Clean Minimap v2.3 By joev ( $Id: Readme.txt 68 2005-08-28 15:50:53Z joev $ This mod provides total control over your Minimap including moving it and resizing it (by holding down a modifier key, while clicking the Minimap), hiding the titlebar (and [X] button), the + and - zoom buttons and the daytime/clock button and adding the three other compass points (S,E and W). This mod allows you to zoom the minimap using the mouse wheel and to affect the opacity of the minimap by holding down the (configurable) "modifier" key (default SHIFT) and scrolling the mouse wheel. You can also have the minimap toggle between large, normal, and small sizes with a single keypress and last, but not least, you can specify the positions of the Blizzard standard Minimap icons, such as the "New Mail" icon, around the circumference of the Minimap. **Attributions** Westpointer functionality (Compass coordinates) is copied almost verbatim from "EastWest" by Silwyn. Move/Resize functionality by is copied almost verbatim from "MoveAnything" by Skrag. To control your CMM settings you can use the following commands: Commands: /cmm on - Turns the Clean Minimap functionality on /cmm off - Turns all the clean Minimap functionality off (revert your minimap to standard) /cmm config - Toggles the CleanMinimap Options window. /cmm author - Display a little bit of info about the author. /cmm credits - Display credits. /cmm help - Displays this help text. Have fun and enjoy CleanMinimap. joev.