--[[ CleanMinimap localization file $Id: localization.lua 77 2005-08-30 06:38:29Z joev $ --]] CMMSTRINGS = {}; if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Deutsche Übersetzung -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMMSTRINGS = { appName = "Clean Minimap", author = { name = "joev", email = "joev@jarhedz.com", aliases = { " Escriven auf EU-Bladefist (A)", " Fifi auf EU-Bladefist (A)", }, }, credits = { { name = "Silwyn", alias = "", task = "NSEW-Anzeige (aus dem EastWest-mod)", }, { name = "Skrag", alias = "", task = "Bewegung/Grösse code (aus dem MoveAnything-mod)", }, { name = "Ade Baumann", alias = "Menastheus auf EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "Übersetzung DE", }, { name = "Christophe ", alias = "Shraz auf EU-Burning Legion (?)", task = "Übersetzung FR", }, { name = "joev", alias = "Escriven auf EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "Konzept, Design, Produktion, Programmierung", }, { name = "Eli", alias = "", task = "Meine schöne, intelligente, lustige und vor allem geduldige Ehefrau", }, }, by = "von", is = "ist", are = "sind", usage = { "Commands:", "/cmm on - Schaltet Clean Minimap ein", "/cmm off - Schaltet alle Funktionen von clean Minimap aus (Stellt die Original-Minimap wieder her)", "/cmm config - Setzt die Optionen der Minimap", "/cmm help - Zeigt diesen Hilfetext an", "/cmm author - Zeigt Informationen über den Autor dieser Erweiterung an", "/cmm credits - Zeigt Credits für diese Erweiterung an.", }, authorInfo = "Über den Autor:", playsAs = "spielt as: ", creditsInfo = "Credits:", aka = " v/o ", initialized = " initialisiert.", isNow = " ist jetzt: ", areNow = " sind jetzt: ", off = "aus", on = "ein", clock = "Uhr", titlebar = "Titelzeile", zoomButtons = "Zoom-Buttons", nsewIndicators = "NSEW-Anzeigen", opacity = "Transparenz", size = "Grösse", move = "Move the Minimap", myAddonsDescription = "Gibt komplette Kontrolle über die Minimap", options = { title = "CleanMinimap Optionen", done = "Beenden", buttonOnOffGroupTitle = "CleanMinimap", enableMinimap = "Minimap einschalten", enableCleanMinimap = "CleanMinimap einschalten", buttonOptionsGroupTitle = "Button-Optionen", showMinimapButton = "Minimap Button", buttonPosition = "Position des Minimap-Buttons", mapOptionsGroupTitle = "Komponenten", showClockButton = "Tag/Nacht-Uhr einblenden", showZoomButton = "Zoom-Buttons einblenden", showTitleButton = "Minimap-Titelzeile einblenden", showNSEWButton = "NSEW-Anzeigen einblenden", sliderGroupTitle = "Transparenz und Grösse", opacity = "Minimap-Tranparenz", size = "Minimap-Grösse", largeSize = "Gross (auf Tastendruck)", smallSize = "Klein (auf Tastendruck)", modifierOptionsGroupTitle = "Modifier Key Options", useShiftButton = "Shift Key", useCtrlButton = "Ctrl Key", useAltButton = "Alt Key", useOneConfig = "Use one config for all characters", iconsGroupTitle = "Minimap Icon Positions", zoomInPosition = "ZoomIn Button position", zoomOutPosition = "ZoomOut Button position", mailPosition = "Mail Icon position", trackingPosition = "Tracking Icon position", battleGroundPosition = "BattleGrounds Button position", meetingStonePosition = "Meeting Stone Button position", }, bindings = { title = "CleanMinimap Tastenbelegung", toggleOnOff = "CleanMinimap ein/aus", toggleOptions = "CleanMinimap Optionen", increaseOpacity = "Minimap-Transparenz verringern", decreaseOpacity = "Minimap-Transparenz erhöhen", toggleSize = "Minimap-Grösse (S/M/L)", }, titan = { hint1 = "Hint: Left-click to toggle display", hint2 = "of the minimap.", hint3 = "Hint: To change the opacity of the", hint4 = "of the minimap, hover the mouse", hint5 = "over it, hold down the MOD key,", hint6 = "and scroll the mouse-wheel.", }, }; elseif ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Traduction française -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMMSTRINGS = { appName = "Clean Minimap", author = { name = "joev", email = "joev@jarhedz.com", aliases = { " Escriven sur EU-Bladefist (A)", " Fifi sur EU-Bladefist (A)", }, }, credits = { { name = "Silwyn", alias = "", task = "Indicateurs NSEO (d'après le mod EastWest)", }, { name = "Skrag", alias = "", task = "Mouvement/Taille (d'après le mod MoveAnything)", }, { name = "Ade Baumann", alias = "Menastheus sur EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "Traduction allemande", }, { name = "Christophe ", alias = "Shraz sur EU-Burning Legion (?)", task = "Traduction française", }, { name = "joev", alias = "Escriven sur EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "Concept, Design, Production, Programmation", }, { name = "Eli", alias = "", task = "Pour être ma belle, intelligente, drôle et par-dessus tout, patiente, femme", }, }, by = "par", is = "est", are = "sont", usage = { "Commands:", "/cmm on - Activation de Clean Minimap", "/cmm off - Désactivation de Clean Minimap (retour à la minimap standard)", "/cmm config - Configuration de Minimap", "/cmm help - Affiche ce texte d'aide", "/cmm author - Affiche des informations à propos de l'auteur de ce mod", "/cmm credits - Affiche les crédits.", }, authorInfo = "Information sur l'auteur:", playsAs = "Joue sous: ", creditsInfo = "Crédits:", aka = " AKA ", initialized = " initialisé.", isNow = " est désormais: ", areNow = " sont désormais: ", off = "désactivé", on = "activé", clock = "Horloge", titlebar = "Barre de titre", zoomButtons = "Boutons de Zoom", nsewIndicators = "Indicateurs NSEO", opacity = "Opacité", size = "Taille", move = "Déplacer la Minimap", myAddonsDescription = "Permet de reconfigurer entièrement votre Minimap", options = { title = "Options CleanMinimap", done = "Terminé", buttonOnOffGroupTitle = "CleanMinimap", enableMinimap = "Activer Minimap", enableCleanMinimap = "Activer CleanMinimap", buttonOptionsGroupTitle = "Bouton Options Minimap", showMinimapButton = "Montrer le bouton Minimap", buttonPosition = "Position du bouton Minimap", mapOptionsGroupTitle = "Affichage des éléments", showClockButton = "Indicateur Jour/Nuit", showZoomButton = "Boutons ± du Zoom", showTitleButton = "Barre de titre Minimap", showNSEWButton = "Montrer les indicateurs NSEO", sliderGroupTitle = "Opacité et taille", opacity = "Opacité Minimap", size = "Taille Minimap", largeSize = "Grande Taille", smallSize = "Petite Taille", modifierOptionsGroupTitle = "Complément pour les raccourcis", useShiftButton = "Touche Shift", useCtrlButton = "Touche Ctrl", useAltButton = "Touche Alt", useOneConfig = "UUtiliser cette config pour tous vos persos", iconsGroupTitle = "Positions des icônes de la Minimap", zoomInPosition = "Bouton Zoom avant", zoomOutPosition = "Bouton Zoom arrière", mailPosition = "Icône courrier", trackingPosition = "Coordonnées", battleGroundPosition = "Bouton BattleGrounds", meetingStonePosition = "Bouton Pierre de rencontre", }, bindings = { title = "Raccourcis CleanMinimap", toggleOnOff = "CleanMinimap activé/désactivé", toggleOptions = "Configuration de CleanMinimap", increaseOpacity = "Augmenter l'opacité", decreaseOpacity = "Diminuer l'opacité", toggleSize = "Changer la taille (P/M/G)", }, titan = { hint1 = "Aide: Bouton gauche pour changer", hint2 = "l'affichage de la minimap.", hint3 = "Aide: Pour changer l'opacité", hint4 = "de la minimap, placer le curseur", hint5 = "sur celle-ci, maintenir la touche MOD", hint6 = "puis utiliser la molette de la souris.", }, }; --elseif ( GetLocale() == "koKR" ) then else CMMSTRINGS = { appName = "Clean Minimap", author = { name = "joev", email = "joev@jarhedz.com", aliases = { " Escriven on EU-Bladefist (A)", " Fifi on EU-Bladefist (A)", }, }, credits = { { name = "Silwyn", alias = "", task = "NSEW indicators (from EastWest mod)", }, { name = "Skrag", alias = "", task = "Movement/Resizing code (from MoveAnything mod)", }, { name = "Ade Baumann", alias = "Menastheus on EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "DE translations", }, { name = "Christophe ", alias = "Shraz on EU-Burning Legion (?)", task = "DE translations", }, { name = "joev", alias = "Escriven on EU-Bladefist (A)", task = "Concept, Design, Production, Coding", }, { name = "Eli", alias = "", task = "Being my beautiful, intelligent, funny and above all, patient, wife", }, }, by = "by", is = "is", are = "are", usage = { "Commands:", "/cmm on - Turns the Clean Minimap functionality on", "/cmm off - Turns all the clean Minimap functionality off (revert your minimap to standard)", "/cmm config - Set Minimap options", "/cmm help - Displays this help text", "/cmm author - Displays information about the author of this mod", "/cmm credits - Displays credits for this mod.", }, authorInfo = "Author Information:", playsAs = "plays as: ", creditsInfo = "Credits:", aka = " AKA ", initialized = " initialized.", isNow = " is now: ", areNow = " are now: ", off = "off", on = "on", clock = "Clock", titlebar = "Titlebar", zoomButtons = "Zoom buttons", nsewIndicators = "NSEW indicators", opacity = "Opacity", size = "Size", move = "Move the Minimap", myAddonsDescription = "Gives you complete control over the Minimap", options = { title = "CleanMinimap Options", done = "Done", buttonOnOffGroupTitle = "CleanMinimap", enableMinimap = "Enable Minimap", enableCleanMinimap = "Enable CleanMinimap", buttonOptionsGroupTitle = "Button Options", showMinimapButton = "Show Minimap Button", buttonPosition = "Minimap button position", mapOptionsGroupTitle = "Map Components", showClockButton = "Show Day/Night clock", showZoomButton = "Show Zoom +/- buttons", showTitleButton = "Show Minimap Titlebar", showNSEWButton = "Show NSEW indicators", sliderGroupTitle = "Opacity and Size", opacity = "Minimap opacity", size = "Minimap size", largeSize = "Large Size (OneKey toggle)", smallSize = "Small Size (OneKey toggle)", modifierOptionsGroupTitle = "Modifier Key Options", useShiftButton = "Shift Key", useCtrlButton = "Ctrl Key", useAltButton = "Alt Key", useOneConfig = "Use one config for all characters", iconsGroupTitle = "Minimap Icon Positions", zoomInPosition = "ZoomIn Button position", zoomOutPosition = "ZoomOut Button position", mailPosition = "Mail Icon position", trackingPosition = "Tracking Icon position", battleGroundPosition = "BattleGrounds Button position", meetingStonePosition = "Meeting Stone Button position", }, bindings = { title = "CleanMinimap Bindings", toggleOnOff = "Toggle CleanMinimap on/off", toggleOptions = "Toggle CleanMinimap Options", increaseOpacity = "Increase Minimap Opacity", decreaseOpacity = "Decrease Minimap Opacity", toggleSize = "Toggle Minimap Size (S/M/L)", }, titan = { hint1 = "Hint: Left-click to toggle display", hint2 = "of the minimap.", hint3 = "Hint: To change the opacity of the", hint4 = "of the minimap, hover the mouse", hint5 = "over it, hold down the MOD key,", hint6 = "and scroll the mouse-wheel.", }, }; end