if not ace:LoadTranslation("DamageMetersFu") then DamageMetersFuLocals = { -- Basics NAME = "FuBar - DamageMetersFu", DESCRIPTION = "Damage meters control and information.", COMMANDS = {"/dmfu", "/damagemetersfu"}, CMD_OPTIONS = {}, -- Slash command arguments ARGUMENT_CLEAR = "clear", ARGUMENT_PAUSE = "pause", ARGUMENT_RESET_POSITION = "resetpos", -- Orphans TEXT = "Damage Meters", SHORT_TEXT = "DM", HINT = "Click to toggle the DamageMeters window.", -- Menu Values MENU_DISPLAY_NONE = "Display None", MENU_SHORT_DISPLAY = "Brief Label Text", MENU_COLOR_DISPLAY = "Show Colored Values", MENU_USE_DM_COLORS = "Use DM Colors", MENU_VALUE = "Values", MENU_RANK = "Ranks", MENU_LEADER = "Leaders", MENU_RESET_POSITION = "Reset Position", MENU_PAUSE = "Pause Parsing", MENU_CLEAR = "Clear", DAMAGEMETERS_MISSING = "DamageMeters N/A", DAMAGEMETERS_MISSING_DESC = "Please install DamageMeters before attempting to use this addon.", DAMAGEMETERS_QUANT = {} } -- Versioning and backwards compatibility with 4.2.1 if ( DamageMeters_VERSION == 4500 ) then DamageMetersFuLocals.DAMAGEMETERS_QUANT = { [1] = { name = "Damage Done", abbr = "D", color = 'FF0000' }, [2] = { name = "Healing Done", abbr = "H", color = '00FF00' }, [3] = { name = "Damage Taken", abbr = "DT", color = 'FF7F00' }, [4] = { name = "Healing Taken", abbr = "HT", color = '00B24C' }, [5] = { name = "Curing Done", abbr = "Cu", color = '99B2CC' }, [6] = { name = "Overheal Done", abbr = "Oh", color = 'FFFF00' }, [7] = { name = "Raw Healing Done", abbr = "RawHD", color = 'FF00FD' }, [8] = { name = "Damage Per/sec", abbr = "DPS", color = '8428E0' }, [9] = { name = "Healing Per/sec", abbr = "HPS", color = '33E57F' }, [10] = { name = "Damage Taken Per/sec", abbr = "DTPS", color = 'FFB233' }, [11] = { name = "Healing Taken Per/sec", abbr = "HTPS", color = '00CCCC' }, [12] = { name = "Cures Per/sec", abbr = "CuPS", color = '667FF9' }, [13] = { name = "Overheal Per/sec", abbr = "OHPS", color = '666600' }, [14] = { name = "Raw Healing Per/sec", abbr = "RawHPS", color = 'CC00CA' }, [15] = { name = "Idle Time", abbr = "IT", color = '0000FF' }, [16] = { name = "Net Damage", abbr = "NetD", color = '7F0000' }, [17] = { name = "Net Healing", abbr = "NetH", color = '007F00' }, [18] = { name = "Damage+Healing", abbr = "D+H", color = '7F7F7F' }, [19] = { name = "Health", abbr = "H", color = '804DB2' }, [20] = { name = "Overheal Percent", abbr = "Oh%", color = '8080B2' } } else DamageMetersFuLocals.DAMAGEMETERS_QUANT = { [1] = { name = "Damage Done", abbr = "D", color = 'FF0000' }, [2] = { name = "Healing Done", abbr = "H", color = '00FF00' }, [3] = { name = "Damage Taken", abbr = "DT", color = 'FF7F00' }, [4] = { name = "Healing Taken", abbr = "HT", color = '00B24C' }, [5] = { name = "Curing Done", abbr = "Cu", color = '99B2CC' }, [6] = { name = "Damage Per/sec", abbr = "DPS", color = '8428E0' }, [7] = { name = "Healing Per/sec", abbr = "HPS", color = '33E57F' }, [8] = { name = "Damage Taken Per/sec", abbr = "DTPS", color = 'FFB233' }, [9] = { name = "Healing Taken Per/sec", abbr = "HTPS", color = '00CCCC' }, [10] = { name = "Cures Per/sec", abbr = "CuPS", color = '667FF9' }, [11] = { name = "Idle Time", abbr = "IT", color = '0000FF' }, [12] = { name = "Net Damage", abbr = "NetD", color = '7F0000' }, [13] = { name = "Net Healing", abbr = "NetH", color = '007F00' }, [14] = { name = "Damage+Healing", abbr = "D+H", color = '7F7F7F' } } end DamageMetersFuLocals.CMD_OPTIONS = { { option = DamageMetersFuLocals.ARGUMENT_CLEAR, desc = "Clear your local DamageMeters data.", method = "DMClear" }, { option = DamageMetersFuLocals.ARGUMENT_PAUSE, desc = "Toggle whether to pause/unpause DamageMeters parsing.", method = "DMTogglePause" }, { option = DamageMetersFuLocals.ARGUMENT_RESET_POSITION, desc = "Reset the DamageMeters window position", method = "DMResetPos" }, } end