--[[ Bagnon Forever Localization file This provides a way to translate Bagnon_Forever into different languages. --]] BAGNON_FOREVER_VERSION = "6.6.30"; --[[ English - Default Language Any gaps in the translations are filled by English words. --]] --[[ Slash Commands ]]-- BAGNON_FOREVER_COMMAND_DELETE_CHARACTER = "delete" --[[ Messages from the slash commands ]]-- --/bgn help BAGNON_FOREVER_HELP_DELETE_CHARACTER = "/bgn " .. BAGNON_FOREVER_COMMAND_DELETE_CHARACTER .. " - Removes the given character's inventory and bank data."; --/bgn delete BAGNON_FOREVER_CHARACTER_DELETED = "Removed inventory data about %s of %s."; --[[ System Messages ]]-- --Bagnon Forever version update BAGNON_FOREVER_UPDATED = "Bagnon Forever data updated to v" .. BAGNON_FOREVER_VERSION .. "."; --[[ Tooltips ]]-- --Title tooltip BAGNON_TITLE_FOREVERTOOLTIP = " to switch characters."; --Total gold on realm BAGNON_FOREVER_MONEY_ON_REALM = "Total Funds On %s"; --[[ German Credit goes to Sarkan on Curse --]] if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then BAGNON_TITLE_FOREVERTOOLTIP = " um Charakter zu wechseln."; return; end --[[ French --]] if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then return; end