local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuXP") L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["AceConsole-commands"] = { "/FuXPFu" }, ["Current XP"] = true, ["Sets the color of the XP Bar"] = true, ["Rested XP"] = true, ["Sets the color of the Rested Bar"] = true, ["No XP"] = true, ["Sets the empty color of the XP Bar"] = true, ["Spark intensity"] = true, ["Brightness level of Spark"] = true, ["Thickness"] = true, ["Sets thickness of XP Bar"] = true, ["Shadow"] = true, ["Toggles Shadow under XP Bar"] = true, ["Remaining"] = true, ["Show Remaining in Bar"] = true, ["%s:%s %3.0f%% left (%s/%s)"] = true, ["%s to go (%3.0f%%)"] = true, ["Current XP"] = true, ["To Level"] = true, ["Rested XP"] = true, ["Click to send your current xp to an open editbox."] = true, ["Faction"] = true, ["Rep to next standing"] = true, ["Current rep"] = true, ["Click to send your current rep to an open editbox."] = true, ["%s/%s (%3.0f%%) %d to go"] = true, ["%s:%s/%s (%3.2f%%) Currently %s with %d to go"] = true, } end)