--[[ BagnonForeverTooltip Adds extra stuff to tooltips based on knowledge from BagnonForever --]] --gives a summary of characters who also have this item, and how many of the item they have. function BagnonForever_AddTooltipInfo(item) local character; local player = item:GetParent():GetParent().player; local link = BagnonDB_GetItemData(item); for character in BagnonDB[GetRealmName()] do if(character ~= player) then local countForChar = BagnonForever_GetTotalOfItemForPlayer(character, link); if(countForChar > 0) then GameTooltip:AddLine(character .. " has " .. countForChar); end end end GameTooltip:Show(); end --gets the total amount of the given item the player has function BagnonForever_GetTotalOfItemForPlayer(player, itemID) local count = 0; local bagID; itemID = BagnonDB_ToID(itemID); for bagID = -1, 10 do local size = BagnonDB_GetBagData(player, bagID); for itemSlot = 0, size do local id, _, itemCount = BagnonDB_GetItemDataFromSlot(player, bagID, itemSlot); if( id and BagnonDB_ToID(id) == itemID ) then count = count + itemCount; end end end return count; end