if (not ace:LoadTranslation("GuildFu")) then GuildFULocals = { NAME = "FuBar - GuildFu", DESCRIPTION = "Keeps track of your Guild members.", COMMANDS = {"/fbg", "/fbguild", "/fubar_guild"}, CMD_OPTIONS = {}, ARGUMENT_HIDELOCATION = "hideLocation", ARGUMENT_HIDELEVEL = "hideLevel", ARGUMENT_HIDECLASS = "hideClass", ARGUMENT_HIDELABEL = "hideLabel", ARGUMENT_SETLEADTEXT = "leadtext", ARGUMENT_SETLEVELRANGE = "levelrange", ARGUMENT_SETREFRESH = "refreshrate", MENU_DISPLAY = "Show", MENU_ORDER = "Order", MENU_SHOW_LOCATION = "Show location", MENU_SHOW_LEVEL = "Show level", MENU_SHOW_CLASS = "Show class", MENU_SHOW_RACE = "Show race", MENU_SHOW_RANK = "Show rank", MENU_SHOW_PUBLICNOTES = "Show public notes", MENU_SHOW_OFFICERNOTES = "Show officer notes", MENU_SHOW_LABEL = "Show label", MENU_COLORNAMES = "Color playernames according to class", MENU_SHOW_TOTAL = "Show total", MENU_ORDER_LOCATION = "By location", MENU_ORDER_LEVEL = "By level", MENU_ORDER_CLASS = "By class", MENU_ORDER_NAME = "By name", MENU_INVITE = "Invite", MENU_WHISPER = "Whisper", MENU_PAGING = "Use Paging", MENU_PAGING_PREV = "|cff00ff33Previous page ...|r", MENU_PAGING_NEXT = "|cff00ff33Next page ...|r", MENU_PAGING_PAGE = "|cffffcc00Page %i/%i|r", MENU_PAGING_WARNING = "|cffff0000Too many persons, use paging.|r", MAX_ITEMS_SHOW = 25, WowMaxLevel = 60, REFRESHINTERVAL = 120, MENU_FILTER_LEVELRANGE = 5, MENU_FILTER = "Filter", MENU_FILTER_CLASS = "Class", MENU_FILTER_LEVEL = "Level", MENU_FILTER_ZONE = "Zone", MENU_FILTERS_ZONE= { "People in my zone", "People not in an instance", "People not in battlegrounds" }, SYSMSG_ONLINE = "has come online", SYSMSG_OFFLINE = "has gone offline", TOOLTIP_TITLE = "Guildlist", TOOLTIP_NOTINGUILD = "Not in guild", TOOLTIP_WARNING = "|cffff0000Too many persons, use filtering.|r", MENU_FILTER_DUNGEON = "People not in an instance", MENU_FILTER_BATTLEGROUND = "People not in battlegrounds", hordeClassValues = {"All", "Warrior", "Mage", "Rogue", "Druid", "Hunter", "Shaman", "Priest", "Warlock"}, allianceClassValues = {"All", "Warrior", "Mage", "Rogue", "Druid", "Hunter", "Priest", "Warlock", "Paladin"}, colorclasses = { ["Hunter"] = "|cffaad372", ["Warlock"] = "|cff9382c9", ["Priest"] = "|cffffffff", ["Paladin"] = "|cfff48cba", ["Shaman"] = "|cfff48cba", ["Mage"] = "|cff68ccef", ["Rogue"] = "|cfffff468", ["Druid"] = "|cffff7c0a", ["Warrior"] = "|cffc69b6d" }, dungeonlist = { ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = TRUE, ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = TRUE, ["Blackrock Depths"] = TRUE, ["Blackrock Spire"] = TRUE, ["Blackwing Lair"] = TRUE, ["Caverns of Time"] = TRUE, ["Dire Maul"] = TRUE, ["Gnomeregan"] = TRUE, ["Maraudon"] = TRUE, ["Onyxia's Lair"] = TRUE, ["Ragefire Chasm"] = TRUE, ["Razorfen Downs"] = TRUE, ["Razorfen Kraul"] = TRUE, ["Scarlet Monastery"] = TRUE, ["Scholomance"] = TRUE, ["Shadowfang Keep"] = TRUE, ["Stormwind Stockade"] = TRUE, ["Stratholme"] = TRUE, ["The Deadmines"] = TRUE, ["The Molten Core"] = TRUE, ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = TRUE, ["The Wailing Caverns"] = TRUE, ["Thunder Bluff"] = TRUE, ["Uldaman"] = TRUE, ["Zul'Farrak"] = TRUE, ["Zul'Gurub"] = TRUE }, battlegroundlist = { ["Alterac Valley"] = TRUE, ["Arathi Basin"] = TRUE, ["Warsong Gulch"] = TRUE } } GuildFULocals.CMD_OPTIONS = { { option = GuildFULocals.ARGUMENT_SETLEADTEXT, desc = "Sets the leading text displayed in the bar.", method = "SetLeadText", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "", desc = "This sets the leading text before the numbers in the bosspanel. Setting it to nil will clear the text." } } }, { option = GuildFULocals.ARGUMENT_SETLEVELRANGE, desc = "Sets the levelrange for the level filter in the menu.", method = "SetLevelRange", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "<#>", desc = "A number between 0 and 10. Setting it to 0 will result in a filter for your level." } } }, { option = GuildFULocals.ARGUMENT_SETREFRESH, desc = "Sets the time in seconds between forced refreshes of the guild list.", method = "SetRefreshRate", input = TRUE, args = { { option = "<#>", desc = "A number between 1 and 300. Setting it outside these numbers will result in setting it to the default value: " .. GuildFULocals.REFRESHINTERVAL } } } } end