-- -- EquipCompare by Legorol -- Version: 2.9.7 -- Email: legorol@cosmosui.org -- -- Equipment comparison tooltips, not just at the merchant. If you hover over -- any item in places like your bag, quest reward page or loot window, you -- get a comparison tooltip showing the item of that type that you currently -- have equipped. -- -- Usage: -- To get usage information, type /equipcompare help in-game. -- -- Cosmos version: $Revision: 1984 $ -- Last changed on: $Date: 2005-06-29 19:15:40 +0100 (Wed, 29 Jun 2005) $ -- Last changed by: $LastChangedBy: legorol $ -- -- Development Change Notes: -- 2.9.7 -- * Satellite support, legacy Sky support -- * CV support extended for CV2.0, as well as retained legacy support -- * Traditional Chinese localization added -- 2.9.6 -- * Nuked SlotIDToSlotName table -- * Replaced all hardcoded slot IDs instead with strings referring to the slot -- To be used with GetInventorySlotInfo to look up the ID -- 2.9.5 -- nothing, version numbers were getting ugly -- 2.9.4k -- * fix for string.find nil bug: turns out GetMouseFocus():GetName() can -- return nil, presumably if focus is on world frame -- 2.9.4 -- * Removed CLEAR_TOOLTIP registration and instead added OnTooltipCleared hook -- 2.9.3 -- * Some patch 1.7 compatible updates -- * Changed the way Blizzard's Shopping tooltips are disabled -- * Fixed a very minor bug involving the interacion of slash commands and -- Khaos options -- 2.9.2 -- * Load message dependent on whether running Cosmos or Standalone -- 2.9.1 -- * Added WeaponButton slots to exclusion list -- * ShoppingTooltip overtake less aggressive, only happens over Merchant/Auction frames -- 2.9 -- * Added API: EC_RegisterExclusion, EC_UnregisterExclusion -- * Added ability to not show comparison tooltips over registered components -- * Initial Khaos support (not used for slash-command registration yet) -- * Sky support for slash-command registration -- * CharactersViewer minimum version increased to 55 -- * Minor bugfixes in CV minimum version checking code -- * Minor bugfixes when toggling Alt-mode -- * Tidying up of the registrations and variable synching between Cosmos/Khaos<->EC -- (Cosmos/Khaos do call my handlers once they have loaded, so no need to grab -- the info from them.) -- 2.8 -- * Added API: EC_RegisterTooltip, EC_UnregisterTooltip, EC_GetComparisonAnchor(), -- EquipCompare_RequestShift, EquipCompare_CancelShift -- * Various changes to support the API -- * Always override shopping tooltip -- * Shifting up as an option -- * GC reductions -- * Crossbows/Thrown weapons at last -- 2.7.1 -- * Memory leak reduction -- * Partial French localization for new settings (Sasmiraa) -- * Feedback on slash commands -- 2.7: -- * Added option to disable CV integration -- * Alt-key mode. -- * Usage text broken up into loop instead of using new-lines -- 2.6.4: -- * Split localization files (sarf) -- * German text fixes (StarDust) -- * CV-selected player name obtained via global index variable -- 2.6.2: -- * German localization -- * Added version ID in various places -- * Tooltip widens if the "Currently Equipped" label is long -- * Learnt a lot about how tooltips lay out their contents -- * Neater way of adding a label, no need for invisible dummy line anymore! This -- means that AddLine can be called on the tooltip even after AddLabel. -- 2.6.1: -- * French localization -- * Minor hange in localization scheme, only so that bonus type names -- are more prominently visible to those translating. -- * Typo in ShowComparisonTooltip : "parent == GameToolTip" should be -- small t in tip! D'oh! -- 2.6: -- * Have a mode in which hold Ctrl to make comparison tooltips show -- 2.5: -- * Introduced private comparison tooltip, lots of modifications related to this -- * Added the Equipped in: slot labels -- * Some tooltip placement improvements: with leftAlign, get Main Hand on left -- * Core logic improvements: e.g. CLEAR_TOOLTIP only enables Recheck, but doesn't Hide -- * ItemRef tooltips stick -- * Charactersviewer comparisons are shown for PaperDollFrame -- 2.1.1: -- * Fixed a bug introduced in 2.1 causing 2nd comparison tooltip not to appear correctly -- Learned that I need to anchor a tooltip before calling SetInventoryItem, even if later -- I change its points. -- * 2H weapons show shield as well now -- 2.1: -- * fix potential bug in overriding AH or Merchant tips (HideTip call wasn't actually done) -- * tooltip now stands for object rather than string -- * tooltip arrangement improvements -- -- Development Todo: -- * If you view an off-hand item, and you have 2H item equipped, show it. -- * If the current target tooltip doesn't create comparisons, then allow -- others to do so. -- * Review leftAlign placement policy -- * Review main/off-hand showing policy -- * Refactoring -- * Modernise Khaos registration, base Cosmos on it -- -- -- Global variables -- -- Configuration settings -- Default values when neither Khaos nor Cosmos are present EquipCompare_Enabled = true; EquipCompare_ControlMode = false; EquipCompare_UseCV = true; EquipCompare_AltMode = false; EquipCompare_Shiftup = false; -- Values for private use EquipCompare_Recheck = true; EquipCompare_Protected = false; EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = false; EquipCompare_TargetTooltip = nil; EquipCompare_Alignment = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupObject = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupSide = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin = 0; EquipCompare_TooltipList = nil; EquipCompare_BarList = nil; EquipCompare_CVFrame = nil; -- Data INVTYPE_WEAPON_OTHER = INVTYPE_WEAPON.."_other"; INVTYPE_FINGER_OTHER = INVTYPE_FINGER.."_other"; INVTYPE_TRINKET_OTHER = INVTYPE_TRINKET.."_other"; EquipCompare_ItemTypes = { [INVTYPE_2HWEAPON] = "MainHandSlot", -- Two-Hand [INVTYPE_BODY] = "ShirtSlot", -- Shirt [INVTYPE_CHEST] = "ChestSlot", -- Chest [INVTYPE_CLOAK] = "BackSlot", -- Back [INVTYPE_FEET] = "FeetSlot", -- Feet [INVTYPE_FINGER] = "Finger0Slot", -- Finger [INVTYPE_FINGER_OTHER] = "Finger1Slot", -- Finger_other [INVTYPE_HAND] = "HandsSlot", -- Hands [INVTYPE_HEAD] = "HeadSlot", -- Head [INVTYPE_HOLDABLE] = "SecondaryHandSlot", -- Held In Off-hand [INVTYPE_LEGS] = "LegsSlot", -- Legs [INVTYPE_NECK] = "NeckSlot", -- Neck [INVTYPE_RANGED] = "RangedSlot", -- Ranged [INVTYPE_RELIC] = "RangedSlot", -- Relic [INVTYPE_ROBE] = "ChestSlot", -- Chest [INVTYPE_SHIELD] = "SecondaryHandSlot", -- Off Hand [INVTYPE_SHOULDER] = "ShoulderSlot", -- Shoulder [INVTYPE_TABARD] = "TabardSlot", -- Tabard [INVTYPE_TRINKET] = "Trinket0Slot", -- Trinket [INVTYPE_TRINKET_OTHER] = "Trinket1Slot", -- Trinket_other [INVTYPE_WAIST] = "WaistSlot", -- Waist [INVTYPE_WEAPON] = "MainHandSlot", -- One-Hand [INVTYPE_WEAPON_OTHER] = "SecondaryHandSlot", -- One-Hand_other [INVTYPE_WEAPONMAINHAND] = "MainHandSlot", -- Main Hand [INVTYPE_WEAPONOFFHAND] = "SecondaryHandSlot", -- Off Hand [INVTYPE_WRIST] = "WristSlot", -- Wrist [INVTYPE_WAND] = "RangedSlot", -- Wand -- Inventory types not defined in GlobalStrings.lua [INVTYPE_GUN] = "RangedSlot", -- Gun [INVTYPE_GUNPROJECTILE] = "AmmoSlot", -- Projectile [INVTYPE_BOWPROJECTILE] = "AmmoSlot", -- Projectile [INVTYPE_CROSSBOW] = "RangedSlot", -- Crossbow [INVTYPE_THROWN] = "RangedSlot", -- Thrown }; -- -- Public API -- --[[ success = EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(object, priority) Call this to register a tooltip object that you would like EquipCompare to show comparison tooltips for. Arguments: * object: [Reference] The object to register with EquipeCompare * priority (optional): [String] Permitted values are "high" and "low". If not present, defaults to "low". Specifies whether you would like to show comparison tooltips for this object in preference to the game's main tooltip, if both are showing. Returns: * success: [Boolean] True if the registration was successful or the object is already registered, false otherwise. Note: GameTooltip and ItemRefTooltip are registered by default. You only need to register your own custom tooltips using this function. It is permissible to call this function multiple times with the same object, but it will result in a single registration. ]] function EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(object, priority) local i; if ( not priority ) then priority = "low"; end if ( not object or priority ~= "high" and priority ~= "low" ) then return false; end if ( not EquipCompare_TooltipList ) then EquipCompare_InitializeTooltipList(); end for i = 1, table.getn(EquipCompare_TooltipList) do if ( EquipCompare_TooltipList[i] == object ) then return true; end end if ( priority == "high" ) then table.insert(EquipCompare_TooltipList, 1, object); else table.insert(EquipCompare_TooltipList, object); end local oldHandler = object:GetScript("OnTooltipCleared"); object:SetScript("OnTooltipCleared", function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) local r1,r2,r3,r4,r5; if ( oldHandler ) then r1,r2,r3,r4,r5 = oldHandler(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); end EquipCompare_PostClearTooltip(); return r1,r2,r3,r4,r5; end); return true; end --[[ success = EquipCompare_UnregisterTooltip(object) Call this to unregister a tooltip object that you would no longer like EquipCompare to show comparison tooltips for. Arguments: * object: [Reference] The object to unregister with EquipeCompare Returns: * success: [Boolean] True if the object was successfully unregistered, false otherwise (for example because the object was not found in the list of registered tooltips). Note: You will not be able to unregister GameTooltip and ItemRefTooltip, and will receive a return value of false if you try. You should only use this function to unregister your custom tooltips. ]] function EquipCompare_UnregisterTooltip(object) local i; if ( not object or not EquipCompare_TooltipList ) then return false; end for i = 1, table.getn(EquipCompare_TooltipList) do if ( EquipCompare_TooltipList[i] == object ) then table.remove(EquipCompare_TooltipList, i); return true; end end return false; end --[[ success = EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion(pattern) Call this to register an object or set of objects which, when you hover over it or them, you don't want EquipCompare to show comparison tooltips. Arguments: * pattern: [String] A standard Lua regexp pattern. Any object whose name matches this pattern will not show comparison tooltips when hovered over. Example: "^ActionButton", which avoids comparison tooltips when hovering over any action bar buttons. Returns: * success: [Boolean] True if the pattern was successfully registered, or if it has been registered before. Note: It is permissible to call this function multiple times with the exact same pattern. It will however result in a single registration for that pattern. The following patterns are registered by EquipCompare by default: "^Character.*Slot","^CharactersViewer_Frame","^CVCharacterFrame", "^TempEnchant","^MultiBar","^ActionButton" ]] function EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion(barname) local i; if ( type(barname) ~= "string" ) then return false; end if ( not EquipCompare_BarList ) then EquipCompare_InitializeBarList(); end for i = 1, table.getn(EquipCompare_BarList) do if ( EquipCompare_BarList[i] == barname ) then return true; end end table.insert(EquipCompare_BarList, barname); return true; end --[[ success = EquipCompare_UnregisterExclusion(pattern) Call this to unregister an exclusion pattern registered with EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion. Use a standard Lua regular expression pattern to specify the name(s) of the object(s). Arguments: * pattern: [String] The exact same pattern that was registered. Returns: * success: [Boolean] True if the pattern was successfully unregistered, false if some error occurred, e.g. it wasn't in the registered list. ]] function EquipCompare_UnregisterExclusion(barname) local i; if ( type(barname) ~= "string" or not EquipCompare_BarList ) then return false; end for i = 1, table.getn(EquipCompare_BarList) do if ( EquipCompare_BarList[i] == barname ) then table.remove(EquipCompare_BarList, i); return true; end end return false; end --[[ object, alignment = EquipCompare_GetComparisonAnchor() Call this when you need to know which side the comparison tooltips are on, or would be on, relative to the object that EquipCompare currently prefers to attach comparison tooltips to. Returns: * object: [Reference] The object (e.g. GameTooltip or ItemRefTooltip) that EC currently is attaching to or would be attaching to if it was displaying comparison tooltips. Set to nil if EC can't see any object to attach to. * alignment: [String] "left" or "right", depending on which side the comparison tooltips are showing or would show up on for that object. Set to nil if EC wouldn't show comparison tooltips for the object at the moment. ]] function EquipCompare_GetComparisonAnchor() EquipCompare_CheckCompare(); if ( EquipCompare_ControlMode and not IsControlKeyDown() ) then EquipCompare_HideTips(); end return EquipCompare_TargetTooltip, EquipCompare_Alignment; end --[[ EquipCompare_RequestShift(object, side, margin) Call this when you want to request EquipCompare to shift its tooltips if necessary to make space under and to the side of an object, for example because you want to occupy that space. Arguments: * object: [Reference] The object you are requesting a shift around (e.g. GameTooltip or ItemRefTooltip). * side: [String] Indicates which side under the object you need space. Takes value "left" or "right". * margin: [Integer] Indicates how much space in game-pixels you need. Note: It is permissible to call EquipCompare_RequestShift multiple types, even without corresponding calls to EquipCompare_CancelShift(), for example, to change the object or the margin. It is always the last call that takes effect. ]] function EquipCompare_RequestShift(object, side, margin) -- error checking if ( side ~= "left" and side ~= "right" or type(margin) ~= "number" ) then EquipCompare_ShiftupObject = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupSide = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin = 0; return; end EquipCompare_ShiftupObject = object; EquipCompare_ShiftupSide = side; EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin = margin; EquipCompare_Recheck = true; EquipCompare_OnUpdate(); end --[[ EquipCompare_CancelShift(object) Call this when you no longer require EquipCompare to make space under and to the side of an object. Arguments: * object: [Reference] The object you no longer need space around. Note: It is permissible to call this function multiple times, even without corresponding calls to EquipCompare_RequestShift(). It is also permissible to call this with a different object that you called EquipCompare_RequestShift() with, or an object that EquipCompare is not actually attaching to. ]] function EquipCompare_CancelShift(object) if ( object == EquipCompare_ShiftupObject ) then EquipCompare_Recheck = true; end EquipCompare_ShiftupObject = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupSide = nil; EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin = 0; EquipCompare_OnUpdate(); end -- -- Some local functions that are used throughout -- -- CharactersViewer compatibility check local function IsCharactersViewer() if ( EquipCompare_UseCV and CharactersViewer and CharactersViewer.version and type(CharactersViewer.version.number) == "number" and type(CharactersViewer_Tooltip_SetInventoryItem)=="function" ) then if ( CharactersViewer.version.number >= 150 and CVCharacterFrame ) then EquipCompare_CVFrame = CVCharacterFrame; return true; elseif ( CharactersViewer.version.number >= 55 and CharactersViewer_Frame ) then EquipCompare_CVFrame = CharactersViewer_Frame; return true; end end return false; end -- Registration and configuration function EquipCompare_Register_Khaos() -- Note: Default to disabled if Khaos is present Khaos.registerOptionSet ( "tooltip", { id = "EquipCompareConfigSet"; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SECTION; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SECTION_INFO; difficulty = 1; callback = EquipCompare_Toggle; default = false; options = { { id = "EquipCompareOptionHeader"; type = K_HEADER; difficulty = 1; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_HEADER; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_HEADER_INFO; },{ id = "EquipCompareOptionControlMode"; type = K_TEXT; difficulty = 3; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CONTROLMODE; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CONTROLMODE_INFO; callback = function(state) EquipCompare_ToggleControl(state.checked); end; feedback = function(state) if (state.checked) then return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECONTROL_ON; else return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECONTROL_OFF; end end; check = true; default = { checked = false; }; disabled = { checked = false; }; },{ id = "EquipCompareOptionCVIntegration"; type = K_TEXT; difficulty = 2; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CVMODE; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CVMODE_INFO; callback = function(state) EquipCompare_ToggleCV(state.checked); end; feedback = function(state) if (state.checked) then return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECV_ON; else return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECV_OFF; end end; check = true; default = { checked = true; }; disabled = { checked = false; }; },{ id = "EquipCompareOptionAltMode"; type = K_TEXT; difficulty = 3; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ALTMODE; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ALTMODE_INFO; callback = function(state) EquipCompare_ToggleAlt(state.checked); end; feedback = function(state) if (state.checked) then return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLEALT_ON; else return EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLEALT_OFF; end end; check = true; default = { checked = false; }; disabled = { checked = false; }; },{ id = "EquipCompareOptionShiftupMode"; type = K_TEXT; difficulty = 2; text = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SHIFTUP; helptext = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SHIFTUP_INFO; callback = function(state) EquipCompare_ToggleShiftup(state.checked); end; feedback = function(state) if (state.checked) then return EQUIPCOMPARE_SHIFTUP_ON; else return EQUIPCOMPARE_SHIFTUP_OFF; end end; check = true; default = { checked = false; }; disabled = { checked = false; }; } } } ) end function EquipCompare_Register_Cosmos() -- Note: Default to disabled if Cosmos is present Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC", "SECTION", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SECTION, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SECTION_INFO ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_SEPARATOR", "SEPARATOR", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_HEADER, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_HEADER_INFO ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_ENABLED", "CHECKBOX", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ENABLE, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ENABLE_INFO, EquipCompare_Toggle, 0 ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_CONTROLMODE", "CHECKBOX", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CONTROLMODE, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CONTROLMODE_INFO, EquipCompare_ToggleControl, 0 ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_CVMODE", "CHECKBOX", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CVMODE, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_CVMODE_INFO, EquipCompare_ToggleCV, 1 ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_ALTMODE", "CHECKBOX", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ALTMODE, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_ALTMODE_INFO, EquipCompare_ToggleAlt, 0 ); Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration( "COS_EQC_SHIFTUP", "CHECKBOX", EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SHIFTUP, EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SHIFTUP_INFO, EquipCompare_ToggleShiftup, 0 ); end -- -- XML Event handlers -- function EquipCompare_OnLoad() -- Hook into various methods of ShoppingTooltips EquipCompare_SetupHooks(); -- Initialize lists EquipCompare_InitializeTooltipList(); EquipCompare_InitializeBarList(); -- GUI configuration registration -- Check for Khaos. If available, register with it. if ( Khaos ) then EquipCompare_Register_Khaos(); elseif ( Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration ) then -- Check for Cosmos. If available, register with it. EquipCompare_Register_Cosmos() end -- Slash command registration - for now, don't use Khaos -- If Satellite is present, use it to register slash commands if ( Satellite ) then Satellite.registerSlashCommand { id = "EquipCompare"; commands = { "/equipcompare", "/eqc" }; onExecute = EquipCompare_SlashCommand; helpText = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SLASH_DESC; } -- If legacy Sky is present, use it to register slash commands elseif ( Sky and Sky.registerSlashCommand ) then Sky.registerSlashCommand { id = "EquipCompare"; commands = { "/equipcompare", "/eqc" }; onExecute = EquipCompare_SlashCommand; helpText = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SLASH_DESC; } -- If Cosmos allows chat command registration, do so elseif ( Cosmos_RegisterChatCommand ) then local comlist = { "/equipcompare", "/eqc" }; local desc = EQUIPCOMPARE_COSMOS_SLASH_DESC; local id = "EQUIPCOMPARE"; local func = EquipCompare_SlashCommand Cosmos_RegisterChatCommand ( id, comlist, func, desc, CSM_CHAINNONE ); else -- otherwise, just register slash commands manually SlashCmdList["EQUIPCOMPARE"] = EquipCompare_SlashCommand; SLASH_EQUIPCOMPARE1 = "/equipcompare"; SLASH_EQUIPCOMPARE2 = "/eqc"; end -- Check to see if CharactersViewer is installed, has the right version -- and has the required interface. If so, enable support for it. if ( IsCharactersViewer() ) then EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = true; end -- Welcome! if ( not Khaos and not Cosmos_RegisterChatCommand ) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_GREETING); end end function EquipCompare_OnEvent() end function EquipCompare_PostClearTooltip() if ( not EquipCompare_Protected ) then EquipCompare_Recheck = true; end end local lastAltState = "undefined"; -- This function is called on every OnUpdate. This is the only way to detect if a -- game tooltip has been displayed, without overriding FrameXML files or hooking -- millions of functions. -- So that this function doesn't hog resources, the EquipCompare_Recheck flag is -- set to false, until the game tooltip changes. function EquipCompare_OnUpdate() if ( not EquipCompare_Enabled ) then return; end if ( EquipCompare_ControlMode and not IsControlKeyDown() ) then if (EquipCompare_TargetTooltip) then EquipCompare_Recheck = true; EquipCompare_TargetTooltip = nil; EquipCompare_HideTips(); end return; end if ( EquipCompare_AltMode and lastAltState ~= IsAltKeyDown() ) then local changed; lastAltState = IsAltKeyDown(); if ( lastAltState ) then if ( IsCharactersViewer() ) then EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = true; changed = true; end else if ( EquipCompare_CharactersViewer ) then EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = false; changed = true; end end if ( changed ) then EquipCompare_Recheck = true; EquipCompare_TargetTooltip = nil; EquipCompare_HideTips(); end end -- If we currently have a target that has since become -- hidden, hide the comparison tooltips too. if ( EquipCompare_TargetTooltip and not EquipCompare_TargetTooltip:IsVisible() ) then EquipCompare_Recheck = true; EquipCompare_TargetTooltip = nil; EquipCompare_HideTips(); end if ( not EquipCompare_Recheck ) then return; end EquipCompare_CheckCompare(); end -- -- Other functions -- function EquipCompare_SetupHooks() EquipCompare_old_SetAuctionCompareItem1 = ShoppingTooltip1.SetAuctionCompareItem; EquipCompare_old_SetAuctionCompareItem2 = ShoppingTooltip2.SetAuctionCompareItem; ShoppingTooltip1.SetAuctionCompareItem = function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) if ( EquipCompare_Enabled ) then return false; else return EquipCompare_old_SetAuctionCompareItem1(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); end end ShoppingTooltip2.SetAuctionCompareItem = function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) if ( EquipCompare_Enabled ) then return false; else return EquipCompare_old_SetAuctionCompareItem2(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); end end EquipCompare_old_SetMerchantCompareItem1 = ShoppingTooltip1.SetMerchantCompareItem; EquipCompare_old_SetMerchantCompareItem2 = ShoppingTooltip2.SetMerchantCompareItem; ShoppingTooltip1.SetMerchantCompareItem = function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) if ( EquipCompare_Enabled ) then return false; else return EquipCompare_old_SetMerchantCompareItem1(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); end end ShoppingTooltip2.SetMerchantCompareItem = function(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) if ( EquipCompare_Enabled ) then return false; else return EquipCompare_old_SetMerchantCompareItem2(a1,a2,a3,a4,a5); end end end local function EquipCompare_EmptyFunction() end; function EquipCompare_InitializeTooltipList() if ( not EquipCompare_TooltipList ) then EquipCompare_TooltipList = {}; end EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(ItemRefTooltip, "high"); EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(LootLinkTooltip); EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(GameTooltip, "low"); end function EquipCompare_InitializeBarList() if ( not EquipCompare_BarList ) then EquipCompare_BarList = {}; end EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^Character.*Slot"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^CharactersViewer_Frame"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^CVCharacterFrame"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^TempEnchant"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^MultiBar"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^ActionButton"); EquipCompare_RegisterExclusion("^WeaponButton.*Slot"); end local showedTip = false; function EquipCompare_SlashCommand(msg) local setlevel = false; if (not msg or msg == "") then -- toggle EquipCompare_Toggle(not EquipCompare_Enabled); if (EquipCompare_Enabled) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLE_ON); else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLE_OFF); end if (not showedTip) then showedTip = true; ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_HELPTIP); end setlevel = true; elseif (msg == "on") then -- turn on EquipCompare_Toggle(true); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLE_ON); setlevel = true; elseif (msg == "off") then -- turn off EquipCompare_Toggle(false); ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLE_OFF); setlevel = true; elseif (msg == "control") then -- toggle Control Key Mode EquipCompare_ToggleControl(not EquipCompare_ControlMode); if (EquipCompare_ControlMode) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECONTROL_ON); else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECONTROL_OFF); end elseif (msg == "cv") then -- toggle CharactersViewer integration EquipCompare_ToggleCV(not EquipCompare_UseCV); if (EquipCompare_UseCV) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECV_ON); else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLECV_OFF); end elseif (msg == "alt") then -- toggle Alt Key Mode EquipCompare_ToggleAlt(not EquipCompare_AltMode); if (EquipCompare_AltMode) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLEALT_ON); else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_TOGGLEALT_OFF); end elseif (msg == "shift") then -- toggle Alt Key Mode EquipCompare_ToggleShiftup(not EquipCompare_Shiftup); if (EquipCompare_Shiftup) then ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_SHIFTUP_ON); else ChatFrame1:AddMessage(EQUIPCOMPARE_SHIFTUP_OFF); end else -- usage for i, s in EQUIPCOMPARE_USAGE_TEXT do ChatFrame1:AddMessage(s); end end -- update Khaos configuration settings if ( Khaos ) then -- Note: only do the set enabling if that's what was changed, -- since enabling the set causes all the callbacks to be run. if (setlevel) then Khaos.setSetEnabled("EquipCompareConfigSet", EquipCompare_Enabled); else Khaos.setSetKey("EquipCompareConfigSet", "EquipCompareOptionControlMode", { checked = EquipCompare_ControlMode }); Khaos.setSetKey("EquipCompareConfigSet", "EquipCompareOptionCVIntegration", { checked = EquipCompare_UseCV }); Khaos.setSetKey("EquipCompareConfigSet", "EquipCompareOptionAltMode", { checked = EquipCompare_AltMode }); Khaos.setSetKey("EquipCompareConfigSet", "EquipCompareOptionShiftupMode", { checked = EquipCompare_ShiftupMode }); end Khaos.refresh(); -- update Cosmos configuration settings elseif ( Cosmos_RegisterConfiguration ) then local newvalue; -- Enabled check box if ( EquipCompare_Enabled ) then newvalue = 1; else newvalue = 0; end Cosmos_UpdateValue("COS_EQC_ENABLED", CSM_CHECKONOFF, newvalue); -- Control mode check box if ( EquipCompare_ControlMode ) then newvalue = 1; else newvalue = 0; end Cosmos_UpdateValue("COS_EQC_CONTROLMODE", CSM_CHECKONOFF, newvalue); -- CV integration check box if ( EquipCompare_UseCV ) then newvalue = 1; else newvalue = 0; end Cosmos_UpdateValue("COS_EQC_CVMODE", CSM_CHECKONOFF, newvalue); -- Alt mode check box if ( EquipCompare_AltMode ) then newvalue = 1; else newvalue = 0; end Cosmos_UpdateValue("COS_EQC_ALTMODE", CSM_CHECKONOFF, newvalue); -- Shift up check box if ( EquipCompare_Shiftup ) then newvalue = 1; else newvalue = 0; end Cosmos_UpdateValue("COS_EQC_SHIFTUP", CSM_CHECKONOFF, newvalue); -- Save and synchronize the new values CosmosMaster_Save() end end function EquipCompare_Toggle(toggle) -- workaround, as Cosmos sends a 0 when it wants to turn us off if ( toggle == 0 ) then toggle = false; end -- turn on if ( toggle and not EquipCompare_Enabled ) then EquipCompare_Enabled = true; EquipCompare_Recheck = true; -- In case Blizzard's ShoppingTooltips are visible, hide them ShoppingTooltip1:Hide(); ShoppingTooltip2:Hide(); end -- turn off if ( not toggle and EquipCompare_Enabled ) then EquipCompare_Enabled = false; EquipCompare_HideTips(); end end function EquipCompare_ToggleControl(toggle) -- workaround, as Cosmos sends a 0 when it wants to turn us off if ( toggle == 0 ) then toggle = false; end -- turn on if ( toggle ) then EquipCompare_ControlMode = true; end -- turn off if ( not toggle ) then EquipCompare_ControlMode = false; end end function EquipCompare_ToggleCV(toggle) -- workaround, as Cosmos sends a 0 when it wants to turn us off if ( toggle == 0 ) then toggle = false; end -- turn on if ( toggle ) then EquipCompare_UseCV = true; if ( IsCharactersViewer() ) then if ( EquipCompare_AltMode ) then EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = lastAltState; else EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = true; end else EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = false; end end -- turn off if ( not toggle ) then EquipCompare_UseCV = false; EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = false; end end function EquipCompare_ToggleAlt(toggle) -- workaround, as Cosmos sends a 0 when it wants to turn us off if ( toggle == 0 ) then toggle = false; end -- turn on if ( toggle ) then EquipCompare_AltMode = true; end -- turn off if ( not toggle ) then EquipCompare_AltMode = false; if ( IsCharactersViewer() ) then EquipCompare_CharactersViewer = true; EquipCompare_Recheck = true; end end end function EquipCompare_ToggleShiftup(toggle) -- workaround, as Cosmos sends a 0 when it wants to turn us off if ( toggle == 0 ) then toggle = false; end -- turn on if ( toggle ) then EquipCompare_Shiftup = true; end -- turn off if ( not toggle ) then EquipCompare_Shiftup = false; end EquipCompare_Recheck = true; end function EquipCompare_HideTips() ComparisonTooltip1:Hide(); ComparisonTooltip2:Hide(); end -- -- Local functions for ShowCompare() -- -- Add a label at the top of the tooltip saying "Currently Equipped" local function AddLabel(tooltip, slot) local tLabel, tLabel1; if (not tooltip or not tooltip:IsVisible()) then return; end tLabel = getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft0"); tLabel:SetText(EQUIPCOMPARE_EQUIPPED_LABEL); tLabel:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); tLabel:Show(); tLabel1 = getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft1"); if ( tLabel:IsVisible() and tLabel1:IsVisible() ) then if ( tLabel:GetWidth() > tLabel1:GetWidth() ) then tLabel1:SetWidth(tLabel:GetWidth()); tooltip:Show(); end end end -- Display a comparison tooltip and set its contents to currently equipped item -- occupying slotid local function ShowComparisonTooltip(parent, slotid) local leftAlign, donePlacing; local left, right, i; -- Set contents of tooltip. -- Note: you can't set a tooltip's contents before specifying at least -- one point. Hence anchor it to whatever, even if you later change -- its placement. ComparisonTooltip1:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_LEFT"); if ( EquipCompare_CharactersViewer ) then CharactersViewer_Tooltip_SetInventoryItem(ComparisonTooltip1, slotid); else ComparisonTooltip1:SetInventoryItem("player", slotid); end AddLabel(ComparisonTooltip1, slotid); if ( not ComparisonTooltip1:IsVisible() ) then return; end; -- Set placement of tooltip leftAlign = false; if ( parent == GameTooltip and GetMouseFocus() ) then local mfocus = GetMouseFocus():GetName(); if ( mfocus and string.find(mfocus,"^ContainerFrame.*Item") ) then leftAlign = true; end end donePlacing = true; repeat ComparisonTooltip1:ClearAllPoints(); if (leftAlign) then ComparisonTooltip1:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", parent:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", 0, -10); else ComparisonTooltip1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent:GetName(), "TOPRIGHT", 0, -10); end local left = ComparisonTooltip1:GetLeft(); local right = ComparisonTooltip1:GetRight(); if ( left and right ) then left, right = left - (right-left), right + (right-left); end -- If the comparison tooltip would be off the screen, place it on other -- side instead. Only perform this check once to avoid endless loop. if ( donePlacing ) then if ( left and left<0 ) then leftAlign = false; donePlacing = false; elseif ( right and right>UIParent:GetRight() ) then leftAlign = true; donePlacing = false; end else donePlacing = true; end until donePlacing; return leftAlign; end function EquipCompare_CheckCompare() local tooltip = nil; local i = 1; if ( not EquipCompare_TooltipList ) then EquipCompare_InitializeTooltipList(); end -- Check which tooltip we are intersted in, in order of priority repeat tooltip = EquipCompare_TooltipList[i]; if ( not tooltip:IsVisible() ) then tooltip = nil; end i = i + 1; until tooltip or i > table.getn(EquipCompare_TooltipList) EquipCompare_TargetTooltip = tooltip; EquipCompare_Alignment = nil; if ( tooltip ) then EquipCompare_ShowCompare(tooltip); end end local function GetSlotID(slotName) if (slotName) then return GetInventorySlotInfo(slotName); end end function EquipCompare_ShowCompare(tooltip) -- -- Main code of EquipCompare_ShowCompare starts here -- local OverrideTooltips = nil; local ttext, itype, slotid, other, leftAlign; local i, cvplayer; local shift, comptipclose, comptipfar, point, relative; local mfocus; -- Start processing EquipCompare_Recheck = false; EquipCompare_HideTips(); -- In some cases it is desirable to override the restrictions on showing -- comparison tooltips, and show them anyway. Check for that here. if ( EquipCompare_CharactersViewer ) then cvplayer = CharactersViewer.index; if ( cvplayer == nil ) then cvplayer = UnitName("player"); end if ( UnitName("player") ~= cvplayer ) then OverrideTooltips = true; end if ( EquipCompare_CVFrame:IsVisible() and MouseIsOver(EquipCompare_CVFrame) and tooltip == GameTooltip ) then OverrideTooltips = false; end end -- Special checks when we are attaching to GameTooltip. For some frames, we do -- not want to provide comparison tooltips. if ( tooltip == GameTooltip ) then if ( GetMouseFocus() ) then mfocus = GetMouseFocus():GetName(); end if ( not OverrideTooltips and mfocus ) then for i=1, table.getn(EquipCompare_BarList) do if ( string.find(mfocus, EquipCompare_BarList[i]) ) then return; end end end end -- Infer the type of the item from one of the 2nd to 5th line of its tooltip description -- Match this type against the appropriate slot slotid = nil; i = 2; repeat ttext = getglobal(tooltip:GetName().."TextLeft"..i); if ( ttext and ttext:IsVisible() ) then itype = ttext:GetText(); if ( itype ) then slotid = GetSlotID(EquipCompare_ItemTypes[itype]); end end i = i + 1; until (slotid or i > 5) if ( slotid ) then -- Whilst we are in the process of displaying additional tooltips, we don't -- want to reset the EquipCompare_Recheck flag. This protection is necessary -- because calling SetOwner or SetxxxItem on any tooltip causes a -- CLEAR_TOOLTIP event. EquipCompare_Protected = true; -- In case money line is visible on GameTooltip, must protect it by overriding -- GameTooltip_ClearMoney. This is because calling SetOwner or SetxxxItem on -- any tooltip causes money line of GameTooltip to be cleared. local oldFunction = GameTooltip_ClearMoney; GameTooltip_ClearMoney = EquipCompare_EmptyFunction; -- Display a comparison tooltip and set its contents to currently equipped item leftAlign = ShowComparisonTooltip(tooltip, slotid); other = false; -- If this is an item that can go into multiple slots, display additional -- tooltips as appropriate if ( itype == INVTYPE_FINGER ) then other = GetSlotID(EquipCompare_ItemTypes[INVTYPE_FINGER_OTHER]); end if ( itype == INVTYPE_TRINKET ) then other = GetSlotID(EquipCompare_ItemTypes[INVTYPE_TRINKET_OTHER]); end if ( itype == INVTYPE_WEAPON ) then other = GetSlotID(EquipCompare_ItemTypes[INVTYPE_WEAPON_OTHER]); end if ( itype == INVTYPE_2HWEAPON ) then other = GetSlotID(EquipCompare_ItemTypes[INVTYPE_SHIELD]); end if ( other ) then if ( ComparisonTooltip1:IsVisible() ) then -- First set the contents of the 2nd tooltip. -- Note that we must use either at least an anchor or SetPoint -- to be able to set the contents. ComparisonTooltip2:SetOwner(ComparisonTooltip1, "ANCHOR_LEFT"); if ( EquipCompare_CharactersViewer ) then CharactersViewer_Tooltip_SetInventoryItem(ComparisonTooltip2, other); else ComparisonTooltip2:SetInventoryItem("player", other); end AddLabel(ComparisonTooltip2, other); if ( ComparisonTooltip2:IsVisible() ) then -- Now place it in its rightful place ComparisonTooltip2:ClearAllPoints(); if ( leftAlign ) then ComparisonTooltip1:ClearAllPoints(); ComparisonTooltip2:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", tooltip:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", 0, -10); ComparisonTooltip1:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "ComparisonTooltip2", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0); else ComparisonTooltip2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "ComparisonTooltip1", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0); end end else ShowComparisonTooltip(tooltip, other); end end -- Record side of alignment if ( leftAlign ) then EquipCompare_Alignment = "left"; else EquipCompare_Alignment = "right"; end -- If shifting upwards is set by user or requested by an AddOn, deal with it here if ( ComparisonTooltip1:IsVisible() and ( EquipCompare_Shiftup or ( EquipCompare_ShiftupObject == tooltip and EquipCompare_ShiftupSide == EquipCompare_Alignment and EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin > 0 ) ) ) then if ( leftAlign ) then if ( ComparisonTooltip2:IsVisible() ) then comptipclose = ComparisonTooltip2; comptipfar = ComparisonTooltip1; else comptipclose = ComparisonTooltip1; comptipfar = ComparisonTooltip2; end point = "TOPRIGHT"; relative = "TOPLEFT"; else comptipclose = ComparisonTooltip1; comptipfar = ComparisonTooltip2; point = "TOPLEFT"; relative = "TOPRIGHT"; end shift = comptipclose:GetHeight()+10 - tooltip:GetHeight(); if ( shift > 0 ) then comptipclose:ClearAllPoints(); comptipclose:SetPoint(point, tooltip:GetName(), relative, 0, -10+shift); else shift = 0; end if ( comptipfar:IsVisible() and ( EquipCompare_Shiftup or EquipCompare_ShiftupMargin > comptipclose:GetWidth() ) ) then shift = comptipfar:GetHeight()+10 - tooltip:GetHeight() - shift; if ( shift > 0 ) then comptipfar:ClearAllPoints(); comptipfar:SetPoint(point, comptipclose:GetName(), relative, 0, shift); end end end -- Restore GameTooltip_ClearMoney overriding. GameTooltip_ClearMoney = oldFunction; EquipCompare_Protected = false; end end