--[[ Enchantrix v3.6.1 (Platypus) $Id: EnchantrixBarker.lua 933 2006-07-08 03:10:18Z mentalpower $ By Norganna http://enchantrix.org/ This is an addon for World of Warcraft that add a list of what an item disenchants into to the items that you mouse-over in the game. License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program(see GLP.txt); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ]] local priorityList = {}; local categories = { --TODO: Localize Bracer = {search = "Bracer", print = "Bracer" }, Gloves = {search = "Gloves", print = "Gloves" }, Boots = {search = "Boots", print = "Boots" }, Shield = {search = "Shield", print = "Shield" }, Chest = {search = "Chest", print = "Chest" }, Cloak = {search = "Cloak", print = "Cloak" }, TwoHanded = {search = "2H", print = "2H Weapon"}, AnyWeapon = {search = "Enchant Weapon", print = "Any Weapon" } }; local print_order = { 'Bracer', 'Gloves', 'Boots', 'Chest', 'Cloak', 'Shield', 'TwoHanded', 'AnyWeapon' }; --TODO: Localize local attributes = { --TODO: Localize 'intellect', 'stamina', 'spirit', 'strength', 'agility', 'fire resistance', 'resistance to fire', 'resistance', 'all stats', 'mana', 'health', 'additional armor', 'additional points of armor', 'increase armor', 'increase its armor', 'absorption', 'damage to beasts', 'points? of damage', '\+[0-9]+ damage', 'defense' }; local short_attributes = { --TODO: Localize 'INT', 'STA', 'SPI', 'STR', 'AGI', 'fire res', 'fire res', 'all res', 'all stats', 'mana', 'health', 'armour', 'armour', 'armour', 'armour', 'DMG absorb', 'Beastslayer', 'DMG', 'DMG', 'DEF' }; -- UI code function EnchantrixBarker_OnEvent() --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("GotUIEvent..."); -- Returns "Enchanting" for enchantwindow and nil for Beast Training local craftName, rank, maxRank = GetCraftDisplaySkillLine() if craftName then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Barker config is "..tostring(Enchantrix.Config.GetFilter('barker')) ); if( event == "CRAFT_SHOW" ) then if( Enchantrix.Config.GetFilter('barker') and GetLocale() == "enUS" ) then Enchantrix_BarkerButton:Show(); Enchantrix_BarkerButton.tooltipText = 'Posts a sales message to the Trade channel, if available.'; --TODO: Localize Enchantrix_BarkerOptionsButton:Show(); Enchantrix_BarkerButton.tooltipText = 'Opens the barker options window.'; --TODO: Localize else Enchantrix_BarkerButton:Hide(); Enchantrix_BarkerOptionsButton:Hide(); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame:Hide(); end elseif( event == "CRAFT_CLOSE" )then Enchantrix_BarkerButton:Hide(); Enchantrix_BarkerOptionsButton:Hide(); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame:Hide(); end end end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_OnShow() Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ShowFrame(1); end function Enchantrix_BarkerOnClick() --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint(Enchantrix_CreateBarker()); local barker = Enchantrix_CreateBarker(); local id = GetChannelName("Trade - City") --TODO: Localize EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("EnxBarker: Attempting to send barker", barker, "Trade Channel ID", id) if (id and (not(id == 0))) then if (barker) then SendChatMessage(barker,"CHANNEL", GetDefaultLanguage("player"), id); end else Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Enchantrix: You aren't in a trade zone."); --TODO: Localize end end function Enchantrix.Barker.AddonLoaded() Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Barker Loaded..."); if( not EnchantConfig.barker ) then EnchantConfig.barker = {}; end --EnchantConfig.barker = EnchantConfig.barker; if( not EnchantConfig.barker.profit_margin ) then EnchantConfig.barker.profit_margin = 10; end if( not EnchantConfig.barker.randomise ) then EnchantConfig.barker.randomise = 10; end if( not EnchantConfig.barker.lowest_price ) then EnchantConfig.barker.lowest_price = 100; end end local function relevel(frame) local myLevel = frame:GetFrameLevel() + 1 local children = { frame:GetChildren() } for _,child in pairs(children) do child:SetFrameLevel(myLevel) relevel(child) end end local function craftUILoaded() Stubby.UnregisterAddOnHook("Blizzard_CraftUI", "Enchantrix") Enchantrix_BarkerButton:SetParent(CraftFrame); Enchantrix_BarkerButton:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", CraftFrame, "TOPRIGHT", -40, -60 ); Enchantrix_BarkerOptionsButton:SetParent(CraftFrame); Enchantrix_BarkerOptionsButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", Enchantrix_BarkerButton, "BOTTOMLEFT"); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame:SetParent(CraftFrame); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", CraftFrame, "TOPRIGHT"); relevel(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame) end function EnchantrixBarker_OnLoad() Stubby.RegisterAddOnHook("Blizzard_CraftUI", "Enchantrix", craftUILoaded) end local config_defaults = { lowest_price = 5000, sweet_price = 50000, high_price = 500000, profit_margin = 10, highest_profit = 100000, randomise = 10, AnyWeapon = 100, TwoHanded = 90, Bracer = 70, Gloves = 70, Boots = 70, Chest = 70, Cloak = 70, Shield = 70, INT = 90, STA = 70, AGI = 70, STR = 70, SPI = 45, ["all stats"] = 75, ["all res"] = 55, armour = 65, ["fire res"] = 85, mana = 35, health = 40, DMG = 90, DEF = 60, other = 70, factor_price = 20, factor_item = 40, factor_stat = 40 }; function Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( key ) if( not EnchantConfig.barker ) then EnchantConfig.barker = {}; end local config = EnchantConfig.barker; if( not config[key] ) then config[key] = config_defaults[key]; end --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Getting config: "..key.." - "..config[key]); return config[key]; end function Enchantrix_BarkerSetConfig( key, value ) --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Setting config: "..key.." - "..value); if( not EnchantConfig.barker ) then EnchantConfig.barker = {}; end local config = EnchantConfig.barker; config[key] = value; end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TestButton_OnClick() --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint(Enchantrix_CreateBarker()); local barker = Enchantrix_CreateBarker(); local id = GetChannelName("Trade - City") --TODO: Localize EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("EnxBarker: Attempting to send test barker", barker, "Trade Channel ID", id) if (id and (not(id == 0))) then if (barker) then Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint(barker); end else Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Enchantrix: You aren't in a trade zone."); --TODO: Localize end end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue(id) if (not id) then id = this:GetID(); end return Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[id].key); end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged(id) if (not id) then id = this:GetID(); end Enchantrix_BarkerSetConfig(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[id].key, this:GetValue()); end Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab = -1; Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames = { --TODO: Localize { title = 'Profit and Price Priorities', options = { { name = 'Profit Margin', tooltip = 'The percentage profit to add to the base mats cost.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'profit_margin', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Highest Profit', tooltip = 'The highest total cash profit to make on an enchant.', units = 'money', min = 0, max = 250000, step = 500, key = 'highest_profit', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Lowest Price', tooltip = 'The lowest cash price to quote for an enchant.', units = 'money', min = 0, max = 50000, step = 500, key = 'lowest_price', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Overall Price Priority', tooltip = 'This sets how important pricing is to the overall priority for advertising.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'factor_price', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'PriceFactor SweetSpot', tooltip = 'This is used to prioritise enchants near this price for advertising.', units = 'money', min = 0, max = 500000, step = 5000, key = 'sweet_price', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'PriceFactor Highest', tooltip = 'Enchants receive a score of zero for price priority at or above this value.', units = 'money', min = 0, max = 1000000, step = 50000, key = 'high_price', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Random Factor', tooltip = 'The amount of randomness in the enchants chosen for the trade shout.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'randomise', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged } } }, { title = 'Item Priorities', options = { { name = 'Overall Items Priority', tooltip = 'This sets how important the item is to the overall priority for advertising.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'factor_item', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = '2H Weapon', tooltip = 'The priority score for 2H weapon enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'TwoHanded', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Any Weapon', tooltip = 'The priority score for enchants to any weapon.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'AnyWeapon', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Bracer', tooltip = 'The priority score for bracer enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Bracer', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Gloves', tooltip = 'The priority score for glove enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Gloves', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Boots', tooltip = 'The priority score for boots enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Boots', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Chest', tooltip = 'The priority score for chest enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Chest', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Cloak', tooltip = 'The priority score for cloak enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Cloak', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Shield', tooltip = 'The priority score for shield enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'Shield', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged } } }, { title = 'Stats 1', options = { { name = 'Overall Stats Priority', tooltip = 'This sets how important the stat is to the overall priority for advertising.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'factor_stat', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Intellect', tooltip = 'The priority score for Intellect enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'INT', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Strength', tooltip = 'The priority score for Strength enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'STR', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Agility', tooltip = 'The priority score for Agility enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'AGI', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Stamina', tooltip = 'The priority score for Stamina enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'STA', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Spirit', tooltip = 'The priority score for Spirit enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'SPI', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'All Stats', tooltip = 'The priority score for enchants that increase all stats.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'all stats', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged } } }, { title = 'Stats 2', options = { { name = 'All Resistances', tooltip = 'The priority score for enchants that boost all resistances.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'all res', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Armour', tooltip = 'The priority score for Armour enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'armour', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Fire Resistance', tooltip = 'The priority score for Fire Resistance enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'INT', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Mana', tooltip = 'The priority score for Mana enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'mana', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Health', tooltip = 'The priority score for Health enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'health', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Damage', tooltip = 'The priority score for Damage enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'DMG', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Defense', tooltip = 'The priority score for Defense enchants.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'DEF', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, { name = 'Other', tooltip = 'The priority score for enchants such as skinning, mining, riding etc.', units = 'percentage', min = 0, max = 100, step = 1, key = 'other', getvalue = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_GetValue, valuechanged = Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Factors_Slider_OnValueChanged }, } } }; function EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_OnValueChanged() if Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab ~= -1 then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "Tab - Slider changed: "..Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab..' - '..this:GetID() ); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[this:GetID()].valuechanged(); value = this:GetValue(); --Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[this:GetID()].getvalue(); valuestr = EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_GetTextFromValue( value, Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[this:GetID()].units ); getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames[Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab].options[this:GetID()].name.." - "..valuestr ); end end function EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_GetTextFromValue( value, units ) local valuestr = '' if units == 'percentage' then valuestr = value..'%' elseif units == 'money' then local p_gold,p_silver,p_copper = EnhTooltip.GetGSC(value); if( p_gold > 0 ) then valuestr = p_gold.."g"; end if( p_silver > 0 ) then valuestr = valuestr..p_silver.."s"; end end return valuestr; end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Tab_OnClick() --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "Clicked Tab: "..this:GetID() ); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ShowFrame( this:GetID() ) end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ShowFrame( frame_index ) Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab = -1 for index, frame in pairs(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_TabFrames) do if ( index == frame_index ) then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "Showing Frame: "..index ); for i = 1,10 do local slider = getglobal('EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_'..i); slider:Hide(); end for i, opt in pairs(frame.options) do local slidername = 'EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_'..i local slider = getglobal(slidername); slider:SetMinMaxValues(opt.min, opt.max); slider:SetValueStep(opt.step); slider.tooltipText = opt.tooltip; getglobal(slidername.."High"):SetText(); getglobal(slidername.."Low"):SetText(); slider:Show(); end Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_ActiveTab = index for i, opt in pairs(frame.options) do local slidername = 'EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_'..i local slider = getglobal(slidername); slider:SetValue(opt.getvalue(i)); getglobal(slidername.."Text"):SetText(opt.name..' - '..EnchantrixBarker_OptionsSlider_GetTextFromValue(slider:GetValue(),opt.units)); end end end end function Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_OnClick() --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("You pressed the options button." ); Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame:Show(); --ShowUIPanel(Enchantrix_BarkerOptions_Frame); end function Enchantrix_CheckButton_OnShow() end function Enchantrix_CheckButton_OnClick() end function Enchantrix_CheckButton_OnEnter() end function Enchantrix_CheckButton_OnLeave() end -- end UI code function Enchantrix_CreateBarker() local availableEnchants = {}; local numAvailable = 0; local temp = GetCraftSkillLine(1); if Enchantrix_BarkerGetZoneText() then Enchantrix_ResetBarkerString(); Enchantrix_ResetPriorityList(); if (temp) then EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Starting creation of EnxBarker") for index=1, GetNumCrafts() do local craftName, craftSubSpellName, craftType, numEnchantsAvailable, isExpanded = GetCraftInfo(index); --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint(GetCraftInfo(index)) if((numEnchantsAvailable > 0) and (string.find(craftName, "Enchant"))) then --have reagents and it is an enchant --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint(""..craftName, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2); local cost = 0; for j=1,GetCraftNumReagents(index),1 do local a,b,c = GetCraftReagentInfo(index,j); reagent = GetCraftReagentItemLink(index,j); --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Adding: "..reagent.." - "..Enchantrix_GetReagentHSP(reagent).." x "..c.." = " ..(Enchantrix_GetReagentHSP(reagent)*c/10000)); cost = cost + (Enchantrix_GetReagentHSP(reagent)*c); end local profit = cost * Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("profit_margin")*0.01; if( profit > Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("highest_profit") ) then profit = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("highest_profit"); end local price = Enchantrix_RoundPrice(cost + profit); local enchant = { index = index, name = craftName, type = craftType, available = numEnchantsAvailable, isExpanded = isExpanded, cost = cost, price = price, profit = price - cost }; availableEnchants[ numAvailable] = enchant; EnhTooltip.DebugPrint(GetCraftDescription(index)); local p_gold,p_silver,p_copper = EnhTooltip.GetGSC(enchant.price); local pr_gold,pr_silver,pr_copper = EnhTooltip.GetGSC(enchant.profit); --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint("Price: "..p_gold.."."..p_silver.."g, profit: "..pr_gold.."."..pr_silver.."g"); Enchantrix_AddEnchantToPriorityList( enchant ) --EnhTooltip.DebugPrint( "numReagents: "..GetCraftNumReagents(index) ); numAvailable = numAvailable + 1; end end if numAvailable == 0 then Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Enchantrix: You either don't have any enchants or don't have the reagents to make them."); --TODO: Localize return nil end for i,element in ipairs(priorityList) do EnhTooltip.DebugPrint(element.enchant.name); Enchantrix_AddEnchantToBarker( element.enchant ); end return Enchantrix_GetBarkerString(); else Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Enchantrix: Enchant Window not open."); --TODO: Localize end end return nil end function Enchantrix_ScoreEnchantPriority( enchant ) local score_item = 0; if Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryKey(enchant.index) ) then score_item = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryKey(enchant.index) ); score_item = score_item * Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( 'factor_item' )*0.01; end local score_stat = 0; if Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( Enchantrix_GetEnchantStat(enchant) ) then score_stat = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( Enchantrix_GetEnchantStat(enchant)); else score_stat = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( 'other' ); end score_stat = score_stat * Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( 'factor_stat' )*0.01; local score_price = 0; local price_score_floor = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("sweet_price"); local price_score_ceiling = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("high_price"); if enchant.price < price_score_floor then score_price = (price_score_floor - (price_score_floor - enchant.price))/price_score_floor * 100; elseif enchant.price < price_score_ceiling then range = (price_score_ceiling - price_score_floor); score_price = (range - (enchant.price - price_score_floor))/range * 100; end score_price = score_price * Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig( 'factor_price' )*0.01; score_total = (score_item + score_stat + score_price); return score_total * (1 - Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("randomise")*0.01) + math.random(300) * Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("randomise")*0.01; end function Enchantrix_ResetPriorityList() priorityList = {}; end function Enchantrix_AddEnchantToPriorityList(enchant) local enchant_score = Enchantrix_ScoreEnchantPriority( enchant ); for i,priorityentry in ipairs(priorityList) do if( priorityentry.score < enchant_score ) then table.insert( priorityList, i, {score = enchant_score, enchant = enchant} ); return; end end table.insert( priorityList, {score = enchant_score, enchant = enchant} ); end function Enchantrix_RoundPrice( price ) local round if( price < 5000 ) then round = 1000; elseif ( price < 20000 ) then round = 2500; else round = 5000; end odd = math.mod(price,round); price = price + (round - odd); if( price < Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("lowest_price") ) then price = Enchantrix_BarkerGetConfig("lowest_price"); end return price end function Enchantrix_GetReagentHSP( itemLink ) local itemID = Enchantrix.Util.GetItemIdFromLink(itemLink); local itemKey = string.format("%s:0:0", itemID); -- Work out what version if any of auctioneer is installed local auctVerStr; if (not Auctioneer) then auctVerStr = AUCTIONEER_VERSION or "0.0.0"; else auctVerStr = AUCTIONEER_VERSION or Auctioneer.Version or "0.0.0"; end local auctVer = Enchantrix.Util.Split(auctVerStr, "."); local major = tonumber(auctVer[1]) or 0; local minor = tonumber(auctVer[2]) or 0; local rev = tonumber(auctVer[3]) or 0; if (auctVer[3] == "DEV") then rev = 0; minor = minor + 1; end local hsp = nil; if (major == 3 and minor == 0 and rev <= 11) then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Calling Auctioneer_GetHighestSellablePriceForOne"); if (rev == 11) then hsp = Auctioneer_GetHighestSellablePriceForOne(itemKey, false, Auctioneer_GetAuctionKey()); else if (Auctioneer_GetHighestSellablePriceForOne) then hsp = Auctioneer_GetHighestSellablePriceForOne(itemKey, false); elseif (getHighestSellablePriceForOne) then hsp = getHighestSellablePriceForOne(itemKey, false); end end elseif (major == 3 and (minor > 0 and minor <= 3) and (rev > 11 and rev < 675)) then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Calling GetHSP"); hsp = Auctioneer_GetHSP(itemKey, Auctioneer_GetAuctionKey()); elseif (major >= 3 and minor >= 3 and (rev >= 675 or rev == 0)) then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Calling Statistic.GetHSP"); hsp = Auctioneer.Statistic.GetHSP(itemKey, Auctioneer.Util.GetAuctionKey()); else Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Calling Nothing: "..major..", "..minor..", "..rev); end if hsp == nil then hsp = 0; end return hsp; end local barkerString = ''; local barkerCategories = {}; function Enchantrix_ResetBarkerString() barkerString = "("..Enchantrix_BarkerGetZoneText()..") Selling Enchants:"; --TODO: Localize barkerCategories = {}; end local short_location = { Orgrimmar = 'Org', ['Thunder Bluff'] = 'TB', Undercity = 'UC', ['Stormwind City'] = 'SW', Darnassus = 'Dar', ['City of Ironforge'] = 'IF' }; function Enchantrix_BarkerGetZoneText() --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint(GetZoneText()); return short_location[GetZoneText()]; end function Enchantrix_AddEnchantToBarker( enchant ) local currBarker = Enchantrix_GetBarkerString(); local category_key = Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryKey( enchant.index ) local category_string = ""; local test_category = {}; if barkerCategories[ category_key ] then for i,element in ipairs(barkerCategories[category_key]) do --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint("Inserting: "..i..", elem: "..element.index ); table.insert(test_category, element); end end table.insert(test_category, enchant); category_string = Enchantrix_GetBarkerCategoryString( test_category ); if string.len(currBarker) + string.len(category_string) > 255 then return false; end if not barkerCategories[ category_key ] then barkerCategories[ category_key ] = {}; end table.insert( barkerCategories[ category_key ],enchant ); return true; end function Enchantrix_GetBarkerString() local barker = ""..barkerString; for index, key in ipairs(print_order) do if( barkerCategories[key] ) then barker = barker..Enchantrix_GetBarkerCategoryString( barkerCategories[key] ) end end return barker; end function Enchantrix_GetBarkerCategoryString( barkerCategory ) local barkercat = "" barkercat = barkercat.." ["..Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryString(barkerCategory[1].index)..": "; for j,enchant in ipairs(barkerCategory) do if( j > 1) then barkercat = barkercat..", " end barkercat = barkercat..Enchantrix_GetBarkerEnchantString(enchant); end barkercat = barkercat.."]" return barkercat end function Enchantrix_GetBarkerEnchantString( enchant ) local p_gold,p_silver,p_copper = EnhTooltip.GetGSC(enchant.price); enchant_barker = Enchantrix_GetShortDescriptor(enchant.index).." - "; if( p_gold > 0 ) then enchant_barker = enchant_barker..p_gold.."g"; end if( p_silver > 0 ) then enchant_barker = enchant_barker..p_silver.."s"; end --enchant_barker = enchant_barker..", "; return enchant_barker end function Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryString( index ) local enchant = GetCraftInfo( index ); for key,category in pairs(categories) do --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "cat key: "..key); if( string.find( enchant, category.search ) ~= nil ) then --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "cat key: "..key..", name: "..category.print..", enchant: "..enchant ); return category.print; end end return 'Unknown'; end function Enchantrix_GetItemCategoryKey( index ) local enchant = GetCraftInfo( index ); for key,category in pairs(categories) do --Enchantrix.Util.ChatPrint( "cat key: "..key..", name: "..category ); if( string.find( enchant, category.search ) ~= nil ) then return key; end end return 'Unknown'; end function EnchantrixBarker_GetCraftDescription( index ) return GetCraftDescription(index) or ""; end function Enchantrix_GetShortDescriptor( index ) local long_str = string.lower(EnchantrixBarker_GetCraftDescription(index)); for index,attribute in ipairs(attributes) do if( string.find( long_str, attribute ) ~= nil ) then statvalue = string.sub(long_str ,string.find(long_str,'[0-9]+[^%%]')); statvalue = string.sub(statvalue ,string.find(statvalue,'[0-9]+')); return "+"..statvalue..' '..short_attributes[index]; end end local enchant = Enchantrix.Util.Split(GetCraftInfo(index), "-"); return enchant[table.getn(enchant)]; end function Enchantrix_GetEnchantStat( enchant ) local index = enchant.index; local long_str = string.lower(EnchantrixBarker_GetCraftDescription(index)); for index,attribute in ipairs(attributes) do if( string.find( long_str, attribute ) ~= nil ) then return short_attributes[index]; end end local enchant = Enchantrix.Util.Split(GetCraftInfo(index), "-"); return enchant[table.getn(enchant)]; end