CastProgress.strings = { VERSION = "CastProgress |cff00ff00", OPTIONS = "CastProgress Options", UPDATE = "Updating to CastProgress ", NEW = "CastProgress new player: ", CASTTIME = "Show Progress as Time", UISCALE = "Use UI Scale", SAMESCALE = "Use One Scale", PROGRESS = "Hide Cast Progress", TITLE = "Hide Cast Title", CASTBAR = "Show Cast Bar", TITLESCALE = "Title Scale", PROGRESSSCALE = "Progress Scale", BARSCALE = "Casting Bar Scale", OPACITY = "Opacity", ADDONMENU = "Enable Addon Menu", ADDONMENU_DISABLE = "This change will take effect when the game is restarted (or /console reloadui)", JUSTIFY = "Title Justify", PJUSTIFY = "Progress Justify", STICKY = "Sticky Frames", }