local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("RegenFu") L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return { NAME = "FuBar - RegenFu", DESCRIPTION = "顯示 HP/MP 回復速度。", HP_LABEL = "HP: "; MP_LABEL = "MP: "; FSR_LABEL = "FSR: ", MENU_SHOW_HP = "顯示 HP"; MENU_SHOW_MP = "顯示 MP"; ["Show FSRT"] = "顯示 FSRT", MENU_SHOW_PERCENT = "顯示百分比"; MENU_SHOW_CURRENT = "顯示目前數值"; ["Show In Combat Regen Total"] = "顯示戰鬥中回復統計", MENU_HIDE_LABEL = "隱藏標籤"; TOOLTIP1_LEFT = "HP:"; TOOLTIP2_LEFT = "MP:"; TOOLTIP3_LEFT = "最高HP回復:"; TOOLTIP4_LEFT = "最低HP回復:"; TOOLTIP5_LEFT = "最高MP回復:"; TOOLTIP6_LEFT = "最低MP回復:"; TOOLTIP7_LEFT = "前次戰鬥MP回復:"; TOOLTIP8_LEFT = "前次戰鬥HP回復:"; TOOLTIP9_LEFT = "最後一次戰鬥MP平均回復量:"; ["AceConsole-commands"] = { "/regenfu" }, ["Percent Regen While Casting"] = "施法中回復法力百分比", ["Mana Regen Forumula (Spirit/)"] = "法力回復公式(精神/<數值>)", ["Mana Per Int"] = "每點智力增加的法力", ["Reset FSR Data"] = "重置FSR資料", ["Time Spent In Regen"] = "回魔花費時間", ["(This Fight)"] = "(本次戰鬥)", ["(Last Fight)"] = "(上次戰鬥)", ["Total Regen Time Observed"] = "總回復法力時間觀測", ["% Of That Time In FSR"] = "5秒回1法花費時間(FSRT)時間百分比", ["Spirit Needed To Equal 1mp5"] = "5秒回1法所等價的精神", ["Int Needed To Equal 1mp5"] = "5秒回1法所等價的智力", } end )