-- <= == == == == == == == == == == == == => -- Combat Stats 2 Localization file -- <= == == == == == == == == == == == == => COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HEADER = "CombatStats"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HEADER_INFO = "These options modify CombatStats.\n "; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ONOFF = "Turn CombatStats On/Off"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ONOFF_INFO = "If this box is unchecked,\n CombatStats is off."; COMBATSTATS_CHAT_COMMAND_INFO = "Tracks CombatStats and generates data."; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HIDEONNOTARGET = "Hide When No Target"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HIDEONNOTARGET_INFO = "If enabled then Combat Stats will only be visible when there is a target."; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_USEMOUSEOVER = "Show CombatStats on mouseover"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_USEMOUSEOVER_INFO = "If enabled, Combat Stats will appear when you mouseover the title.\nIf disabled, Combat Stats will appear when you click on the title." COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ENDOFFIGHT = "Show end of fight statistics"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ENDOFFIGHT_INFO = "If enabled then Combat Stats will show end of fight DPS/damage stats."; COMBSTATS_CHAT_COMMAND_RESET = "Reset combat stats data."; CS_CHAT_COMMAND_INFO = "Type /cs or /combatstats for usage instructions."; CS_FRAME_GEN_ATTACK_NAME = "Attack Name :"; CS_FRAME_TICKS_TEXT = "DOT ticks."; CS_FRAME_HOT_TEXT = "HOT ticks."; CS_FRAME_HITS_TEXT = "hits out of"; CS_FRAME_SWINGS_TEXT = "swings or uses."; CS_FRAME_MISSES_TEXT = "Misses : "; CS_FRAME_DODGES_TEXT = "Dodges : "; CS_FRAME_PARRIES_TEXT = "Parries : "; CS_FRAME_BLOCKS_TEXT = "Blocks : "; CS_FRAME_RESISTS_TEXT = "Resists : "; CS_FRAME_IMMUNE_TEXT = "Immune : "; CS_FRAME_EVADES_TEXT = "Evades : "; CS_FRAME_DEFLECTS_TEXT = "Deflects : "; CS_FRAME_PERCENT_OVERALL_TEXT = "Percentage of overall damage : "; CS_FRAME_TIME_LASTCRIT_TEXT = "Time since last crit : "; CS_FRAME_TOTAL_TEXT = "Total : "; CS_FRAME_DAMAGE_TEXT = "Damage : "; CS_FRAME_MINMAX_TEXT = "Min / Max : "; CS_FRAME_AVGDMG_TEXT = "Avg. Damage : "; CS_FRAME_PERCENTDMG_TEXT = "% Of Dmg. : "; CS_FRAME_PERCENT_OVERALL_TEXT_HEAL = "Percentage of overall HP healed: "; CS_FRAME_DAMAGE_TEXT_HEAL = "HP Healed : "; CS_FRAME_AVGDMG_TEXT_HEAL = "Avg. Healed : "; CS_FRAME_PERCENTDMG_TEXT_HEAL = "% Of Total : "; CS_FRAME_HITS_TEXT_HEAL = "heal(s) cast."; CS_DROPDOWN_SELECT_TEXT = "Select Attack"; CS_TT_OVERALLPCT_TEXT = "Overall critical hit percentage."; CS_TT_OVERALLDMGPCT_TEXT = "Percentage of the total damage done by all attacks that was done by this attack."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT = "Percent of this attack's hits that are non critical hits."; CS_TT_CRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT = "Percent of this attack's hits that are critical hits."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT = "Percentage of this attack's damage that was from non critical hits."; CS_TT_CRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT = "Percentage of this attack's damage that was from critical hits."; CS_TT_OVERALLPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Overall critical hit percentage."; CS_TT_OVERALLDMGPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Percentage of the total damage done by all attacks that was done by this attack."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Percent of this attack's hits that are non critical hits."; CS_TT_CRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Percent of this attack's hits that are critical hits."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Percentage of this attack's damage that was from non critical hits."; CS_TT_CRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT_NONHEAL = "Percentage of this attack's damage that was from critical hits."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT_HEAL = "Percent of this spell's hits that are non critical hits."; CS_TT_CRIT_HITSPCT_TEXT_HEAL = "Percent of this spell's hits that are critical hits."; CS_TT_OVERALLDMGPCT_TEXT_HEAL = "Percentage of the total HP healed by all heal spells that was done by this spell."; CS_TT_CRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT_HEAL = "Percentage of HP healed from this spell that was from critical hits."; CS_TT_NONCRIT_DMGPCT_TEXT_HEAL = "Percentage of HP healed from this spell that was from non critical hits."; RED_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffff2020"; NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffffd200"; WHITE_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffffffff"; GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cff20ff20"; BLUE_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cff2020ff"; DPS_DISPLAY = "%.2f"; CLOCK_TIME_DAY = "%d day"; CLOCK_TIME_HOUR = "%d hour"; CLOCK_TIME_MINUTE = "%d minute"; CLOCK_TIME_SECOND = "%d second"; if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then -- Translation by pc COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HEADER = "Kampfstatisktik"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_HEADER_INFO = "Diese Einstellungen verändern die Kampstatistik.\n "; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ONOFF = "Kampfstatisktik Ein-/Ausschalten"; COMBATSTATS_CONFIG_ONOFF_INFO = "Wenn diese Checkbox markiert ist,\n ist die Kampfstatistik angeschaltet."; COMBATSTATS_CHAT_COMMAND_INFO = "Ermittelt Kampfstatistik und generiert Daten."; RED_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffff2020"; NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffffd200"; WHITE_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cffffffff"; GREEN_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cff20ff20"; BLUE_FONT_COLOR_CODE = "|cff2020ff"; DPS_DISPLAY = "Gesamt DPS :: %.2f"; CLOCK_TIME_DAY = "%d Tag"; CLOCK_TIME_HOUR = "%d Stunde"; CLOCK_TIME_MINUTE = "%d Minute"; CLOCK_TIME_SECOND = "%d Sekunde"; end