValue.."|cffff7f7f-"..manaDiff.."|r") elseif flag == 3 then return currValue else return (currValue.."/"..maxValue) end return text end function aUF:Tag_aghp(unit,flag) local currValue,maxValue = UnitHealth(unit),UnitHealthMax(unit) local perc = currValue/maxValue * 100 local text = "" local MHfound = false if ( UnitIsDead(unit) ) then return L("dead") elseif ( UnitIsGhost(unit) ) then return L("ghost") elseif ( not UnitIsConnected(unit) or maxValue == 1 ) then return L("disc") end if (MobHealth3 and not UnitIsFriend("player", unit) ) then currValue,maxValue,MHfound = MobHealth3:GetUnitHealth(unit, currValue,maxValue) end if currValue > maxValue then maxValue = currValue end local hpDiff = maxValue - currValue if currValue > 9999 then currValue = string.format("%.1fk", currValue / 1000) end if maxValue > 9999 then maxValue = string.format("%.1fk", maxValue / 1000) end if not flag and MHfound and not UnitIsFriend("player", unit) then return currValue .." (".. perc .."%)" end if not (flag == 1) and (MHfound or unit == "pet" or unit == "player" or UnitInParty(unit) or UnitInRaid(unit)) then if flag == 2 then if hpDiff > 0 then if hpDiff > 9999 then hpDiff = string.format("%.1fk", hpDiff / 1000) end return (currValue.."|cffff7f7f-"..hpDiff.."|r") else return currValue end elseif flag == 3 and hpDiff > 0 then if hpDiff > 9999 then hpDiff = string.format("%.1fk", hpDiff / 1000) end return "|cffff7f7f-"..hpDiff.."|r" elseif flag == 3 then return "" else return (currValue.."/"..maxValue) end else return string.format("%.0f%%", perc) end return text end -- Blizzard hide and show function aUF:UpdateBlizzVisibility() if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HidePlayerFrame == true then aUF:HideBlizzPlayer() else aUF:ShowBlizzPlayer() end if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HidePartyFrame == true then aUF:HideBlizzParty() else aUF:ShowBlizzParty() end if aUF.db.profile.BlizFramesVisibility.HideTargetFrame == true then aUF:HideBlizzTarget() else aUF:ShowBlizzTarget() end end function aUF:HideBlizzPlayer() PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLMISS") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") PlayerFrameHealthBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH") PlayerFrameHealthBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MANA") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HAPPINESS") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS") PlayerFrameManaBar:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") PlayerFrame:Hide() end function aUF:ShowBlizzPlayer() PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_SPELLMISS") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") PlayerFrameHealthBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH") PlayerFrameHealthBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HAPPINESS") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS") PlayerFrameManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE") PlayerFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") PlayerFrame:Show() end function aUF:HideBlizzParty() self:Hook("RaidOptionsFrame_UpdatePartyFrames", function() end) for i=1,4 do local frame = getglobal("PartyMemberFrame"..i) frame:UnregisterAllEvents() frame:Hide() end end function aUF:ShowBlizzParty() self:Unhook("RaidOptionsFrame_UpdatePartyFrames") for i=1,4 do local frame = getglobal("PartyMemberFrame"..i) frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED") frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBER_ENABLE") frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBER_DISABLE") frame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PET") frame:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PORTRAIT_UPDATE") frame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") UnitFrame_OnEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") PartyMemberFrame_UpdateMember() end end function aUF:HideBlizzTarget() TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED") TargetFrame:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") TargetFrame:Hide() ComboFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") ComboFrame:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS") end function aUF:ShowBlizzTarget() TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_CLASSIFICATION_CHANGED") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED") TargetFrame:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") TargetFrame:Show() ComboFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED") ComboFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS") end function aUF:tonum(val, base) return tonumber((val or 0), base) or 0 end function aUF:round(num) return floor(aUF:tonum(num)+.5) end