FilterKnown - By Robert Jenkins (Merrem@Perenolde) - Colors "Already known" auction items, so you can tell which you know/don't know at a glance. fixed for 1.9 by jimig all credit goes to Robert Jenkins for creating this mod CHANGE HISTORY: 1.06: Fixed xml file 1.05 Fixed it to work with 1.10 and changed the .toc 1.04: added ## Dependencies: Blizzard_AuctionUI to the FilterKnown.toc to fix 1.03: Improved tooltip check. (Checks lines 2-4 now, instead of just line 3.) 1.02: Changed .toc to 1300 1.01: Added myAddOns support Used ITEM_SPELL_KNOWN global instead of "Already known" as the check. 1.00: Initial Release