-- Translatable strings, English (and default) version BINDING_HEADER_FLIGHTMAP = "FlightMap"; BINDING_NAME_FLIGHTMAP = "Show flight map"; FLIGHTMAP_NAME = "FlightMap"; FLIGHTMAP_DESCRIPTION = "Flight path info on the World Map"; FLIGHTMAP_ALLIANCE = "Alliance"; FLIGHTMAP_HORDE = "Horde"; FLIGHTMAP_CONTESTED = "Contested"; -- Zone names FLIGHTMAP_MOONGLADE = "Moonglade"; FLIGHTMAP_ELWYNN = "Elwynn Forest"; FLIGHTMAP_DUNMOROGH = "Dun Morogh"; FLIGHTMAP_TIRISFAL = "Tirisfal Glades"; FLIGHTMAP_LOCHMODAN = "Loch Modan"; FLIGHTMAP_SILVERPINE = "Silverpine Forest"; FLIGHTMAP_WESTFALL = "Westfall"; FLIGHTMAP_REDRIDGE = "Redridge Mountains"; FLIGHTMAP_DUSKWOOD = "Duskwood"; FLIGHTMAP_HILLSBRAD = "Hillsbrad Foothills"; FLIGHTMAP_WETLANDS = "Wetlands"; FLIGHTMAP_ALTERAC = "Alterac Mountains"; FLIGHTMAP_ARATHI = "Arathi Highlands"; FLIGHTMAP_STRANGLETHORN = "Stranglethorn Vale"; FLIGHTMAP_BADLANDS = "Badlands"; FLIGHTMAP_SORROWS = "Swamp of Sorrows"; FLIGHTMAP_HINTERLANDS = "The Hinterlands"; FLIGHTMAP_SEARINGGORGE = "Searing Gorge"; FLIGHTMAP_BLASTEDLANDS = "Blasted Lands"; FLIGHTMAP_BURNINGSTEPPE = "Burning Steppes"; FLIGHTMAP_WESTERNPLAGUE = "Western Plaguelands"; FLIGHTMAP_EASTERNPLAGUE = "Eastern Plaguelands"; FLIGHTMAP_DUROTAR = "Durotar"; FLIGHTMAP_MULGORE = "Mulgore"; FLIGHTMAP_DARKSHORE = "Darkshore"; FLIGHTMAP_BARRENS = "The Barrens"; FLIGHTMAP_STONETALON = "Stonetalon Mountains"; FLIGHTMAP_ASHENVALE = "Ashenvale"; FLIGHTMAP_1KNEEDLES = "Thousand Needles"; FLIGHTMAP_DESOLACE = "Desolace"; FLIGHTMAP_DUSTWALLOW = "Dustwallow Marsh"; FLIGHTMAP_FERALAS = "Feralas"; FLIGHTMAP_TANARIS = "Tanaris"; FLIGHTMAP_AZSHARA = "Azshara"; FLIGHTMAP_FELWOOD = "Felwood"; FLIGHTMAP_UNGOROCRATER = "Un'Goro Crater"; FLIGHTMAP_SILITHUS = "Silithus"; FLIGHTMAP_WINTERSPRING = "Winterspring"; FLIGHTMAP_TELDRASSIL = "Teldrassil"; FLIGHTMAP_DEADWINDPASS = "Deadwind Pass"; FLIGHTMAP_ORGRIMMAR = "Orgrimmar"; FLIGHTMAP_THUNDERBLUFF = "Thunder Bluff"; FLIGHTMAP_UNDERCITY = "Undercity"; FLIGHTMAP_IRONFORGE = "Ironforge"; FLIGHTMAP_STORMWIND = "Stormwind City"; FLIGHTMAP_DARNASSUS = "Darnassus"; -- General strings FLIGHTMAP_TIMING = "(timing)"; FLIGHTMAP_LEVELS = "Levels %d - %d"; FLIGHTMAP_NOFLIGHTS = "None known!"; FLIGHTMAP_NOT_KNOWN = "(Not known)"; FLIGHTMAP_NO_COST = "Free"; FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_GOLD = "g"; FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_SILVER = "s"; FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_COPPER = "c"; FLIGHTMAP_FLIGHTTIME = "Flight time: "; FLIGHTMAP_QUICKEST = "Fastest route"; FLIGHTMAP_TOTAL_TIME = "Total time"; FLIGHTMAP_VIA = "Via "; FLIGHTMAP_CONFIRM = "Are you sure you wish to fly to %s?%s"; FLIGHTMAP_CONFIRM_TIME = " This flight will take "; -- Command strings FLIGHTMAP_RESET = "reset"; FLIGHTMAP_SHOWMAP = "open"; FLIGHTMAP_LOCKTIMES = "lock"; FLIGHTMAP_GETHELP = "help"; -- TODO translate -- Help text TODO translate FLIGHTMAP_TIMER_HELP = "Hold down SHIFT and drag the timer bar to reposition."; FLIGHTMAP_SUBCOMMANDS = { [FLIGHTMAP_RESET] = "Reset timer bar position", [FLIGHTMAP_SHOWMAP] = "Open flight map window", [FLIGHTMAP_GETHELP] = "Show this text", }; -- Locked/unlocked status FLIGHTMAP_TIMESLOCKED = { [true] = "Flight times will no longer be recorded.", [false] = "Flight times will now be recorded.", }; -- Option strings FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS_CLOSE = "Close"; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS_TITLE = "FlightMap Options"; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS = {}; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[1] = { -- Option 1: flight path lines label = "Flight path lines", option = "showPaths", tooltip = "Draw lines on the world map for flight paths.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[2] = { -- Option 2: extra POI buttons label = "Flight master icons", option = "showPOIs", tooltip = "Show extra world map icons for flight masters.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[3] = { -- Option 3: Unknown masters label = "Show unknown flights", option = "showAllInfo", tooltip = "Show all data, even for unvisited flight masters.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[4] = { -- Option 4: Auto-Dismount label = "Auto dismount", option = "autoDismount", tooltip = "Automatically dismount when speaking to a flight master", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[5] = { -- Option 5: flight timers label = "In-flight timers", option = "useTimer", tooltip = "Enable/disable the flight duration meter.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[6] = { -- Option 6: Show flight destinations label = "Show destinations", option = "showDestinations", tooltip = "Show flight destinations on tooltips", children = {7, 8, 9}, }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[7] = { -- Option 7: Show multi-hop destinations label = "Including multi-hop", option = "showMultiHop", tooltip = "Show multi-hop destinations on tooltips", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[8] = { -- Option 8: Show flight times label = "With flight times", option = "showTimes", tooltip = "Show flight times on tooltips.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[9] = { -- Option 9: Show flight costs label = "With flight costs", option = "showCosts", tooltip = "Show flight costs on tooltips.", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[10] = { -- Option 10: Taxi window extras label = "Enhanced flight window", option = "fullTaxiMap", tooltip = "Show flight network on flight selection window", }; FLIGHTMAP_OPTIONS[11] = { -- Option 11: Confirm flight destinations label = "Confirm flights", option = "confirmFlights", tooltip = "Prompt for confirmation before taking a flight", }; -- These constants determine how "Town, Zone" strings look. -- SEP_STRING is what separates Town from Zone. SEP_POSTAMBLE -- is anything that is after Zone. FLIGHTMAP_SEP_STRING = ", "; FLIGHTMAP_SEP_POSTAMBLE = "";