local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuBar_PerformanceFu") L:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function() return { ["Show framerate"] = true, ["Toggle whether to framerate"] = true, ["Show latency"] = true, ["Toggle whether to latency (lag)"] = true, ["Show memory usage"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show current memory usage"] = true, ["Show rate of increasing memory usage"] = true, ["Toggle whether to show increasing rate of memory"] = true, ["Warn on garbage collection"] = true, ["Toggle whether to warn on an upcoming garbage collection"] = true, ["Force garbage collection"] = true, ["Force a garbage collection to happen"] = true, ["Garbage collection occurred"] = true, ["Garbage collection in %s"] = true, ["Framerate:"] = true, ["Network status"] = true, ["Latency:"] = true, ["Bandwidth in:"] = true, ["Bandwidth out:"] = true, ["Memory usage"] = true, ["Current memory:"] = true, ["Initial memory:"] = true, ["Increasing rate:"] = true, ["Average increasing rate:"] = true, ["Garbage collection"] = true, ["Threshold:"] = true, ["Time to next:"] = true, ["AceConsole-options"] = {"/perffu", "/performancefu"}, } end)