-- English COUNTDOOM_TITLE = "CountDoom"; COUNTDOOM_VERSION = "0.48"; COUNTDOOM_TITLE_VERSION = COUNTDOOM_TITLE .. " v" .. COUNTDOOM_VERSION; COUNTDOOM_DESCRIPTION = "Important timers for Warlocks."; COUNTDOOM_LOADED = "|cffffff00" .. COUNTDOOM_TITLE .. " v" .. COUNTDOOM_VERSION .. " loaded"; COUNTDOOM_LOCKED = "|cffffff00" .. COUNTDOOM_TITLE .. " window locked"; COUNTDOOM_UNLOCKED = "|cffffff00" .. COUNTDOOM_TITLE .. " window unlocked"; COUNTDOOM_CONFIRM_RESET = "Okay to reset " .. COUNTDOOM_TITLE .. " settings to default values?"; COUNTDOOM_WARLOCK = "Warlock"; COUNTDOOM_TRUE = "true"; COUNTDOOM_FALSE = "false"; COUNTDOOM_SETWARNINGSOUNDMSG = "Your warning sound is now set to %s.wav"; COUNTDOOM_SETENDSOUNDMSG = "Your end sound is now set to %s.wav"; COUNTDOOM_NOANNOUNCEMSG = "Spells will no longer be announced."; COUNTDOOM_YESANNOUNCEMSG = "Spells will now be announced."; COUNTDOOM_NOFLASHMSG = "Spells will no longer flash at warning."; COUNTDOOM_YESFLASHMSG = "Spells will flash at warning."; COUNTDOOM_NOSOUNDSMSG = "Sounds will no longer be played."; COUNTDOOM_YESSOUNDSMSG = "Sounds will now be played."; COUNTDOOM_DISABLEDMSG = "Timers will no longer be displayed."; COUNTDOOM_ENABLEDMSG = "Timers will now be displayed."; COUNTDOOM_HSECONDS_OFF = "Hundredths will no longer be displayed"; COUNTDOOM_HSECONDS_ON = "Hundredths will now be displayed"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_AMPLIFY_CURSE = "Amplify Curse"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_BANISH = "Banish"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CONFLAGRATE = "Conflagrate"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CORRUPTION = "Corruption"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFAGONY = "Curse of Agony"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFDOOM = "Curse of Doom"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTHEELEMENTS = "Curse of the Elements"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFEXHAUSTION = "Curse of Exhaustion"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFRECKLESSNESS = "Curse of Recklessness"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFSHADOW = "Curse of Shadow"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTONGUES = "Curse of Tongues"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFWEAKNESS = "Curse of Weakness"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_ENSLAVEDEMON = "Enslave Demon"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_FEAR = "Fear"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_HOWLOFTERROR = "Howl of Terror"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_IMMOLATE = "Immolate"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SIPHONLIFE = "Siphon Life"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SEDUCE = "Seduction"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SPELL_LOCK = "Spell Lock"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_DEATH_COIL = "Death Coil"; COUNTDOOMDEBUFF_ENSLAVEDEMON = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_EnslaveDemon"; if ( GetLocale() == "frFR" ) then COUNTDOOM_WARLOCK = "D\195\169moniste"; COUNTDOOM_DESCRIPTION = "Timers important pour D\195\169moniste."; COUNTDOOM_SETWARNINGSOUNDMSG = "Your warning sound is now set to %s.wav" COUNTDOOM_SETENDSOUNDMSG = "Your end sound is now set to %s.wav" COUNTDOOM_TRUE = "true"; COUNTDOOM_FALSE = "false"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_AMPLIFY_CURSE = "Mal\195\169diction amplifi\195\169e"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_BANISH = "Bannir"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CORRUPTION = "Corruption"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFAGONY = "Mal\195\169diction d\'agonie"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFDOOM = "Mal\195\169diction funeste"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTHEELEMENTS = "Mal\195\169diction des \195\169l\195\169ments"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFEXHAUSTION = "Mal\195\169diction de fatigue"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFRECKLESSNESS = "Mal\195\169diction de T\195\169m\195\169rit\195\169"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFSHADOW = "Mal\195\169diction de l\'ombre"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTONGUES = "Mal\195\169diction des langages"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFWEAKNESS = "Mal\195\169diction de faiblesse"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_DEATH_COIL = "Voile Mortel"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_ENSLAVEDEMON = "Asservir d\195\169mon"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_FEAR = "Peur"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_HOWLOFTERROR = "Hurlement de terreur"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_IMMOLATE = "Immolation"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SIPHONLIFE = "Siphon de vie"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SEDUCE = "S\195\169duction"; end if ( GetLocale() == "deDE" ) then COUNTDOOM_WARLOCK = "Hexenmeister"; COUNTDOOM_DESCRIPTION = "Important timers for Warlocks."; COUNTDOOM_SETWARNINGSOUNDMSG = "Your warning sound is now set to %s.wav" COUNTDOOM_SETENDSOUNDMSG = "Your end sound is now set to %s.wav" COUNTDOOM_TRUE = "true"; COUNTDOOM_FALSE = "false"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_AMPLIFY_CURSE = "Fluch verst\195\164rken"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_BANISH = "Verbannen"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CORRUPTION = "Verderbnis"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFAGONY = "Fluch der Pein"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFDOOM = "Fluch der Verdammnis"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTHEELEMENTS = "Fluch der Elemente"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFEXHAUSTION = "Fluch der Ersch\195\182pfung"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFRECKLESSNESS = "Fluch der Tollk\195\188hnheit"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFSHADOW = "Schattenfluch"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFTONGUES = "Fluch der Sprachen"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_CURSEOFWEAKNESS = "Fluch der Schw\195\164che"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_DEATH_COIL = "Todesmantel"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_ENSLAVEDEMON = "D\195\164monensklave"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_FEAR = "Furcht"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_HOWLOFTERROR = "Schreckgeheul"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_IMMOLATE = "Feuerbrand"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SIPHONLIFE = "Lebensentzug"; COUNTDOOMSPELL_SEDUCE = "Verf\195\188hrung"; end local function CD_Localize(in_pattern) local pattern = in_pattern; local i,k,field,idx; pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%.$",""); -- strip trailing . pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%s","(.+)"); -- %s to (.+) pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%d","(%%d+)"); -- %d to (%d+) if string.find(pattern,"%$") then -- entries need reordered, ie: SPELLMISSOTHEROTHER = "%2$s von %1$s verfehlt %3$s."; pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%%d%$s","(.+)"); pattern = string.gsub(pattern,"%%%d%$d","(%%d+)"); end return pattern; end CD_SPELLCASTOTHERSTART = CD_Localize( SPELLCASTOTHERSTART ); CD_AURAADDEDOTHERHARMFUL = CD_Localize( AURAADDEDOTHERHARMFUL ); -- %s is afflicted by %s. CD_SPELLRESISTSELFOTHER = CD_Localize( SPELLRESISTSELFOTHER ); -- Your %s was resisted by %s. CD_SPELLIMMUNESELFOTHER = CD_Localize( SPELLIMMUNESELFOTHER ); -- Your %s failed. %s is immune. CD_SPELLEVADEDSELFOTHER = CD_Localize( SPELLEVADEDSELFOTHER ); -- Your %s was evaded by %s. CD_AURAREMOVEDOTHER = CD_Localize( AURAREMOVEDOTHER ); -- %s fades from %s. CD_SPELLCASTOTHERSTART = CD_Localize( SPELLCASTOTHERSTART ); -- %s begins to cast %s. CD_UNITDIESOTHER = CD_Localize( UNITDIESOTHER ); -- %s dies.