local _DEBUG = false; local downTime = nil; local fe = nil; local profile = nil; local fishingID = nil; local mainHandSlotID = nil; local offHandSlotID = nil; local gloveSlotID = nil; local hatSlotID = nil; local bootSlotID = nil; local clickToMove = nil; local function Print(msg) if (not msg) then return; end if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg,1.0,1.0,1.0); end end local function Debug(msg) if (not _DEBUG) then return; end if (not msg) then return; end if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("FE: "..GetTime()..": "..msg,1.0,0.0,0.0); end end function FE_OnLoad() Old_TurnOrActionStart = TurnOrActionStart; TurnOrActionStart = FE_TurnOrActionStart; Old_TurnOrActionStop = TurnOrActionStop; TurnOrActionStop = FE_TurnOrActionStop; -- create slash commands SlashCmdList["FESLASH"] = FE_ChatCommandHandler; SLASH_FESLASH1 = "/fishease"; SLASH_FESLASH2 = "/fe"; this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED"); this:RegisterEvent("SPELLS_CHANGED"); end local function FE_LearnFishingSkill() -- reset the fishingID in case they un-learned it fishingID = nil; --Loop through only the General tab looking for the Fishing skill local _, _, off, num = GetSpellTabInfo(1); local sIcon = nil; for i=(off+1), (off+num) do sIcon = GetSpellTexture(i,1); if (sIcon and sIcon == "Interface\\Icons\\Trade_Fishing") then fishingID = i; break; end end end function FE_OnEvent(event) if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then if (not fe) then if (not FishEase_Cfg) then FishEase_Cfg = {}; end if (FishEase_Cfg['version'] ~= FE_ADDON_VER) then -- do older version cleanup here? FishEase_Cfg['version'] = FE_ADDON_VER; end profile = UnitName("player").." of "..GetCVar("RealmName"); if (not FishEase_Cfg[profile]) then FishEase_Cfg[profile] = { ['EasyCast'] = true, ['FastCast'] = true, ['ShiftCast'] = false, }; Debug("Setting FishEase defaults"); end fe = FishEase_Cfg[profile]; end mainHandSlotID = GetInventorySlotInfo("MainHandSlot"); offHandSlotID = GetInventorySlotInfo("SecondaryHandSlot"); gloveSlotID = GetInventorySlotInfo("HandsSlot"); hatSlotID = GetInventorySlotInfo("HeadSlot"); bootSlotID = GetInventorySlotInfo("FeetSlot"); FE_LearnFishingSkill(); elseif (event == "SPELLS_CHANGED") then FE_LearnFishingSkill(); end end local function FE_ShowToggleStatus(optName, optOutString) if (fe[optName]) then Print(string.format(FE_OUT_ENABLED, optOutString)); else Print(string.format(FE_OUT_DISABLED, optOutString)); end end -- FishEase command handler function FE_ChatCommandHandler(msg) if (not msg) then return; end local args = {}; for arg in string.gfind(msg, "([%w]+)") do table.insert(args, arg); end if (not args[1]) then FE_ShowToggleStatus('EasyCast', FE_OUT_EASYCAST); FE_ShowToggleStatus('FastCast', FE_OUT_FASTCAST); FE_ShowToggleStatus('ShiftCast', FE_OUT_SHIFTCAST); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == FE_CMD_EASYCAST) then FE_OptionToggle(args[2], 'EasyCast', FE_SYNTAX_EASYCAST, FE_OUT_EASYCAST); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == FE_CMD_FASTCAST) then FE_OptionToggle(args[2], 'FastCast', FE_SYNTAX_FASTCAST, FE_OUT_FASTCAST); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == FE_CMD_SHIFTCAST) then FE_OptionToggle(args[2], 'ShiftCast', FE_SYNTAX_SHIFTCAST, FE_OUT_SHIFTCAST); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == FE_CMD_SWITCH) then FE_Switch(); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == FE_CMD_RESET) then FE_Reset(); elseif (args[1] and args[1] == "debug") then FE_ToggleDebug(); else for index, value in FE_COMMAND_HELP do Print(value); end end end function FE_OptionToggle(togVar, optName, optSyntax, optOutString) if (not togVar) then fe[optName] = not fe[optName]; elseif (string.lower(togVar) == "on") then fe[optName] = true; elseif (togVar == "off") then fe[optName] = false; else Print(FE_SYNTAX_ERROR); Print(optSyntax); return; end if (fe[optName]) then Print(string.format(FE_OUT_ENABLED, optOutString)); else Print(string.format(FE_OUT_DISABLED, optOutString)); end end --[[ Keeping this for reference FE_POLES = { 6256, -- Fishing Pole 6365, -- Strong Fishing Pole 6366, -- Darkwood Fishing Pole 6367, -- Big Iron Fishing Pole 12225, -- Blump Family Fishing Pole 19022, -- Nat Pagle\'s Extreme Angler FC-5000 19970, -- Arcanite Fishing Pole }]] local function FE_IsFishingPoleEquipped() local itemIcon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", mainHandSlotID); if (itemIcon and string.find(itemIcon, "INV_Fishingpole")) then return true; else return nil; end end local function FE_GetInvSlotItemID(slotID) local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", slotID); local id = nil; if (link) then for id in string.gfind(link, "item:(%d+):") do return tonumber(id); end end return id; end local function FE_GetEquipped() local mainHandID, offHandID, gloveID, hatID, bootID = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil; mainHandID = FE_GetInvSlotItemID(mainHandSlotID); offHandID = FE_GetInvSlotItemID(offHandSlotID); gloveID = FE_GetInvSlotItemID(gloveSlotID); hatID = FE_GetInvSlotItemID(hatSlotID); bootID = FE_GetInvSlotItemID(bootSlotID); return mainHandID, offHandID, gloveID, hatID, bootID; end function FE_TurnOrActionStart(arg1) -- Disable Click-to-Move if they have a fishing pole equipped if (fe['EasyCast'] and GetCVar("autointeract") == "1" and FE_IsFishingPoleEquipped()) then clickToMove = "1"; SetCVar("autointeract", "0"); end -- Pass the call through if (Old_TurnOrActionStart) then Old_TurnOrActionStart(arg1); end -- Set the mouse down time if (fe['EasyCast']) then if (not fe['FastCast'] and (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and (getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText() == FE_BOBBER_NAME))) then downTime = 0; else downTime = GetTime(); end end end function FE_TurnOrActionStop(arg1) -- Pass the call through if (Old_TurnOrActionStop) then Old_TurnOrActionStop(arg1); end -- Cast if we need to if (fe['EasyCast']) then local pressTime = GetTime() - downTime; if (fishingID and pressTime <= 0.2) then if (not fe['ShiftCast'] or (fe['ShiftCast'] and IsShiftKeyDown())) then if (FE_IsFishingPoleEquipped()) then CastSpell(fishingID, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); end end end end -- Re-enable Click-to-Move if we changed it if (clickToMove and (GetCVar("autointeract") == "0")) then SetCVar("autointeract", "1"); end end function FE_FindContainerItem(itemID, searchReverse) if (not itemID) then return nil,nil; end local foundBag = nil; local foundSlot = nil; local numSlots = 0; local startBag, endBag, bagStep = 0, NUM_BAG_FRAMES, 1; if (searchReverse) then startBag, endBag, bagStep = NUM_BAG_FRAMES, 0, -1; end -- check each of the bags on the player for i=startBag, endBag, bagStep do -- get the number of slots in the bag (0 if no bag) numSlots = GetContainerNumSlots(i); if (numSlots > 0) then -- check each slot in the bag local startSlot, endSlot, slotStep = 1, numSlots, 1; if (searchReverse) then startSlot, endSlot, slotStep = numSlots, 1, -1; end for j=startSlot, endSlot, slotStep do itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(i,j); if (itemLink) then -- check for the specified itemID if (string.find(itemLink, "item:"..itemID..":")) then foundBag = i; foundSlot = j; Debug("Found "..itemLink.." at bag"..foundBag.." slot"..foundSlot); -- break out of the slot loop break; end end end -- break out of the bag loop if we found the item if (foundBag) then break; end end end return foundBag, foundSlot; end local function FE_Equip(itemID, equipSlot) -- fail if something's on the cursor if (CursorHasItem()) then return false; end -- make sure it's not already equipped local currentLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player",equipSlot); if (currentLink and string.find(currentLink, "item:"..itemID..":")) then return true; end -- try to find the item in their bags local bag, slot; if (equipSlot == mainHandSlotID and fe['normMain'] == fe['normOff']) then bag, slot = FE_FindContainerItem(itemID, true); else bag, slot = FE_FindContainerItem(itemID); end if (bag and slot) then PickupContainerItem(bag, slot); if (equipSlot) then PickupInventoryItem(equipSlot); else AutoEquipCursorItem(); end return true; end return false; end local function FE_SaveSwitchItem(itemID, slotID, saveName, setString) if (itemID and itemID ~= fe[saveName]) then fe[saveName] = itemID; if (itemID) then Print(string.format(setString,GetInventoryItemLink("player",slotID))); end end end local function FE_SwapSlot(saveName, slotID, setString) if (fe[saveName]) then if (not FE_Equip(fe[saveName],slotID)) then -- couldn't equip item Debug("couldn't equip "..saveName.."("..fe[saveName]..") into slot "..slotID); fe[saveName] = nil; end end if (not fe[saveName] and setString) then Print(setString); end end function FE_Switch() local mainHandID, offHandID, gloveID, hatID, bootID = FE_GetEquipped(); if (FE_IsFishingPoleEquipped()) then -- Save our current fishing gear FE_SaveSwitchItem(mainHandID, mainHandSlotID, 'fishPole', FE_OUT_SET_POLE); FE_SaveSwitchItem(gloveID, gloveSlotID, 'fishGlove', FE_OUT_SET_FISHING_GLOVES); FE_SaveSwitchItem(hatID, hatSlotID, 'fishHat', FE_OUT_SET_FISHING_HAT); FE_SaveSwitchItem(bootID, bootSlotID, 'fishBoot', FE_OUT_SET_FISHING_BOOT); -- Swap to normal gear FE_SwapSlot('normMain', mainHandSlotID, FE_OUT_NEED_SET_NORMAL); FE_SwapSlot('normOff', offHandSlotID, nil); FE_SwapSlot('normGlove', gloveSlotID, nil); FE_SwapSlot('normHat', hatSlotID, nil); FE_SwapSlot('normBoot', bootSlotID, nil); else -- Save our current normal gear FE_SaveSwitchItem(mainHandID, mainHandSlotID, 'normMain', FE_OUT_SET_MAIN); FE_SaveSwitchItem(offHandID, offHandSlotID, 'normOff', FE_OUT_SET_SECONDARY); FE_SaveSwitchItem(gloveID, gloveSlotID, 'normGlove', FE_OUT_SET_GLOVES); FE_SaveSwitchItem(hatID, hatSlotID, 'normHat', FE_OUT_SET_HAT); FE_SaveSwitchItem(bootID, bootSlotID, 'normBoot', FE_OUT_SET_BOOT); -- Swap to fishing gear FE_SwapSlot('fishPole', mainHandSlotID, FE_OUT_NEED_SET_POLE); FE_SwapSlot('fishGlove', gloveSlotID, nil); FE_SwapSlot('fishHat', hatSlotID, nil); FE_SwapSlot('fishBoot', bootSlotID, nil); end end function FE_CastPole() -- switch to pole if needed if (not FE_IsFishingPoleEquipped()) then FE_Switch(); else CastSpell(fishingID, BOOKTYPE_SPELL); end end function FE_Reset() fe['normMain'] = nil; fe['normOff'] = nil; fe['normGlove'] = nil; fe['normHat'] = nil; fe['fishPole'] = nil; fe['fishGlove'] = nil; fe['fishHat'] = nil; fe['fishBoot'] = nil; Print(FE_OUT_RESET); end function FE_ToggleDebug() _DEBUG = not _DEBUG; if (_DEBUG) then Print("Debug output is now on."); else Print("Debug output is now off."); end end