local dewdrop = DewdropLib:GetInstance('1.0') local tablet = TabletLib:GetInstance('1.0') --[[ EmoteFu by Cilraaz of Cenarion Circle Please note that this mod is a port of TitanEmoteMenu by Dsanai of Whisperwind. Some of the functions are largely based on that mod. The entire emote list is also borrowed from TitanEmoteMenu. So a huge thanks to Dsanai for even making this mod possible. Also, a special thanks to chuckg from www.wowinterface.com. Chuckg helped in straightening out a few problem areas in my code, as well as pointing out the DoEmote API function, which was invalueable. Welcome to EmoteFu! This is a FuBar port of TitanEmoteMenu. It is meant to give players an easily accessible menu of emotes. The emotes have been sorted by category (ie. "Friendly", "Hostile", etc) to make it quite simple to quickly access the emote you want. Emotes can end up in more than one category, where applicable (ie. /dance can be found in "Happy" and "Affection"). Emotes in the list are colorized and marked with a label (A, V, AV) if they are Animated, Voice, or Both. It is also possible to add your own custom emotes! To do so, simply edit the EmoteData.lua file. You will want to match the format exactly or that mod may no longer function! If that occurs, just replace the EmoteData.lua with a good copy from the zip. Change Log: v0.1.5 (TOC 11200) -- Issue from v0.1.3 (gender handling) somehow occurred again in version 0.1.4, but this has now been corrected v0.1.4 (TOC 11200) -- Updated TOC v0.1.3b (TOC 11100) -- Re-upped the archive yet again. I added the directory structure to include a folder, so that the zip only needs unzipped into the AddOns folder, rather than the user needing to create a folder for it v0.1.3a (TOC 11100) -- Re-upped the archive as a ZIP file, rather than a RAR file. Sorry about that all! v0.1.3 (TOC 11100) -- Changed gender handling to fit Blizzard's new scheme (now 1=unknown, 2=male, 3=female...was 0=male, 1=female, 2=unknown) -- Updated TOC v0.1.2 (TOC 11000) -- As per feature request 839, an option has been added to the menu labeled "Toggle Slash Commands". When selected, this will cause all emotes in the menus to be prefixed with their slash command. In the case of custom emotes, they will be prefixed with "Custom: ". v0.1.1 (TOC 11000) -- Fixed an issue with some emotes not working properly -- Removed an unnecessary line from EmoteFuLocals.lua -- Fixed one emote, which was showing as having neither an action or vocal, when in fact it had an action associated with it -- Files changed: All v0.1.0 (TOC 11000) -- Initial Release To do: -- Add localization ]] EmoteFu = FuBarPlugin:GetInstance("1.2"):new({ name = EmoteFuLocals.NAME, description = EmoteFuLocals.DESCRIPTION, version = "0.1.2", releaseDate = "06-03-2006", aceCompatible = 103, fuCompatible = 101, author = "Cilraaz", email = "Cilraaz@gmail.com", website = "http://cilraaz.wowinterface.com/", category = "others", db = AceDatabase:new("EmoteFuDB"), cmd = AceChatCmd:new(EmoteFuLocals.COMMANDS, EmoteFuLocals.CMD_OPTIONS), loc = EmoteFuLocals, data = EmoteData, hasIcon = "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Shadow_Charm", hasText = "EmoteFu", cannotDetachTooltip = TRUE }) EmoteFu.profileCode = true; function EmoteFu:IsShowingSlashCommands() return self.data.showSlashCommand end function EmoteFu:ToggleShowingSlashCommands() self.data.showSlashCommand = not self.data.showSlashCommand if loud then self.cmd:status(self.loc.ARGUMENT_SLASH, self.data.showSlashCommand and 1 or 0, FuBarLocals.MAP_ONOFF) end return self.data.showSlashCommand end function EmoteFu:UpdateTooltip() local cat = tablet:AddCategory() cat:AddLine( "text", self.loc.LMBTEXT ) end function EmoteFu:MenuSettings(level, value) if level == 1 then for k, v in EL_Types do local elType = k; local label = v; dewdrop:AddLine( 'text', label, 'value', elType, 'hasArrow', TRUE ) end dewdrop:AddLine() dewdrop:AddLine( 'text', "Toggle Slash Commands", 'arg1', self, 'func', "ToggleShowingSlashCommands", 'checked', self:IsShowingSlashCommands() ) elseif level == 2 then local hasTarget = UnitName("target"); local genderCode = UnitSex("player"); local genderHe = nil; local genderHis = nil; local genderhe = nil; local genderhis = nil; if (genderCode==2) then -- male genderHe = "He"; genderhe = "he"; genderHis = "His"; genderhis = "his"; else -- female (we hope) genderHe = "She"; genderhe = "she"; genderHis = "Her"; genderhis = "her"; end for k2, v2 in EL_Emotes do for k3, v3 in v2.types do if (value == v3) then local info = nil; if (hasTarget) then info = self:GetOnDemandText(v2,true); info = string.gsub(info,"",hasTarget); else info = self:GetOnDemandText(v2,false); end info = string.gsub(info,"",genderHe); info = string.gsub(info,"",genderHis); info = string.gsub(info,"",genderhe); info = string.gsub(info,"",genderhis); for k4, v4 in v2.custom do if (v4 == 1) then slshCmd = "Custom: "; else slshCmd = "/"..k2..": "; end end if (self.data.showSlashCommand) then dewdrop:AddLine( 'text', slshCmd..info, 'level', 2, 'arg1', k2, 'func', function(k2) self:HandleModClick(k2) end, 'closeWhenClicked', true ) else dewdrop:AddLine( 'text', info, 'level', 2, 'arg1', k2, 'func', function(k2) self:HandleModClick(k2) end, 'closeWhenClicked', true ) end end end end end end function EmoteFu:GetOnDemandText(v2,hasTarget) local color; local flag = nil; local returnCode; local emoteText; if (hasTarget) then emoteText = v2.target else emoteText = v2.none end if (EL_Types[v2["types"][1]] and EL_Types[v2["types"][1]]=="Custom") then emoteText = UnitName("player").." "..emoteText; -- custom emote end if (EL_React[v2.react] == "") then -- None (text only) White color = "fffefefe"; elseif (EL_React[v2.react] == "A") then -- Animated - Purple color = "ffa335ee"; flag = "A"; elseif (EL_React[v2.react] == "V") then -- Voice - Orange color = "ffff8000"; flag = "V"; elseif (EL_React[v2.react] == "AV") then -- Both - Green color = "ff1eff00"; flag = "AV"; else -- Grey (Unknown) color = "ff9d9d9d"; end returnCode = "|c" .. color .. emoteText .. FONT_COLOR_CODE_CLOSE; if (flag) then returnCode = returnCode.." ["..flag.."]"; end return returnCode; end function EmoteFu:HandleModClick(k2) if (k2) then if (EL_Types[EL_Emotes[k2]["types"][1]] and EL_Types[EL_Emotes[k2]["types"][1]]=="Custom") then -- Custom emote local emoteText; local hasTarget = UnitName("target"); local genderCode = UnitSex("player"); local genderHe = nil; local genderHis = nil; local genderhe = nil; local genderhis = nil; if (genderCode==2) then -- male genderHe = "He"; genderhe = "he"; genderHis = "His"; genderhis = "his"; else -- female (we hope) genderHe = "She"; genderhe = "she"; genderHis = "Her"; genderhis = "her"; end if (hasTarget) then emoteText = EL_Emotes[k2].target; emoteText = string.gsub(emoteText,"",hasTarget); else emoteText = EL_Emotes[k2].none; end emoteText = string.gsub(emoteText,"",genderHe); emoteText = string.gsub(emoteText,"",genderHis); emoteText = string.gsub(emoteText,"",genderhe); emoteText = string.gsub(emoteText,"",genderhis); SendChatMessage(emoteText,"EMOTE"); else emoteToken = string.upper(k2); if (emoteToken == "LAVISH") then emoteToken = "PRAISE"; end if (emoteToken == "EXCITED") then emoteToken = "TALKEX"; end if (emoteToken == "DOOM") then emoteToken = "THREATEN"; end if (emoteToken == "SILLY") then emoteToken = "JOKE"; end if (emoteToken == "LAY") then emoteToken = "LAYDOWN"; end if (emoteToken == "REAR") then emoteToken = "SHAKE"; end if (emoteToken == "BELCH") then emoteToken = "BURP"; end if (emoteToken == "SMELL") then emoteToken = "STINK"; end if (emoteToken == "GOODBYE") then emoteToken = "BYE"; end if (emoteToken == "FOLLOWME") then emoteToken = "FOLLOW"; end if (emoteToken == "ATTACKTARGET") then emoteToken = "ATTACKMYTARGET"; end if (emoteToken == "CONGRATS") then emoteToken = "CONGRATULATE"; end if (emoteToken == "PUZZLED") then emoteToken = "PUZZLE"; end if (emoteToken == "QUESTION") then emoteToken = "TALKQ"; end DoEmote(emoteToken); end end end EmoteFu:RegisterForLoad()