--[[ FilterKnown By Robert Jenkins (Merrem@Perenolde) Colors "Already known" items blue in the auction house. ]] FILTERKNOWN_VERSION = "1.03"; AlreadyKnown_ORIG_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = nil; function FilterKnown_Update() -- Do original update. if ( AlreadyKnown_ORIG_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update ) then AlreadyKnown_ORIG_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update(); end local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(BrowseScrollFrame); local index, x, i; local info, num_lines; for i=1, NUM_BROWSE_TO_DISPLAY do index = offset + i; FilterKnownTooltip:SetAuctionItem("list", index); info = ""; num_lines = FilterKnownTooltip:NumLines(); -- Check at most 4 lines. if num_lines > 4 then num_lines = 4; end for x=2, num_lines do info = info .. "\n" .. getglobal("FilterKnownTooltipTextLeft" .. x):GetText(); end if info ~= "" and string.find(info, ITEM_SPELL_KNOWN) then -- Set color of icon to blue to make it easy to see that you already know it. iconTexture = getglobal("BrowseButton"..i.."ItemIconTexture"); iconTexture:SetVertexColor(0.1, 0.1, 1.0); end end end function FilterKnown_OnLoad() AlreadyKnown_ORIG_AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = AuctionFrameBrowse_Update; AuctionFrameBrowse_Update = FilterKnown_Update; end