CT_MAIL_HELP = "Fill in as many slots as you want. Each item will be sent in a separate mail to the recipient, with the subject you specify, followed by the item's name and count (for example: [Gold Bar x10]). The combined postage is shown in the top right. You can alt-click on items in your bags to add them to the list automatically."; CT_MAIL_SEND = "Send Mail"; CT_MAIL_SENDBUTTON = "Send"; CT_MAIL_CANCELBUTTON = "Cancel"; CT_MAIL_SENDINFO = "Are you sure you want to send the mail? Total postage will be:"; CT_MAIL_SENDINFO2 = "You are sending:"; CT_MAIL_ITEMS = "Item(s)"; CT_MAIL_ABORT = "Abort"; CT_MAIL_ITEMNUM = "Item %d out of %d."; CT_MAIL_SENDING = "Sending mail |c00FFFFFF%d|r/|c00FFFFFF%d|r..."; CT_MAIL_DONESENDING = "Done sending |c00FFFFFF%d|r mail(s)!"; CT_MAIL_ABORTED = "Aborted. |c00FFFFFF%d|r/|c00FFFFFF%d|r mail were sent."; CT_MAIL_ERROR = "An error occured in CT_MailMod. This might be related to lag, trying to send items with an item placed in the normal send mail window, or trying to send items that cannot be sent."; CT_MMINBOX_OPENSELECTED = "Open Selected"; CT_MMINBOX_OPENALL = "Open All"; CT_MMINBOX_OPENALLTITLE = "Open All?"; CT_MMINBOX_OPENALLCONFIRMATION = "Are you sure you want to open all mail?"; CT_MMINBOX_DISPLAYPROCESSMESSAGES = "Display process messages";