CT_MASTERMOD_LEFTCLICKDRAG = "Left-click to drag"; CT_MASTERMOD_FIRSTLOAD = "First load detected. Thanks for using CTMod!"; CT_MASTERMOD_BUTTONPLACEMENT = "Button Placement"; CT_MASTERMOD_BUTTONPLACEMENTTOOLTIP = "Allows you to move the CT icon around the minimap"; CT_MASTERMOD_CPTITLE = "CTMod Control Panel"; BINDING_NAME_CT_CPTOGGLE = "Toggle CT Options"; BINDING_HEADER_CT_CPBINDS = "CT_Mod Bindings"; CT_CPGENERALMOVE = "Movable Control Panel"; CT_MASTERMOD_RESET1 = " 1 frame has been reset."; CT_MASTERMOD_RESET2 = " %d frames has been reset."; CT_MASTERMOD_OPTIONRESET = " All options for this player have been reset. Please use the Reload Interface button in the Control Panel to reload interface. It is highly recommended to Reset Frames after you reload the interface."; -- Mods built into mastermod CT_MASTERMOD_UNLOCKED = "Frames have been unlocked."; CT_MASTERMOD_LOCKED = "Frames have been locked."; CT_MASTERMOD_RESET = "Frames have been reset."; -- Yes, these are indeed incorrect on/off order CT_MASTERMOD_ON_QUESTFADE = "Quest Text Fading has been disabled."; CT_MASTERMOD_OFF_QUESTFADE = "Quest Text Fading has been enabled."; CT_MASTERMOD_ON_GRYPHONS = "The gryphons are now hidden."; CT_MASTERMOD_OFF_GRYPHONS = "The gryphons are now shown."; CT_MASTERMOD_ON_HIDEBONUSBARS = "The bonus action bars are now hidden"; CT_MASTERMOD_OFF_HIDEBONUSBARS = "The bonus action bars are no longer hidden"; CT_MASTERMOD_ON_RELOCATETT = "The tooltip is now showing at the top of the screen."; CT_MASTERMOD_OFF_RELOCATETT = "The tooltip is now showing at the bottom right of the screen."; CT_MASTERMOD_12H_TIMESTAMP = "The chat frames will now display time in the format H:MM."; CT_MASTERMOD_24H_TIMESTAMP = "The chat frames will now display time in the format HH:MM."; CT_MASTERMOD_12HS_TIMESTAMP = "The chat frames will now display time in the format H:MM:SS."; CT_MASTERMOD_24HS_TIMESTAMP = "The chat frames will now display time in the format HH:MM:SS."; CT_MASTERMOD_OFF_TIMESTAMP = "The chat frames will no longer display time."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_CASTTIME = "Casting Timer"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_CASTTIME = "On/Off Toggle"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_CASTTIME = "Toggles showing time left on spell casts inside your casting bar."; CT_MASTERMOD_CASTTIMEON = " Casting timers are now enabled."; CT_MASTERMOD_CASTTIMEOFF = " Casting timers are now disabled."; -- Mod names CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_SCROLL = "Chat Scrolling"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_SCROLL = "Enables Chat Scrolling, allowing you to scroll your chat frames with the mouse wheel."; CT_MASTERMOD_CHATSCROLLON = " Chat scrolling is now enabled."; CT_MASTERMOD_CHATSCROLLONSHIFT = " Chat scrolling is now enabled, and you can shift+scroll down to scroll to bottom."; CT_MASTERMOD_CHATSCROLLOFF = " Chat scrolling is now disabled."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_RELOCATETT = "Relocate Tooltip"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_RELOCATETT = "Show at top"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_RELOCATETT = "Relocates the tooltip to show at the top of the screen."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_TIMESTAMP = "Chat Timestamp"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_TIMESTAMP = "Format Switch"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_TIMESTAMP = "Allows you to add timestamps to chat messages in two different formats."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_RELOAD = "Reload Interface"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_RELOAD = "Reloads the UI.\nShould be used after an options reset."; CT_MASTERMOD_WARNING_RELOAD = "The User Interface has been reloaded."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_RESET = "Reset Options"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_RESET = "Resets all CTMod options for this character."; CT_MASTERMOD_WARNING_RESET = "For safety measures, please write /resetoptions to reset your options."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_QUESTFADING = "Quest Fading"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_QUESTFADING = "On/Off Toggle"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_QUESTFADING = "Hides the fading Quest Text"; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_UNLOCK = "Unlock Frames"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_UNLOCK = "Unlocks Everything"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_UNLOCK = "Unlocks every movable CT-Frame."; CT_MASTERMOD_MODNAME_RESETFRAMES = "Reset Frames"; CT_MASTERMOD_SUBNAME_RESETFRAMES = "Resets Positions"; CT_MASTERMOD_TOOLTIP_RESETFRAMES = "Brings up a list of movable frames to reset."; CT_MASTERMOD_CPWELCOMETEXT = "Thank you for using CTMod. For new users, CTMod is an improved User Interface mod brought to you by Cide & Ts. It is meant to greatly enhance your experiences in Azeroth. To your right, there are 5 tabs. Each tab has options for a certain part of the mod.\n\nHope to see you in Azeroth!\nCide and Ts\n\nYou can find the latest changes and updates on our homepage, www.ctmod.net."; -- Movables CT_MASTERMOD_MOVABLE_CASTBAR = "Casting bar"; CT_MASTERMOD_MOVABLE_QUESTTRACKER = "Quest Tracker"; CT_MASTERMOD_MOVABLE_DURABILITYDOLL = "Durability Doll";