2.0.5 2006/11/08 - Added intelligent setup logic for first the first time you run the plugin. Druids/Priests get Mana+FSRT+FSRBar, Shaman/Paladin get Mana+FSRT, the other mana users only get Mana. Also the settings for the confuration values are stored per class or per charater - Added a 5 second rule countdown bar immediately beneath the the text on the FuBar - Fixed issue with not thinking we were ooc when zoning out of a bg 2.0.4 2006/10/31 - Added average mana regen - Fixed fluctiations in MP regen on bar - Updated translations - Added S&D Load On Demand Support - Improved Look of Tooltip 2.0.3 2006/10/31 - Embedded the ACE2 libraries 2.0.2 2006/10/31 - Fix bug in INT->MP5 conversion - localizations 2.0.1 - 2006/10/25 - New ownership of the code - Support for FSR tracking 2.0 - 2006/8/30 - FuBar-2.0 1.2.1 - 2006/5/28 - Added German localization. - Tooltip : Changed the ordering. - Tooltip : Added "HP Regen in Last Fight". - Tooltip : Tweaked coloring a bit. - Option : Added "Show current value". - Text : Added a % traior for values shown as percentage. 1.2.0 - 2006/5/10 - Changed version numbering method, it is now "FuBarVersion.n", such as "1.2.0", "1.2.1" etc. - Updated FuBar compatbility to 1.2. - Removed text coloring option as it is built into FuBar. 0.1.2 - 2006/4/14 - Updated BossPanel comptability to 10000. - Changed MP display text to a brighter color. 0.1.1 - 2006/4/6 - Changed to per-character saved variables. - Updated TOC to 11000. - Updated BossPanel comptability to 0.9.6. - Renamed BossPanel to FuBar. 0.1 - 2006/3/16 - Initial release: directly ported from TitanRegen.