-- english translation by ME! -- DON'T forget to modify the other translations as well when you change something!! -- CB_SAY CB_YELL --added checks for random name coloring so that there won't be any confusion with class colors --removed name coloring for anthing not [SillySam]: hello world (says, yells, emotes, lootmessages, etc.) --possible fix for :742 nil error --settings made global CB_LOADED = "ChatBox loaded. Version: "; --ONLY present in this file. CB_VERSION = 1.20; CB_HELPTITLE = "ChatBox help!"; CB_TS_HELPTITLE = "TimeStamp help!"; CB_OPTIONS = "options"; CB_HELP = "help"; CB_SHORTCUTS = "ShortCuts: sti, lfg, bot, thr, gthr, gos, use, edit, emo, left, name, rand, long, trunc, clink, norris"; --ONLY present in this file. CB_STICKY = "sticky"; CB_SHORTLFG = "shortLFG"; CB_HIDEBOTTOMBUTTON = "hideBottomButton"; CB_THROTTLE = "throttle"; CB_GTHROTTLE = "gthrottle"; CB_HIDEGOSSIP = "hideGossip"; CB_USEARROWS = "useArrows"; CB_EDITATTOP = "editAtTop"; CB_HIDEEMOTEBUTTON = "hideEmoteButton"; CB_MENUSIDE = "buttonsOnLeft"; CB_COLORNAMES = "colorNames"; CB_COLORRANDOM = "colorRandom"; CB_LONGSTRINGS = "longStrings"; CB_TRUNCLENGTH = "truncLength"; CB_CLINK = "clink"; CB_NORRIS = "chuckNorris"; CB_VERBOSE = "verbose"; CB_ERRORMSG = "You have typed an invalid option. Type /chatbox or /cb to see the options"; --ONLY present in this file. CB_STICKY_SHORT = "sti"; CB_SHORTLFG_SHORT = "lfg"; CB_HIDEBOTTOMBUTTON_SHORT = "bot"; CB_THROTTLE_SHORT = "thr"; CB_GTHROTTLE_SHORT = "gthr"; CB_HIDEGOSSIP_SHORT = "gos"; CB_USEARROWS_SHORT = "use"; CB_EDITATTOP_SHORT = "edit"; CB_HIDEEMOTEBUTTON_SHORT = "emo"; CB_MENUSIDE_SHORT = "left"; CB_COLORNAMES_SHORT = "name"; CB_COLORRANDOM_SHORT = "rand"; CB_LONGSTRINGS_SHORT = "long"; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_SHORT = "trunc"; CB_CLINK_SHORT = "clink"; CB_NORRIS_SHORT = "norris"; CB_STICKY_HELP_TEXT = " - change the default sticky behavior"; CB_SHORTLFG_HELP_TEXT = " - change the LookingForGroup channel tag to LFG"; CB_HIDEBOTTOMBUTTON_HELP_TEXT = " - hide/show the scroll-to-bottom button "; CB_THROTTLE_HELP_TEXTA = " - change the number of words that must match for enchant nuker"; CB_THROTTLE_HELP_TEXTB = "to disable, "; CB_THROTTLE_HELP_TEXTC = " are acceptable values "; CB_GTHROTTLE_HELP_TEXTA = " - change the number of words that must match for guild nuker"; CB_GTHROTTLE_HELP_TEXTB = "to disable, "; CB_GTHROTTLE_HELP_TEXTC = " are acceptable values "; CB_HIDEGOSSIP_HELP_TEXT = " - show/hide the idle gossip frame when talking to NPC's. "; CB_USEARROWS_HELP_TEXT = " - use the arrow keys to navigate chat edit box. "; CB_EDITATTOP_HELP_TEXT = " - place the edit box at the top of the scroll frame. " CB_HIDEEMOTEBUTTON_HELP_TEXT = " - show/hide the emote/language button"; CB_MENUSIDE_HELP_TEXT = " - Do you want the buttons on the left side? "; CB_COLORNAMES_HELP_TEXT = " - names in chat colored?"; CB_COLORRANDOM_HELP_TEXT = " - names in chat colored randomly? (only if their class is unknown.)"; CB_LONGSTRINGS_HELP_TEXT = " - show [Party][Raid][Guild][Officer] in chat."; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_HELP_TEXTA = " - change the length of channel names in chat"; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_HELP_TEXTB = "to disable, "; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_HELP_TEXTC = " are acceptable values "; CB_CLINK_HELP_TEXT = " - allow you to link items (as links) into custom chat channels.\n (others must have this mod to see them.)\n"; CB_NORRIS_HELP_TEXT = " - allow you to nuke Chuck Norris spam."; CB_STICKY_TEXT = "Sticky is now: "; CB_SHORTLFG_TEXT = "Short LFG tag is now: "; CB_HIDEBOTTOMBUTTON_TEXT = "The Scroll-to-Bottom button is now: "; CB_THROTTLE_TEXTA = "Enchanter spam nuker throttle set to: "; CB_THROTTLE_TEXTB = "Please select a number from: "; CB_GTHROTTLE_TEXTA = "Guild spam nuker throttle set to: "; CB_GTHROTTLE_TEXTB = "Please select a number from: "; CB_HIDEGOSSIP_TEXT = "The hide Gossip functionality is now: "; CB_USEARROWS_TEXT = "Using the arrow keys to navigate chat edit box: "; CB_EDITATTOP_TEXTA = "The editbox is now at the "; CB_EDITATTOP_TEXTB = " of the scroll frame."; CB_HIDEEMOTEBUTTON_TEXT = "The emote/lang. button is now: "; CB_MENUSIDE_TEXT = "The buttons change to the left is now: "; CB_COLORNAMES_TEXT = "The coloring of names is chat is now: "; CB_COLORRANDOM_TEXT = "The random coloring of names is chat is now: "; CB_LONGSTRINGS_TEXT = "Showing the [Party][Raid][Guild][Officer] in chat are now: "; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_TEXTA = "Trunc Length is now set to: "; CB_TRUNCLENGTH_TEXTB = "Please select a number from: "; CB_CLINK_TEXT = "Allowing you to link items (as links) into custom channels is now: "; CB_NORRIS_TEXT = "The Chuck Norris spam nuker is now: "; CB_ON = "ON"; CB_OFF = "OFF"; CB_TOP = "TOP"; CB_BOTTOM = "BOTTOM"; CB_LOOKINGFORGROUPCOMM = "LookingForGroup"; CB_SHORTLFGCOMM = "LFG"; --todo add other channels too! CB_SAY = "say"; CB_YELL = "yell"; --Stuff for the player link menu. CB_TARGET = "Target"; CB_REMOVEFRIEND = "Remove Friend"; CB_UNIGNORE = "Unignore"; CB_PLM_HELP_TEXT = " - on/off to turn on the tweaked right-click menu."; CB_PLM_TEXT = "The extra options right-click menu is now: "; CB_PLM_HELPA = "To setup, type /plm AAAA BBBB, \n where AAAA is the key you want to assign (alt, shift, ctrl)\n"; CB_PLM_HELPB = " and BBBB is the function. "; CB_PLM_HELPC = "(who, target, whisper, invite, ignore)"; CB_PLM_HELPD = "This will only affect the left mouse button click."; CB_PLM_ALT = "alt"; CB_PLM_SHIFT = "shift"; CB_PLM_CTRL = "ctrl"; CB_PLM_ALT_TEXT_HELP = "The ALT hotkey is set to: "; CB_PLM_SHIFT_TEXT_HELP = "The SHIFT hotkey is set to: "; CB_PLM_CTRL_TEXT_HELP = "The CTRL hotkey is set to: "; CB_SPAM_WTS = "wts"; CB_SPAM_WTB = "wtb"; CB_SPAM_ENCHANTING = "enchanting"; CB_SPAM_BUY = "buy"; CB_SPAM_LOOKINGFOR = "looking for"; CB_SPAM_ENCHANTMENTS = "Enchantments"; CB_SPAM_GUILD = "Guild Info"; CB_CLASS_MAGE = "MAGE"; CB_CLASS_WARLOCK = "WARLOCK"; CB_CLASS_PRIEST = "PRIEST"; CB_CLASS_DRUID = "DRUID"; CB_CLASS_SHAMAN = "SHAMAN"; CB_CLASS_PALADIN = "PALADIN"; CB_CLASS_ROGUE = "ROGUE"; CB_CLASS_HUNTER = "HUNTER"; CB_CLASS_WARRIOR = "WARRIOR"; CB_TS_COLOR = "color"; CB_TS_FORMAT = "format"; CB_TS_FRAMES = "frames"; CB_TS_RESET = "reset"; CB_TS_FORMAT_TEXT = "TimeStamp format is : " --CB_TS_ENABLE_TEXT = "Global TimeStamps are : " CB_TS_RESET_TEXT = "TimeStamps have been RESET!"; CB_TS_COLOR_HELP_TEXT = " - Change the color of the timestamps (off to disable)"; CB_TS_FORMAT_HELP_TEXTA = " - Changes the format of the timestamp."; CB_TS_FORMAT_HELP_TEXTB = " (%H: 24-hour, %I: 12-hour, %M: minute, %S: second, %p: AM/PM)"; CB_TS_RESET_HELP_TEXT = " - Resets the timestamps to their default behavior."; CB_TS_ENABLE_HELP_TEXT = " - ON or OFF will change this behaviour." CB_TIMESTAMP_FRAMEENABLED = "Timestamps have been enabled for '%s'."; CB_TIMESTAMP_FRAMEDISABLED = "Timestamps have been disabled for '%s'."; CB_TIMESTAMP_FRAME_HELP1 = "Only type the number of the frame you want to change."; CB_TIMESTAMP_FRAME_HELP2 = "/ts on 3 - This will enable timestamps for ChatFrame3"; CB_TS_FRAMESTATUS_TEXT = "Timestamps for %1$s are : %2$s."; CB_TS_COLOR_TEXT = "Timestamp coloring is now : "; -- System channel names. --todo integrate this with ShortLGF? CB_GENERAL = "General"; CB_TRADE = "Trade"; CB_LFG = "LookingForGroup"; CB_LOCALDEF = "LocalDefense"; CB_WORLDDEF = "WorldDefense"; --key binding stuff BINDING_HEADER_CHATBOX = "ChatBox"; BINDING_NAME_CHATBOXTELLTARGET = "Tell Target"; BINDING_NAME_CHATBOXRETELL = "ReTell"; ChatBoxWords = { ["misc"] = { "ench", "1h", "2h", }, ["equip"] = { "bracer", "chest", "boots", "gloves", "back", "weapon", "shield", }, ["types"] = { "beast", "fire", "fiery", "icy", "ice", "chill", "demon", "slaying", "beast", "crusader", "unholy", }, ["colors"] = { "glow", "blue", "green", }, ["stats"] = { "agi", "str", "sta", "int", "spi", "spt", "agil", "stam", "stm", "intl", "spr", "stats", }, ["category"] = { "health", "hp", "mana", "mp", "armor", "def", "res", }, ["bonusdmg"] = { "dmg", "attack", "speed", }, ["riding"] = { "riding"; "skill"; "running"; } } --Guild words! ChatBoxGuildWords = { "new", "guild", "members?", "level", "raids?", "instances?", "battlegrounds?", "PST", "active", "tabbard", "apply", "week[ly]?", "quest[ing]?", "people", "adivice", "join", "end", "game", "players?", "welcome", "class[es]?", "professions?", "website", "runs?", "ventrilo", "vent", "teamspeak", "forums?", "private", "intereset[ed]?", "instances", "accept[ing]?", "gear[ing]?", }