assert(CandyDice) assert(CandyDice.defaults) assert(BabbleSpell) L=BabbleSpell CandyDice.defaults["ROGUE"] = { [L["Slice and Dice"]] = { colors = {"0000ff"}, --fgcolor, bgcolor as hex strings. No names because these get registered with PaintChip cooldown = false, -- scan this ability for a cooldown? buff = true, -- scan buffs for this? -- TODO: add a debuff scanner? -- TODO: Item CDs }, [L["Blind"]] = { colors={"212121"}, cooldown=true, buff=false, }, [L["Stealth"]] = { colors = {"000000"}, cooldown = true, buff = false, }, [L["Kidney Shot"]] = { colors = {"magenta"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Vanish"]] = { colors = {"ffffff"}, cooldown = true, buff = true }, [L["Kick"]] = { colors = {"000000"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Adrenaline Rush"]] = { colors = {"ff0000"}, cooldown = true, buff = true }, [L["Blade Flurry"]] = { colors = {"ffff00"}, cooldown = true, buff = true }, [L["Evasion"]] = { colors = {"aa00ff"}, cooldown = true, buff = true }, [L["Sprint"]] = { colors = {"00ff00"}, cooldown = true, buff = true }, [L["Feint"]] = { colors = {"c0c0c0"}, cooldown = true, buff = false, }, [L["Gouge"]] = { colors = {"FFCC66"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Distract"]] = { colors = {"FFCC66"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Premeditation"]] = { colors = {"FFCC66"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Preparation"]] = { colors = {"FFCC66"}, cooldown = true, buff = false }, [L["Cold Blood"]]= { colors = {"87CEFA"}, cooldown = true, buff = true, }, -- Crusader - not in Babble spell, needs to be localized manually some day ["Holy Strength"] = { colors = {"ffff00"}, cooldown = false, buff = true }, }