local AceLocale = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.1") AceLocale:RegisterTranslation("BatFu", "enUS", function() return { ["Base"] = "Base", ["Bases"] = "Bases", ["Bases held"] = "Bases held", ["Battlefields Queued"] = "Battlefields Queued", ["Bonus Honor"] = "Bonus Honor", ["Carrier"] = "Carrier", ["Click displays scoreboard"] = "Click displays scoreboard", ["Click to cycle through Scoreboard/Battlefield List frames."] = "Click to cycle through Scoreboard/Battlefield List frames.", ["Click to toggle scoreboard display."] = "Click to toggle scoreboard display.", ["Confirm"] = "Confirm", ["Deaths"] = "Deaths", ["Destroyed"] = "Destroyed", ["Flag Carriers"] = "Flag Carriers", ["Flag"] = "Flag", ["Hide default battle objectives frame"] = "Hide default battle objectives frame", ["Hide minimap button"] = "Hide minimap button", ["In Conflict"] = "In Conflict", ["Inverted queue timers"] = "Inverted queue timers", ["Killing Blows"] = "Killing Blows", ["Kills"] = "Kills", ["N/A"] = "N/A", ["No Queues"] = "No Queues", ["Objective status"] = "Objective status", ["Players"] = "Players", ["Player stats"] = "Player stats", ["Player Stats"] = "Player Stats", ["Progress"] = "Progress", ["Queues"] = "Queues", ["Remaining"] = "Remaining", ["Resources"] = "Resources", ["Score"] = "Score", ["Show only the status of those nodes which are currently in conflict or not yet claimed."] = "Show only the status of those nodes which are currently in conflict or not yet claimed.", ["Standing"] = "Standing", ["Status"] = "Status", ["Team scores"] = "Team scores", ["Team sizes"] = "Team sizes", ["Time-to-victory"] = "Time-to-victory", ["Toggle click-to-target (alt-click if tooltip is locked) display of CTF flag carriers on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle click-to-target (alt-click if tooltip is locked) display of CTF flag carriers on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle display of pending battlefield queues on the tooltip."] = "Toggle display of pending battlefield queues on the tooltip.", ["Toggle display of the Battlegrounds minimap button"] = "Toggle display of the Battlegrounds minimap button", ["Toggle display of the default battle objectives frame"] = "Toggle display of the default battle objectives frame", ["Toggle in-battle behavior for clicking on the BatFu plugin (scoreboard only/scoreboard and battlefield instance frames)."] = "Toggle in-battle behavior for clicking on the BatFu plugin (scoreboard only/scoreboard and battlefield instance frames).", ["Toggles display of elements of the tooltip."] = "Toggles display of elements of the tooltip.", ["Toggle the Bases Held line on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle the Bases Held line on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle the display of objective status (node controllers, capture timers, etc.) on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle the display of objective status (node controllers, capture timers, etc.) on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle the player statistics (kills, deaths, killing blows, bonus honor) on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle the player statistics (kills, deaths, killing blows, bonus honor) on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle the Team Score line on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle the Team Score line on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle the Team Size line on the in-battle tooltip."] = "Toggle the Team Size line on the in-battle tooltip.", ["Toggle the Time-To-Victory (TTV) line on the in-battle tooltip (for resource collection Battlegrounds)."] = "Toggle the Time-To-Victory (TTV) line on the in-battle tooltip (for resource collection Battlegrounds).", ["Toggle whether BatFu's queue timer displays count down from the estimated queue duration or up from zero."] = "Toggle whether BatFu's queue timer displays count down from the estimated queue duration or up from zero.", ["Tooltip Options"] = "Tooltip Options", ["TTV"] = "TTV", ["Uncontested objectives"] = "Uncontested objectives", } end)