-- WARNING -- THE COMMENTED OUT ABILITIES ARE THERE FOR A REASON -- PLEASE DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, OTHERWISE THINGS WILL PROBABLY BREAK if ( GetLocale() == "enUS" ) then CEnemyCastBar_Spells = { -- IMPORTANT: Maybe some spells which cause debuffs have to be moved to CEnemyCastBar_Afflicitions to be shown -- "g=0" prevents a bar if a player gains this spell. "g=x" shows a bar of x seconds instead of "t=x" if it's a gain. -- "i=x" shows a bar of x seconds additional to "t" (everytime) -- All Classes -- General ["Hearthstone"] = {t=10.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Rune_01"}; -- Trinkets & Racials ["Brittle Armor"] = {t=20.0, d=120, icontex="Spell_Shadow_GrimWard"}; -- gain ["Unstable Power"] = {t=20.0, d=120, icontex="Spell_Lightning_LightningBolt01"}; -- gain ["Restless Strength"] = {t=20.0, d=120, icontex="Spell_Shadow_GrimWard"}; -- gain ["Ephemeral Power"] = {t=15.0, d=90, icontex="Spell_Holy_MindVision"}; -- gain ["Arcane Power"] = {t=15.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Nature_Lightning"}; -- gain ["Massive Destruction"] = {t=20.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Fire_WindsofWoe"}; -- gain ["Arcane Potency"] = {t=20.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Arcane_StarFire"}; -- gain ["Energized Shield"] = {t=20.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Nature_CallStorm"}; -- gain ["Brilliant Light"] = {t=20.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Holy_MindVision"}; -- gain ["Will of the Forsaken"] = {t=5.0, d=120, icontex="Spell_Shadow_RaiseDead"}; -- gain ["Perception"] = {t=20.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Nature_Sleep"}; -- gain ["Mar'li's Brain Boost"] = {t=30.0, d=180, icontex="INV_ZulGurubTrinket"}; -- gain ["War Stomp"] = {t=0.5, d=120, icontex="Ability_WarStomp"}; ["Stoneform"] = {t=8.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyStrength"}; ["Shadowguard"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_LightningShield"}; ["Earthstrike"] = {t=20.0, d=120, icontex="Spell_Nature_AbolishMagic"}; -- gain ["Gift of Life"] = {t=20.0, d=300, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Pearl_05"}; -- gain ["Nature Aligned"] = {t=20.0, d=300, icontex="Spell_Nature_SpiritArmor"}; -- gain -- Engineering ["Frost Reflector"] = {t=5.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostWard"}; -- gain ["Shadow Reflector"] = {t=5.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_AntiShadow"}; -- gain ["Fire Reflector"] = {t=5.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_SealOfFire"}; -- gain -- First Aid ["First Aid"] = {t=8.0, d=60, icontex="Spell_Holy_Heal"}; -- gain ["Linen Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_15"}; ["Heavy Linen Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_18"}; ["Wool Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_14"}; ["Heavy Wool Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_17"}; ["Silk Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_01"}; ["Heavy Silk Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_02"}; ["Mageweave Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_19"}; ["Heavy Mageweave Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_20"}; ["Runecloth Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_11"}; ["Heavy Runecloth Bandage"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Bandage_12"}; -- Druid ["Healing Touch"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_HealingTouch"}; ["Regrowth"] = {t=2.0, g=21.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_ResistNature"}; ["Rebirth"] = {t=2.0, d=1800.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Reincarnation"}; ["Starfire"] = {t=3.5, icontex="Spell_Arcane_StarFire"}; ["Wrath"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_AbolishMagic"}; ["Entangling Roots"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_StrangleVines"}; ["Dash"] = {t=15.0, d=300.0, icontex="Ability_Druid_Dash"}; -- gain ["Hibernate"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_Sleep"}; ["Soothe Animal"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Ability_Hunter_BeastSoothe"}; ["Barkskin"] = {t=15.0, d=60, icontex="Spell_Nature_StoneClawTotem"}; -- gain ["Innervate"] = {t=20.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Lightning"}; -- gain ["Teleport: Moonglade"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportMoonglade"}; ["Tiger's Fury"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Ability_Mount_JungleTiger"}; -- gain ["Frenzied Regeneration"] = {t=10.0, d=180.0, icontex="Ability_BullRush"}; -- gain ["Rejuvenation"] = {t=12.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Rejuvenation"}; -- gain ["Abolish Poison"] = {t=8.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_NullifyPoison_02"}; -- gain ["Tranquility"] = {t=10.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Tranquility"}; -- Hunter ["Aimed Shot"] = {t=3.0, d=6.0, icontex="INV_Spear_07"}; ["Scare Beast"] = {t=1.0, d=30.0, icontex="Ability_Druid_Cower"}; ["Volley"] = {t=6.0, d=60.0, icontex="Ability_Marksmanship"}; ["Dismiss Pet"] = {t=5.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_SpiritWolf"}; ["Revive Pet"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Ability_Hunter_BeastSoothe"}; ["Eyes of the Beast"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Ability_EyeOfTheOwl"}; ["Rapid Fire"] = {t=15.0, d=300.0, icontex="Ability_Hunter_RunningShot"}; -- gain ["Deterrence"] = {t=10, d=300.0, icontex="Ability_Whirlwind"}; -- gain ["Multi-Shot"] = {d=10.0, icontex="Ability_UpgradeMoonGlaive"}; -- Mage ["Frostbolt"] = {t=2.5, icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02"}; ["Fireball"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_FlameBolt"}; ["Conjure Water"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Drink_18"}; ["Conjure Food"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Food_33"}; ["Conjure Mana Ruby"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Ruby_01"}; ["Conjure Mana Citrine"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_01"}; ["Conjure Mana Jade"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_02"}; ["Conjure Mana Agate"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_01"}; ["Polymorph"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_Polymorph"}; ["Pyroblast"] = {t=6.0, d=60.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_Fireball02"}; ["Scorch"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Fire_SoulBurn"}; ["Flamestrike"] = {t=3.0, r="Death Talon Hatcher", a=2.5, icontex="Spell_Fire_SelfDestruct"}; ["Slow Fall"] = {t=30.0, icontex="Spell_Magic_FeatherFall"}; -- gain ["Portal: Darnassus"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalDarnassus"}; ["Portal: Thunder Bluff"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalThunderBluff"}; ["Portal: Ironforge"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalIronForge"}; ["Portal: Orgrimmar"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalOrgrimmar"}; ["Portal: Stormwind"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalStormWind"}; ["Portal: Undercity"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalUnderCity"}; ["Teleport: Darnassus"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportDarnassus"}; ["Teleport: Thunder Bluff"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportThunderBluff"}; ["Teleport: Ironforge"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportIronForge"}; ["Teleport: Orgrimmar"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportOrgrimmar"}; ["Teleport: Stormwind"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportStormWind"}; ["Teleport: Undercity"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_TeleportUnderCity"}; ["Fire Ward"] = {t=30.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_FireArmor"}; -- gain ["Frost Ward"] = {t=30.0, icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostWard"}; -- gain ["Evocation"] = {t=8.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Purge"}; -- gain ["Ice Block"] = {t=10.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Frost_Frost"}; -- gain ["Arcane Power"] = {t=15.0, d=180.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Lightning"}; -- gain ["Ice Barrier"] = {d=120.0, icontex="Spell_Ice_Lament"}; ["Blink"] = {d=15.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_Blink"}; -- Paladin ["Holy Light"] = {t=2.5, icontex="Spell_Holy_HolyBolt"}; ["Flash of Light"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Holy_FlashHeal"}; ["Summon Charger"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0, icontex="Ability_Mount_Charger"}; ["Summon Warhorse"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Swiftness"}; ["Hammer of Wrath"] = {t=1.0, d=6.0, icontex="Ability_ThunderClap"}; ["Holy Wrath"] = {t=2.0, d=60.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_Excorcism"}; ["Turn Undead"] = {t=1.5, d=30.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_TurnUndead"}; ["Redemption"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_Resurrection"}; ["Divine Protection"] = {t=8.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_Restoration"}; -- gain ["Divine Shield"] = {t=12.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_DivineIntervention"}; -- gain ["Blessing of Freedom"] = {t=16.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_SealOfValor"}; -- gain ["Blessing of Protection"] = {t=10.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_SealOfProtection"}; -- gain ["Blessing of Sacrifice"] = {t=30.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_SealOfSacrifice"}; -- gain ["Vengeance"] = {t=8.0, icontex="Ability_Racial_Avatar"}; -- gain, Talent ["Lay on Hands"] = {d=3600.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_LayOnHands"}; -- Priest ["Greater Heal"] = {t=2.5, g=15, icontex="Spell_Holy_GreaterHeal"}; --! ["Flash Heal"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Holy_FlashHeal"}; ["Resurrection"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_Resurrection"}; ["Smite"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_HolySmite"}; --! ["Mind Blast"] = {t=1.5, d=8.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy"}; ["Mind Control"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordDominate"}; ["Mana Burn"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ManaBurn"}; ["Holy Fire"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_SearingLight"}; --! ["Mind Soothe"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Holy_MindSooth"}; ["Prayer of Healing"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing02"}; ["Shackle Undead"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_Slow"}; ["Fade"] = {t=10.0, d=30.0, icontex="Spell_Magic_LesserInvisibilty"}; -- gain ["Renew"] = {t=15.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_Renew"}; -- gain ["Abolish Disease"] = {t=20.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_NullifyDisease"}; -- gain ["Feedback"] = {t=15.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_RitualOfSacrifice"}; -- gain ["Inspiration"] = {t=15.0, icontex="INV_Shield_06"}; -- gain (target), Talent ["Power Infusion"] = {t=15.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Holy_PowerInfusion"}; -- gain, Talent ["Focused Casting"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Arcane_Blink"}; -- gain, Talent ["Power Word: Shield"] = {t=30, d=15.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_PowerWordShield"}; -- Rogue ["Disarm Trap"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_GrimWard"}; ["Sprint"] = {t=15.0, d=300.0, icontex="Ability_Rogue_Sprint"}; -- gain ["Pick Lock"] = {t=5.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_MoonKey"}; ["Evasion"] = {t=15.0, d=300, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowWard"}; -- gain ["Vanish"] = {t=10.0, d=300, icontex="Ability_Vanish"}; -- gain ["Blade Flurry"] = {t=15.0, d=120, icontex="Ability_Rogue_SliceDice"}; -- gain ["Instant Poison VI"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Ability_Poisons"}; ["Deadly Poison V"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Ability_Rogue_DualWeild"}; ["Crippling Poison"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Ability_PoisonSting"}; ["Crippling Poison II"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Ability_PoisonSting"}; ["Mind-numbing Poison"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_NullifyDisease"}; ["Mind-numbing Poison II"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_NullifyDisease"}; ["Mind-numbing Poison III"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_NullifyDisease"}; -- Shaman ["Lesser Healing Wave"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_HealingWaveLesser"}; ["Healing Wave"] = {t=2.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_MagicImmunity"}; --! talent ["Ancestral Spirit"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Regenerate"}; ["Chain Lightning"] = {t=2.5, d=6.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_ChainLightning"}; ["Ghost Wolf"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_SpiritWolf"}; ["Astral Recall"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_AstralRecal"}; ["Chain Heal"] = {t=2.5, icontex="Spell_Nature_HealingWaveGreater"}; ["Lightning Bolt"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Lightning"}; ["Far Sight"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_FarSight"}; ["Stoneclaw Totem"] = {t=15.0, d=30.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_StoneClawTotem"}; -- '?-- works? -- gain ["Mana Tide Totem"] = {t=15.0, d=300.0, icontex="Spell_Frost_SummonWaterElemental"}; -- '?-- works? -- gain ["Fire Nova Totem"] = {t=5.0, d=15.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_SealOfFire"}; -- '?-- works? -- gain ["Stormstrike"] = {t=12.0, d=25, icontex="Spell_Holy_SealOfMight"}; -- gain ["Grounding Totem"] = {d=15.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_GroundingTotem"}; -- works? -- Warlock ["Shadow Bolt"] = {t=2.5, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowBolt"}; ["Immolate"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Fire_Immolation"}; ["Soul Fire"] = {t=4.0, d=60.0, icontex="Spell_Fire_Fireball02"}; ["Searing Pain"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Fire_SoulBurn"}; ["Summon Dreadsteed"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0, icontex="Ability_Mount_Dreadsteed"}; ["Summon Felsteed"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Swiftness"}; ["Summon Imp"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Imp"}; ["Summon Succubus"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_SummonSuccubus"}; ["Summon Voidwalker"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_SummonVoidWalker"}; ["Summon Felhunter"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_SummonFelHunter"}; ["Fear"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Possession"}; ["Howl of Terror"] = {t=2.0, d=40.0, g=0.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_DeathScream"}; ["Banish"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Cripple"}; ["Ritual of Summoning"] = {t=5.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Twilight"}; ["Ritual of Doom"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_AntiMagicShell"}; ["Create Spellstone"] = {t=5.0, icontex="INV_Misc_Gem_Sapphire_01"}; ["Create Soulstone"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_SoulGem"}; ["Create Healthstone"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Stone_04"}; ["Create Major Healthstone"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Stone_04"}; ["Create Firestone"] = {t=3.0, icontex="INV_Ammo_FireTar"}; ["Enslave Demon"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_EnslaveDemon"}; -- ["Inferno"] = {t=2.0, d=3600.0}; -- removed for PvE (Geddon) ["Shadow Ward"] = {t=30.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_AntiShadow"}; -- gain ["Amplify Curse"] = {t=30.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Contagion"}; -- gain -- Imp ["Firebolt"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Fire_FireBolt"}; -- Succubus ["Seduction"] = {t=1.5, icontex="Spell_Shadow_MindSteal"}; ["Soothing Kiss"] = {t=4.0, d=4.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_SoothingKiss"}; -- Voidwalker ["Consume Shadows"] = {t=10.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_AntiShadow"}; -- gain -- Warrior ["Bloodrage"] = {t=10.0, d=60, icontex="Ability_Racial_BloodRage"}; -- gain ["Bloodthirst"] = {t=8.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_BloodLust"}; -- gain ["Shield Wall"] = {t=10.0, d=1800.0, icontex="Ability_Warrior_ShieldWall"}; -- gain ["Recklessness"] = {t=15.0, d=1800.0, icontex="Ability_CriticalStrike"}; -- gain ["Retaliation"] = {t=15.0, d=1800.0, icontex="Ability_Warrior_Challange"}; -- gain ["Berserker Rage"] = {t=10.0, d=30, icontex="Spell_Nature_AncestralGuardian"}; -- gain ["Last Stand"] = {t=20.0, d=600, icontex="Spell_Holy_AshesToAshes"}; -- gain ["Death Wish"] = {t=30.0, d=180, icontex="Spell_Shadow_DeathPact"}; -- gain -- ["Enrage"] = {t=12.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy"}; -- gain ["Shield Block"] = {t=5.5, icontex="Ability_Defend"}; -- gain, 1 Talent point in impr. block -- Mobs ["Shrink"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Ice_MagicDamage"}; ["Banshee Curse"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_Drowsy"}; ["Shadow Bolt Volley"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowBolt"}; ["Cripple"] = {t=3.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_Cripple"}; ["Dark Mending"] = {t=3.5, icontex="Spell_Shadow_ChillTouch"}; -- gain ["Spirit Decay"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Holy_HarmUndeadAura"}; ["Gust of Wind"] = {t=2.0, icontex="Spell_Nature_EarthBind"}; } CEnemyCastBar_Raids = { -- "mcheck" to only show a bar if cast from this mob, don't use together with "m", "i" or "r"! -- "m" sets a mob's name for the castbar; "i" shows a second bar; "r" sets a different CastTime for this Mob -- "active" only allows this spell to be an active cast, no afflictions and something else! -- "global" normally is used for afflictions to be shown even it's not your target, but here the important feature is that the castbar won't be updated if active! -- "checktarget" checks if the mob casted this spell is your current target. Normally this isn't done with RaidSpells. -- "icasted" guides this spell through the instant cast protection -- Ahn'Qiraj -- 40 Man ["Obsidian Eradicator"] = {t=1800.0, c="cooldown", global="true", m="Respawn", icontex="Spell_Holy_Resurrection"}; -- Twin Emperors ["Twin Teleport"] = {t=25.0, c="cooldown", icasted="true", icontex="Spell_Arcane_Blink"}; ["Explode Bug"] = {t=5.0, c="gains", icontex="Spell_Fire_Fire"}; ["Mutate Bug"] = {t=5.0, c="gains", icontex="Ability_Hunter_Pet_Scorpid"}; -- C'Thun ["Eye Tentacle (Repeater)"] = {t=45, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_AhnQirajTrinket_05"}; -- don't translate, used internally! +auto global="true" on engage! ["Next Eye Tentacle"] = {t=122, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_AhnQirajTrinket_05"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Phase2 Eye Tentacle"] = {t=42, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_AhnQirajTrinket_05"}; -- don't translate, used internally! --["Dark Glare (Repeater)"] = {t=86, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Nature_CallStorm"}; -- don't translate, used internally!; remove in lua, too, if works ["First Dark Glare"] = {t=48, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Nature_CallStorm"}; -- don't translate, used internally! +auto global="true" on engage! ["Weakened!!!"] = {t=45, c="gains"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Eye Beam"] = {t=86, i=40, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_CallStorm"}; -- Skeram ["Arcane Explosion"] = {t=1.2, c="hostile", mcheck="The Prophet Skeram", icontex="Spell_Nature_WispSplode"}; -- Sartura (Twin Emps enrage) ["Whirlwind"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", mcheck="Battleguard Sartura", icontex="Ability_Whirlwind"}; ["Enraged mode"] = {t=900, r="Sartura", a=600, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy"}; -- don't translate, used internally! +if player enters combat and target are twins! +auto global="true" on engage! ["Enters Enraged mode"] = {t=3, c="gains", icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Huhuran ["Berserk mode"] = {t=300, c="cooldown", icontex="Racial_Troll_Berserk"}; -- don't translate, used internally! if player enters combat and target is Huhuran! +auto global="true" on engage! ["Enters Berserk mode"] = {t=3, c="gains", icontex="Racial_Troll_Berserk"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Wyvern Sting"] = {t=25, c="cooldown", m="Huhuran", aZone="Ahn'Qiraj", checkevent="CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_FRIENDLYPLAYER_DAMAGE - CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_PARTY_DAMAGE - CHAT_MSG_SPELL_PERIODIC_SELF_DAMAGE", icontex="INV_Spear_02"}; -- 20 Man ["Explode"] = {t=6.0, c="hostile", icontex="Spell_Fire_SelfDestruct"}; -- Moam ["Until Stoneform"] = {t=90, c="grey", icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyStrength"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Energize"] = {t=90, c="gains", icontex="Spell_Nature_Cyclone"}; -- Zul'Gurub -- Hakkar ["Blood Siphon"] = {t=90.0, c="cooldown", mcheck="Hakkar", icontex="Spell_Shadow_LifeDrain02"}; ["LIFE DRAIN"] = {t=90.0, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Shadow_LifeDrain02"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Mandokir's Gaze --["Threatening Gaze"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile", active="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Charm"}; -- removed, to call it in the affliction section -- Molten Core -- Lucifron ["Impending Doom"] = {t=20.0, c="cooldown", m="Lucifron", icontex="Spell_Shadow_NightOfTheDead"}; ["Lucifron's Curse"] = {t=20.0, c="cooldown", m="Lucifron", icontex="Spell_Shadow_BlackPlague"}; -- Magmadar ["Panic"] = {t=30.0, c="cooldown", m="Magmadar", icontex="Spell_Shadow_DeathScream"}; -- Gehennas ["Gehennas' Curse"] = {t=30.0, c="cooldown", m="Gehennas", icontex="Spell_Shadow_GatherShadows"}; -- Geddon ["Inferno"] = {t=8.0, c="gains", mcheck="Baron Geddon", icontex="Spell_Fire_Incinerate"}; -- Majordomo ["Magic Reflection"] = {t=30.0, i=10.0, c="cooldown", m="Majordomo", icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostShock"}; ["Damage Shield"] = {t=30.0, i=10.0, c="cooldown", m="Majordomo", icontex="Spell_Nature_LightningShield"}; -- Ragnaros ["Submerge"] = {t=180.0, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Fire_Volcano"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Knockback"] = {t=28.0, c="cooldown", icontex="Ability_Kick"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Sons of Flame"] = {t=90.0, c="cooldown", icontex="ell_Fire_LavaSpawn"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Onyxia ["Flame Breath"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile", active="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_Fire"}; -- Blackwing Lair -- Razorgore ["Mob Spawn (45sec)"] = {t=45.0, c="cooldown", icontex="Spell_Shadow_RaiseDead"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Firemaw/Flamegor/Ebonroc ["Wing Buffet"] = {t=31.5, i=1.2, c="cooldown", r="Onyxia", a=0, icontex="INV_Misc_MonsterScales_14"}; ["First Wingbuffet"] = {t=30.0, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_MonsterScales_14"}; -- don't translate, used internally! if player enters combat and target is firemaw or flamegor this castbar appears to catch the first wingbuffet! ["Shadow Flame"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile", active="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_Incinerate"}; -- Flamegor ["Frenzy (CD)"] = {t=10.0, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_MonsterClaw_03"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Chromaggus ["Frost Burn"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_ChillingBlast"}; ["Time Lapse"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Arcane_PortalOrgrimmar"}; ["Ignite Flesh"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_Fire"}; ["Corrosive Acid"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_Acid_01"}; ["Incinerate"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown", active="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_FlameShock"}; ["Killing Frenzy"] = {t=15.0, c="cooldown", icontex="INV_Misc_MonsterClaw_03"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Chromaggus, Flamegor, Magmadar etc. ["Frenzy"] = {t=8.0, c="gains", checktarget="true", icontex="INV_Misc_MonsterClaw_03"}; -- Neferian/Onyxia ["Bellowing Roar"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile", r="Onyxia", a=1.5, active="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Charm"}; -- Neferian ["Nefarian calls"] = {t=30.0, c="gains", icontex="INV_Misc_Head_Dragon_Black"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Mob Spawn"] = {t=8.0, c="hostile", icontex="Spell_Shadow_RaiseDead"}; -- don't translate, used internally! ["Landing"] = {t=10.0, c="hostile", icontex="INV_Misc_Head_Dragon_Black"}; -- don't translate, used internally! -- Outdoor -- Azuregos ["Manastorm"] = {t=10.0, c="hostile", icontex="Spell_Frost_IceStorm"}; } CEnemyCastBar_Afflictions = { -- Warning: only add Spells with the "CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_AFFLICTED" pattern here! -- fragile="true", if mob with the same name dies, the bar won't be removed -- multi="true", the bar is not removed if debuff fades earlier (usefull if one spell is allowed to produce multiple afflictions) -- stun="true", flags all spells which use the same Diminishing Return timer. These 8 Spells were tested to use one and the same timer. -- death="true", removes the castbar although it is a "fragile" -- periodicdmg="true" -> don't update and remove those castbars, only allows periodic damage done by yourself -- spellDR="true", triggers a separate class DR Timer; affmob="true", this stun triggers a class specific DR Timer on a mob (not player), too -- Naturfreund | Warrior Afflicions ["Taunt"] = {t=3.0, multi="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_Reincarnation"}; ["Mocking Blow"] = {t=6.0, multi="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_PunishingBlow"}; ["Challenging Shout"] = {t=6, multi="true", icontex="Ability_BullRush"}; ["Hamstring"] = {t=15.0, icontex="Ability_ShockWave"}; ["Piercing Howl"] = {t=6.0, icontex="Spell_Shadow_DeathScream"}; ["Shield Bash - Silenced"] = {t=4, solo="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_ShieldBash"}; ["Concussion Blow"] = {t=5, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_ThunderBolt"}; ["Charge Stun"] = {t=1, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_Charge"}; ["Intercept Stun"] = {t=3, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_Rogue_Sprint"}; ["Revenge Stun"] = {t=3, solo="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_Revenge"}; ["Intimidating Shout"] = {t=8, solo="true", icontex="Ability_GolemThunderClap"}; ["Disarm"] = {t=10, solo="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_Disarm"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Rend"] = {t=21, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Ability_Gouge"}; -- Naturfreund | Mage Afflicions ["Frost Nova"] = {t=8.0, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostNova"}; ["Frostbite"] = {t=5.0, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostArmor"}; ["Chilled"] = {t=5.0, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_IceStorm"}; ["Cone of Cold"] = {t=9.0, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_Glacier"}; -- slightly improved with talents (+1 sec) ["Frostbolt"] = {t=10, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostBolt02"}; -- slightly improved with talents (+1 sec) ["Winter's Chill"] = {t=15, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_ChillingBlast"}; ["Fire Vulnerability"] = {t=30, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_SoulBurn"}; ["Polymorph"] = {t=50, fragile="true", spellDR="true", sclass="MAGE", icontex="Spell_Nature_Polymorph"}; ["Counterspell - Silenced"] = {t=4, solo="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_IceShock"}; -- Naturfreund | Hunter Afflicions ["Wing Clip"] = {t=10, icontex="Ability_Rogue_Trip"}; ["Improved Concussive Shot"] = {t=3, solo="true", icontex="Spell_Frost_Stun"}; ["Freezing Trap Effect"] = {t=20.0, fragile="true", spellDR="true", sclass="HUNTER", icontex="Spell_Frost_ChainsOfIce"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Serpent Sting"] = {t=15, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Ability_Hunter_Quickshot"}; -- Naturfreund | Priest Afflicions ["Shadow Vulnerability"] = {t=15, magecold="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowBolt"}; ["Mind Soothe"] = {t=15, icontex="Spell_Holy_MindSooth"}; ["Shackle Undead"] = {t=50, fragile="true", spellDR="true", sclass="PRIEST", icontex="Spell_Nature_Slow"}; ["Psychic Scream"] = {t=8, solo="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_PsychicScream"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Shadow Word: Pain"] = {t=18, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordPain"}; ["Devouring Plague"] = {t=24, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_BlackPlague"}; ["Holy Fire"] = {t=10, periodicdmg="true", directhit="true", icontex="Spell_Holy_SearingLight"}; -- Naturfreund | Warlock Afflicions ["Banish"] = {t=30, fragile="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Cripple"}; -- Succubus ["Seduction"] = {t=15, fragile="true", spellDR="true", sclass="WARLOCK", icontex="Spell_Shadow_MindSteal"}; ["Fear"] = {t=8, solo="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Possession"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Curse of Agony"] = {t=24, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_CurseOfSargeras"}; ["Corruption"] = {t=18, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_AbominationExplosion"}; ["Immolate"] = {t=15, periodicdmg="true", directhit="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_Immolation"}; -- Naturfreund | Rogue Afflicions ["Crippling Poison"] = {t=12, icontex="Ability_PoisonSting"}; ["Sap"] = {t=45, fragile="true", spellDR="true", sclass="ROGUE", drshare="Sap, Gouge", icontex="Ability_Sap"}; ["Kidney Shot"] = {t=6, cpinterval=1, solo="true", spellDR="true", sclass="ROGUE", affmob="true", icontex="Ability_Rogue_KidneyShot"}; -- own DR ["Cheap Shot"] = {t=4, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_CheapShot"}; ["Gouge"] = {t=5.5, solo="true", spellDR="true", sclass="ROGUE", drshare="Sap, Gouge", icontex="Ability_Gouge"}; -- normal 4sec impr. 5.5sec (no DR) ["Blind"] = {t=10, solo="true", spellDR="true", sclass="ROGUE", icontex="Spell_Shadow_MindSteal"}; ["Kick - Silenced"] = {t=2, solo="true", icontex="Ability_Kick"}; ["Riposte"] = {t=6, solo="true", icontex="Ability_Warrior_Disarm"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Garrote"] = {t=18, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Ability_Rogue_Garrote"}; ["Rupture"] = {t=22, cpinterval=4, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Ability_Rogue_Rupture"}; -- Naturfreund | Druid Afflicions ["Growl"] = {t=3, multi="true", icontex="Ability_Physical_Taunt"}; ["Challenging Roar"] = {t=6, multi="true", icontex="Ability_Druid_ChallangingRoar"}; ["Entangling Roots"] = {t=27, fragile="true", death="true", spellDR="true", sclass="DRUID", icontex="Spell_Nature_StrangleVines"}; ["Hibernate"] = {t=40, fragile="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_Sleep"}; ["Bash"] = {t=4, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_Druid_Bash"}; ["Pounce"] = {t=2, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_Druid_SupriseAttack"}; ["Feral Charge Effect"] = {t=4, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Ability_Hunter_Pet_Bear"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Insect Swarm"] = {t=12, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_InsectSwarm"}; ["Moonfire"] = {t=12, periodicdmg="true", directhit="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_StarFall"}; ["Rip"] = {t=12, periodicdmg="true", icontex="Ability_GhoulFrenzy"}; -- Naturfreund | Paladin Afflicions ["Hammer of Justice"] = {t=6, solo="true", stun="true", icontex="Spell_Holy_SealOfMight"}; ["Repentance"] = {t=6, solo="true", icontex="Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing"}; -- Naturfreund | Shaman Afflicions ["Frost Shock"] = {t=8.0, magecold="true", spellDR="true", sclass="SHAMAN", icontex="Spell_Frost_FrostShock"}; -- periodic damage spells ["Flame Shock"] = {t=12, periodicdmg="true", directhit="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_FlameShock"}; -- Naturfreund | Raidencounter Afflicions -- gobal="true" creates a castbar even without a target! -- Zul'Gurub ["Delusions of Jin'do"] = {t=20, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_UnholyFrenzy"}; -- Delusions of Jin'do ["Cause Insanity"] = {t=9.5, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_ShadowWordDominate"}; -- Hakkars Mind Control ["Threatening Gaze"] = {t=5.7, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Charm"}; -- Mandokir's Gaze -- MC ["Living Bomb"] = {t=8, global="true", icontex="INV_Enchant_EssenceAstralSmall"}; -- Geddon's Bomb -- BWL ["Conflagration"] = {t=10.0, global="true", icontex="Spell_Fire_Incinerate"}; -- Razorgores (and Drakkisaths) Burning ["Burning Adrenaline"] = {t=20.0, global="true", icontex="INV_Gauntlets_03"}; -- Vaelastrasz BA ["Shadow of Ebonroc"] = {t=8.0, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_GatherShadows"}; -- Ebonroc selfheal debuff -- AQ40 ["True Fulfillment"] = {t=20, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_Charm"}; -- Skeram MindControl ["Plague"] = {t=40, global="true", icontex="Spell_Shadow_CurseOfTounges"}; -- Anubisath Defenders Plague ["Entangle"] = {t=10, global="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_StrangleVines"}; -- Fankriss the Unyielding's Entangle -- Non Boss DeBuffs: ["Greater Polymorph"] = {t=20.0, fragile="true", icontex="Spell_Nature_Brilliance"}; -- Polymorph of BWL Spellbinders -- REMOVALS -- just to remove the bar if this spell fades (t is useless here) | only the spells in "CEnemyCastBar_Afflictions" are checked by the "fade-engine" -- Moam ["Energize"] = {t=0}; -- Other ["Frenzy"] = {t=0}; ["Stun DR"] = {t=0}; -- don't translate, used internally! clear the dimishing return timer if mob dies ["Shield Block"] = {t=0}; -- AQ40 Sartura ["Enraged mode"] = {t=0}; -- don't translate, used internally! } -- Zul'Gurub CEnemyCastBar_HAKKAR_YELL = "PRIDE HERALDS THE END OF YOUR WORLD"; -- AQ40 CEnemyCastBar_SARTURA_NAME = "Battleguard Sartura"; CEnemyCastBar_SARTURA_CALL = "I sentence you to death"; CEnemyCastBar_SARTURA_CRAZY = "becomes enraged"; CEnemyCastBar_HUHURAN_NAME = "Princess Huhuran"; CEnemyCastBar_HUHURAN_CRAZY = "goes into a berserker rage"; CEnemyCastBar_HUHURAN_FRENZY = "goes into a frenzy"; CEnemyCastBar_CTHUN_NAME1 = "Eye of C'Thun"; CEnemyCastBar_CTHUN_WEAKENED = "is weakened!"; -- Ruins of AQ CEnemyCastBar_MOAM_STARTING = "senses your fear."; -- MC CEnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_STARTING = "NOW FOR YOU,"; CEnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_KICKER = "TASTE THE FLAMES"; CEnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_SONS = "COME FORTH, MY SERVANTS!"; -- BWL CEnemyCastBar_RAZORGORE_CALLER = "Grethok the Controller"; CEnemyCastBar_RAZORGORE_CALL = "Intruders have breached"; CEnemyCastBar_FIREMAW_NAME = "Firemaw"; CEnemyCastBar_EBONROC_NAME = "Ebonroc"; CEnemyCastBar_FLAMEGOR_NAME = "Flamegor"; CEnemyCastBar_FLAMEGOR_FRENZY = "goes into a frenzy!"; CEnemyCastBar_CHROMAGGUS_FRENZY = "goes into a killing frenzy!"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_STARTING = "Let the games begin!"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_LAND = "Well done, my minions"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_SHAMAN_CALL = "Shamans, show me"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_DRUID_CALL = "Druids and your silly"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_WARLOCK_CALL = "Warlocks, you shouldn't be playing"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_PRIEST_CALL = "Priests! If you're going to keep"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_HUNTER_CALL = "Hunters and your annoying"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_WARRIOR_CALL = "Warriors, I know you can hit harder"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_ROGUE_CALL = "Rogues"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_PALADIN_CALL = "Paladins"; CEnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_MAGE_CALL = "Mages"; -- Event Pattern CEnemyCastBar_MOB_DIES = "(.+) dies" CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_GAINS = "(.+) gains (.+)." CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_CAST = "(.+) begins to cast (.+)." CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_PERFORM = "(.+) begins to perform (.+)." CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_CASTS = "(.+) casts (.+)." CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_AFFLICTED = "(.+) (.+) afflicted by (.+)."; CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_AFFLICTED2 = "-- dummy --"; CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_DAMAGE = "(.+) suffers (.+) from (.+)'s (.+)."; -- Natufreund CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_DAMAGE_SELFOTHER = "(.+) suffers (.+) from your (.+)."; CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_FADE = "(.+) fades from (.+)."; -- effect mob CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_REMOVED = "(.+) (.+) is removed." -- correct pattern for engl. client? -- mob spell -- It is an extra check to see if an affliction has fade off CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_HITS_SELFOTHER = "Your (.+) hits (.+) for (.+) damage."; -- spell mob (damage) CEnemyCastBar_SPELL_CRITS_SELFOTHER = "Your (.+) crits (.+) for (.+) damage."; CECB_SELF1 = "You"; CECB_SELF2 = "you"; -- Options Menue CECB_status_txt = "EnemyCastBar Mod activated"; CECB_pvp_txt = "PvP/Common CastBars activated"; CECB_gains_txt = "Spelltype 'gains' activated"; CECB_cdown_txt = "Some CoolDownBars activated"; CECB_cdownshort_txt = "ONLY show short CDs"; CECB_pve_txt = "PvE/Raid Castbars activated"; CECB_afflict_txt = "Show Debuffs"; CECB_globalfrag_txt = "'Show Mob Outs' even w/o Target"; CECB_magecold_txt = "Show Cold + Vulnerability effects"; CECB_solod_txt = "Show 'Solo Debuffs' (Stuns)"; CECB_drtimer_txt = "Consider 'Diminishing Return'"; CECB_classdr_txt = "Consider class specific 'DRs'"; CECB_sdots_txt = "Observe own DoTs"; CECB_affuni_txt = "ONLY show Debuffs from RaidBosses"; CECB_parsec_txt = "Parse CT_RA/Raid/PartyChat"; CECB_broadcast_txt = "Broadcast CBs via CT_RA Channel"; CECB_targetm_txt = "Target on BarLeftClick"; CECB_timer_txt = "Show Timer next to CastBars"; CECB_tsize_txt = "Small textfont for CastBars"; CECB_flipb_txt = "Flip over CastBars"; CECB_flashit_txt = "'Flash' CastBars at their end"; CECB_showicon_txt = "Show Icon next to CastBars"; CECB_scale_txt = "Scaling: "; CECB_alpha_txt = "Alphablending: "; CECB_numbars_txt = "Max. number of CastBars: "; CECB_space_txt = "Iconsize, Distance of CastBars: "; CECB_minimap_txt = "Position at the MiniMap: "; CECB_status_tooltip = "Activates/ Deactivates the appearing of CastBars while gaming and switches off all Events to reduce CPU load."; CECB_pvp_tooltip = "Activates CastBars for all supported, common spells of players."; CECB_gains_tooltip = "Activates CastBars for 'gains'.\nThose are spells like 'Iceblock', 'Bloodrage' and Heal over Time (HoTs)."; CECB_cdown_tooltip = "Activates the CoolDown-Times for some(!) spells, which have casttimes or are 'gains'."; CECB_cdownshort_tooltip = "Only shows Cooldowns if their duration is 60 or less seconds."; CECB_pve_tooltip = "Activates CastBars for PvE/Raid-Encounters"; CECB_afflict_tooltip = "Shows immobilizing Debuffs, e.g. '(Polymorph)' or 'Harmstring'. Simultaneously activates many Debuffs of bosses which can be cast on players, e.g. 'Burning Adrenaline'."; CECB_globalfrag_tooltip = "Shows CastBars at 'Mob Outs', even if the affected Mob is not your current target.\n\n'Mob Outs' are 'Shackle Undead', 'Banish', 'Polymorph' etc."; CECB_magecold_tooltip = "Shows the following cold effects:\n'Frost Nova', 'Frostbite', 'Chilled', 'Cone of Cold' and 'Frostbolt'.\nAdditionally vulnerabilities (cold, fire, shadow) will be displayed."; CECB_solod_tooltip = "Shows many Stuns. Also activates silenced, fear, disarm and threat effects!"; CECB_drtimer_tooltip = "Considers 'Diminishing Return' for the biggest stun-family which use the same timer.\nThese are 3 Warrior, 3 Druid, 1 Paladin and 1 Rogue stun(s).\n\nYou will see a bar counting down the 20 seconds until you will be able to afflict the full stun length again."; CECB_classdr_tooltip = "Considers class specific 'Diminishing Returns' like 'Sap' and 'Polymorph'.\n\n|cffff0000Usually these timers are only active against other Players|r and are only displayed for the matching character class."; CECB_sdots_tooltip = "Shows the duration of your DoTs (e.g. |cffffffff'Corruption' |r-|cffffffff 'Serpent Sting'|r).\nThe CastBars won't renew if the DoT is casted again before the duration ran out! |cffff0000\nAt best, renew the DoT at the very end of its duration or the timer becomes crazy!|r\n\nDoTs which additionally afflict instant damage will renew the CastBar and do not have this problem (e.g |cffffffff'Immolate'|r)!"; CECB_affuni_tooltip = "Switches off all Debuffs, which do not come from RaidBosses, to have a better overview."; CECB_timer_tooltip = "Additionally shows an digital Timer beneath the CastBars."; CECB_targetm_tooltip = "The Mob, the CastBar came from, may be targeted by a LeftClick on the CastBar through this option."; CECB_parsec_tooltip = "All Users who enable this option, receive a CastBar on their screen, if one of the following commands with a set time appears at the beginning of the Raid-/Party-/CT_RA-Chat: '|cffffffff.countmin|r', '|cffffffff.countsec|r', '|cffffffff.repeat|r' or '|cffffffff.stopcount|r' (s. Help).\n\nExample:\n|cffffffff.countsec 45 Until Spawn|r\n\nInstead of:\n|cffffffff/necb countsec 45 Until Spawn\n\n|cffff0000Also needed for CT_RA Support!"; CECB_broadcast_tooltip = "Raidspells and Debuffs will be broadcasted through the CT_RA Channel.\nThis only works if sender and receiver use the same language!\n\n|cffff0000ATTENTION:|r This option should only be enable by some few, selected Players of the Raid!\nPvP Spells won't be transmitted."; CECB_tsize_tooltip = "Lowers the size of the textfont to allow more letters in the castbars."; CECB_flipb_tooltip = "Turns the direction in which CastBars appear around.\nNormal: From button up.\nActivated: From top down."; CECB_flashit_tooltip = "CastBars with a Totaltime of at least 20 Sekunden, begin to 'flash' after 20% of the bar is left.\nBut at maximum the last 10 seconds are 'flashed'."; CECB_showicon_tooltip = "Displays the proper spell icon next to the Castbar.\n\nThe size will automatically fit to the 'Space between CastBars' setting."; CECB_scale_tooltip = "Does allow to change the size of the CastBars from 30 till 130 percent."; CECB_alpha_tooltip = "Does allow to change the transparency of the CastBars."; CECB_numbars_tooltip = "Sets the maximum allowed CastBars on your screen."; CECB_space_tooltip = "Sets the space between CastBars.\n(default is 20)"; CECB_minimap_tooltip = "Moves the NECB Button around the MiniMap."; CECB_fps_tooltip = "Creates a standalone clone of the FPS Bar which can be placed freely.\n\n|cffff0000This setting will NOT be saved."; CECB_menue_txt = "Options"; CECB_menuesub1_txt = "Which CastBars to show?"; CECB_menuesub2_txt = "Appearance of CastBars/ Other"; CECB_menue_reset = "Defaults"; CECB_menue_help = "Help"; CECB_menue_mbar = "Movable Bar"; --CECB_menue_close = "Close"; CECB_menue_rwarning = "WARNING!\n\nAll values and positions will be restored \nto 'factory defaults'!\n\nDo you really want a complete reset?"; CECB_menue_ryes = "Yes"; CECB_menue_rno = "NO!"; CECB_menue_CTRAChan = "CT_RA Channel: "; CECB_menue_CTRAnoBC = "please broadcast"; CECB_minimapoff_txt = "off"; end