--[[ ChatBox by Norbet and the [many] unsung heroes. -- -- Change the chat groups to split out the Officer and Raid channels. -- ChatTypeGroup["PARTY"] = { "CHAT_MSG_PARTY" }; ChatTypeGroup["RAID"] = { "CHAT_MSG_RAID" }; ChannelMenuChatTypeGroups[6] = "RAID"; now iterate through the chat frames and add the new raid channel.. ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(chatFrame, "RAID"); now the hooks.. ChatBox_FCFMessageTypeDropDown_OnClick = function() -- For some reason the game refuses to save these in chat-cache.txt so I have to save them myself. if (this.value == "RAID") then local checked = UIDropDownMenuButton_GetChecked(); local chatFrameName = FCF_GetCurrentChatFrame():GetName(); if (not ChatBox[chatFrameName]) then ChatBox[chatFrameName] = {}; end if (checked) then ChatBox[chatFrameName][this.value] = nil; else ChatBox[chatFrameName][this.value] = 1; end end CB_Orig_FCFMessageTypeDropDown_OnClick(); end ChatBox_FCF_OpenNewWindow = function(name) CB_Orig_FCF_OpenNewWindow(name); local chatFrame; local chatTab; local frameName; for i=1, NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do chatFrame = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i); chatTab = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i.."Tab"); frameName = chatFrame:GetName(); if (chatTab:GetText() == name) then ChatFrame_AddMessageGroup(chatFrame, "RAID"); if (not ChatBox[frameName]) then ChatBox[frameName] = {}; end ChatBox[frameName]["RAID"] = 1; return; end end end ]]-- --init start vars... ChatBox_isLoaded = nil ChatBox_lastName = nil CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkEnter_Table = {}; CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkLeave_Table = {}; ChatBox_frameCount = 0 ChatBox_LastTell = "" ChatBox_actions = { banker=1, taxi=1, trainer=1, vendor=1 }; --misc stuff local linkstring = "%s|Hxhenc:%s%s|h[%s]|h|r" -- color, arg2 (name), arg1, link local linkstring2 = "%s|Hxhlink:%s%s|h[%s]|h|r" -- color, arg2 (name), arg1, link local itemcapstr = "|c[%a%d]+|Hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h%[([^%]]+)%]|h|r" local guildstring = "%s|Hxhguild:%s%s|h[%s]|h|r" -- color, arg2 (name), arg1, link --TODO get rid of maybe? local itemlinkformat = "item:" local playerlinkformat = "player:" local speciallinkformat = "xhenc:(%w+)(.+)" local portallinkformat = "xhlink:(%w+)(.+)" local hyperlinkformat = "ref:(.*)(%b[])|h" local guildlinkformat = "xhguild:(%w+)(.+)" local usedColors = {}; local usedNames = {}; -- Colors GRN ="|cff20ff20" YEL ="|cffffff00" RED ="|cffff0000" WHT ="|cffffffff" BLU ="|cff8888ff" DRKBLU ="|cff1b0495" ORN ="|cffff9C00" GRY ="|cffA0A0A0" END = "|r" local colorsubs = { [YEL] = { ["%[?Ara?ca?i?n?i?t?e? ?B?a?r? ?Tran?m?s?m?u?t?e?a?t?i?o?n?%]?"] = "Arcanite Transmute", ["Ara?ca?i?n?i?t?e? ?B?a?r? ?xmute"] = "Arcanite Transmute", ["Transmute?i?n?g?:? ?Ara?ca?n?i?t?e? ?B?a?r?"] = "Arcanite Transmute", }, [ORN] = { ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? Org?r?i?m?m?a?r?"] = "Portal: Orgrimmar", ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? Un?d?e?r?Ci?t?y?"] = "Portal: Undercity", ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? Th?u?n?d?e?r? ?Bl?u?f?f?"] = "Portal: Thunder Bluff", ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? Ir?o?n? ?Fo?r?g?e?"] = "Portal: Ironforge", ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? ST?o?r?m?Wi?n?d?"] = "Portal: Stormwind", ["Porta?l? ?f?t?o?r? Dara?n?na?s?s?u?a?i?s?"] = "Portal: Darnassus", } } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Item Relinker and ChatLink ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Turn CLINKs into normal item links. function ChatBox_Decompose (chatstring) if chatstring then chatstring = string.gsub (chatstring, "{CLINK:(%x+):(%d-):(%d-):(%d-):(%d-):([^}]-)}", "|c%1|Hitem:%2:%3:%4:%5|h[%6]|h|r") end return chatstring end -- Turn item links into CLINKs. function ChatBox_Compose (chatstring) if chatstring then chatstring = string.gsub (chatstring, "|c(%x+)|Hitem:(%d-):(%d-):(%d-):(%d-)|h%[([^%]]-)%]|h|r", "{CLINK:%1:%2:%3:%4:%5:%6}") end return chatstring end -- Translate item links into CLINKs on outgoing non-system channel messages. function ChatBox_SendChatMessage (msg, ...) local chan_num, chan_name = nil system, language, channel = unpack (arg) if ChatBox.CLINK and system == "CHANNEL" then chan_num, chan_name = GetChannelName (channel) if chan_name and not string.find (chan_name, CB_GENERAL) and not string.find (chan_name, CB_TRADE) and not string.find (chan_name, CB_LFG) and not string.find (chan_name, CB_LOCALDEF) and not string.find (chan_name, CB_WORLDDEF) then msg = ChatBox_Compose (msg) end end -- Pass along to original function. CB_Orig_SendChatMessage (msg, unpack (arg)) end function ChatBox_OnEvent(event) local function updateFriendsList() if not ChatBox.colorNames then return end; local numFriends = GetNumFriends(); for i = 1, numFriends do local name, _, class, _ = GetFriendInfo(i); if( class and name and class ~= "Unknown" ) then ChatBox_ClassData(name, class); end end end local function updateGuildList() if not ChatBox.colorNames then return end; local numGuild = GetNumGuildMembers(); for i = 1, numGuild do local name,_,_,_,class = GetGuildRosterInfo(i); if( class and name ) then ChatBox_ClassData(name, class); end end end if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then cb_display("|cffFFFFFF"..CB_LOADED .. CB_VERSION); if (not ChatBox) or (ChatBox and not ChatBox.version) or (ChatBox and ChatBox.version and ChatBox.version ~= CB_VERSION) then SetupChatVars(); updateFriendsList(); end --this purges our database of names once per month (to keep if from getting HUGE!) if ChatBox.date ~= date("%m") then cb_display(RED.. "Purging the "..YEL.."name<->color " .. RED .. "database from last month.") ChatBox_Names = {}; ChatBox.date = date("%m"); end --Extends the "default to last channel" keypress to include numbered and (possible) whisper channels. ChatBox_SetSticky(); --Alternative Global Strings ChatBox_SetStrings(); --make the arrows work in chat. if ChatBox.useArrows then ChatFrameEditBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false); end --Move EditBox to the top if ChatBox.editAtTop then ChatFrameEditBox:ClearAllPoints(); ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPLEFT", 0, 2); ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 2); end --show/hide the emote button if ChatBox.hideEmoteButton then ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide() end -- Move the side buttons to new spot ChatBox_Relocate_Buttons() -- setup the additional data for my player link menu. UnitPopupButtons["WHO"] = { text = TEXT(WHO), dist = 0 }; UnitPopupButtons["TARGET"] = { text = TEXT(CB_TARGET), dist = 0 }; UnitPopupButtons["IGNORE"] = { text = TEXT(IGNORE), dist = 0 }; UnitPopupButtons["ADDFRIEND"] = { text = TEXT(ADD_FRIEND), dist = 0 }; UnitPopupButtons["UNIGNORE"] = { text = TEXT(CB_UNIGNORE), dist = 0 }; UnitPopupButtons["REMOVEFRIEND"] = { text = TEXT(CB_REMOVEFRIEND), dist = 0 }; SetupPLM(); --to trigger the GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE event GuildRoster(); -- add current online friends elseif ( event == "FRIENDLIST_UPDATE" ) then updateFriendsList(); --now add the people when doing a WHO elseif ( event == "WHO_LIST_UPDATE" ) then local numWhoList = GetNumWhoResults(); if ( numWhoList and numWhoList > 20 ) then numWhoList = 20; end if ( not numWhoList ) then numWhoList = 2; end for i = 1, numWhoList do local name, _, _, _, class = GetWhoInfo(i); if( class ~= nil and name ~= nil ) then ChatBox_ClassData(name, class); end end -- add current online guild members elseif ( event == "GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" ) then updateGuildList(); end end function ChatBox_Relocate_Buttons() if ChatBox.menuOnLeft then spotSide = "LEFT"; spotEmote = "TOPLEFT"; else spotSide = "RIGHT"; spotEmote = "TOPRIGHT"; end if ChatBox_frameCount == 0 then return; end --put a for loop here to do all the frames. for i=1, 7 do -- Move the side buttons to new spot local frame1 = getglobal('ChatFrame'..i..'BottomButton'); local frame2 = getglobal('ChatFrame'..i); frame1:SetPoint("RIGHT", frame2, spotSide, 0, 0); frame1:SetPoint("LEFT", frame2, spotSide, -32, 0); frame1:SetPoint("TOP", frame2, "BOTTOM", 0, 28); frame1:SetPoint("BOTTOM", frame2, "BOTTOM", 0, 0); --change the resize limits of the scroll frame frame2:SetMinResize(32,32); frame2:SetMaxResize(1600,1600); --set MY script so that the hylerink on enter thing does what i want. CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkEnter_Table["ChatFrame"..i] = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):GetScript("OnHyperlinkEnter"); CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkLeave_Table["ChatFrame"..i] = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):GetScript("OnHyperlinkLeave"); getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):SetScript("OnHyperlinkEnter", ChatBox_OnHyperlinkEnter); getglobal("ChatFrame"..i):SetScript("OnHyperlinkLeave", ChatBox_OnHyperlinkHide); end ChatFrameMenuButton:SetAlpha(.4); ChatFrameMenuButton:ClearAllPoints(); ChatFrameMenuButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", ChatFrame1, spotEmote, 0, 0); end function SetupChatVars() cb_display(GRN .. "Different Version!" .. RED.. " Checking the vars"); if not ChatBox then ChatBox = {}; end ChatBox.date = date("%m"); ChatBox.version = tonumber(CB_VERSION); if ( ChatBox.setSticky == nil ) then ChatBox.setSticky = true; end if ( ChatBox.shortLFG == nil ) then ChatBox.shortLFG = true; end if ( ChatBox.useArrows == nil ) then ChatBox.useArrows = true; end if ( ChatBox.throttle == nil ) then ChatBox.throttle = 10; end if ( ChatBox.gthrottle == nil ) then ChatBox.gthrottle = 20; end if ( ChatBox.hideGossip == nil ) then ChatBox.hideGossip = true; end if ( ChatBox.longStrings == nil ) then ChatBox.longStrings = true; end if ChatBox.plm_shift == nil then ChatBox.plm_shift = ChatBox_specialSendWho; ChatBox.plm_shift_name = WHO; end if ( ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings == nil ) then ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings = { color = false, format = "[%H:%M:%S]", frames = { ChatFrame1 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame2 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame3 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame4 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame5 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame6 = CB_OFF, ChatFrame7 = CB_OFF, }, }; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Tiny Chat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBoxFrame_OnUpdate() --emote icon if ChatBox.hideEmoteButton and ChatFrameMenuButton:IsVisible() then ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide() end --button icons local frame1 = this:GetParent():GetName().."UpButton" local frame2 = this:GetParent():GetName().."DownButton" local frame3 = this:GetParent():GetName().."BottomButton" local frame4 = this:GetParent():GetName() if (getglobal(frame1)):IsVisible() then getglobal(frame1):Hide() end if (getglobal(frame2)):IsVisible() then getglobal(frame2):Hide() end if ( (getglobal(frame4)):AtBottom() or ChatBox.hideBottomButton ) then if (getglobal(frame3)):IsVisible() then getglobal(frame3):Hide() end else getglobal(frame3):Show() end end function ChatBoxFrame_OnMouseWheel(chatframe, value) if ( value > 0 ) then if IsShiftKeyDown() then chatframe:ScrollToTop() elseif IsControlKeyDown() then chatframe:ScrollUp() chatframe:ScrollUp() chatframe:ScrollUp() else chatframe:ScrollUp() end elseif ( value < 0 ) then if IsShiftKeyDown() then chatframe:ScrollToBottom() elseif IsControlKeyDown() then chatframe:ScrollDown() chatframe:ScrollDown() chatframe:ScrollDown() else chatframe:ScrollDown() end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Combined Onload ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBoxFrame_OnLoad() --count how many frames we have. ChatBox_frameCount = ChatBox_frameCount + 1 if (not ChatBox_isLoaded) then ChatBox_isLoaded = true; --vars loaded!! this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED") --anything to do with vars put there!! DOH!!! --to scan the guild and friend and wholist thing for class names. this:RegisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("FRIENDLIST_UPDATE"); this:RegisterEvent("WHO_LIST_UPDATE"); --hooks for the chat link relinker into other chat channels CB_Orig_SendChatMessage = SendChatMessage; SendChatMessage = ChatBox_SendChatMessage; -- Hooks for the enchantments CB_Orig_SetItemRef = SetItemRef; SetItemRef = ChatBox_SetItemRef; CB_Orig_ChatFrame_OnEvent = ChatFrame_OnEvent; ChatFrame_OnEvent = ChatBox_ChatFrame_OnEvent; -- Hook gossip window CB_Orig_GossipFrame_OnEvent = GossipFrame_OnEvent; GossipFrame_OnEvent = ChatBox_Gossip; -- hooks to do my own player link menu. CB_Orig_UnitPopup_HideButtons = UnitPopup_HideButtons; UnitPopup_HideButtons = ChatBox_UnitPopup_HideButtons; CB_Orig_UnitPopup_OnClick = UnitPopup_OnClick; UnitPopup_OnClick = ChatBox_UnitPopup_OnClick; --register the slash commands. SlashCmdList["CHATBOX"] = ChatBox_Commands; SLASH_CHATBOX1 = "/chatbox"; SLASH_CHATBOX2 = "/cb"; -- Enable slash commands SlashCmdList["TIMESTAMP"] = ChatBox_TimeStamp_Commands; SLASH_TIMESTAMP1 = "/timestamp"; SLASH_TIMESTAMP2 = "/ts"; -- Enable slash commands SlashCmdList["PLM"] = ChatBox_PLM_Commands; SLASH_PLM1 = "/playerlinkmenu"; SLASH_PLM2 = "/plm"; --telltarget (for those who want it..) SlashCmdList["TELLTARGET"] = ChatBox_TT_Commands; SLASH_TELLTARGET1 = "/telltarget"; SLASH_TELLTARGET2 = "/tellt"; SLASH_TELLTARGET3 = "/tt"; --clear all the chatframe boxes SlashCmdList["CLEARCHATCOMMAND"] = ChatBox_ClearChat_SlashCommands; SLASH_CLEARCHATCOMMAND1 = "/clearChat"; SLASH_CLEARCHATCOMMAND2 = "/clear"; SLASH_CLEARCHATCOMMAND3 = "/clr"; end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ChatBox ClearChat Slash Commands ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_ClearChat_SlashCommands(msg) local command = string.lower(msg); if (string.lower(msg) == "" ) then local chatFrame; for i = 1, 7 do chatFrame = getglobal("ChatFrame"..i); if( (chatFrame ~= nil) and chatFrame:IsVisible() ) then chatFrame:Clear(); end end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TellTarget ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handles a slash command function ChatBox_TT_Commands(msg) local target = UnitName('target'); if target == nil then msg = "You need to have someone targeted!"; target = UnitName("player"); end SendChatMessage(msg, "WHISPER", this.language, target) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Misc functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_specialSendWho(name) SendWho("n-"..name) end function ChatBox_check(state) if state then if state == true then return CB_ON else return tostring(state) end else return CB_OFF end end function ChatBox_check_color() if ( ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.color ) then --TODO double check. return "|cff" .. string.lower(ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.color) .. CB_TS_COLOR .. "|r"; else return RED .. CB_OFF end end function cb_display(output) local anyoutput = false; -- IF the output ends without a carriage return but has some in it, the entire message will not display for msg in string.gfind(output,"(.+)\n") do if (msg~=nil) then anyoutput = true; end DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg); end -- This basically means that there were no carriage returns if (not anyoutput) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(output); end end function ChatBox_SetSticky() --Extends the "default to last channel" keypress to include numbered and (possible) whisper channels. if ChatBox.setSticky then --ChatTypeInfo["WHISPER"].sticky = 1; ChatTypeInfo["CHANNEL"].sticky = 1; ChatTypeInfo["OFFICER"].sticky = 1; else --ChatTypeInfo["WHISPER"].sticky = 0; ChatTypeInfo["CHANNEL"].sticky = 0; ChatTypeInfo["OFFICER"].sticky = 0; end end function ChatBox_SetStrings() ---- Changing current global strings to more suitable ones ---- CHAT_FLAG_AFK = "[AFK] "; CHAT_FLAG_DND = "[DND] "; CHAT_FLAG_GM = "[GM] "; CHAT_WHISPER_GET = "From %s:\32"; -- Whisper from player %s CHAT_WHISPER_INFORM_GET = "To %s:\32"; -- A whisper already sent to player %s if ChatBox.longStrings then CHAT_GUILD_GET = "[Guild] %s:\32"; -- Guild message from player %s CHAT_RAID_GET = "[Raid] %s:\32"; -- Raid message from player %s CHAT_PARTY_GET = "[Party] %s:\32"; -- Party message from player %s CHAT_OFFICER_GET = "[Officer] %s:\32"; -- Officer message from player %s elseif ChatBox.shortStrings then CHAT_GUILD_GET = "[G] %s:\32"; -- Guild message from player %s CHAT_RAID_GET = "[R] %s:\32"; -- Raid message from player %s CHAT_PARTY_GET = "[P] %s:\32"; -- Party message from player %s CHAT_OFFICER_GET = "[O] %s:\32"; -- Officer message from player %s else CHAT_GUILD_GET = "%s:\32"; -- Guild message from player %s CHAT_RAID_GET = "%s:\32"; -- Raid message from player %s CHAT_PARTY_GET = "%s:\32"; -- Party message from player %s CHAT_OFFICER_GET = "%s:\32"; -- Officer message from player %s end end function SetupPLM() --NOTE: I should be insterting, removing these from the tables instead.... so it will work with OTHER mods, and be friendly! if ChatBox.plm then UnitPopupMenus["PARTY"] = {"WHO", "WHISPER", "TARGET", "PROMOTE", "LOOT_PROMOTE", "UNINVITE", "INSPECT", "TRADE", "FOLLOW", "DUEL", "ADDFRIEND", "REMOVEFRIEND", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["PLAYER"] = {"WHO", "WHISPER", "INSPECT", "INVITE", "TARGET", "IGNORE", "UNIGNORE", "TRADE", "FOLLOW", "DUEL", "ADDFRIEND", "REMOVEFRIEND", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["RAID"] = { "RAID_LEADER", "RAID_PROMOTE", "RAID_DEMOTE", "RAID_REMOVE", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["FRIEND"] = { "WHO", "WHISPER", "INVITE", "TARGET", "IGNORE", "UNIGNORE", "GUILD_PROMOTE", "GUILD_LEAVE", "ADDFRIEND", "REMOVEFRIEND", "CANCEL" }; else UnitPopupMenus["PARTY"] = { "WHISPER", "PROMOTE", "LOOT_PROMOTE", "UNINVITE", "INSPECT", "TRADE", "FOLLOW", "DUEL", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["PLAYER"] = { "WHISPER", "INSPECT", "INVITE", "TRADE", "FOLLOW", "DUEL", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["RAID"] = { "RAID_LEADER", "RAID_PROMOTE", "RAID_DEMOTE", "RAID_REMOVE", "CANCEL" }; UnitPopupMenus["FRIEND"] = { "WHISPER", "INVITE", "GUILD_PROMOTE", "GUILD_LEAVE", "CANCEL" }; end --Re-Set up alt key functionality if ( ChatBox.plm_alt_name == WHO ) then ChatBox.plm_alt = ChatBox_specialSendWho; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_alt_name == CB_TARGET) then ChatBox.plm_alt = TargetByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_alt_name == WHISPER ) then ChatBox.plm_alt = ChatFrame_SendTell; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_alt_name == PARTY_INVITE ) then ChatBox.plm_alt = InviteByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_alt_name == IGNORE ) then ChatBox.plm_alt = AddIgnore; end --Re-Set up the shift key functionality if ( ChatBox.plm_shift_name == WHO ) then ChatBox.plm_shift = ChatBox_specialSendWho; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_shift_name == CB_TARGET ) then ChatBox.plm_shift = TargetByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_shift_name == WHISPER ) then ChatBox.plm_shift = ChatFrame_SendTell; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_shift_name == PARTY_INVITE ) then ChatBox.plm_shift = InviteByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_shift_name == IGNORE ) then ChatBox.plm_shift = AddIgnore; end --Re-Set up change the control key functionality if ( ChatBox.plm_ctrl_name == WHO ) then ChatBox.plm_ctrl = ChatBox_specialSendWho; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_ctrl_name == CB_TARGET ) then ChatBox.plm_ctrl = TargetByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_ctrl_name == WHISPER ) then ChatBox.plm_ctrl = ChatFrame_SendTell; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_ctrl_name == PARTY_INVITE ) then ChatBox.plm_ctrl = InviteByName; elseif ( ChatBox.plm_ctrl_name == IGNORE ) then ChatBox.plm_ctrl = AddIgnore; end end function ChatBox_HashString(name) local hash = 17; for i = 1, string.len(name) do hash = hash * 37 * string.byte(name, i); end return hash; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ChatBox_AddMessage (for timestamp and shortening the channel name) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_AddMessage(this, msg, r, g, b, id) if (not msg) then return; end --remove chuck norris spam. It's annoying as hell. if (msg ~= nil and ChatBox.chuckNorris) then if string.find(string.lower(msg), "%s*chu?c?k?%s*nor?r?i?s?") and not (string.find(msg, CB_NORRIS_HELP_TEXT) or string.find(msg, CB_NORRIS_TEXT)) then if ChatBox.chuckNorris == CB_VERBOSE then msg = DRKBLU .. "[Something stupid about Chuck Norris]"; else return; end end end -- URL detection (from SCCN) if (msg ~= nil) then local urlFound = nil; local function GetURL(before, URL, after) urlFound = true; return before .. YEL .. "|Href:" .. URL .. "|h[".. URL .."]|h|r" .. after; end -- numeric IP's if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)(%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?:%d%d?%d?%d?%d?)(%s?)", GetURL); end; -- numeric IP's if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)(%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?)(%s?)", GetURL); end; -- TeamSpeak like IP's sub.domain.org:12345 or domain.com:123 if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)([%w_-]+%.?[%w_-]+%.[%w_-]+:%d%d%d?%d?%d?)(%s?)", GetURL); end; -- complete http urls if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)(%a+://[%w_/%.%?%%=~&-]+)(%s?)", GetURL); end; -- www.URL.com if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)(www%.[%w_/%.%?%%=~&-]+)(%s?)", GetURL); end; -- test@test.com if ( not urlFound ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(%s?)([_%w-%.~-]+@[_%w-]+%.[_%w-%.]+)(%s?)", GetURL); end; end -- Change LookingForGroup channel name to LFG if ChatBox.shortLFG then if (msg) then msg = string.gsub(msg, CB_LOOKINGFORGROUPCOMM, CB_SHORTLFGCOMM); end end --truncate channel names over 8 chars if ChatBox.truncLength and ChatBox.truncLength < 21 then if (msg ~= nil) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "%b[]", function(s) if string.find(s, "^%[%d") then s = string.gsub(s, "%a+", function (s) return string.sub(s, 1, ChatBox.truncLength) end) return s else return s; end end, 1 ) end end -- Translate CLINKs back into normal links on incoming messages. (from...CLINK!) if (ChatBox.CLINK and msg ~= nil) then msg = ChatBox_Decompose (msg) end --do the name coloring thing here! (sorta my own thing..) if (msg ~= nil and (this and getglobal(this:GetName() .. "TabText") and not string.find(getglobal(this:GetName() .. "TabText"):GetText(), "Combat")) and ( ChatBox.colorNames or ChatBox.colorRandom) ) then local _, _, _, name, _, type = string.find(msg, "(|Hplayer:.-|h%[)(%a+)(%])(.*:%s)"); if name and not string.find(name, "%s") and (type and not (string.find(type, CB_SAY) or string.find(type, CB_YELL)) ) then msg = string.gsub(msg, "(|Hplayer:.-|h%[)([%w]+)(%])", "%1" .. ChatBox_SetNameColor(nil, name) .. "%2|r%3"); end end -- Add the ChatBox_TimeStamp (TimeStamp stuff taken from TimeStamp!) if ( ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.frames[this:GetName()] == CB_ON ) then -- Generate the timestamp local stamp = date(ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.format); if (ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.color) then -- The timestamp should be colored msg = "|cff" .. string.lower(ChatBox.TimeStamp_Settings.color) .. stamp .. END .. msg; else -- The timestamp should use the same color as the message msg = stamp .. " " .. msg; end end this:Original_AddMessage(msg, r, g, b, id); --call the real AddMessage function end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ChatBox Tell Target (from TellTrack) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_TargetTell(name) if name then ChatFrame_SendTell(name); end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Player Link Menu Woot! TONS smaller (only 4k) than every OTHER ONE OUT THERE!! more efficient too! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_UnitPopup_HideButtons() CB_Orig_UnitPopup_HideButtons(); local dropdownMenu = getglobal(UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU); for index, value in UnitPopupMenus[dropdownMenu.which] do if ( value == "WHO" or value == "TARGET" ) then if ( dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") ) then UnitPopupShown[index] = 0; else UnitPopupShown[index] = 1; end elseif ( value == "IGNORE" ) then --kinda backasswards, but it works. if ( dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") or ChatBox_isOnIgnoreList(dropdownMenu.name) ) then UnitPopupShown[index] = 0; else UnitPopupShown[index] = 1; end elseif ( value == "UNIGNORE" ) then if ( dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") or not ChatBox_isOnIgnoreList(dropdownMenu.name) ) then UnitPopupShown[index] = 0; else UnitPopupShown[index] = 1; end elseif ( value == "ADDFRIEND" ) then if ( dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") or ChatBox_isPlayerFriend(dropdownMenu.name) ) then UnitPopupShown[index] = 0; else UnitPopupShown[index] = 1; end elseif ( value == "REMOVEFRIEND" ) then if ( dropdownMenu.name == UnitName("player") or not ChatBox_isPlayerFriend(dropdownMenu.name) ) then UnitPopupShown[index] = 0; else UnitPopupShown[index] = 1; end end end end function ChatBox_UnitPopup_OnClick() local index = this.value; local dropdownFrame = getglobal(UIDROPDOWNMENU_INIT_MENU); local button = UnitPopupMenus[this.owner][index]; local unit = dropdownFrame.unit; local name = dropdownFrame.name; local notFound = false; if ( button == "WHO" ) then SendWho("n-"..name); elseif ( button == "TARGET" ) then TargetByName(name); elseif ( button == "IGNORE" ) then AddIgnore(name); elseif ( button == "UNIGNORE" ) then DelIgnore(name); elseif ( button == "ADDFRIEND" ) then AddFriend(name); elseif ( button == "REMOVEFRIEND" ) then RemoveFriend(name); else notFound = true; end if notFound then CB_Orig_UnitPopup_OnClick(); else PlaySound("UChatScrollButton"); end end function ChatBox_isOnIgnoreList(checkname) local ignores = GetNumIgnores(); for i=1, ignores do local name = GetIgnoreName(i); if(name == checkname) then return true; end end return false; end function ChatBox_isPlayerFriend(checkname) local friends = GetNumFriends(); for i=1, friends do local name, level, class, area, connected = GetFriendInfo(i); if(name == checkname) then return true; end end return false; end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AutoSelect ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ChatBox_Gossip() if( event == "GOSSIP_SHOW" and ChatBox.hideGossip and not IsControlKeyDown() and not GetGossipAvailableQuests() and not GetGossipActiveQuests() ) then if(ChatBox_Gossip_Action()) then return; end end CB_Orig_GossipFrame_OnEvent(); end function ChatBox_Gossip_Action() local list = {GetGossipOptions()}; for i = 2,getn(list),2 do if(ChatBox_actions[list[i]]) then SelectGossipOption(i/2); return true; end end end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Custom Set ItemRef. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- called on hyperlink enter function ChatBox_OnHyperlinkEnter() if (CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkEnter_Table and CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkEnter_Table[this:GetName()]) then CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkEnter_Table[this:GetName()](); end local link = arg1; local text = arg2; local button = arg3; if not (IsShiftKeyDown() or IsControlKeyDown() or IsAltKeyDown()) then return; end if ( string.find(link, itemlinkformat) ) then ShowUIPanel(GameTooltip); GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_CURSOR"); GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(link); elseif string.find(link, speciallinkformat) then for name, msg in string.gfind( link, speciallinkformat ) do ChatBox_lastName = name; ShowUIPanel(GameTooltip); GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_CURSOR"); GameTooltip:ClearLines(); if (not IsControlKeyDown() ) then msg = formatText(msg) end GameTooltip:AddLine( " ", 0.5, 0.5, 1 ); GameTooltip:AddLine( name ); GameTooltip:AddLine( msg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); GameTooltip:Show(); end elseif string.find(link, portallinkformat) then for name, msg in string.gfind( link, portallinkformat ) do ChatBox_lastName = name; ShowUIPanel(GameTooltip); GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_CURSOR"); GameTooltip:ClearLines(); GameTooltip:AddLine( " ", 0.5, 0.5, 1 ); GameTooltip:AddLine( name ); GameTooltip:AddLine( msg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); GameTooltip:Show(); end end end -- called on hyperlink leave function ChatBox_OnHyperlinkHide() if (CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkLeave_Table[this:GetName()]) then CB_Orig_OnHyperlinkLeave_Table[this:GetName()](); end HideUIPanel(GameTooltip); end function ChatBox_SetItemRef(link, text, button) if ( IsControlKeyDown() and string.find(link, itemlinkformat) ) then DressUpItemLink(text); return; elseif ( IsShiftKeyDown() and ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() and string.find(link, itemlinkformat) ) then ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(text); return; elseif ( IsShiftKeyDown() and MacroFrameText and MacroFrameText:IsVisible() and string.find(link, itemlinkformat) ) then MacroFrameText:Insert(text); return; end if ( string.find(link, playerlinkformat) ) then local name = strsub(link, 8); if ( name and (strlen(name) > 0) ) then name = gsub(name, "([^%s]*)%s+([^%s]*)%s+([^%s]*)", "%3"); name = gsub(name, "([^%s]*)%s+([^%s]*)", "%2"); if ( button == "RightButton" ) then FriendsFrame_ShowDropdown(name, 1); return; end if ( IsShiftKeyDown() ) then -- execute a function action if type(ChatBox.plm_shift) == 'function' then ChatBox.plm_shift(name); return; end elseif ( IsControlKeyDown() )then -- execute a function action if type(ChatBox.plm_ctrl) == 'function' then ChatBox.plm_ctrl(name); return; end elseif ( IsAltKeyDown() ) then -- execute a function action if type(ChatBox.plm_alt) == 'function' then ChatBox.plm_alt(name); return; end else ChatFrame_SendTell(name); return; end end return; end --this is to setup the urlCopy functionality. for url in string.gfind( text, hyperlinkformat ) do getglobal( "ChatBoxHyperlinkerFormEditBox" ):SetText( url ); ChatBoxHyperlinkerForm:Show(); return; end --this is to setup the enchanter spam link... for name, msg in string.gfind( link, speciallinkformat ) do if( ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() and ChatBox_lastName and ChatBox_lastName == name ) then HideUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); ChatBox_lastName = nil; else ChatBox_lastName = name; ShowUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); if ( not ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() ) then ItemRefTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_PRESERVE"); end ItemRefTooltip:ClearLines(); if (not IsControlKeyDown() ) then msg = formatText(msg) end ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( " ", 0.5, 0.5, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( name ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( msg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:Show(); end return end --this is to setup the guild spam link... for name, msg in string.gfind( link, guildlinkformat ) do if( ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() and ChatBox_lastName and ChatBox_lastName == name ) then HideUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); ChatBox_lastName = nil; else ChatBox_lastName = name; ShowUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); if ( not ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() ) then ItemRefTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_PRESERVE"); end ItemRefTooltip:ClearLines(); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( " ", 0.5, 0.5, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( name ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( msg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:Show(); end return end --this is to special links (portals, xmutes, etc...) for name, msg in string.gfind( link, portallinkformat ) do if( ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() and ChatBox_lastName and ChatBox_lastName == name ) then HideUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); ChatBox_lastName = nil; else ChatBox_lastName = name; ShowUIPanel(ItemRefTooltip); if ( not ItemRefTooltip:IsVisible() ) then ItemRefTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_PRESERVE"); end ItemRefTooltip:ClearLines(); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( " ", 0.5, 0.5, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( name ); ItemRefTooltip:AddLine( msg, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ); ItemRefTooltip:Show(); end return end ChatBox_lastName = nil; --this still around for legacy reasons (other mods might also have hooks in this...) CB_Orig_SetItemRef(link, text, button); end function ChatBox_ChatFrame_OnEvent() --does the whole name color thing. if ( ChatBox.colorNames and strsub(event, 1, 8) == "CHAT_MSG" and arg2) then ChatBox_SetNameColor(event, arg2); end --saves who I talked to last (for tell target) if ( event == "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER_INFORM" ) then ChatBox_LastTell = arg2; end --hook this function, so I can disable the flashing of tabs? -- FCF_FlashTab(); --if we haven't already done so, hook the AddMessage function if(not this.Original_AddMessage) then this.Original_AddMessage = this.AddMessage; this.AddMessage = ChatBox_AddMessage; end if ( (event == "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL") or (event == "CHAT_MSG_SAY") or (event == "CHAT_MSG_YELL") and not (string.find(arg9, "LookingForGroup") or string.find(arg9, "Defense")) ) then --this is an ENCHANT... (from Enchanter Ad Shrinker by sacha) --need to have a check if there are any other links in the msg. it will screw up if there are. if ( ChatBox_IsEnch(arg1) ) then arg1 = string.gsub(arg1, "|", "") arg1 = string.format(linkstring, BLU, arg2, arg1, CB_SPAM_ENCHANTMENTS) if ((string.find(string.lower(arg1), CB_SPAM_WTS)) or (string.find(string.lower(arg1), CB_SPAM_ENCHANTING))) then arg1 = string.upper(CB_SPAM_WTS).." "..arg1 elseif ((string.find(string.lower(arg1), CB_SPAM_WTB)) or (string.find(string.lower(arg1), CB_SPAM_BUY)) or (string.find(string.lower(arg1), CB_SPAM_LOOKINGFOR))) then arg1 = string.upper(CB_SPAM_WTB).." "..arg1 end --is this GUILD spam??? --if there are item links in the text, it messes up. elseif ( ChatBox_IsGuild(arg1) ) then arg1 = string.format(guildstring, ORN, arg2, arg1, CB_SPAM_GUILD) else --lets color certain combination of words. (portals, lockpicks, etc...) for color,wordset in colorsubs do for word,sub in wordset do local a, b = string.find(string.lower(arg1), string.lower(word)); if (a and b) then local _, _, _, a1 = string.find(arg1, "xhenc:(.+)(.+)"); if (not a1) then a1 = string.gsub(arg1, itemcapstr, "[%1]"); a1 = string.gsub(a1, "|", "") arg1 = string.sub(arg1, 1, a-1).. string.format(linkstring2, color, arg2, a1, sub).. string.sub(arg1, b+1); end end end end end end CB_Orig_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event) end function ChatBox_IsEnch(str) if string.find(str, itemlinkformat) then return false; end local totalFound = 0 local numFound = 0 local text = string.lower(str) -- text = string.gsub(text, "|hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h[[][^]]+[]]|h", "") for key1,val1 in ChatBoxWords do for key2,val2 in val1 do if (string.find(text, val2)) then text, numFound = string.gsub(text, val2, " ") totalFound = totalFound + numFound end end end if ChatBox.throttle and totalFound >= ChatBox.throttle then return true else return false end end function ChatBox_IsGuild(str) if string.find(str, itemlinkformat) then return false; end local totalFound = 0 local numFound = 0 local text = string.lower(str) -- text = string.gsub(text, "|hitem:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+|h[[][^]]+[]]|h", "") for key1,val1 in ChatBoxGuildWords do if (string.find(text, val1)) then text, numFound = string.gsub(text, val1, " ") totalFound = totalFound + numFound end end if ChatBox.gthrottle and totalFound >= ChatBox.gthrottle then return true; else return false; end end function ChatBox_SetNameColor(event, arg2) --the only time information is added to my DBase, is with party/raid events. if ( event ) then if ( event == "CHAT_MSG_PARTY" ) then local numParty = GetNumPartyMembers(); for i=1, numParty do if ( UnitName("party"..i) == arg2 ) then localizedClass, englishClass = UnitClass("party"..i); ChatBox_ClassData(arg2, englishClass); elseif ( UnitName("player") == arg2 ) then localizedClass, englishClass = UnitClass("player"); ChatBox_ClassData(arg2, englishClass); end end end if ( event == "CHAT_MSG_RAID" ) then for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do local name, _, _, _, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(i); if ( name and name == arg2 ) then ChatBox_ClassData(arg2, class); end end end else return ChatBox_ClassData(arg2); end end function ChatBox_ClassData(arg2, class ) if arg2 then arg2 = string.upper(arg2); end if class then class = string.upper(class); end if not ChatBox then cb_display(RED.."Error #A1 in ClassData! " .. WHT .. "Please report this in the ChatBox forums at ui.worldofwar.net!!"); ChatBox = {}; end if not ChatBox_Names then ChatBox_Names = {}; end if not arg2 then return ""; end -- this retrieves the data. if not class then --this pulls the class color from the dbase! if ChatBox.colorNames then for name, color in ChatBox_Names do if name == arg2 then return color; end end end -- then we can assign them random colors! if ChatBox.colorRandom then --(From CleanChat) if not usedNames[arg2] then local hash = ChatBox_HashString(arg2); local rgb = { math.floor(math.mod(hash, 255)), math.floor(math.mod(hash * 3, 255)), math.floor(math.mod(hash / 17, 255)) }; local i; -- Make color bright if to dark if rgb[1] < 190 and rgb[2] < 190 and rgb[3] < 190 then i = math.mod(hash, 3) + 1; while rgb[i] < 190 do rgb[i] = rgb[i] + 60; end end local color = "|cff" .. string.lower(string.format("%02X%02X%02X", rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3] )); i = 1; -- max five loops to find new color, otherwise use default as fallback while usedColors[color] or ( color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_MAGE) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_WARLOCK) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_PRIEST) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_DRUID) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_SHAMAN) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_PALADIN) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_ROGUE) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_HUNTER) or color == ChatBox_GetClassColor(CB_CLASS_WARRIOR)) and i < 6 do color = "|cff" .. string.lower(string.format("%02X%02X%02X", rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3] )); i = i + 1; end usedColors[color] = true; --now color their name. usedNames[arg2] = color end return usedNames[arg2]; end else --have to check if I already have the name there... local found; for name, color in ChatBox_Names do if name == arg2 then found = true; end end --only get here if I don't find the name in my dbase. if not found then local color = ChatBox_GetClassColor( class ); ChatBox_Names[arg2] = color; end end -- never retrieved a color, so... return ""; end function ChatBox_GetClassColor( class ) --class is CAPS!! --from IdentiChat. local classcolor = ""; --coloring class text if (class == CB_CLASS_MAGE) then classcolor = "|cff7fffff"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_WARLOCK) then classcolor = "|cff7f4ce5"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_PRIEST) then classcolor = "|cffcccccc"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_DRUID) then classcolor = "|cffe59919"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_SHAMAN) then classcolor = "|cffe566b2"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_PALADIN) then classcolor = "|cffff6699"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_ROGUE) then classcolor = "|cffe5e519"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_HUNTER) then classcolor = "|cff19cc19"; elseif (class == CB_CLASS_WARRIOR) then classcolor = "|cffb27f4c"; end return classcolor; end function formatText(msg) --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(":"..msg) msg = string.lower(msg); msg = string.gsub(msg, ":", "") msg = string.gsub(msg, "=", "") --this gray's out the price of the enchant (or tries to) msg = string.gsub(msg, "%b()", function(s) if string.find(s, "%d+") then return GRY..s..END; else return s; end end ) --this removes all double spaces. msg = string.gsub(msg, "%s+", " "); --have to seperate letters and parenthesis --do it for letter as a prefix to the paren. start_search = 1 for w in string.gfind(msg, "%(") do local a, b = string.find(msg, "%w%(", start_search); if a and b then msg = string.sub(msg, 1, b-1) .. " " .. string.sub(msg, b, string.len(msg)); start_search = b+1; end end --do it for letter as a prefix to the paren. start_search = 1; for w in string.gfind(msg, "%)") do local a, b = string.find(msg, "%)%w", start_search); if a and b then msg = string.sub(msg, 1, a) .. " " .. string.sub(msg, a+1, string.len(msg)); start_search = b+1; end end newmsg = ""; for w1, word, w4, space in string.gfind(msg, "(%p*)(%w+)(%p*)(%s?)") do --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(":"..w1..word..w4) --DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(":"..word) --have to seperate letters and numbers *except for "g", "h", etc... --do it for number as a prefix. for n, w in string.gfind(word, "(%d+)(%a+)") do if not string.find(word, "cff") then if string.len(w) > 1 then word = n .. " " .. w; end end end --do it for number as a suffix. for w, n in string.gfind(word, "(%a+)(%d+)") do if not string.find(word, "cff") then if string.len(w) > 1 then word = w .. " " .. n; end end end for key1,val1 in ChatBoxWords.equip do local temp_word = string.lower(val1); local a, b = string.find(word, temp_word); if a and b then if string.sub(word, a, b+1) == temp_word .. "s" then temp_word = temp_word .. "s"; end word = string.gsub(word, temp_word, ORN.."\n\n"..string.upper(temp_word)..": "..END); end end for key1,val1 in ChatBoxWords.stats do if word == val1 then word = string.gsub(word, val1, YEL..val1..END); end end for key1,val1 in ChatBoxWords.riding do if word == val1 then word = string.gsub(word, val1, GRN..val1..END); end end for key1,val1 in ChatBoxWords.bonusdmg do word = string.gsub(word, val1, RED..val1..END); end newmsg = newmsg..w1..word..w4..space; end return newmsg; end