local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuBar_DurabilityFu") L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["Total"] = true, ["Percent"] = true, ["Repair cost"] = true, ["Repair"] = true, ["Equipment"] = true, ["Inventory"] = true, ["Show repair popup at vendor"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show the popup at the merchant window"] = true, ["Show the armored man"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show Blizzard's armored man"] = true, ["Show average value"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show your average or minimum durability"] = true, ["Show healthy items"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show items that are healthy (100% repaired)"] = true, ["Auto repair"] = true, ["AceConsole-Commands"] = {"/durfu", "/durabilityfu"} } end)