--[[ Dominos\main.lua Intializes and updates BongosSets, the global settings variable for Bongos --]] local function LoadDefaults(currentVersion) BongosSets = BProfile.GetDefaultValue("BongosSets") or { sticky = 1, locked = 1, version = currentVersion, dontReuse = 1, } BMsg("New user detected. Default settings loaded."); end local function UpdateVersion(currentVersion) BongosSets.dontReuse = 1; BongosSets.version = currentVersion; BMsg("Updated to v" .. currentVersion); end local function LoadVariables() local currentVersion = GetAddOnMetadata("Bongos", "Version"); if not BongosSets or not BongosSets.version or BongosSets.version > currentVersion then LoadDefaults(currentVersion); elseif BongosSets.version < currentVersion then UpdateVersion(currentVersion); end end BScript.AddEventAction("ADDON_LOADED", function(thisAction) if arg1 == "Bongos" then BScript.RemoveEventAction("ADDON_LOADED", thisAction); LoadVariables(); BProfile.RegisterForSave("BongosSets", LoadVariables); BProfile.RegisterForSave("BongosCustomScripts", LoadVariables); if IsAddOnLoaded("CT_BottomBar") then message("There is a conflict between CT_BottomBar and Bongos. Please disable CT_BottomBar if you want to use Bongos without issue."); end end end) BScript.AddEventAction("PLAYER_LOGIN", function(thisAction) BScript.RemoveEventAction("PLAYER_LOGIN", thisAction); BCustomScript.LoadAll(); end)