local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuBar_LocationFu") L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["Open world map"] = true, ["Open Atlas"] = true, ["Show coordinates"] = true, ["Toggle the coordinates in the text of this plugin"] = true, ["Show subzone name"] = true, ["Show zone name"] = true, ["Toggle the zone name in the text of this plugin"] = true, ["Show level range"] = true, ["Show minimap bar"] = true, ["Show the bar above the minimap that tells the location and allows you to close minimap"] = true, ["Show coodinates on map"] = true, ["Show the coordinates of your cursor and your player on the world map"] = true, ["Show map overlay"] = true, ["Show the overlay on the map which shows the level range and instances available"] = true, ["Show recommended zones"] = true, ["Show your recommended zones in the tooltip"] = true, ["Zone:"] = true, ["Subzone:"] = true, ["Arena"] = true, ["Friendly"] = true, ["Contested"] = true, ["Hostile"] = true, ["Status:"] = true, ["Coordinates:"] = true, ["Level range:"] = true, ["Instances"] = true, ["Recommended zones"] = true, ["Recommended instances"] = true, ["Cursor:"] = true, ["Player:"] = true, ["Atlas-hint"] = "Click to open Atlas", ["Standard-hint"] = "Click to open map", ["Shift-hint"] = "Shift-Click to insert position into chat edit box", ["Ctrl-hint"] = "Ctrl-Click to open map", ["Ctrl-Atlas-hint"] = "Ctrl-Click to open Atlas", ["AceConsole-options"] = {"/locfu", "/locationfu"}, } end)