--FlexBar_Localization.lua --[[ (DJE) File Created 09/02/2005 (DJE) 09/02/2005 Added basic skeleton ]]-- --[[ This file is the future home of the localizations code and strings As for now I'm just gonna make a list of every string literal that may need localization in the .lua files to aid in developing a nameing convention for the strings, and to get a better idea how big of a job the localization will be. I have not looked at the xmls at all We have to be careful, about strings like "button" only public strings need to be localized with things like this not internals But i'm not sure how seperable these are Any lines with util:print(), util:echo(), FB_ReportToUser() need altered _Conditionals.lua local precedence = {["or<>"] = 1, ["and<>"] = 2, ["not<>"] = 3, ["begin<>"] = 4, ["end<>"] = 5} and many comparisons to these values in the file 90ish names of the conditionals _UtilityClasses.lua color names? I'm not sure if the user can see or enter these anyplace a couple or twenty error message lines like: "Error: " .. index .. " is required") These could be tricky because they need to be gramarizable ... i am guessing they will need to be function calls ie msg = FBL_UTIL_ERROR_INDEX_REQUIRED(index) in localization.lua function FBL_UTIL_ERRORMSG_INDEX_REQUIRED = function (index) return "Error: " .. index .. " is required" end _SlashCommands.lua for every command a few strings for example: scmd:AddCommand("remap", FB_Command_ReMap, "misc", "/FlexBar ReMap Button= Base= [Reset='True']") -- populate the parameter list for this command -- arguments are: command, parameter name, required, strict, types, allowed, default scmd:AddParam("remap","button",OPTIONAL,STRICT,{"number","table"},{lowerbound=1,upperbound=FBNumButtons}, nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","group" ,OPTIONAL,STRICT,{"number"},{lowerbound=1,upperbound=FBNumButtons}, nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","base" ,REQUIRED,STRICT,{"number"},{lowerbound=1,upperbound=120}, nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","toggle",OPTIONAL,STRICT,{"string"},{"true"},nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","reset" ,OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,{"string"},{"true"},nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","on" ,OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,{"string"},FBEventList,nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","target",OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,nil,nil,nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","if" ,OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,{"string"},FBConditionList,nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","in" ,OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,{"number"},nil,nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","tname" ,OPTIONAL,NON_STRICT,{"string"},nil,nil) scmd:AddParam("remap","ttoggle",OPTIONAL,STRICT,{"string"},{"true"},nil) we would need "remap" "/FlexBar ReMap Button= Base= [Reset='True']" FBL_COMMAND_NAME_REMAP="remap" FBL_COMMAND_CHATHELP_REMAP="/FlexBar ReMap Button= Base= [Reset='True']" most arguments (like "button","toggle" etc) can be reused so it's not too bad 5 catagory help like "For Show/Hide Grid, lock and text, group= may be substituted for Button=<...>" A bunch more error messages _HelperFunctions.lua This file is quite furry, lots of bug creating potential in here A bunch of these: FB_ReportToUser("<< FB_GetCoords: ReSet Button #"..buttonnum.." to ("..x..","..y..") >>"); NOTE: All FB_ReportToUser strings are strictly for debugging and testing purposes and will not be displayed to the average user of the program - probly no-need to localize these strings also a bunch of util:print(), util:echo() lines Stuff like this, which will not work if we localize the commands: FBcmd:Dispatch("runmacro macro='"..string.sub(msg,lasti+1).."' in=".. seconds) There are a lot of other literals which I'm not sure of the function FB_ItemEnchantEvents() is crawling with them for example _GUIParamInfo.lua just about every line in the file ;) _GUIEventInfo.lua just about every line in this one too _GUI.lua This file is full of stuff too _Globals.lua lots of FBXxxList variables need to be examined by someone who actualy understands what these are for _EventHandlers.lua Another big one here. Lots of commands,events etc are refrenced with literals lots of the usual echos,prints, and FBReportToUsers in here _Flexbar.lua There are alot of literals that I am not sure of, because of ignorance about the engine the usual echos, prints, and FBReportToUsers 60 or so keybinding names _TextSub.lua nearly every line, this is text substitutions after all :) Doesn't look too difficult really _config.lua low priority in my opinion, but if we locolize commands the configs in here may not work. ]]-- --This variable is for debugging in case we want to see what translation block was exicuted local FBL_LOCALIZATION_MODEUSED="noNE" function FBLocalize() --This functions should be called after variables are loaded, and before profile loading --Sets localization strings to the local WoW is set for --ENGLISH --Set all english strings first, they will be the default if WoW is later distributed in a --Language we don't have here, and/or until these are all translated -- -- FlexBar SlashCommands strings FB_NOGROUP_ERR = "No such group" FB_MENUPOPUP_TRIGGER_ERR = "Trigger not part of group %d" FB_MENUPOPUP_ALIGN_ERR = "Unrecognized alignment: %s" FB_AUTOARRANGE_RPT = "%d auto-arranged" FB_GROUP_MEMBERS_ERR = "Error: Groups must have more than one member" FB_GROUP_ANCHOR_ERR = "Error: Anchor must be a member of the buttons being formed into a group" FB_UNGROUP_DISBAND_RPT = "Disbanding group %d" FB_LISTGROUPS_RPT = "The following groups are present:" FB_LISTGROUPS_BUTTON_RPT = "Buttons in group %d :" FB_DISPLAY_MISCHELP_ADD = "For showgrid, hidegrid, lock and text, group= may be substituted for Button=<...>" FB_DISPLAY_APPHELP_ADD = "For all commands, group= may be substituted for Button=<...>" FB_DISPLAY_GROUPHELP_ADD = "The anchor button MUST be a part of the proposed group" FB_DISPLAY_MOVEHELP_ADD = "Once grouped, only the anchor may be locked/unlocked\nMoveXXX only takes positive arguments currently" --OTHER LANGUAGES local CurLocal=GetLocale() if CurLocal=="deDE" then --German --Uncomment the next if any translations exist for this local --FBL_LOCALIZATION_MODEUSED="deDE" elseif CurLocal=="frFR" then --French --Uncomment the next if any translations exist for this local --FBL_LOCALIZATION_MODEUSED="deDE" elseif CurLocal=="koKR" then --Korean --Uncomment the next if any translations exist for this local --FBL_LOCALIZATION_MODEUSED="deDE" else --No translation applied FBL_LOCALIZATION_MODEUSED="usEN" end end