Change Log: FuBar - DamageMetersFu ------------------------------------ [2006-05-27] 1.2.1: - Fixed a small bug with the "Display None" button - Added version checking to allow support for DamageMeters 4.3.0 and 4.2.1 - Added the new values available in 4.3.0 [2006-05-25] 1.2.0: - Added an option to use custom DM colors; "Use DM Colors" - Changed versioning to reflect the version of FuBar it is compatible with; so 1.2.x for FuBar 1.2 - Updated to use CrayonLib - Requires FuBar 1.2.2052 or higher [2006-05-08] 1.2: - Fixed an error when trying to track more than 1 rank value - Updated the color codes to more closely match the default Damage Meters [2006-05-08] 1.1: - Typeowned [2006-05-08] 1.0: - Initial Release