BINDING_HEADER_CONFAB = "Confab"; BINDING_NAME_CONFAB_TT = "Tell-Target/Target-Tell"; BINDING_NAME_CONFAB_RT = "Re-Tell"; BINDING_NAME_CONFAB_TARGETTELL = "Target-Tell"; BINDING_NAME_CONFAB_TELLTARGET = "Tell-Target"; CONFAB_LOADED_MSG = "|cff00ff00Confab %s Addon Loaded and Initialized, use |cffffffff%s|cff00ff00 for commands"; CONFAB_STYLE1_INFO = "Style 1 (Default WoW style)"; CONFAB_STYLE2_INFO = "Style 2"; CONFAB_STYLE3_INFO = "Style 3"; CONFAB_STYLE4_INFO = "Style 4"; CONFAB_STYLE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown Style"; CONFAB_UNDOCKED_INFO = "Undocked"; CONFAB_STYLE_LOCKED = ", and locked"; CONFAB_STYLE_UNLOCKED = ", and unlocked"; CONFAB_STYLE_NOAUTOHIDE = ", no autohide"; CONFAB_STYLE_MSG = "|cff00ff00Confab style:|r "; CONFAB_ARROWS_ENABLED = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Arrow/Cursor keys enabled."; CONFAB_ARROWS_DISABLED = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Arrow/Cursor keys disabled."; CONFAB_AUTOHIDE_ON = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r autohide setting is: 'on'"; CONFAB_AUTOHIDE_OFF = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r autohide setting is: 'off'"; CONFAB_STICKY_CHAN_INVALID1 = "|cff00ff00Confah:|r Current sticky channel is no longer valid!"; CONFAB_STICKY_CHAN_INVALID2 = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Setting chat type to: 'say'"; CONFAB_STICKY_CHAN_INVALID3 = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Resetting chat sticky to: 'default'"; CONFAB_STICKY_SETTO = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Chat sticky set to: '"; CONFAB_STICKY_CURRENTLY_SETTO = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Chat sticky currently set to: '"; CONFAB_AUTODOCK_ON = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r autodock setting is: 'on'"; CONFAB_AUTODOCK_OFF = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r autodock setting is: 'off'"; CONFAB_ALPHA_SETTO = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Chat editbox alpha currently set to: "; CONFAB_TEXTURE_SETTO = "|cff00ff00Confab:|r Chat editbox texture currently set to: " CONFAB_UNABLE_TO_TARGET = "|cff00ff00Unable to target:|r "; CONFAB_USAGE = "|c00ffff00Usage: |cffffffff%s |r"; CONFAB_HELP1 = "|c00ffff00Where |cffffffff |c00ffff00is one of the following:|r"; CONFAB_HELP2 = "- Simple style templates. Autohide can not be turned off in Style2 or Style3|r" --CONFAB_HELP3 = "- A simple style template. Autohide can not be turned off in this style.|r" --CONFAB_HELP4 = "- A simple style template. Autohide can not be turned off in this style.|r" CONFAB_HELP5 = "- If the user has more then one chatframe, the editbox will automaticly dock with the chatframe the mouse is over. This also will setup the editbox to always be set to a particular chat types depending on the chatframe named when open as long as one of the following labels is used: Guild, Party, or contains the word Tell.|r" CONFAB_HELP6 = "- Controls the autohide feature of the edit box.|r" CONFAB_HELP7 = "- Undock the edit box.|r" CONFAB_HELP8 = "- Dock the edit box back to its original location unless the optional frame is specified (|c00ffff00CAUTION:|cff00ff00 Use with care!).|r" CONFAB_HELP9 = "- Lock the edit box so it can't be moved around. Only works when undocked.|r" CONFAB_HELP10 = "- Unlock the edit box so it can be moved and resized. Only works when undocked.|r" CONFAB_HELP11 = "- Set which channel is to be sticky.|r" CONFAB_HELP12 = "- Enables the cursor/arrow keys to function without having to press amd hold the ALT key.|r" CONFAB_HELP13 = "- Default Blizzard cursor/arrow key setup. Requires the ALT key to be pressed and held down in order for arrow keys to function.|r" CONFAB_HELP14 = "|c00ffff00Confab also provides the following slash commands:" CONFAB_HELP15 = "- Tell Target, or Target Tell depending on whether your target is a friendly player or not. If it is it will setup the edit box header for a /tell to them. Otherwise, it will try to target the person who last sent you a /tell. Can be used from macros as well.|r" CONFAB_HELP16 = "- Target Tell, explicit command for targeting the person who last sent you a /tell. This is mostly provided for use within macros." CONFAB_HELP17 = "- Re-Tell, sets up the edit box for a message to the last person you typed a /tell to regardless of whether they have responded back or not. Any macroed /tells do not effect its value." CONFAB_HELP18 = "- Saves the current target information. Useful for macros." CONFAB_HELP19 = "- Resets your target to the previously saved one. Useful for macros." CONFAB_HELP20 = "- Tell Target, explicit command for sending a /tell to a targeted friendly player. This is mostly provided for use within macros." CONFAB_HELP21 = "- Set the artwork texture for the editbox. Textures are stored in the Confab\Textures directory. For example: '/confab texture myeditbox'." CONFAB_HELP22 = "- Set the alpha blending value. Must be a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (full opaque. Well, as opaque as the artwork texture will allow)."