-- WARNING -- THE COMMENTED OUT ABILITIES ARE THERE FOR A REASON -- PLEASE DO NOT UNCOMMENT THEM, OTHERWISE THINGS WILL PROBABLY BREAK if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then Carnival_EnemyCastBar_Spells = { -- All Classes -- General ["Pierre de foyer"] = {t=10.0}; -- Trinkets & Racials ["Sanctuaire"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Pouvoir Instable"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Force Sup\195\169rieure"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Pouvoir \195\169ph\195\169m/195/168re"] = {t=15.0, c="gains"}; ["Puissance des Arcanes"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Destruction Massive"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Pouvoir des Arcanes"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Energized Shield"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; -- ?? ["Brilliant Light"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; -- ?? ["Volont\195\169 des R\195\169prouv\195\169s"] = {t=5.0, c="gains"}; ["Perception"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; ["Choc martial"] = {t=1.5}; ["Forme de pierre"] = {t=8.0}; ["Gardien des T\195\169n/195/168bres"] = {t=1.5}; -- ?? -- Engineering ["Frost Reflector"] = {t=5.0, c="gains"}; ["Shadow Reflector"] = {t=5.0, c="gains"}; ["Fire Reflector"] = {t=5.0, c="gains"}; -- First Aid ["Premiers soins"] = {t=8.0, c="gains"}; ["Bandage en lin"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage \195\169pais en lin"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage en laine"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage \195\169pais en laine"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage en soie"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage \195\169pais en soie"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage en tissu de mage"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage \195\169pais en tissu de mage"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage en \195\169toffe runique"] = {t=3.0}; ["Bandage \195\169pais en \195\169toffe runique"] = {t=3.0}; -- Druid ["Toucher gu\195\169risseur"] = {t=3.0}; ["R\195\169tablissement"] = {t=2.0, g=21.0}; ["Renaissance"] = {t=2.0, d=1800.0}; ["Feu stellaire"] = {t=3.5}; ["Col/195/168re"] = {t=2.0}; ["Sarments"] = {t=2.0}; ["C\195\169l\195\169rit\195\169"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; ["Hibernation"] = {t=1.5}; ["Apaiser les animaux"] = {t=1.5}; ["Ecorce"] = {t=15.0, i=0.0, c="gains"}; ["Innervation"] = {t=20.0, i=0.0, c="gains"}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Moonglade"] = {t=10.0}; -- ?? ["Fureur du tigre"] = {t=6.0, c="gains"}; ["R\195\169g\195\169n\195\169ration fr\195\169n\195\169tique"] = {t=10.0, c="gains", d=180.0}; ["R\195\169cup\195\169ration"] = {t=12.0, c="gains"}; ["Abolir le poison"] = {t=8.0, c="gains"}; --["Ouragan"] = {t=10.0, d=60.0}; --["Tranquilit\195\169"] = {t=10.0, d=300.0}; -- Hunter ["Vis\195\169e"] = {t=3.0, d=6.0}; ["Effrayer une b\195\170te"] = {t=1.0, d=30.0}; ["Salve"] = {t=6.0, d=60.0}; ["Renvoyer le familier"] = {t=5.0}; ["Ressusciter le familier"] = {t=10.0}; ["Oeil de la b\195\170te"] = {t=2.0}; ["Tir rapide"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; --["Fl/195/168ches multiples"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Piq\195\187re de wyverne"] = {t=0.0, d=120.0}; --["Tir des arcanes"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Trait provocateur"] = {t=0.0, d=8.0}; -- Mage ["Eclair de givre"] = {t=2.5}; ["Boule de feu"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation d'eau"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation de nourriture"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation d'un rubis de mana"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation d'une citrine de mana"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation d'une jade de mana"] = {t=3.0}; ["Invocation d'une agate de mana"] = {t=3.0}; ["M\195\169tamorphose"] = {t=1.5}; ["Explosion pyrotechnique"] = {t=6.0, d=60.0}; ["Br\195\187lure"] = {t=1.5}; ["Choc de flammes"] = {t=3.0, r="Eveilleur Griffemort", a=2.5}; ["Chute lente"] = {t=30.0, c="gains"}; ["Portail : Darnassus"] = {t=10.0}; ["Portail : Thunder Bluff"] = {t=10.0}; ["Portail : Ironforge"] = {t=10.0}; ["Portail : Orgrimmar"] = {t=10.0}; ["Portail : Stormwind"] = {t=10.0}; ["Portail : Undercity"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Darnassus"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Thunder Bluff"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Ironforge"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Orgrimmar"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Stormwind"] = {t=10.0}; ["T\195\169l\195\169portation : Undercity"] = {t=10.0}; ["Gardien de feu"] = {t=30.0, c="gains"}; ["Gardien de givre"] = {t=30.0, c="gains"}; ["Parade de glace"] = {t=10.0, c="gains"}; --["Vague d'explosions"] = {t=0.0, d=45.0}; --["Barri/195/168re de glace"] = {t=0.0, d=120.0}; --["C\195\180ne de froid"] = {t=0.0, d=120.0}; --["Trait de feu"] = {t=0.0, d=8.0}; --["Nova de givre"] = {t=0.0, d=25.0}; --["Contresort"] = {t=0.0, d=30.0}; --["Transfert"] = {t=0.0, d=15.0}; --["Parade de glace"] = {t=0.0, d=300.0}; -- Paladin ["Lumi/195/168re sacr\195\169e"] = {t=2.5}; ["Eclair lumineux"] = {t=1.5}; ["Invocation d'un destrier"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0}; -- ?? ["Invocation d'un Cheval de Guerre"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0}; -- ?? ["Marteau de courroux"] = {t=1.0, d=6.0}; ["Col/195/168re divine"] = {t=2.0, d=60.0}; ["Renvoi des morts-vivants"] = {t=1.5, d=30.0}; ["R\195\169demption"] = {t=10.0}; ["Protection divine"] = {t=8.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; ["Bouclier divin"] = {t=12.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; ["Sceau de libert\195\169"] = {t=16.0, c="gains"}; ["Sceau de protection"] = {t=10.0, c="gains"}; ["Blessing of Sacrifice"] = {t=30.0, c="gains"}; --["Cons\195\169cration"] = {t=0.0, d=8.0}; --["Exorcisme"] = {t=0.0, d=15.0}; --["Marteau de la justice"] = {t=0.0, d=60.0}; --["Imposition des mains"] = {t=0.0, d=3600.0}; --["B\195\169n\195\169diction de protection"] = {t=0.0, d=300.0}; -- Priest ["Soins sup\195\169rieurs"] = {t=3.0}; ["Soins rapides"] = {t=1.5}; ["R\195\169surrection"] = {t=10.0}; ["Ch\195\162timent"] = {t=2.5}; ["Attaque mentale"] = {t=1.5, d=8.0}; ["Contr\195\180le mental"] = {t=3.0}; ["Br\195\187lure de mana"] = {t=3.0}; ["Feu int\195\169rieur"] = {t=4.0, d=15.0}; ["Apaisement"] = {t=1.5}; ["Pri/195/168re de soins"] = {t=3.0}; ["Entraves des morts-vivants"] = {t=1.5}; ["Oubli"] = {t=10.0, c="gains", d=30.0}; ["R\195\169novation"] = {t=15.0, c="gains"}; ["Abolir maladie"] = {t=20.0, c="gains"}; --["Mot de pouvoir : Bouclier"] = {t=0.0, d=4.0}; --["Peste d\195\169vorante"] = {t=0.0, d=180.0}; --["Nova sacr\195\169e"] = {t=0.0, d=30.0}; --["Pri/195/168re du d\195\169sespoir"] = {t=0.0, d=1800.0}; --["Cri psychique"] = {t=0.0, d=30.0}; -- Rogue ["D\195\169sarmement de pi/195/168ge"] = {t=5.0}; ["Sprint"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; ["Poison de distraction mentale"] = {t=3.0}; ["Poison de distraction mentale II"] = {t=3.0}; ["Poison de distraction mentale III"] = {t=3.0}; ["Crochetage"] = {t=5.0}; ["Evasion"] = {t=15.0, c="gains"}; --["C\195\169cit\195\169"] = {t=0.0, d=300.0}; --["Suriner"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Feinte"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Coup de pied"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Aiguillon perfide"] = {t=0.0, d=20.0}; -- Shaman ["Vague de soins inf\195\169rieurs"] = {t=1.5}; ["Vague de soins"] = {t=3.0}; ["Esprit ancestral"] = {t=10.0}; ["Cha\195\174ne d'\195\169clairs"] = {t=2.5, d=6.0}; ["Loup fant\195\180me"] = {t=3.0}; ["Rappel astral"] = {t=10.0}; ["Salve de gu\195\169rison"] = {t=2.5}; ["Eclair"] = {t=3.0}; ["Double vue"] = {t=2.0}; ["Totem de Griffes de pierre"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=30.0}; ["Totem Fontaine de mana"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=300.0}; ["Totem Nova de feu"] = {t=5.0, c="gains", d=15.0}; --["Horion de terre"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Horion de givre"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Horion de flammes"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Totem de Gl/195/168be"] = {t=0.0, d=15.0}; -- Warlock ["Trait de l'ombre"] = {t=2.5}; ["Immolation"] = {t=1.5}; ["Feu de l'\195\162me"] = {t=4.0, d=60.0}; ["Douleur br\195\187lante"] = {t=1.5}; ["Invocation d'un Destrier de l'Effroi"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0}; -- ?? ["Invocation d'un palefroi corrompu"] = {t=3.0, g=0.0}; ["Invocation d'un diablotin"] = {t=6.0}; ["Invocation d'une succube"] = {t=6.0}; ["Invocation d'un marcheur du Vide"] = {t=6.0}; ["Invocation d'un chasseur corrompu"] = {t=6.0}; ["Peur"] = {t=1.5}; ["Hurlement de terreur"] = {t=2.0, d=40.0, g=0.0}; ["Bannir"] = {t=1.5}; ["Rituel d'invocation"] = {t=5.0}; ["Rituel de mal\195\169diction"] = {t=10.0}; ["Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de sort"] = {t=5.0}; ["Cr\195\169ation de Pierre d'\195\162me"] = {t=3.0}; ["Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de soin"] = {t=3.0}; ["Cr\195\169ation de Pierre de feu"] = {t=3.0}; ["Asservir d\195\169mon"] = {t=3.0}; ["Infernal"] = {t=2.0, d=3600.0}; ["Gardien de l'ombre"] = {t=30.0, c="gains"}; --["Conflagration"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Voile mortel"] = {t=0.0, d=120.0}; --["Br\195\187lure de l'ombre"] = {t=0.0, d=15.0}; -- Imp ["Eclair de Feu"] = {t=1.5}; -- Succubus ["S\195\169duction"] = {t=1.5}; ["Baiser apaisant"] = {t=4.0, d=4.0}; --["Fouet de la douleur"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; -- Felhunter --["Festin magique"] = {t=0.0, d=8.0}; --["Verrou magique"] = {t=0.0, d=30.0}; -- Voidwalker ["Consumer les ombres"] = {t=10.0, c="gains"}; -- Warrior ["Rage sanguinaire"] = {t=10.0, c="gains"}; ["Sanguinaire"] = {t=8.0, c="gains", d=6.0}; ["Mur protecteur"] = {t=10.0, c="gains", d=1800.0}; ["T\195\169m\195\169rit\195\169"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=1800.0}; ["Repr\195\169sailles"] = {t=15.0, c="gains", d=1800.0}; ["Rage berserker"] = {t=10.0, c="gains"}; ["Heurtoir"] = {t=1.0, c="gains"}; --["Vengeance"] = {t=0.0, d=5.0}; --["Coup de bouclier"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Fulgurance"] = {t=0.0, d=5.0}; --["Frappe mortelle"] = {t=0.0, d=6.0}; --["Vol\195\169e de coups"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["Coup de tonnerre"] = {t=0.0, d=4.0}; --["Coup railleur"] = {t=0.0, d=120.0}; --["Interception"] = {t=0.0, d=30.0}; --["Charge"] = {t=0.0, d=15.0}; --["Tourbillon"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; --["D\195\169sarmement"] = {t=0.0, d=60.0}; --["Provocation"] = {t=0.0, d=10.0}; } Carnival_EnemyCastBar_Raids = { -- Ahn'Qiraj -- 40 Man Trash ["Obsidian Eradicator"] = {t=1800.0, c="cooldown"}; -- 20 Man Trash ["Explode"] = {t=6.0}; -- Zul'Gurrub -- Hakkar ["Blood Siphon"] = {t=90.0, c="cooldown", m="Hakkar", u="true"}; -- ?? -- Molten Core -- Lucifron ["Impending Doom"] = {t=20.0, c="cooldown", m="Lucifron", u="true"}; -- ?? ["Lucifron's Curse"] = {t=20.0, c="cooldown", m="Lucifron", u="true"}; -- ?? -- Magmadar ["Panic"] = {t=30.0, c="cooldown", m="Magmadar", u="true"}; -- ?? -- Gehennas ["Gehennas' Curse"] = {t=30.0, c="cooldown", m="Gehennas", u="true"}; -- ?? -- Majordomo ["Magic Reflection"] = {t=30.0, i=10.0, c="cooldown", m="Majordomo", u="true"}; -- ?? ["Damage Shield"] = {t=30.0, i=10.0, c="cooldown", m="Majordomo", u="true"}; -- ?? -- Ragnaros ["Submerge"] = {t=180.0, c="cooldown"}; -- ?? ["Knockback"] = {t=28.0, c="cooldown"}; -- ?? ["Sons of Flame"] = {t=90.0, c="cooldown"}; -- ?? -- Blackwing Lair -- Firemaw/Flamegor/Ebonroc ["Frappe des ailes"] = {t=32.0, i=1.0, c="cooldown", u="true"}; ["Flamme d'ombre"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile"}; -- Flamegor ["Frenzy"] = {t=10.0, c="cooldown"}; -- Chromaggus ["Br\195\187lure de givre"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown"}; ["Trou de temps"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown"}; ["Enflammer la chair"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown"}; ["Acide corrosif"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown"}; ["Incin\195\169rer"] = {t=60.0, i=2.0, c="cooldown"}; ["Killing Frenzy"] = {t=15.0, c="cooldown"}; -- Neferian/Onyxia ["Rugissement puissant"] = {t=2.0, c="hostile", r="Onyxia", a=1.5, u="true"}; -- Neferian ["Class Call"] = {t=33.0, c="cooldown"}; -- ?? ["Mob Spawn"] = {t=10.0, c="hostile"}; -- ?? ["Landing"] = {t=10.0, c="hostile"}; -- Outdoor -- Azuregos ["Manastorm"] = {t=10.0, c="hostile"}; } Carnival_EnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_STARTING = "NOW FOR YOU,"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_KICKER = "TASTE THE FLAMES"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_RAGNAROS_SONS = "COME FORTH, MY SERVANTS!"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_FLAMEGOR_FRENZY = "Flamegor est pris de fr195169n195169sie !"; Carnival_EnemyCastBar_CHROMAGGUS_FRENZY = "entre dans une sanglante fr195169n195169sie !"; Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_STARTING = "Let the games begin!"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_LAND = "Well done, my minions"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_SHAMAN_CALL = "Shamans, show me"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_DRUID_CALL = "Druids and your silly"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_WARLOCK_CALL = "Warlocks, you shouldn't be playing"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_PRIEST_CALL = "Priests! If you're going to keep"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_HUNTER_CALL = "Hunters and your annoying"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_WARRIOR_CALL = "Warriors, I know you can hit harder"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_ROGUE_CALL = "Rogues"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_PALADIN_CALL = "Paladins"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_NEFARIAN_MAGE_CALL = "Mages"; -- ?? Carnival_EnemyCastBar_MOB_DIES = "(.+) meurt." Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_GAINS = "(.+) gagne (.+)." Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_CAST = "(.+) commence \195\160 lancer (.+)." Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_PERFORM = "(.+) commence \195\160 ex\195\169cuter (.+)." Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_CASTS = "(.+) lance (.+)." Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_AFFLICTED = "(.+) (.+) subit les effets de (.+)."; Carnival_EnemyCastBar_SPELL_DAMAGE = "(.+) suffers (.+) from (.+) (.+)"; -- ?? end